牛津上海版(深圳用)三年级上册Unit 8 At the fruit shop一课一练

试卷更新日期:2023-11-10 类型:同步测试



  • 11. 请填上英文单词。

    ①草莓        ②雪梨        ③苹果

    ④桃子         ⑤葡萄        ⑥橙子


  • 12. 你想说“六个香蕉。”,你应该说:_______________
    A、Six apples. B、Six bananas.
  • 13. 你想说“一个苹果。”,你应该说:______________
    A、An apple. B、A banana.
  • 14. 你想说“五个梨。”,你应该说:________________
    A、Five pears. B、Five oranges.
  • 15. 你想说“两个橙子。”,你应该说:_______________
    A、Two pears. B、Two oranges.
  • 16. 你想问“它们多少钱?”,你应该这样问:___________________________
    A、How much are they? B、How much is it?


  • 17. 填单词,补全对话。

    A: Good afternoon. 

    B: Good 

    A:  is the apple?

    B:  two yuan. 

    B:  you are. 

    A: Thank you. 


  • 18. 词汇互译
    (2)、how much
    (3)、a big apple
    (5)、Here you are.


  • 19. 读一读,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写入前面的括号内。

    A. An ice-cream?  
    B. I'm sorry.  
    C. All right.    
    D. How are you?

    B: Not bad, thank you.

    B: No, thanks.

    (3)、A: Let's go to the zoo.       

    (4)、A: Oh, my jacket.             


  • 20. 根据短文内容,判断正确还是错误。

        There is a big fruit shop near Kitty's home. Kitty is at the fruit shop now. There are many kinds of fruits. There are big apples, yellow pears, fresh bananas, juicy oranges, and so on. Kitty wants to buy some apples and bananas. They are expensive. The apples cost ten yuan. The bananas cost twenty yuan.

    (1)、There is a small fruit shop near Kitty's home.

    (2)、Kitty is at home now.

    (3)、The apples are very small.

    (4)、Kitty wants to buy some apples and bananas.

    (5)、The bananas cost twenty yuan.