
试卷更新日期:2023-10-18 类型:期末考试

一、Choose the words that does not belong to the group(选出划线部分不同的词)(共6分)

  • 1.  Choose the words that does not belong to the group(选出划线部分不同的词)
    A、ocean B、over C、oven D、almost
    A、blind B、kind C、find D、wind
    A、raise B、railway C、paint D、mountain
    A、bread B、breakfast C、instead D、stream
    A、choose B、food C、moon D、foot
    A、history B、high C、hour D、holiday

二、Choose the most proper answer. 

  • 2.  All the students are playing on the beach. They are enjoying ____ very much. 
    A、them B、their C、theirs D、themselves
  • 3.  In the past, the government collected money____ the farmers for growing crops. 
    A、of B、from C、with D、to
  • 4. There are ____ oranges in the fridge. Let's go to buy some.
    A、little B、a little C、few D、a few
  • 5. People here don't use ferries to cross the river. ____, they use bridges or tunnels.
    A、Or B、But C、And D、Instead
  • 6.  The story is not interesting at all. ____ of the students likes it. 
    A、All B、None C、Not many D、Only some
  • 7.  The suitcases are very heavy. Please go and get a ____ for us. 
    A、trolley B、train C、telephone D、tunnel
  • 8.  You will be ____ to go to watch the basketball match this afternoon than to stay at home. It will be very interesting. 
    A、happy B、more happier C、happier D、the happiest
  • 9.  There ____ more footbridges in Shanghai in the future. 
    A、is going to be B、is going to have C、are going to have D、are going to be
  • 10.  Nowadays, passengers ____ buy tickets from conductors on many buses. They put their money in a fare box or use a public transportation card instead. 
    A、needn't B、mustn't C、dont't need to D、shouldn't
  • 11. —____ does it take you to travel to Tokyo by plane?

    —About three and a half hours. 

    A、How long B、How often C、How far D、How much
  • 12. —Thank you so much for the book you sent to me. 


    A、Please don't say so B、No thanks, please C、I am glad you like it D、No, it's not so good
  • 13. —Would you like to join us in the picture?


    A、Not at all B、I don't think so C、I'd like to, but I can't D、It's very kind of you

三、Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词。)8%

  • 14. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词。)                                 

    A. sad B. Traditionally C. think D. sing E. To her surprise

    Do you often feel being neglected(被忽视的) by teachers and parents? in China, teachers and parents always tell children what they should and shouldn't do. The young only need to do what they are told. They hardly ever by themselves. A girl wrote to the magazine about her family story. She was very before because her father hardly played with her. So she finally decided to write her father a letter, telling him about her sadness. , her father said sorry to her. From then on, he really changed. Sometimes, we should let our parents hear our voices, so that they can understand our thoughts and feelings.

  • 15. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. (将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词。)                                 

    A. dangerous B. safe C. again D. be ready to E. put out

    Henry is a firefighter in Seattle. Seattle had a big fire about 100 years ago. Most of the city was burnt down to the ground then. Henry says he doesn't want that to happen . Henry works eight hours a day. When he is on duty(值班), he has to answer an alarm at any time. Most of the alarms are for small fires. Firefighters can the fires in a few minutes. There are also a few false alarms. When the firefighters arrive there, they find that there isn't any fire at all. Big fires are very . Sometimes, Henry has to go into burning buildings to save other people.

四、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)(共6分)

  • 16. I think Bob will be a writer in the future. (possible)
  • 17. Trees are moving  because of the strong wind. (fierce)
  • 18. There is a lot of  fruit sold in the supermarket. (season)
  • 19. Let's have a about nature, shall we? (compete)
  • 20. Helen loves the  sweater very much. She often wears it. (wool)
  • 21. Fewer  came to the City of Phoenix during this travelling season. (travel)

五、Rewrite the sentence as requires. (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词,第5题注意句首大写):(共10分)

  • 22. We have to arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time. (改为否定句)

    We  to arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time. 

  • 23. Lisa has already seen the movie. (改为一般疑问句)

    Lisa seen the movie ?

  • 24. Henry goes to the library to borrow books twice a week. (对划线部分提问)

    How   does Henry goes to the library to borrow books a week?

  • 25. Li Hong is the tallest girl in our class. (保持原句意思)

    Li Hong is  than  other girl in our class. 

  • 26. friends, and, went, fly, Tom, his, the, to, park, to, kites(连词成句)

六、Reading comprehension: (阅读理解) 26%

  • 27. Read and choose. (阅读并选择) 

    Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. Over your lifetime, they may influence you more than anyone else you will meet. So if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just as she does. But parents do a lot more than just pass on their hobbies. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids the minute their kids are born. Most parents will do this as long as they live. 

    Here are some ways you can stay close, get along well, and build a strong relationship ( 关系) with your parents. 

    Spend time together. Instead of playing computer games or watching TV, ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, or do some reading. 

    Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent's day with a hug (拥抱), a card , or a joke. It's also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents will be so happy!

    Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you're turning into a great kid. 

    Why? Because it lets them know they're doing a good job

    (1)、Who may influence you more than anyone else you will meet according to the passage?
    A、Teachers. B、Friends. C、Parents. D、Grandparents.
    (2)、Which of the following can't help you build a strong relationship with your parents? 
    A、Being kind. B、Spending time together. C、Doing your best at whatever you do. D、Playing computer games or watching TV.
    (3)、Your parents will be unhappy if you ____. 
    A、give them a hug B、fight with your brothers or sisters C、try your best to do something D、clean up his or her room without being asked
    (4)、How many ways can you get along well with your parents according to the passage?
    A、Two. B、Three. C、Four. D、Five.
    (5)、What does the underlined part in the passage mean? It means ____. 
    A、They work hard. B、They are excellent. C、They do well in their office work. D、They make you become a good kid.
  • 28. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage: (选出恰当的单词或词组完成短文) 

    I still remember my first Christmas adventure with my grandma. As we walked into a shop, Grandma gave me ten dollars. "Take the money and 1 something for someone who needs it. I will2 you in the car," she said. Then she turned and walked out of the shop.

    I was only eight years old then. I had often gone shopping3 my mother, but I had never shopped for anything all by myself. For a few minutes, I4 stood there. I thought about what to buy and whom to buy it for. Suddenly, I thought of Bobby Decker. He was a kid whose mother had died. 

    Bobby Decker didn't have a coat. I then decided to buy him a coat. I choose a red one.

    It looked5 , and he would like that. 

    That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and drove me over to Bobby Decker's house.

    Grandma stopped her6 some distance away from Bobby's house, I took a deep breath, ran to his front door, put the box down on his step, and ran back to the car. Together we waited for the front door to open. Finally it did, and Bobby stood there.

    That7 , I realized that Santa was alive, and we were on his team. I was so happy. 

    A、 make B、 buy C、 draw D、 send 
    A、 wait for B、 think of C、 look after D、 learn from
    A、 to B、 for C、 with D、 by
    A、 always B、 sometimes C、 just D、 never
    A、 rough B、 safe C、 heavy D、 warm
    A、 plane B、 car C、 boat D、 bike
    A、 morning B、 noon C、 afternoon D、night
  • 29. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使内容通顺, 每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

    A teacher teaching maths to seven-year-old Jack. She asked him, " If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how m apples will you have?"

    Jack answered " Four!"

    The teacher was a little disappointed(失望的) but she asked the question a

    Jack calculated again on his fingers and answered, " Four!"

    The disappointment stayed on the teacher's face. She suddenly r that Jack liked oranges. So she asked, " If I give you one orange and one orange and one orange, t how many you will have?"

    Jack calculated on his fingers again. There was no pressure on him, but a little on the teacher. She wanted to know if(是否) her new idea would succeed(成功). 

    With a hesitating smile young Jack answered, "Three?"

    The teacher now had a smile. Her idea succeeded. She f proud of herself. 

    Once again she asked him, "Now if I give you one apple and one apple and one more apple how many will you have?"

    Jack answered " Four!"

    The teacher was a little a . "How Jack, how?" 

    In a voice that was low and hesitating, young Jack answered, "Because I already have one a  in my bag. "

  • 30. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) 

    Beijing has the serious haze weather for three days, and it started to do something to deal with the haze on Sunday. The three days were just dark and dirty days, with heavy clouds and fog which were caused by the heavy pollution. 

    Outdoor sports activities for primary and middle schools were asked to be stopped from Sunday to Tuesday in the terrible pollution areas. 

    Beijing has a population of around 20 million and it has about 5. 2 million cars. These cars polluted the air badly and became the first reason for the haze weather. And coal burning in cold winter was another important reason. The haze weather would go on until Wednesday in Beijing, the weatherman said. 

    Wu, a 22-year-old student, has been living in Beijing since he was three years old. He hoped the government could find out more useful ways to keep the air clean and fresh. 

    Doctors in Beijing said the number of patients had jumped up greatly in the past few days just because of the haze weather. 

    Not only in Beijing, but also in some other big cities in China, there were haze weather days. The pollution problem is around us. We must do something. 

    (1)、What's the weather like in Beijing for three days?
    Beijing has .
    (2)、What caused the haze weather according to the third paragraph?
    (3)、How long has the student, Wu been living in Beijing?
    (4)、What did Wu think the government should do?

    He thought.

    (5)、Why has the number of patients jumped up greatly in the past few days?
    (6)、What do you think people should do to solve the problem?
    I think.

七、Write at least sixty words about the topic “ why we should save water”(就我们为什么要节约水为题,写一段不少于60个词的短文)(共8分)

  • 31. Write at least sixty words about the topic " why we should save water".(就我们为什么要节约水为题,写一段不少于60个词的短文。)

    Use the following points as a guide:

    ●Why is water very important in our life?

    ●What do we use water to do?

    ●How can we save water?