
试卷更新日期:2023-10-13 类型:中考真卷

一、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  • 1.         is better worth my respect than Yuan Longping. He is the pride of China.
    A、Somebody B、Anybody C、Nobody D、Everybody
  • 2. Don't ____ your child with others because every child is a treasure.
    A、compare B、complain C、contact D、consider
  • 3.  —Could you play the piano at the age of five?  

     —No, I ____. I started at six.  

    A、can't B、shouldn't C、needn't D、couldn't
  • 4. China grows a great deal of cotton,     in the western areas.
    A、finally B、highly C、warmly D、mostly
  • 5.  Little Simba went hunting alone. The Lion King walked around, ____ his safety.  
    A、with the help of B、in fear of C、at the speed of D、on top of
  • 6.  My cousin is creative enough to ____ the new challenging task.  
    A、take on B、take out C、put up D、put in
  • 7. —My family will go on a trip to Beijing this summer, but we haven't decided ____.

     —Why not take the high-speed railway?  

    A、when to leave B、how to get there C、which hotel to choose D、how long to stay there
  • 8. China's Tianwen 1 Rover landed on Mars on May 15th, 2021. Do you know ____.
    A、what it was going to discover B、why was it sent there C、what it looks like D、how many photos does it take there
  • 9. —Thanks a lot for taking care of my boy when I was away.

             . We had great fun together.

    A、All the best B、Good idea C、That's right D、Don't mention it
  • 10.  —I stayed up late to finish my report last night and I feel tired now.  

     —____. Sleep is also important.  

    A、Don't burn the candle at both ends B、Actions speak louder than words C、Don't put all your eggs in one basket D、Many hands make light work


  • 11.  完形填空 

    "Simply avoid her." Abby listened closely, as I continued, "If she says any more1 things to you, I'll go to your teacher. I'll make sure you are never in a(n)2 where you have to sit next to her again."

    At that time, Allyson, my then eight-year-old, came to3 us and listened to every word. Neither of my daughters interrupted ( 打断 ) as I finished my heartfelt speech, filled with4 wisdom. Then, as I was telling them what I thought right, Allyson's real words of5 came about. "Mom," she said, "I was just thinking. Maybe Abby should be that girl's6 so that she can bear ( 容忍 ) her. In that way, she can let that girl see forgiveness ( 谅解 ) and kindness through her."

    Hmm, I became the7 . At that moment, I realized that although I was wearing the "mother's hat", the "hat" certainly didn't make me8 all the time. In fact, I wanted to pull that hat over my face and hide myself so that they couldn't see my embarrassed ( 难为情的 ) look.

    "Yes, that's a good point," I commented ( 评论 ),9 a half smile at my girls. "Abby, you deal with this situation the way you think is right." "OK," she said, giving me a quick hug ( 拥抱 ) before walking out of the door and off to school. "Bye, Mom!" Allyson called, following her big sister to go out of the door.

     I was left alone-in my slippers ( 拖鞋 ). In those following10 moments, I was lost in thought. I did feel11 my two amazing daughters-small in size but big in heart. Sometimes our children have great lessons to teach us-12 we are willing to listen.  

    That lesson came more than ten years ago, and I'll never forget how much I have learned from my children.

    A、 unusual B、 unsure C、 unknown D、 unpleasant  
    A、 action B、 situation C、 tradition D、 instruction  
    A、 admire B、 surprise C、 join D、 believe  
    A、 motherly B、 friendly C、 lively D、 lonely  
    A、 courage B、 anger C、 wisdom D、 humor  
    A、 pupil B、 victim C、 friend D、 enemy  
    A、 student B、 person C、 guide D、 guest  
    A、 happy B、 right C、 lucky D、 kind  
    A、 forcing B、 promising C、 exploring D、 imagining  
    A、 strange B、 difficult C、 tiring D、 quiet  
    A、 worried about B、 proud of C、 interested in D、 ready for  
    A、 unless B、 although C、 if D、 until  


  • 12.  阅读理解 

    In modern times, our clothes seem good enough to meet our needs both in color and style. However, are you impatient with washing your clothes so often? Are you tired of the same color? If your answer is "Yes", let's meet the fashion in the future.


     To clean this shirt, just stand in the sun! A special material on the surface receives UV light from the sun. This heats it up enough to make stains( 污渍 ) missing. You stay cool, but stains disappear! Some stains disappear in minutes — others might take a day.  

     New Fabric Suit  

     Are you sick of holes in your clothes? This new material repairs itself! If this cloth gets a hole, just rub( 搓揉 ) the broken place quickly. Heat from the rubbing will cause the materials to connect with each other again, repairing the hole. Hole? What hole?  

     New Wiggle Vigor  

     This cloth gets a charge( 充电 ) from running around. As you move, the thin wires in the material turn your movement into power. This can charge a computer, an ipad, a hair-dryer, and many other small things that need power.  

     Chameleon Cloth  

     Tired of the same old look? How about clothes that change colors? This material is made with dyes( 染料 ) that change colors when they get warm. A small battery heats up thin metal threads( 金属线 ) in the cloth, to change colors or forms.  

    (1)、If your Sun-No-Spot shirt is dirty with stains, what can you do to clean it?  
    A、Warm it in the sun. B、Rub it quickly. C、Connect it to a computer. D、Change its color.
    (2)、If your mobile phone has no power, which one can help you?  
    A、Sun-No-Spot . B、New Fabric Suit . C、New Wiggle Vigor . D、Chameleon Cloth .
    (3)、Which of the next pictures goes well with Chameleon Cloth ?  
    A、 B、 C、 D、
  • 13.  阅读理解 

    In the Spring and Autumn period (475-221 BC) there lived a man called Ji Zha. He was the fourth son of the king of the Kingdom of Wu. Because of Ji Zha's sticking to righteousness ( 义 ) and wide learning, he was his father's favorite, and the king wanted to make him his heir ( 继承人 ). However, Ji Zha refused because he thought the king's eldest son should be the one to receive the throne. Later, Ji Zha served as an ambassador ( 外交大臣 ) of Wu to other kingdoms in China.

    Once, on a mission to the Kingdom of Lu, Ji Zha passed through the Kingdom of Xu. The king of Xu received him as a friend, and admired the valuable sword ( 剑 ) Ji Zha was wearing. Although his host didn't mention it, Ji Zha could see he wanted to own it very much. However, as he still needed to go to Lu, Ji Zha didn't give the king of Xu his sword as a present.

    After finishing his mission to Lu, on his way back, Ji Zha once again passed through Xu. This time he decided to give the sword to the king of Xu. But when he arrived, his friend had already passed away. Ji Zha didn't expect it and felt very sad. He took off his sword and gave it to the dead man by hanging it on a tree near his tomb ( 坟墓 ).

    Ji Zha's attendants ( 随从 ) didn't understand his action, saying, "Sir, the king of Xu is already dead. Why do you still give up your sword to him?"

    Ji Zha shook his head, "When I came to the Kingdom of Xu last time, I noticed that my friend admired my sword, and I decided that when I came back I would give it to him. However, I never expected this turn of events. But how could I change my mind just because the man had died?" With these words, he left the place, low-spirited and heart-broken.

    (1)、What do we know about Ji Zha from the passage?  
    A、He was born in 221 BC.  B、He didn't have the ability to be a king. C、He was a careful and generous man. D、He lost his fight for the throne to his brother.
    (2)、Why did Ji Zha give up his sword to the king of Xu although he had died?  
    A、He was loyal to his country. B、He was loyal to righteousness. C、He was guilty of his friend's death. D、He was guilty of not seeing his friend before his death.
    (3)、What is the best title of this story?  
    A、Ji Zha and His Friend B、Ji Zha and His Country C、Ji Zha Gives Up His Throne D、Ji Zha Gives Up His Sword
  • 14.  阅读理解 

     Durbeyfield sat down upon the grassy land by the roadside, putting his basket before him. In a few minutes, a youth from his village appeared in the distance. On seeing him, Durbeyfield held up his hand, and the boy quickened his steps and came near.  

    "Boy, take up that basket! I want you to do something for me."

    The skinny boy frowned ( 皱眉 ), "who are you then, John Durbeyfield, to order me about and call me ‘boy'? You know my name as well as I know yours!"

    "Do you, do you? That's the secret — That's the secret! Now obey my orders, and Fred, I don't mind telling you that the secret is that I'm one of a noble race ( 贵族 ) — it has been just found out by me this present afternoon." And as he made the announcement, he luxuriously ( 奢侈地 ) lay himself upon the land among the flowers.

     The boy stood before Durbeyfield, and looked at him from head to foot.  

    "Sir, John D' Urberville — that's who I am," continued Durbeyfield. "Do you know such a place as Greenhill?"

    "Yes. I have been there to Greenhill fair ( 集市 )."

    "Well, under the church of that city there lie my ancestors ( 祖先 ) — hundreds of them — in coats of jewellery. There is not a man here who's got greater and nobler ancestors than I."


    "Now take up that basket, and go on to the Pure Drop Inn, telling them to send a horse and carriage ( 马车 ) with a servant ( 仆人 ) here quickly, to carry me home. And when you've done that, go on to my house with the basket, and tell my wife to put away that washing, because she needn't finish it, and wait till I come home, as I've news to tell her."

     As the boy stood in doubt, Durbeyfield put his hand into his pocket, and produced a shilling (a unit of money used in Britain until 1971).  

    "Here is for your work, son."

     This made a difference.  

    "Yes. Sir John. Thank you."

     The boy took up the basket, and set out at once.  

    (1)、What did Durbeyfield ask Fred to do?  
    A、Listen to a story. B、Find out a secret. C、Send messages for him. D、Drive a horse and carriage for him.
    (2)、Which of the following about Durbeyfield is TRUE?  
    A、He did believe he was a noble. B、He wanted to play a trick on Fred. C、He was the richest man in the city. D、He used to live in Greenhill.
    (3)、What made the boy willing to work for Durbeyfield?  
    A、Durbeyfield's secret. B、Durbeyfield's order. C、His visit to Greenhill fair. D、The unit of money.
    (4)、What is most probably the relationship between Durbeyfield and Fred?  
    A、Father and son. B、Neighbors. C、Close friends. D、Master and servant.
  • 15.  阅读理解 

     There are only 24 hours in a day, and usually about a third of that is spent sleeping. So is it possible to make use of this time and learn a new skill or even a language? In other words, is sleep learning possible?  

     Many studies have found that a basic form of learning, called conditioning, can happen during sleep. In a 2012 study published in the magazine Nature Neuroscience, for example, Israeli researchers found that people can learn to connect sounds with smells during sleep. The scientists played a tone ( 声音 ) to sleeping study participants ( 参与者 ) while putting some rotten ( 腐烂的 ) fish beside their beds. Once awake, when hearing the tone, the people held their breath in anticipation ( 预判 ) of a bad smell.  

    "This was a clear finding showing participants formed new memories during sleep," said Andrillon, a scientist in this field.

     Although the new memory was implicit ( 暗示性的 ), it could influence how people behave, researchers found in a 2014 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience . In that research, after spending a night in a room full of cigarette ( 香烟 ) smell mixed with rotten eggs or fish, smokers use fewer cigarettes.  

     Andrillon and his team members have found that learning in sleep can also go beyond simple conditioning. In their 2017 study published in Nature Communications, participants were able to pick out sound features that they had heard during sleep.  

    Learning abilities in sleep may spread to learning of words. In a study published in Current Biology, researchers played pairs of made-up words and their supposed meanings, like "guga" means elephant, to sleep participants. After this, when awake, the participants did better in picking the right translation of made-up words in a multi-choice test.

     So far, research suggests it may be possible to learn about the tone and pronunciation of a language or even the meaning of words while sleeping, although it is to a weaker level than what we do during the day without noticing.  

    (1)、What is the main purpose of the text?  
    A、To show that sleep learning is possible. B、To study how to make use of sleep learning. C、To report some famous research findings. D、To prove sleep learning is implicit and weak.
    (2)、What does the phrase "new memories" in the third paragraph refer to ( 指的是 )?
    A、Connection between participants and scientists. B、Connection between sounds and smells. C、The tone's influence on the rotten fish. D、The rotten eggs' influence on cigarettes.
    (3)、What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs?  
    A、Sleep can do good to learning. B、Language learning can happen in sleep. C、People learn in sleep in a different language. D、Sleep learning is better than daytime learning.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

     After appearing as a special event at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, Wushu, widely known as Chinese Kungfu, will make its first appearance as an official ( 官方的 ) sport at the 4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022.  

    It's a long-awaited breakthrough (期待已久的突破) for the International Wushu Federation ( 协会 ) (IWF), which made applications to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2001, 2008 and 2011, but failed. The first two applications were refused at the very beginning. The third application made it to the final voting for taking part in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games but missed out once again.

     Over the years, both the International Wushu Federation and Chinese Wushu Association (CWA) have done a lot to make improvement with strong support from the State General Administration of Sport of China ( 中国体育总局 ). The Administration not only offers technical ( 技术的 ) support, often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushu training camps, but also generously provides a great deal of Wushu equipment ( 设备 ) for free.  

     Every year, many local Wushu groups are sent abroad to put on Wushu shows, trying to improve the influence of Wushu in foreign countries. Through their continuous efforts. Wushu has become widely popular across the world, especially among young Wushu fans. Studies show that, today, about 120 million people are attracted to Wushu around the world.  

     China got Wushu accepted as an official Olympic event successfully in January, 2020, which helps to make it more international quickly.  

    A total of 48 athletes from across the world will compete in four Wushu events: men's and women's Changquan and men's and women's Taijiquan.


     News: Wushu Is Include in Youth Olympics 






     ●Wushu will at the 4th Youth Olympics, first time as an official sport.  






     ●Efforts made to spread Wushu and enter it for the Olympic Games:  


    * IWF made applications to IOC three times but didn't each time.


     *In order to improve the situation, IWF and CWA have done a lot with the technical support and equipment from the State General Administration of Sport of China.  


     * Through continuous efforts like putting on Wushu abroad, Wushu has been widely accepted across the world, especially among young Wushu fans.  


     * Wushu was accepted as an official Olympic event successfully in January, 2020.  


     * 48 athletes from across the world will join in the in four Wushu events.  

五、词汇A 根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。

  • 17.  Billy, you should keep (you) calm when in trouble.  
  • 18.  Lucy is organized and her room always looks  (tidy) than mine.  
  • 19.  How many of you ever dreamed of becoming an  (invent)?  
  • 20. It's important to learn to behave (proper) at a big dinner.

六、词汇B 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。

  • 21.  Zhang Jing is thought highly of because of her  ( 完美的 ) translation.  
  • 22. Everyone ( 除了 ) me has seen Hi, Mom, so I'll go to see it today.
  • 23.  When the office had a power cut ( 突然 ), everyone screamed.  
  • 24. My daughter's sweet ( 嗓音 ) always makes me relaxed.


  • 25.  It is said that this museum  (name) after Qu Qiubai many years ago.  
  • 26.   (reduce) air pollution, our city has put more shared-bicycles into use.  
  • 27.  China  (win) lots of high praises since we turned the sand into forests.  
  • 28. Chinese Women's Football Team (play) in the coming Tokyo Olympics.
  • 29.  —I went to your house after work yesterday but you were not in.  

     —Oh, I  (walk) my dog outside.  


  • 30.  在你做出最终的决定之前,请三思。  

     Please .  

  • 31.  David 一到这儿就迫不及待地炫耀起了他的新手表。  

     David  as soon as he arrived here.  

  • 32.  昨晚,消防员相互密切合作扑灭了大火。  

     The firemen  the big fire last night.  

  • 33. 你曾经在公共场合做过演讲吗?

    Have you ever ?

  • 34.  Jenny 总是注意着把一切保持得井然有序。  

     Jenny always .  

  • 35.  及时复习功课是一个多么好的习惯啊!  

     What  your lessons in time!  


  • 36.  假如你是 Sam,你的英国网友 Tom 今年九月份将作为交换生来常州学习。他给你写了一封信。请你给 Tom 写一封英文回信, 帮他解答疑惑。  

     Dear Sam,  

    I'm very glad to have a chance to study in Changzhou this September. I hear there is a special day for teachers in China. I do think it's a good idea, but still have the following questions:

    ⒈When is Teachers' Day? What's the purpose and meaning of it?

     ⒉What do students usually do on that day? As an example, what did you once do to celebrate it?  

     I really want to do something to join in this interesting festival. Looking forward to your guide and help.  



     注意: 1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 
    2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;
    3. 词数不少于 100 ,文章的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。  

     Dear Sam,  

    I'm very glad to share with you this special festival.


     Wish you good luck in Changzhou.  

