
试卷更新日期:2023-10-13 类型:中考真卷


  • 1. —Have you ever worked as ____volunteer during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    —Yes. It was ____unforgettable experience for me.

    A、a; a B、an; an C、a; an D、an: a
  • 2.  —How did you put together the model plane so perfectly?

    —It's easy. I just followed the ____.

    A、instruments B、inventions C、interviews D、instructions
  • 3.  —We are in times of difficulty at present. 

    —As long as we pull together, success must belong to ____.

    A、we B、us C、our D、ours
  • 4.  —This song seems ____these days. It was played everywhere when it came out. 

    —That's true. We seldom hear it now. 

    A、popular B、more popular C、less popular D、the most popular
  • 5. —Bill, I planned to give you the card on Saturday, but I ________ forgot.

    —That's OK. I won't use it until next weekend.

    A、completely B、recently C、quietly D、clearly
  • 6.  —We must study hard to get into a good high school. 

    —Exactly! Happiness is achieved ____hard work. 

    A、with B、across C、along D、through
  • 7.  —Don't be so rude. You should ____like a gentleman. 

    —Sorry. I will be more polite. 

    A、perform B、behave C、provide D、consider
  • 8.  —Sam, let's ____these old things. I don't need them anymore. 

    —No. We can try to put them to good use. 

    A、fix up B、hand out C、throw away D、pull down
  • 9. —Oh, my God! I'll nearly lose my heart. 

    —Cheer up. Life ____ be perfect all the time. 

    A、can't B、mustn't C、needn't D、shouldn't
  • 10.  —____exciting speech our headmaster gave just now!

    —Yeah, it was really an inspiration to us all. 

    A、How B、What C、How an D、What an
  • 11. — What is the Trip Code (行程码) used for?

    — It's used to show where you ________ in the last 14 days.

    A、were B、will be C、have been D、had been
  • 12. The 24th Winter Olympics ________ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022, from February 4th to 20th.
    A、held B、was held C、will be held D、has been held
  • 13.  —I like riding fast. It's very exciting. 

    —Oh! You mustn't do it like that, ____you may have an accident. 

    A、or B、so C、and D、but
  • 14. —Do you know ________?

    —Yes. We should try to waste less but recycle more.

    A、how can we live a green life B、how we can live a green life C、why should we live a green life D、when we should live a green life
  • 15. —Thank you for showing me around your beautiful city. I love it so much. 

    —____. We are looking forward to your next visit to Binzhou!

    A、Never mind B、All right C、That's right D、My pleasure


  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。

    My name is Kevin. The first twelve years of my life were nearly perfect until my parents told me some terrible news that would change my life forever. But before I tell you the bad news, let me tell you about a 1  day in my life. 

    Every morning, my mom wakes me up softly and takes time to listen to my 2 . She laughs at the strange ones and pretends (假装) to be afraid when I tell her the scary ones. Then the 3  of breakfast carries me downstairs. During the drive to school, I choose the music we listen to. Mom, Dad, and I sing along 4 . At dinner, we eat and tell stories about our day happily. 

    Well, it's the time for me to tell you the bad news. A few months ago, my parents told me that soon I'm going to 5 a little sister. Ugh! For twelve years, I have been the center of attention. I haven't had to share my parents with6 . One more person will make our house too 7 . I will have to share my room with the baby. Mom won't have time to listen to my dreams anymore. 

    I told Mom that I don't want a baby sister. But it didn't work. Today, Mom and Dad are coming home from the hospital with my new sister, and I've decided to tell them they should just 8 .

    Well, here they are. Suddenly, Mom hugs me and kisses the top of my head. 9  I say anything, Dad puts the baby in my arms. My baby sister 10  out and grabs (抓) my finger! I think she knows that I'm her big brother and she likes me already. 

    Hey, maybe having a little sister won't be so bad. I believe Mom and Dad have enough love for both of us. 

    A、 right B、 great C、 serious D、 terrible
    A、 excuses B、 problems C、 requests D、 dreams
    A、 taste B、 feel C、 smell D、 sound
    A、 clearly B、 loudly C、 patiently D、 politely
    A、 have B、 save C、 educate D、 influence
    A、 somebody B、 anybody C、 everybody D、 nobody
    A、 old B、 dirty C、 crowded D、 dangerous
    A、 take her back B、 blow her away C、 wake her up D、 let her down
    A、 When B、 Unless C、 Before D、 Although
    A、 cries B、 rushes C、 gets D、 reaches


  • 17.  阅读理解

    How do you greet your friends? People from different cultures have different answers; shaking hands, nodding, bowing, kissing on the face. But have you ever wondered how animals "say hello" to each other? Here are some examples.

    Everyone knows how similar chimpanzees (黑猩猩) are to humans. So it's no surprise that their greetings are also close to ours. The most common ways of greeting between chimpanzees are hand touching and hugging. Sometimes they also kiss each other. Some chimpanzees can even learn simple sign language. 

    Giraffes seldom make loud sounds. Their necks can reach two meters in length, making them useful in greeting each other. When two giraffes meet, they may "shake" their necks and rub (摩擦) them against each other. This is to feel how strong and tall the other is.

    Dolphins greet one another with whistles (哨声), They can hear other dolphins from many kilometers away. Every dolphin has a different whistle. When two groups of dolphins meet, they each choose a member to "talk" to the other group. The two groups can then travel together. Unlike most of the other animals, dolphins are smart enough to learn a new language by inventing and copying new sounds.

    (1)、Chimpanzees usually greet each other by ____.
    A、nodding and bowing B、kissing on the face C、touching hands and hugging D、using a lot of sign language
    (2)、Giraffes rub their necks when they meet in order to ____.
    A、reach taller trees B、make loud sounds C、know about each other D、fight with each other
    (3)、According to the reading, dolphins are ____.
    A、friendly and clever B、lazy and quiet C、strong and playful D、caring and peaceful
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Giraffes are about two meters tall. B、Dolphins can hear each other from far away. C、Most animals have the ability to learn a new language. D、Chimpanzees are surprised at humans' way of greeting.
    (5)、The passage is probably from ____.
    A、a guidebook B、a notice board C、a news report D、a nature magazine
  • 18.  阅读理解

    China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people are turning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditional "Hanfu".

    Hanfu is the traditional clothing of the Han people who lived in China before the Qing Dynasty. It has been around for about 3, 000 years and changed greatly across different dynasties.

    As the government encourages the renaissance (复兴) of traditional culture, Hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagers. Every year, we can enjoy different Hanfu shows around the cities. And now quite a few Hanfu clubs have been set up in universities. Members usually wear Hanfu at their graduation ceremonies or during holidays. Some even wear Hanfu on regular days, too. And these fans created a special day—China Haniu Day to celebrate traditional Chinese clothing. It falls on the third day of the third month in Chinese lunar calendar (阴历). 

    In modern China, the Hanfu lovers are from history fans, cartoon fans to clothes fans "Clothes are the basic part of culture, so both the traditional clothes and modern clothes play the same role in culture," said Zhang Jun, a famous reporter. "If the people and the country do not even understand our traditional clothes or don't wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture?"

    (1)、Hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagers because ____.
    A、China has different Hanfu shows B、China has accepted western fashion C、China has accepted western technology D、the government encourages traditional culture
    (2)、Who are Hanfu lovers in China nowadays?
    A、History fans. B、Cartoon fans. C、Clothes fans. D、All of the above.
    (3)、According to Zhang Jun, he thinks ____.
    A、clothes are not a part of culture B、it's not necessary for us to wear Hanfu C、clothes help us understand our culture better D、Hanfu isn't so important as modern clothes
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、Hanfu plays a role in Chinese culture. B、China Hanfu Day is on May 3rd this year. C、Only people in universities like wearing Hanfu. D、People started wearing Hanfu during the Qing Dynasty.
    (5)、In which column (栏目) of a newspaper can we find the article?
    A、Science Study. B、Our Culture. C、University History. D、History Story.
  • 19.  阅读理解

    This is a story of a man who works in a big factory. I have seen him for years, but I've never paid any attention to him. He was a little bit weird (怪异的). He always wore an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag. He usually spent his break time and his lunchtime walking around in that old big factory and collecting used tins (铝罐).

    One day, I was fixing one of the broken machines in the factory when this "tin man" came with his bag. As usual, he picked up the tins, which were all around the place. My manager was standing there, watching me.

    When I finished my job, I heard my manager ask the "tin man" about what he was going to do with those tins he had collected. I never even thought about this kind of question, because I always assumed that "tin man" would take those tins to the recycling center.

    Unexpectedly, the "tin man" answered, "I will give these tins to my neighbor. He has been ill for many years and cannot work."

    I was so shocked to hear that, so I asked him: "You mean you collect all those tins just to help your neighbor?"

    "I know this does not help much," he said. "But I give everything to him, because he cannot work. He needs help."

    It was the most beautiful moment in my life. It has made me feel humble (谦卑的) every day since then. 

    (1)、What's the relationship between the "tin man" and the writer?
    A、Friends. B、Neighbors. C、Workmates. D、Classmates.
    (2)、The underlined word "assumed" in Paragraph 3 probably means ____in Chinese.
    A、推断 B、提到 C、承担 D、发现
    (3)、What was the "tin man" going to do with the tins?
    A、To invent a machine with the tins. B、To give the tins away to his neighbor. C、To take the tins to the recycling center. D、To reuse the tins to make a gift for his neighbor.
    (4)、How did the writer feel when hearing the "tin man's" answer?
    A、Weird B、Humble C、Interested D、Shocked.
    (5)、What's the story mainly about?
    A、What the big factory was famous for. B、How a man helped others in his own way. C、The humblest man the writer has ever met. D、How a weird man made money in the factory.
  • 20.  阅读理解

    The second live class from China's space station was held on the afternoon of Mar. 23, delivered by Shenzhou-13 crew (机组) members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu to students on Earth. Wang performed several scientific experiments. In one experiment, Wang used a toy of Bing Dwen Dwen, the popular mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, to show how objects fly in a weightless (失重的) environment. They also showed students two pieces of cutting-edge scientific equipment inside the space station. Hundreds of students in Beijing, Lhasa and Urumqi watched the event. 

    Before ending the class, the astronauts answered questions taken from members of the public and raised by students. The questions covered different facets of life and work in space, such as how to take care of their skin, whether hot water is available, if the moon looks different from the Tiangong station, and how tears move in a microgravitational (微重力) environment. 

    Pang Zhihao, a retired spaceflight researcher from the China Academy of Space Technology and writer of several space-themed books, said the class will be an "eye-opener" for youngsters, especially students, by implanting (植入) the love of science and creativity in them. "Many well-known scientists were created by their interest and curiosity about ‘strange things'. The experiments done by the astronauts will put 'question marks' in our students' mind, and the youngsters will then move to find answers and explore (探索) more places unknown to humankind," he said.

    (1)、What questions did the students not ask in the event?
    A、Whether cold water is available. B、How to take care of crew members' skin. C、If the moon looks different from the Tiangong station. D、How tears move in a microgravitational environment.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "facets" in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A、faces. B、parts. C、problems. D、questions.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Pang Zhihao is one of Shenzhou-13 crew members. B、Thousands of students in Beijing, Lhasa and Urumqi watched the event. C、Students raised questions for crew members about how to take care of their Eyes. D、Shenzhou-13 crew members showed students two pieces of cutting edge scientific equipment.
    (4)、What does Pang Zhihao think of the class from China's space station?
    A、It will encourage students to be astronauts. B、It was held for students in Beijing, Lhasa and Wuhan. C、It can implant the love of science and creativity in students. D、It will be an "eye-opener" for youngsters, especially teenagers.
    (5)、What is the theme of the passage?
    A、Space. B、Culture. C、Sports. D、Nature.


  • 21.  根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景(有两个多余选项)。

    W: Good morning! Roy. I haven't seen you for a long time. 

    M: Good morning, Ms. Brown. I went to China last year. 


    M: My parents. 

    W: Why did your family go there?


    W: In which city did you live when you were in China?

    M: In Guangzhou. It's a big city and it's modern, too. 


    M: It's not too cold in winter but it's very hot in summer. 

    W: Do you like the weather there?

    M: But I like the city very much. 

    W: Will you go there again?

    M: Yes. We are now on a holiday. We will go back to China next month. 


    A. No, I don't. 

    B. Where have you been?

    C. We visited many places of interest. 

    D. Who did you go there with?

    E. My parents went there to work. 

    F. What's the weather like in Guangzhou?

    G. How do you feel about living in Guangzhou?


  • 22.  读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动调或情态动词。

    One day, I decided to tidy my bookshelf up, Suddenly, a white envelope (信封) fell to the floor. I was  (surprise)! I couldn't remember  (put) the envelope on my shelf. It must have been years ago! Anyway, I opened the envelope  (careful). Inside it, there was a folded piece of paper. I read it. It was a letter  (write) by my mom. 


    My dear child. 

    I love you so much! This is not a letter to be posted. I have written this in the hope that one day you  (find) it. Yes, I wanted to let you know something that was not suitable to express face to face. 

    Life is too short and uncertain. If you are reading this, I am no longer with you. You are alone now. I'm not there to help you or give you any kind of  (advise). 

    The world around you can be confusing (令人困惑的) , But if you look inside yourself, you can light your path and find out where (go). Remember the saying, "You reap what you sow (播种." The way you act will have an influence on your life. Be positive (积极的) as much as possible. You are a great child I hope you (understand) what I mean. Be kind to others and to (you).



    I was  (silence) for a long time, holding that letter. I thought how much I loved and missed my mother.

六、英汉互译,将下列英语句子译成汉语, 汉语句子译成英语。(共5小题, 计5分)

  • 23.  We are taught to depend on ourselves from an early age. 
  • 24.  Thanks to my teachers' help. I made rapid progress in all of my subjects. 
  • 25. 医生们太疲劳了,以至于在地板上就睡着了。(so...that)
  • 26. 据说神农是第一个发现茶可作为饮料的人。(It is said that...)
  • 27. 读书不但让我感到快乐, 还能使我提高成绩。(not only...but also)


  • 28.  阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。

    Known as the birthplace (发源地) of kites. Weifang in Shandong Province has a long history of making kites. Made from bamboo and decorated with traditional Chinese paintings. Weifang kite-making was included in the national-level intangible cultural heritage (国家级非物质文化遗产) lists in 2006. The International Kite Festival has been held in Weifang every year since 1984.

    Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor (传承人) of Weifang kite-making skill. She was born in a kite-making family. Yang often saw kites with bright colors and different shapes in her grandfather's workshop. 

    Having a special connection with kites. Yang learned the skill from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practising the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992. 

    In her free time, she also travels to different countries including Germany, Australia, the US and New Zealand to tell people about Chinese stories seen on kites and the traditional ways of making kites. "I'm an inheritor of the culture. It is also an important job of mine to spread the Chinese culture around the world." she said.

    (1)、Where is the birthplace of kites?
    (2)、When was the International Kite Festival first held in Weifang?
    (3)、What did Yang Hongwei often see in her grandfather's workshop?
    (4)、How old was Yang Hongwei when she opened her own shop?
    (5)、According to Yang Hongwei, what is an important job of hers?


  • 29.  假定你是李华,最近你的笔友刘明发来邮件,向你诉说他的困扰;他的父母不让他用手机APP给英文电影配音,认为会影响学习和休息。请你根据邮件内容用英语给他回封邮件,内容包括:1.表示理解,并子以安慰;2.提出合理的建议;3.希望情况有所好转。

    参考词汇:dub(v. 配音)


    Dear Li Hun,

    I'm in trouble now. Yesterday I argued with my parents because they didn't allow me to dub foreign films by using mobile apps. They thought that it would have a bad influence on my study and sleep. I broke their hearts and made them angry. I'm sorry for that but I really think it helpful to learn English by dubbing the foreign films. Now I don't know what to do. Could you help me?


    Liu Ming

    要求:1.要点齐全,并适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实姓名与校名:3.卷面整洁,书写美观,可适当加2-3分;4. 80词左右。开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Liu Ming. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you had an argument with your parents when dubbing foreign films by using mobile apps.



    Li Hua