牛津上海版(深圳用)英语六年级上册Unit 10基础练(单选题)

试卷更新日期:2023-09-27 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Air is important.  _______ everywhere.
    A、They are B、It is C、It be
  • 2. Air ______ all the living things _______.
    A、keep; alive B、keeps; alive C、keeps; live
  • 3. We should make our bedroom _____ every day.
    A、clean B、cleaning C、cleans
  • 4. Look at the smoke. It makes the air _____.
    A、clean B、fresh C、dirty
  • 5. It keeps them ______ in the sky.
    A、high B、highly C、tall
  • 6. Look at the plane and the birds. The air keeps ________ high in the sky.
    A、them B、they C、their
  • 7. —Shall we fly a kite in the park this Sunday?


    A、That's right. B、That's all right. C、All right.
  • 8. We ________ need air to keep us alive.
    A、all B、too C、both
  • 9. The air in our city ________ clean in the past, but now it ________ dirty.
    A、is; is B、was; is C、is; was
  • 10. —What's the matter with you?


    A、I can read. B、My hand hurts. C、I'm dancing.