
试卷更新日期:2023-09-20 类型:中考真卷

一、单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

  • 1.  —There is a chocolate cake on the table. Is it for me or for your father? 

    —It's for ____, Mum. Happy birthday!

    A、you B、your C、yours D、yourself
  • 2.  In most museums, there is no shouting and no running, and you ____ touch anything. 
    A、couldn't B、can't C、needn't D、mustn't
  • 3.  The air has been much ____ these years. Governments are taking action against pollution. 
    A、badly B、worst C、bad D、worse
  • 4.  Parents should teach their children to behave ____ in public. 
    A、properly B、clearly C、importantly D、widely
  • 5.  —What do you think of this cup of tea? 

    —It ____ really great. I'd like another cup.

    A、sounds B、feels C、looks D、tastes
  • 6. When you go to a new school this September, you'd better learn how to ____ your classmates.
    A、catch up with B、get along with C、take care of D、get out of
  • 7.  They went climbing ____ the morning of May I and came back ____ the afternoon.
    A、on;on B、in;in C、on;in D、in;on
  • 8. It took us nearly eight hours to get to Zibo, ____ it was worth it because it's an amazing city, where people are kind and friendly.
    A、and B、but C、so D、or
  • 9.  High-speed trains are seen as one of the new Four Great ____ of China. 
    A、Inventions B、Advantages C、Environments D、Technologies
  • 10.  —Did you enjoy the party last night? 

    —Yes, we ____ well by our hosts. 

    A、treated B、treat C、were treated D、are treated
  • 11. —I haven't finished my dinner yet.

    —Hurry up! Our friends ____ for us at the gate. 

    A、wait B、have waited C、are waiting D、will wait
  • 12.  ____the quality of PE classes, some schools put smart technology into use. 
    A、Improving B、To improve C、Improve D、Improved
  • 13.  —You look so happy. Could you please tell me____? 


    A、that you visited your grandparents B、who did you spend the holiday with C、what place you have visited D、when did you watch a football match
  • 14.  —Tom dreams of being a football player, but he is a bit lazy. 

    —I don't think he can realise his dream ____ he works hard. You know, no pain, no gain.

    A、when B、unless C、since D、because
  • 15. —I have to attend a meeting on Sunday, so I'm afraid I can't go swimming with you.

    —____ I've been looking forward to it for days.

    A、Never mind. B、What a pity! C、Sounds great! D、No problem.

二、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)

  • 16.  完形填空

    A father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son was happy when he saw the sky 1  colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for his son. 

    The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, "Father, it seems that the string(线)is 2 the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be 3 and fly even higher. Can we cut it?" The father agreed. The kite started to go higher. This made the little boy 4 .

    But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. It soon 5 to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He said to his father, "I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. 6 did it fall down?"

    The father explained, "The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, 7 was helping it stay in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right 8 using the string. But when you cut the string, it could 9 support the kite. "

    We may sometimes feel like there are certain things 10  are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things supporting us the most. 

    A、 useful for B、 full of C、 proud of D、 famous for
    A、 pushing B、 keeping C、 protecting D、 moving
    A、 heavy B、 smart C、 free D、 short
    A、 sad B、 angry C、 calm D、 excited
    A、 dropped B、 drove C、 climbed D、 rode
    A、 When B、 What C、 Where D、 Why
    A、 and B、 because C、 if D、 but
    A、 road B、 street C、 direction D、 order
    A、 no longer B、 any longer C、 any more D、 no more
    A、 what B、 who C、 that D、 where
  • 17.  完形填空

    A village primary school in Yunnan Province has amazed everyone who knows it. The school with more than 1,000 teachers and students has achieved 1  self-sufficiency(自给自足)by offering farming for students. 

    Jingwai Mingde Primary School is made up of five local village primary schools. Since 2008, it has been paying attention to students' 2 in an all-round way through labor(劳动)education. The school has been 3 with about 150 mu of farmland and has fed itself for 15 years. On the farmland, students can 4 farmwork.

    Most of the time, farmers are responsible for the land, but the teachers 5  students in doing farmwork twice a week. After entering Grade 3, each class is given a piece of land to plant vegetables or 6  animals. The vegetables and animals will be used for their 7  meals. During the planting, students feel the hardship of farmwork and will 8  the food more in the future. 

    According to headmaster Lei Yingfei, through labor education, students have 9 basic life skills, developed a sense of teamwork, as well as improved their performance of cultural courses. "Children who have not kissed the land will not have a complete childhood. The farm labor will build 10 social ability that lasts a lifetime," he said.

    A、 food B、 meat C、 vegetables D、 animals
    A、 energy B、 stress C、 development D、 safety
    A、 compared B、 mixed C、 agreed D、 provided
    A、 show an interest in B、 find out C、 take part in D、 put up
    A、 aid B、 control C、 pressure D、 influence
    A、 sell B、 keep C、 protect D、 cook
    A、 regular B、 important C、 special D、 daily
    A、 take B、 value C、 waste D、 grow
    A、 created B、 offered C、 learned D、 reduced
    A、 strange B、 humorous C、 common D、 excellent

三、阅读理解(共25小题; 每小题2分, 满分50分)

  • 18.  阅读理解

    Recently, China has announced the list of the first five national parks. Each of them is divided into two parts—the core(核心)protection area and the general control area. In the core protection area, only research and surveillance(监视)in science are allowed. And the general control area is open to the public, allowing travel activities such as camping and hiking. In the future, national parks are expected to be natural classrooms. People can learn about different kinds of animals and plants through eco-friendly travel activities. 

    Three River-Source National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the largest national park in China. Because it is home to the sources of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers, people call it "China's water tower".

    Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park is in Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces. It covers an area of 14,100 square kilometres. It is our country's biggest and only place for wild Siberian tigers and Amur leopards to live in.

    Wuyi Mountain National Park in Fujian Province is a UNESCO natural and cultural heritage site(遗址). The forest makes up over 96 percent of the park. The park is the paradise of birds, kingdom of snakes and world of insects. You can also see the Danxia landform(地貌)there. 

    Giant Panda National Park connects panda habitats(栖息地)in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces. Inside the park are more than 1,600 wild giant pandas. They make up over 70 percent of the pandas in China. 

    Hainan Tropical Rain forest National Park is the largest tropical forest in China. There are more than 400 kinds of plants that can only be found in Hainan. 

    (1)、What activity can be done in the core protection area?
    A、Hunting. B、Researching. C、Hiking. D、Camping.
    (2)、Which is called "China's water tower"?
    A、Three River-Source National Park. B、Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park. C、Giant Panda National Park. D、Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park.
    (3)、The underlined word "paradise" means ____.
    A、a perfect place B、a happy feeling C、a good example D、a sweet smile
    (4)、Which of the following is not mentioned?
    A、Three River-Source National Park is the largest national park in China. B、Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park covers an area of 14,100 square kilometres. C、There are more than 1,600 wild giant pandas in Giant Panda National Park. D、More than 400 kinds of plants and animals can only be found in Hainan.
    (5)、What might be the best title for the text?
    A、The beautiful scenes of nature B、The home of animals and plants C、The introduction to the five national parks D、The relationships among the five national parks
  • 19.  阅读理解

    You must have read or heard of the sad love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. But can you imagine the two singing opera in English instead of speaking poetic Chinese? 

    Jia and Lin are two characters from the classic Chinese novel A Dream of Red Mansions(《红楼梦》), written by Cao Xueqin(1715—1763). Now the book has been made into an English-language opera. After being performed in San Francisco, the US, the performance came to Beijing, Changsha and Wuhan in 2017. 

    Many of the opera's creators have backgrounds in both Chinese and American cultures, including the director and playwrights(剧作家). Their understanding of both cultures helped them change a Chinese classic into a foreign-language opera.

    The book, which covers the rise and fall of the Jia family, has 120 chapters and hundreds of characters. But opera writer David Henry Hwang cut down the number of characters to just seven. Hwang, a Chinese-American, focused on the love story between Jia and Lin and tried to write a tragedy(悲剧)that everyone would understand. 

    The art director Timmy Yip, from Hong Kong, tried to help foreign people understand the characters using costumes and stage decorations. He compared Lin to water and gave her a light green costume. When Lin showed up on stage, there was usually water around her on the stage. 

    The creators considered the work of introducing a Chinese classic to Western audience was worth doing. Hwang told China Daily he was happy to "have made a contribution(贡献)to the land where my parents were born".

    (1)、Where was the opera first performed?
    A、In Beijing. B、In Changsha. C、In San Francisco. D、In Wuhan.
    (2)、What do we know about A Dream of Red Mansions from Paragraph 4?
    A、It is mainly about the rise and greatness of the Qing Dynasty. B、It tells the happy-ending love story between Jia and Lin. C、The book is long and rich in characters. D、The book has seven characters in total.
    (3)、The art director compared Lin to water probably because of her ____. 
    A、dressing style B、character C、appearance D、life habits
    (4)、What can we infer from the passage?
    A、A Dream of Red Mansions has been translated into English. B、Hwang's parents were born in America. C、The English-language opera was on tour in the US.  D、Timmy Yip knows a lot about Chinese culture as well as American culture.
    (5)、What do creators of the opera think of their job?
    A、Difficult and unbelievable. B、Stressful and tough. C、Satisfying and meaningful. D、Painful and challenging.
  • 20.  阅读理解

    Is there a way to quickly recall information just before taking an exam? Walking backward might be a solution. Scientists from the University of Roehampton in the UK said this activity can help people improve their short-term memory. 

    Researchers asked 114 volunteers to watch a video. After watching the video, participants were split into three groups. One group was told to walk 10 metres forward. The second group walked 10 metres backward. The third group stood in one place. All three groups were then asked 20 questions about what they saw in the video. 

    The scientists found that the backward-walking group got two more answers correct on average than the other two groups. 

    This suggests that the link between the concepts(概念)of time and space is important in terms of how our minds form memories. When you walk backward, you see things from a different angle. This difference helps people recall things that took place in the past. 

    And walking backward is not just good for our brains. It is also good for the rest of our bodies. Compared to walking forward, walking backward is more challenging. This can help us improve our fitness, according to New Scientist. Walking backward uses more energy in a short time and burns more calories. 

    In addition, walking backward is less stressful for our knees. It could be helpful for people who often have pain in their knees, according to researchers from the University of Oregon in the US. Walking backward also keeps our spines(脊柱)strong, which can help to reduce pain in the lower back. This might be why many old people like walking backward. 

    (1)、Walking backward can help people ____. 
    A、solve difficult problems B、create good memories C、improve short-term memory D、burn less calories
    (2)、What do you know about the 114 volunteers?
    A、They made a video about walking. B、They watched a video before walking or standing still. C、They asked each other 20 questions about walking. D、They were divided into four teams.
    (3)、What is the purpose of writing Paragraph 4?
    A、To talk about memory loss. B、To tell the importance of walking backward. C、To explain the result of the research. D、To show the link between time and space.
    (4)、According to the last paragraph, why do many old people choose to walk backward? 

    a. To lose weight. 

    b. To reduce the pain in their knees. 

    c. To keep their spines strong. 

    d. To relax themselves. 

    A、ab B、bc C、bd D、ad
    (5)、What is the passage mainly about?
    A、Different ways of walking. B、Benefits of walking backward. C、Research about memory. D、Test about walking backward.
  • 21.  阅读理解

    The world's first fully hydrogen-powered(氢动力)train line has officially begun running in Germany. The trains make almost no noise and run without polluting. Germany is planning to replace many of its diesel(柴油)trains with hydrogen trains.

    On October 24, 2022, five hydrogen-powered trains began to make the 100-kilometre trip between Cuxhaven and Buxtehude in Germany. The new trains are part of a $ 92. 5 million project by LNVG, which has been testing the hydrogen-powered trains since 2018. 

    At present, most trains run on diesel power. When diesel fuel is burned, it creates CO2 and other polluting gases. These gases have helped create the climate crisis. That's partly why the LNVG has decided that all the trains on the route will run on hydrogen. The trains, called Coradia iLint trains, are built by the French company, Alstom. And LNVG has ordered a total of 14 of the hydrogen-powered trains.

    Hydrogen is a gas that burns easily. Hydrogen can be used to create electricity by combining with oxygen in a "fuel cell". A fuel cell is like a battery that never runs down as long as it has hydrogen. The chemical reaction which takes place creates electricity. The Coradia iLint trains run on electricity created by hydrogen fuel cells. If the fuel cells make too much electricity, it's used to recharge(重新充电)the train's batteries. Because the motor is electric, the trains run almost silently.

    There's a hydrogen station on the line to refuel the trains. But since the trains can go about 1,000 kilometres before they need more fuel, they only need to fill up once a day. The trains can go as fast as 140 kph—about the same as the diesel trains they're replacing.

    In many places, hydrogen-powered trains are a smart choice for replacing diesel trains. The city of Frankfurt, Germany has already ordered 27 of the Coradia iLint trains. Other countries are also interested. France and Italy have ordered several of the hydrogen-powered trains. 

    (1)、What can we infer about LNVG from Paragraph 3?
    A、Diesel power is not allowed in France. B、It invented the first hydrogen-powered train. C、It cares about environmental protection. D、It plans to order 14 hydrogen-powered trains.
    (2)、What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
    A、How the hydrogen-powered trains are powered. B、How the hydrogen-powered trains are replaced. C、How the hydrogen-powered trains are created. D、How the hydrogen-powered trains are improved.
    (3)、What is the advantage of the Coradia iLint trains?
    A、They can be bought at a lower price. B、They make little noise when running. C、They run faster than traditional trains. D、They need to be fueled once a week.
    (4)、What can we know from the passage?
    A、The hydrogen-powered trains were tested first in 2018. B、When hydrogen is burned, it creates CO2. C、The Coradia iLint trains run on electricity created by diesel fuel cells. D、Germany and Italy ordered 27 hydrogen-powered trains.
    (5)、How do France and Italy like the hydrogen-powered trains?
    A、Expensive. B、Comfortable. C、Interested D、Indifferent
  • 22.  日常对话,根据对话内容,从中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: Hi, Jenny! Have you finished reading the magazine? 

    B: Now I'm reading an article about China's world-famous bridges. Come and take a look at the pictures of the bridges.

    A: How amazing! 

    B: Just two—the First Beipan River Bridge and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. 

    A: When did you visit the First Beipan River Bridge? 

    B: In 2021. The bridge is very high. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it.


    B: Yes, the bridge stands 565. 4 metres above a river. 


    B: The world's longest cross-sea bridge is really a new wonder of the world. Last month, I took a bus to Hong Kong across the bridge.

    A: That sounds great. I'm looking forward to visiting it.

    A. Not yet. 

    B. You can't imagine how fantastic it was.

    C. As a Chinese student, I feel proud of our country. 

    D. How many of them have you ever visited?

    E. It is the highest bridge in the world, isn't it?

    F. What about the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?

    G. It lies between Guizhou Province and Yunnan Province. 


  • 23.  用所给词或短语的适当形式填空                                 

    read; five; come up with; hero; do well in; 

    collect; depend; by the end of; agree; high

    (1)、Recently, 16 Chinese online novels have been added to the  of the British Library, which is among the largest research libraries in the world. 
    (2)、Norman Bethune is one of the most famous  in China. He came to China to help the Chinese people. 
    (3)、On July 19, 2022, the UK recorded its  temperature ever! In the 40-degree heat, most people went to the countryside to try to avoid the sun. 
    (4)、The use of C919 shows that China is able to build world-class large passenger planes, which marks an important milestone(里程碑)for the country's large plane industry.
    (5)、Lao She's short stories by millions of people every year.
    (6)、The Chinese Women's team won its title after beating Japan 3-0 at the 2022 International Table Tennis Championships held in Chengdu.
    (7)、Confucius talked about real harmony(和谐)before, "Gentlemen have peace but ; bad men agree but have no peace. "
    (8)、China plans to build a supercomputing internet  2025 to connect powerful computers across the nation. 
    (9)、We should  some new ideas and make more young people fall in love with traditional culture. 
    (10)、So far, in chip(芯片)designing, China  the mid-and low-end market, but there is still a long way to go. 

五、阅读理解填词(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)1—10小题

  • 24.  根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。

    The movie Home Coming took the lead in the box office during the National Day holiday. 

    It tells a story that took place in North Africa. After a war breaks out there, two Chinese diplomats(外交官)are o to help evacuate(撤离)the overseas Chinese. After completing the first task successfully, they learn that another group of Chinese citizens is still in great d. Realising that these people will die if they don't give a hand, the two men travel through the war area. They r their lives to help over 100 Chinese citizens go to a safe place. The movie not only shows how the two diplomats protect the people w courage, but also shows their deep love for the country and people.

    Home Coming reminds many people of a similar real event which truly h in Libya in 2011. Chinese Embassy helped the evacuation of more than 30,000 Chinese citizens. Behind this event were many e of Chinese diplomats. After watching the film, a man recalled his personal e 11 years ago. "We are the lucky ones b we have a strong country and are well protected," he said.

    Home Coming is a hit partly because of the growing national pride and c Chinese people have in our country. A review reads, "Chinese passport might not get you anywhere you want, but it can always b you back home. "

六、初级写作(满分 15分)

  • 25. 你校将举办以"自我提升"为主题的英文征文活动,请你写一篇文章分享自我提升的四种方法。

    内容包括:1. 运动;2. 读书;3. ……;4. ……

    要求:1. 需写出适当的开头和结尾;2 要点齐全,语言流畅,书写规范,可适当增加细节;3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名等;4. 词数80—100左右。