人教版(PEP)英语六年级上册Unit3 PartB基础练

试卷更新日期:2023-08-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —____ are you ____ tomorrow? 

    —I am going to the post office.

    A、What; going B、Where; going C、Where; going to
  • 2. What are you going to do ____ next Sunday?
    A、on B、in C、/
  • 3. My brother and I ____ going to play basketball this Saturday.
    A、is B、are C、am
  • 4. I have a comic book ____ the moon. 
    A、about B、at C、in
  • 5.  Enough exercise is ____for you.  
    A、bad B、healthy C、good
  • 6.  ____ is wrong with you? 
    A、What's B、What C、Where's
  • 7. I'm going to visit my grandparents ______________.
    A、on Saturdays B、this weekend C、last weekend
  • 8. — ________ are you going?

    — I am going to the science museum.

    A、Where B、When C、What
  • 9. Why not _______ on Tuesday?
    A、to go B、go C、going
  • 10. This is a movie _______ space travel.

    A、in B、about C、at
  • 11. Sarah ___________ going to buy a book this afternoon.
    A、is B、am C、are
  • 12. — What are you going to do this afternoon?

    — ________

    A、I'm going to visit my uncle. B、I'm going to be a teacher. C、I'm going to school by bike.
  • 13. — ________are you going? 

    — Next Wednesday.

    A、What B、Where C、When
  • 14. I'm going to take a trip ____ my parents.
    A、and B、with C、to
  • 15. I am going _____ the bookstore ______ subway.

    A、in; by B、on; on C、to; by