备战2024高考英语·一轮【基础知识复习】 03 形容词

试卷更新日期:2023-08-31 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. The number of tickets ________will be determined by the size of the stadium.
    A、adaptable B、acceptable C、advisable D、available
  • 2. There is growing concern that twenty years from now, the _______ American family won't be able to afford to send their children to college.
    A、average B、typical C、extraordinary D、usual
  • 3. Carter was saying all the right things, but his smile was      , and I knew I couldn't trust him.
    A、influential B、fantastic C、artificial D、sincere
  • 4. There is only a ________ chance that anyone survived the crash.
    A、slim B、thin C、noble D、flexible
  • 5. Young people should be inspired to think outside the box and innovate, breaking free from __________ methods.
    A、contradictory B、dynamic C、conventional D、distinguished
  • 6. Staying at home, no socializing and wearing a face mask if going anywhere have proved to be the most ________ ways to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
    A、effective B、expensive C、miserable D、suspicious
  • 7. The quality of life is a(n) ________ survey to individuals or group's physical functions, and psychological and social adaptation.
    A、representative B、productive C、impressive D、comprehensive
  • 8. — Actually, you hurt Mary yesterday.

    — Sorry, I didn't mean to be so___________.

    A、ambitious B、abrupt C、awkward D、allergic
  • 9. When I was young, I was really a _____ child, always hanging out, coming home late and making my parents upset.
    A、contrary B、confidential C、conservative D、considerate
  • 10. I don't think it serves anyone if you force yourself to be selfless in a way that's not  ________.
    A、optimistic B、systematic C、automatic D、authentic
  • 11. Some of these ideas may sound far ahead of their time, but I'm sure they________happen sooner or later!
    A、are difficult to B、are afraid to C、are bound to D、are ready to
  • 12.  There was a ____ look on his face when he met with the difficult problems. 
    A、confused B、confusing C、frightened D、frightening
  • 13.  The boss is quite ____ with his secretary' s ____ ability. 
    A、satisfied; satisfied B、satisfying; satisfying C、satisfied; satisfying D、satisfying; satisfied
  • 14.  The reason why her son is always thin is that he is ____ about what he eats.  
    A、curious B、concerned C、particular D、crazy
  • 15.  The government is budgeting more and more money to those relatively backward rural areas to make better education and medical service ____ to the farmers.
    A、reasonable B、sensible C、acceptable D、accessible
  • 16.  My brother likes eating very much and he isn't very ____ about the food he eats.
    A、special B、aware C、particular D、unusual
  • 17.  The reason why he ____ the new situations quickly is that he has a ____ attitude.
    A、adapted to; changeable B、adapted for; alternate C、adapted for; movable D、adapted to; flexible
  • 18.  When I listen to native English speakers talking, I can catch only a few words.  (选出划线部分最佳含义的选项)
    A、看法 B、外国的 C、方式 D、本土的
  • 19.  Sugar is a major cause of health problems.  (选出划线部分最佳含义的选项)
    A、主要的 B、消极的 C、次要的 D、积极的
  • 20.  — ____ that he didn't dare to move an inch. 

    — So ____, and so ____ you, were you in the dark. 

    A、So frightened was he; was he; would B、He was so frightened; he was; were C、So frightened was he; he was; would D、So frightened he was; was he; were


  • 21.  Doing (volunteer) work and helping people in need make me happy and satisfied. 
  • 22.  We should work together to create a (harmony) society where everyone can live in harmony with each other. 
  • 23.  When we refer to  (process) food, which is a major problem globally, many people hold a negative attitude. (所给词的适当形式填空) 
  • 24.  The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an  (formal) register. (所给词的适当形式填空) 
  • 25.  For the more  (adventure) tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide. (所给词的适当形式填空) 
  • 26.  The magazine makes these ideas attractive and  (access) to children. (所给词的适当形式填空) 
  • 27.  Hearing his words, I gave him an  (annoy) look. (所给词的适当形式填空) 
  • 28. Our boss has for the poor, that is, he is to people at a disadvantage. (sympathy)
  • 29. Judging from her eyes, I knew that her life was full of . (sorrow)
  • 30. I take part in activities, from playing basketball to dancing. (vary)
  • 31. By mid-morning, hundreds lay (die) in the water and amongst the tanks on the beach.
  • 32.  Whenever I am (sorrow), the friends around me will comfort me. 
  • 33. We tried many times and eventually solved the problem in a  ( practice) way.
  • 34. Drivers must be very careful while driving in  (fog) weather.
  • 35. It is a (harmony) community where pupils are happy and industrious.
  • 36. You don't sound very (enthusiasm) about the idea.
  • 37. Many (profession) boxers end their careers with brain damage.
  • 38. They have pledged to end (race) discrimination in areas such as employment.
  • 39. Finally, we ended up in an (abandon) village.
  • 40. So (absorb) was my brother in our talk that he took a wrong turn on the way to the airport.