
试卷更新日期:2023-08-31 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —You _______ take photos here! Look at the sign. It says" No photos".

    — Sorry, I won't.

    A、must B、need C、mustn't D、needn't
  • 2. Hi, Mom is a moving film. It has been on for several months in the ______.
    A、museum B、bank C、library D、cinema
  • 3.  The boy is from Yunnan, and ____ name is Li Hua.
    A、his B、her C、their D、your
  • 4. —Hi, Mike. When is the Space Day of China?

    —It falls ____ April 24 every year.

    A、at B、in C、on D、for
  • 5.  —Excuse me, may I use my phone now?

    —Sorry, you ____. The plane is taking off.

    A、need B、needn't C、can D、can't
  • 6.  He has failed many times, ____ he never loses heart.
    A、and B、but C、or D、so
  • 7. It's a good habit to ____ the lights when you leave a room.
    A、turn down B、turn up C、turn off D、turn on
  • 8. Today is Father's Day, and I plan ____ a dinner for my father.
    A、to prepare B、preparing C、prepared D、prepare
  • 9. Paper is ________ useful invention. It was invented around 2, 000 years ago by Cai Lun.
    A、a B、an C、/ D、the
  • 10. —Our class won the first prize in today's basketball match.

    —_______ exciting news it is! We're all glad about it.

    A、What B、What an C、How D、How an
  • 11. —Did you have a welcome party for Laura last night?

    —No, we didn't. It was ______ because Laura was in hospital.

    A、put off B、taken off C、cut off D、turned off
  • 12. —What are you going to be when you grow up, Lily?

    —I'm going to be ________ astronaut like Wang Yaping.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 13. —How do you relax in your free time?

    —________ doing sports and listening to music.

    A、At B、On C、In D、By
  • 14. —Would you like some coffee?

    —No, thanks. I ________ drink it. I think water is the best.

    A、often B、hardly C、usually D、always
  • 15. Miss Li has lots of teaching ________. She has her own ways to make classes lively and interesting.
    A、exercise B、excitement C、experience D、environment
  • 16. If you want ________ your pronunciation, keep on practicing every day.
    A、improve B、improved C、improving D、to improve
  • 17. —How was your camping in the countryside last weekend?

    —It was great. We ________ a tent by the lake and had much fun.

    A、put up B、put off C、put on D、put in
  • 18. —________ is it from your home to school, Alice?

    —About fifteen minutes' walk.

    A、How often B、How far C、How many D、How much
  • 19. I advise you not to show ________ on the WeChat because it may cause trouble.
    A、anything personal B、personal anything C、something personal D、personal something
  • 20. —I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.

    —I agree. I find it _______ to improve my listening.

    A、harmful B、thankful C、careful D、helpful
  • 21. For your safety, you mustn't get close to the train ________ it stops.
    A、while B、when C、since D、until
  • 22. ______ he heard the little girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room.
    A、As soon as B、Unless C、If D、Although
  • 23. —Hello, Jenny. I can't find my math book _____. Did you see it?

    —Sorry, I didn't.

    A、everywhere B、anywhere C、somewhere D、nowhere
  • 24. The earth is in great danger now. We have to do something _______ it.
    A、protect B、protecting C、to protect D、protected


  • 25. Our school life has become ________ than before because of all kinds of after-school activities.
    A、colorful B、colorfully C、more colorful D、the most colorful
  • 26. How time flies! I ________ a senior high school this September.
    A、enter B、entered C、will enter D、have entered
  • 27. —Where is your brother?

    —Look! He ____ basketball on the playground.

    A、plays B、played C、is playing D、was playing
  • 28.  China is one of ____ countries in the world. We are all proud of it.
    A、older B、the older C、oldest D、the oldest
  • 29. Yuan Longping is a great scientist ______ was honored as "The Father of Hybrid Rice".
    A、when B、who C、which D、whose
  • 30. The documentary Aerial China《航拍中国》is wonderful. So far, I ______ it three times.
    A、watched B、will watch C、have watched D、watch
  • 31. — ____ you ____ about Naxi Ancient Music yet?

    —Yes, I have. It is a part of Naxi culture.

    A、Has; heard B、Have; heard C、Did; hear D、Do; hear


  • 32. —Shall we go out and do some outdoor activities?


    A、You're welcome B、That's a good idea C、Don't worry D、It's none of your business
  • 33. —I am going to sell all your old books. They are taking up a lot of space.

    —______ ! They're everything to me. If you sell them, you will take my life.

    A、I couldn't agree more B、You can't be serious C、It's nothing D、Sounds good
  • 34. —Would you mind my using your pen?

    —Of course not. _______.

    A、It doesn't matter B、I'd love to C、Go ahead D、That's all right
  • 35. —Hello, boys and girls! I'm your new teacher. ________

    —Nice to meet you, too.

    A、Nice to meet you. B、What's your name? C、Good morning. D、How are you?
  • 36. —I'm sorry, Bill. I took your notebook by mistake.

    —________. They look almost the same.

    A、You're not right B、It doesn't matter C、I hope not D、I'm not sure
  • 37. —Kids should play outdoor games more instead of playing computer games.

    —________. It will be better for their eyes.

    A、Just so so B、Not at all C、I agree with you D、It's a pity
  • 38. —Your stamps are so fantastic. Could you please tell me ________?

    —Oh, I bought them in the post office next to the bank.

    A、why did you buy them B、where did you buy them C、why you bought them D、where you bought them
  • 39. —Could you please tell me _______?

    —Of course. I suggest Water City Restaurant.

    A、when can we get some food quickly B、when we can get some food quickly C、where can we get some food quickly D、where we can get some food quickly
  • 40. —Do you know ____________?

    —Yes, in Hangzhou, a beautiful city in Zhejiang Province.

    A、when will the 19th Asian Games be held B、when the 19th Asian Games will be held C、where will the 19th Asian Games be held D、where the 19th Asian Games will be held