
试卷更新日期:2023-08-31 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. 任务型阅读
    Different people have different opinions.This is very common.When you disagree with othersdo you know how to deal with disagreementHere's some advice.

    Why not wait and listen to others' ideas firstIf you do thatyou will understand them better.It will also help keep the conversation going well.
     You should express yourself in a polite way when you disagree with others.You can start with these sentences like "I understand your meaning.But I'm afraid I can't agree with you.What do you think about...instead"
    As we knowbody language is very important when you are communicating with others.Never cross your arms or point at others while expressing your opinions.
    Friendship is valuable.Don't hurt your friends' feelings when you show your opinions.When your friendship is brokenyou may lose your friends.
    You may learn new things from other people.Think of others' different opinions carefullyand you may find something good or useful.It's a good chance for you to learn from them and you can improve yourself quickly.

    A.Value your friendship.
    B.Say goodbye to others.
    C.Wait and listen to others.
    D.Express yourself in a polite way.
    E.Learn from different good opinions.
    F.Pay attention to your body language.


    Some on how to deal with disagreement

    Communicate with others politely.

    Understand others' ideas better and keep the conversation going .

    Don't cross your arms or pointothers while expressing your opinions.

    Don'tyour friends' feelings.

    Learn or useful things from different opinions.

  • 2. 任务型阅读

     The ear is an important organ (器官). To make people know the importance of our ears, the govemment set up National Ear Care Day. It falls on March 3rd every year. How much do you know about the ear?

     There are three parts in our ears — the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. We can see the outer ear clearly. It can collect sound around us. Then the sound goes through the middle ear to the inner ear and finally to our brain.

     Our ears keep working all the time even when we are sleeping, but our brain just pays no attention to it. Sometimes we may wake up suddenly at midnight. That's because our brain hears something, although we don't know what it is.

     Our ears also help us keep a balance. There are some organs that are full of liquid (液体) with small hairs around them in the inner ear. The liquid and hairs send messages to our brain to make us keep a balance.

     Our ears even have something to do with tasting food. We may have problems telling tastes if there is something wrong with our ears.

    You see, ears can do more than we think, so take good care of our ears from now on.


    A. Helping us keep a balance

    B. Keeping hearing day and night

    C. Different parts of the ear

    D. Helping with tasting food

    E. An important organ—the ear



    ★National Ear Care Day is on 3rd.


    ★Our ears have three parts. They are the outer ear, the  ear and the inner ear.

    Functions (功能)

    ★Sometimes we may wake up suddenly at midnight  our brain hears something.

    ★The liquid and hairs in the inner ear  messages to our brain to make us keep a balance.

    ★If there is something  with our ears, we may have problems telling tastes.

  • 3. 任务型阅读

     The Shanghai Planetarium(天文馆)is a section of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. It's a good place to open your eyes and make your life colorful. It lies in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The planetarium is over 38,000 square meters in size. It is expected to become the world's largest planetarium.

     The planetarium includes a main building and other facilities(设施), such as a research center for young visitors and places where people can watch the stars in space for the public. It is about 12,500 square meters in size for people to visit.

     The planetarium has collected 70 stones from the space including those from the moon, Mars and so on. There are also over 120 collections, and they are handmade art works.

     Different high technologies will be experienced so that people can get knowledge about astronomy(天文学)by communicating with the exhibits(展品)in the planetarium.

     If you visit the Shanghai Planetarium, you will have a truly educational trip. You can get the chance to try out what you have learned in class and practice it. It is going to be a useful way to make you become more interested in what you are learning about. I'll also show you the importance of the trip while learning something new.

    A. Collections in the Shanghai Planetarium

    B. Experiences of different high technologies

    C. A short introduction of the Shanghai Planetarium

    D. The main building and other facilities in the Shanghai Planetarium

    E. An educational trip to the Shanghai Planetarium


    Visiting the Shanghai Planetarium can your eyes. The Shanghai Planetarium is 38,000 square meters in size. There is a research center and other facilities for people to watch the stars. It has collected stones including those from the moon, Mars and so on. People can get knowledge about astronomy by with the exhibits in it. If you visit the Shanghai Planetarium, you will something new.