
试卷更新日期:2023-08-30 类型:二轮复习


  • 1.  阅读理解 

    We all enjoy being part of a group-there's no better work than teamwork, right? Actually, I disagree. Teamwork can be hard. In fact, it was so difficult that I left my office job and started working from home on my own. It's a much better fit for me, and it has made me think about why teamwork can make our jobs harder rather than easier.

    Personalities (个性) can make teamwork difficult. There's often someone on the team that puts their needs first. The team often goes along with this person, whose ideas might not be the best, just the loudest. Just one difficult personality can make teamwork hard. Combine (结合) several challenging personality types, and it's even harder.

     Not having enough time together can also make teamwork challenging. For example, I was once on a team where we never had enough time to meet as a group. To successfully work as a team, you need time together-and lots of it.  

    A final reason teamwork is difficult is because there's often no training on how to work on a team. You can't just put people in a room and expect them to work well with each other. You need to build trust with your team members. Think of football players: They aren't just given a ball and told to play. They practice, and they train.

    Team can be hard, but working alone has its challenges, too. When my computer doesn't work, I don't have an IT person to turn to. When I have a great idea, I don't have anyone to share it with to see if it really is a great idea. Don't get me wrong-I still like my team of one and enjoy making all of the important decisions myself. But now I realize what was wrong with the teamwork I did in the past and how good teamwork could be if done correctly. And that's useful information-because one day I might want to turn my ME TEAM into a WE TEAM.

    (1)、Why did the writer choose to work from home on his own? 
    A、To keep himself busier. B、To keep himself healthier. C、To make his job easier. D、To make his team harder.
    (2)、Which of the following makes teamwork difficult? 
    A、Strong personality. B、Lots of teamwork time. C、Challenging ideas. D、Clear team roles.
    (3)、What can we learn from the last paragraph? 
    A、WE TEAM has hardly any advantages. B、ME TEAM needs a lot of IT engineers. C、ME TEAM has no challenges for the writer. D、WE TEAM may be the writer's choice one day.
    (4)、What is the purpose of the text? 
    A、To show the advantages of teamwork. B、To tell the importance of teamwork. C、To introduce the influence of teamwork. D、To explain the difficulties of teamwork.
  • 2.  阅读下面,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Roger Federer, a world-famous sports star, quit(放弃) the 2020 Olympic Games to deal with his knee problem. It was a hard decision because no one wanted to be a quitter. But finding the courage to let go can be good for you. 

    Nothing is fun all the time. Sticking at something difficult teaches us important skills like perseverance(毅力). However, learning to let go when things aren't right is important too. Maybe your heart isn't in playing the piano any more, or you only play football because your friends do and you want to try a different sport instead. Making the decision to walk away can free up time and energy to spend on something you really enjoy. In fact, studies show that letting go of goals you can't reach, or don't really want, can build up your confidence and help you lead a happier and healthier life. 

    But how can you know it's time to stop and move on? Eric Bean is an expert in sports psychology(心理学) who helps athletes and teams understand their feelings. He says, "Quitting is never a matter of black and white." He suggests thinking carefully about why you aren't enjoying something any more. Is it because you've argued with a teammate or can't get on with a new art teacher? Talk about this with a trusted adult or friend. That can help you decide whether you should stay and stick, or quit and move on. 

    Quitting doesn't have to mean totally giving up, though. For example, playing an instrument might be more fun if you take away the pressure of exams. If you do decide to give up an activity, Bean suggests picking up another where you can still enjoy things like teamwork, creativity, and exercise.

    (1)、The writer mentions "Roger Federer" in Paragraph 1 to show that ____.
    A、we should never give up B、we should get away from trouble C、it's all right to stop and quit D、it's difficult to win Olympic medals
    (2)、According to Paragraph 2, learning to let go is important because we can ____.
    A、learn about perseverance B、have enough money to spend C、live a busier and fuller life D、feel more confident in ourselves
    (3)、By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3, Eric Bean means that ____.
    A、it's not good to stick at things we don't like B、we should think twice before quitting an activity C、we don't have to take exams to show our true abilities D、it's wiser to pick up a new hobby than to keep the old one
    (4)、Which could be the best title for the passage?
    A、Knowing When to Stop  B、Working Hard to Move on C、Learning How to Grow up D、Starting Early to Make Changes
  • 3.  阅读理解 


     The race is on to get more electric cars on the road. People predict that electric care might be more common in the future. But according to a 2021 survey by Pew Research Center. more than half of U.S. adults like gas-powered cars better. They say electric cars are expensive and charging(充电)them is a big problem, For now, most people plan to stick with gas-powered cars. We ask young readers what they think about electric cars.  


     Henry, 12 years old, San Francisco  




     I think we should all have electric cars. This would cut down air pollution and allow us to breathe better. Cleaner air also means there will be fewer animals dying. Think of all the lives we have lost by destroying our environment.  


     Some people think electric cars are pricey. But their prices are coming down. What's more, gas costs a lot more than electricity, Once you use the gas, it's gone. Anyway, I think we're going to run out of gas at some point. This will make electric cars a need. Also. do you know that electric cars can travel 33 miles for about a dollar? You can't say that for gas. All cars should be electric! 


     Sandy, 13 years old, New York  




     I don't think all cars should be electric. First of all, charging stations are less common than gas stations. This makes electric cars a lot less convenient for long trips. What's more, cold weather does harm to the batteries(电池). They can't work well as usual. And electric cars are also more expensive than common cars. A new electric car usually costs around $ 11, 000 more than a new gar car. True, electric cars help slow climate change. But throwing batteries away can hurt our planet.  

    (1)、Over half of the American adults agree that electric cars ____ according to the survey.  
    A、have no problem in charging B、are bad for the environment C、are expensive and less convenient D、can work better in cold weather
    (2)、The underlined word "pricey" probably means "____".  
    A、fast B、slow C、cheap D、expensive
    (3)、Sandy develops her idea mainly by ____.  
    A、telling stories B、listing facts C、asking questions D、using sayings
    (4)、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?  
    A、Should all cars be electric? B、Will cars be common in the future? C、Can electric cars help slow climate change? D、Are gas-powered cars bad for the environment?
  • 4.  阅读理解

    ①Does life sometimes seem to be full of impossible problems? How many times, for example, do you find yourself saying things like "I really don't understand this Maths problem", or "I can't get into the school team"? Well, maybe it's time to introduce yourself to the power of "yet". By adding this simple word, you can change everything. "I really don't understand this Maths problem yet." "I can't get into the school team yet." Suddenly, the impossible becomes possible. You can imagine those things happening.

    ②I read about a school that has changed the way it marks its students' exams. The school find out that the old pass/ fail system wasn't helping students' motivation(积极性). If you passed, then great, but those students who didn't pass often felt like failures. So now students who don't pass the exams will not see a big red F on their papers; they see a "Not yet" instead. That way the students feel that they are on a journey. They haven't reached the end, but they know that they are going the right way.

    ③This kind of thinking is part of what experts call "having a growth mindset". People with a growth mindset don't concentrate on failure. They aren't worried by not getting things right the first time and are happy to keep trying until they do. They enjoy the challenge and believe they can change. In contrast, people who just focus on the failure have what the experts call "a fixed mindset". These people are always worried about failure and are happy to give up when things don't go right. They don't think that they are able to change. Clearly, it is better to have a growth mindset than a fixed mindset.

    ④But don't worry if you think that you have a fixed mindset. ____. Remember that it all starts with questioning the things you believe about yourself. Stop believing that you can't or you haven't and realize that you just can't or haven't yet. Once you start doing this, you'll wonder why you didn't do it before. It's one small but very powerful word.

    (1)、The example in Paragraph 2 is to ____.
    A、express a feeling B、describe a problem C、show the result D、support the topic
    (2)、According to the passage, which one of the following has "a growth mindset"?
    A、Jack got an "A" in the exam. He was quite happy to tell his parents. B、David failed in a competition, but he stays confident and keeps trying. C、Jenny found it hard to work out the maths problem, so she gave it up. D、Emma was refused by school team. She didn't want to have another try.
    (3)、Which of the following can be put into ____?
    A、Experts will help you grow up healthily in mind B、You can train yourself to develop a growth mindset C、Everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages D、You can change everything by adding the small word "yet"
    (4)、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A、The Power of "Yet" B、Two Different Mindsets C、Nothing Is Impossible D、On the Way to Success
  • 5. 阅读理解

    Plants are more than just pretty to look at. They give us fruits, vegetables and food we eat. Some plants even provide materials for medicine or building things. But do you know that plants can do something even more amazing? They can make our homes, schools and workplaces much healthier.

    We spend a large part of our day indoors. Unluckily, the air inside buildings can often be full of chemicals(化学物质)from many things around us. This poor air quality(质量)can make us feel sick, causing sore eyes and throats, and even making it hard for us to breathe. When the air inside buildings gets really bad, people even call them "sick buildings".

    The good news is that plants are like nature's little superheroes. They have a magic power fighting against bad air. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide (CO2) and breathe out oxygen (O2) which we humans need to live. They can also add moisture to the air if it's too dry, making it more comfortable for us to breathe.

    ____ Scientists have discovered that plants have the ability to take in harmful chemicals, making the air around us safer to breathe. They set up a completely closed building called "bio-home" for experiments. Before they added plants, the air inside was full of chemicals and people found it hard to breathe. But after they added plants, the air got much cleaner and it became easier to breathe. To make the air inside even better, the scientists used different kinds of plants. After a while, the building wasn't a "sick building" any more. People could go inside without feeling unwell.

    So you see, plants are fantastic! They are not only beautiful to look at, but they also provide us with food, help create materials and play an important role in our health. They make our indoor environments cleaner and healthier, making us feel better. Next time you see a plant, remember all the amazing things it can do for us!

    (1)、Which of the following is one way for plants to improve the air inside buildings?
    A、They breathe out carbon dioxide. B、They produce oxygen. C、They give out harmful chemicals. D、They make the air dry.
    (2)、Which can be the best to fill in the blank ____ in Paragraph 4?
    A、But the most amazing thing plants can do is to clean the air. B、But one interesting thing plants can do is to build things. C、But plants can provide what humans need to eat. D、But plants can be used to make medicine for humans.
    (3)、How does the writer support his opinion about plants improving air quality?
    A、By telling personal experiences. B、By providing numbers and forms. C、By questioning famous scientists. D、By using scientific experiments.
    (4)、What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
    A、Plants are important for providing food. B、Plants make people look much better. C、Plants are good for indoor environments. D、Plants make it easier to build houses.
  • 6.  阅读理解

    Do you get in trouble for feeding your dog on food from dinner under the table? A new study suggests that by sharing "people food" you might actually be helping to keep your pet healthy.

    Many dogs are fed dry processed food. Science has shown that a diet (饮食) of processed food is not healthy for humans. Scientists from the University of Helsinki, in Finland, say this diet is not good for our pet dogs, either.

    The scientists discovered that the foods a dog might find in an owner's home such as eggs, fish, meat and vegetables may be better than a diet of just dog food. This is because having different kinds of foods leads to more variety (多样性) in microbes, which are little living things, too small to be seen with our eyes. There are millions of them in human and animal bodies. Some are bad for us, but many are good for us, and they play important roles in helping us digest (消化)food.

    A total of 8,500 young pet dogs took part in the study. 4,500 of them were under 6 months old, and the rest were between 6 and 18 months old. The owners were asked about what foods they had fed their pets and how often. When the dogs reached adulthood, their owners reported that about 20% of the dogs showed CE symptoms (慢性肠胃不适症状) such as weight loss. However, if dogs had been fed a mixed diet while young, it was 22% less possible for them to experience CE symptoms later in life.

    Dr. Anna Hielm-Bjorkman told The Times of London, "Dog foods on sale are described as providing a complete diet... But what we show is that variety is important. Nobody would give 12 years of the same food to a child—why should a dog be different?"

    (1)、According to the new study, dog owners ____.
    A、must offer dry food to their dogs B、can feed dogs on "people food" C、had better buy more processed food D、shouldn't make food by themselves
    (2)、Paragraph 3 mainly explains why ____.
    A、dogs need different kinds of foods B、little living things stay in human bodies C、scientists study dry processed food D、people should keep dogs at home
    (3)、How does the writer describe the study in Paragraph 4 to make it believable?
    A、By using pictures. B、By giving examples. C、By telling stories. D、By listing numbers.
    (4)、Which part of a magazine is the passage probably taken from?
    A、History. B、Business. C、Science. D、Culture.
  • 7.  多任务混合阅读

    I was travelling on a British ship from India to London in 1905. Among all the passengers, no one would fail to notice Padishah, an Indian businessman. From the moment he got on the ship, he kept showing off the diamond on his turban. The big diamond successfully attracted attention, including that of the five ostriches on the deck.

    One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed his diamond suddenly. The bird ran around and mixed itself with the others in no time.

    "Whose are these stupid ostriches? I want my diamond back!" Padishah shouted angrily. People began to crowd on the deck. I was among the first to arrive. I didn't feel half sorry for the man as he was asking everyone what to do for the diamond's return.

    Word swept across the ship about the accident, reaching a man named Potter. After lunch in the hall, Potter went to Padishah and claimed, "I've contacted the ostriches' owner in London. He accepted my offer for all five and now I am the owner. I have the right to keep the birds and the diamond inside." I thought Potter was rather smart and regretted deeply at a lost chance.

    Padishah was so upset and blurted, "There's no way you can get my diamond," he continued as he got calmer. "I can offer you 100 pounds for the birds." Potter simply refused and left.

    After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a sly smile. He announced that he wanted to sell four birds separately to separate people by auction. The starting price was 80 for a bird. One of them, he would keep for himself.

    Before the crowd realised what was happening, a diamond businessman got one bird for 100 pounds. The prices for the following birds rose higher and higher. After the fourth being sold, Padishah got half mad, not knowing what to do. Potter seemed suddenly sorry and said, "I should have kept them all. But... Trust me! The last bird must be the one."

    I stared at the last bird for quite a while and asked Potter for a private conversation. After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds.____

    The next morning, I was waiting in line to get off the ship, picturing the amazing future life in mind. Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends. At that moment, I learnt a lesson worth a diamond.

    (1)、What happened to Padishah on the deck?
    A、He was hurt by a passenger. B、He failed to get others' attention. C、People shouted angrily at him. D、An ostrich took away his diamond.
    (2)、Potter came back to the hall to ____.
    A、say sorry to Padishah B、tell people he was the new owner C、sell ostriches at high prices D、talk with the diamond businessman
    (3)、Which of the following can he put into ____ in Paragraph 8?
    A、How worried I was! B、What a great deal it was! C、How upset Padishah was! D、What an honest man Potter was!
    (4)、What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(请用约40词回答)
  • 8.  阅读理解

    ① One morning, I got up early and decided to make an apple pie for my mum. I called my grandma for help, followed a TV program to make jam and waited excitedly. I enjoyed every step so much that I didn't notice three hours pass by. Although the pie looked terrible and was not that delicious, Mum ate it up and told me it was the best pie that she had ever had. For the first time, I realised that although I didn't make the pie successfully, I really enjoyed the process (过程).

    ② The process is important because it brings us something bigger than the result itself. That is, we always have new experiences during the process, which may help us improve our skills or form good relationships with others. If we just concentrate      on the result and do not enjoy the process, we will be more likely to feel disappointed and want to give up. As a result, we will never understand the real meaning of success.

    ③ But in this busy world, we see a lot of successful people are in competition. How can we enjoy the process? Well, the question has the answer in itself.

    ④ Don't always compare yourself with others. First of all, we are all different. And success means different things to us. For some, success means being famous, while for others, it may be health or power. Ride your own ride.

    ⑤ Slow down. You need to stop expecting immediate results in what you do and learn to be patient. Impatience leads to unhappiness. Do it slowly, but never stop.

    ⑥ Reward (奖励) yourself. Divide the process into small steps, and give yourself a reward after completing each of them. Rewarding yourself for small wins can go a long way. For example, if you are in the process of losing weight, enjoy your favourite cake once in a while.

    (1)、How does the writer start the article?
    A、By giving an example. B、By comparing facts. C、By using old sayings. D、By listing numbers.
    (2)、What do the underlined words"concentrate on"mean in Paragraph 2?
    A、Make up. B、Get ready for. C、Point out. D、Pay attention to.
    (3)、Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (4)、Which could be the best title for the text?
    A、Enjoy the process B、What does success mean to us? C、Never give up D、How can we achieve good results?
  • 9. 阅读理解

    There were only 15 minutes until lunch. But everyone in Mrs. Stretch's math class was waiting excitedly for the start of Around the World.

    Around the World was Eddie's favorite classroom game. He loved racing against a classmate to solve a math problem. Eddie won and lost. But his friend Michael never lost. He was the champion (冠军) of Around the World. Every week he would go around the classroom winning against everyone.

    "Are we all ready?" Mrs. Stretch asked. Everyone nodded.

    "Then let's begin," said Mrs. Stretch. "Talia, you start. "

    Talia was new to the class. This would be her first time playing. She jumped up and went over to Eddie's desk. Eddie stood up, too.

    "Twelve times two," said Mrs. Stretch.

    "Twenty-four!" Talia called out, a second before Eddie could.

    Eddie sat down, disappointed but sill happy to know the right answer.

    Talia moved on to challenge the next classmate. She seemed unstoppable. Finally, Talia got to Michael.

    "Eight times twelve. " Mrs. Stretch said.

    "Ninety-six!" shouted Talia first.

    The class sat shocked, then everyone cheered for Talia, today's champion.

    "Nice job, Talia," said Mrs. Stretch, "It's time for lunch, everyone, Now line up, please. "

    Eddie stood to go to lunch. He noticed Michael had his head down on his desk, his face buried in his arms. Eddie walked to Michael and put his hand on his shoulder.

    "It's OK to. Jose," Eddie said. "I lose Around the World all the time. You're still great at multiplication. "

    "That's not why I'm upset," Michael said into his arms. "No one likes me. They cheered when I lost. "

    "You think they cheered against you?" Eddie asked.

    "▲" Michael said.

    "I think they cheered because they were too surprised," Eddie said, "You're the champ. Talia had to do her best to beat you. So, people were excited about it. "

    "She is really good at math," Michael agreed.

    "And so are you," said Eddie. "You help us all work harder. Because of you, we probably have the best math class in the whole school. "

    "Thanks," Michael said. He smiled at Eddie, "Do you want to sit together at lunch?"

    "Sure," said Eddie. "You can quiz me on math problems and help me get better. "

    Michael stood up, "Challenge accepted!"

    (1)、What is Around the World?
    A、A math challenge. B、A running race. C、A computer game. D、A writing competition.
    (2)、What can we know about the characters in the story?
    A、Talia was really good at math. B、Mrs. Stretch liked the champion best. C、Eddie cared a lot about whether he won or lost. D、Michael was hard- working but seldom helped others.
    (3)、Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in  ▲  in Paragraph 18?
    A、What else? B、Why else? C、Who else? D、Where else?
    (4)、Which of the following can best express the message (启示) of the story?
    A、Once a champion, always a champion. B、To be a good loser is to learn how to win. C、The only way to grow is to challenge yourself. D、Never forget failure is just an event, not a person.