
试卷更新日期:2023-08-29 类型:开学考试

一、单项选择(本题共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  • 1. You have a bad toothache. Maybe you should __________ a dentist.
    A、look B、see C、watch D、read
  • 2. Mike, it's stupid of you to shout at a ____ man. He's unable to hear.
    A、deaf B、nervous C、lonely D、blind
  • 3.  — Could you please clean the living room, Mike?

    —____. I'm doing my homework.

    A、OK B、No, I can't C、No problem D、Good idea
  • 4. Because of the bad weather, we have to _____________the meeting till next week.     
    A、take off B、get off C、put off D、turn off
  • 5. Qomolangma is _____________ mountain in the world.
    A、high B、higher C、highest D、the highest
  • 6. — You are so late today, Lucy.

    — Three buses went by without stopping while I ________ at the bus stop.

    A、am waiting B、wait C、will wait D、was waiting
  • 7.  Did you watch the soccer game last night? Our school team won the game in the last minute! Yes. I was ____ excited ____ I could not fall sleep. 
    A、as; as B、so; as C、too; to D、so; that
  • 8.  —Jack ____ to help at the underground station on Saturdays. 

    —Cool! Let's go with him next Saturday. 

    A、offers B、hates C、forgets D、fails
  • 9. —Has your sister visited Disneyland ___________?

    —Yes, she has visited it ______________.

    A、yet; yet B、already; already C、already; yet D、yet; already
  • 10. —Where is Tom? Do you know?

    —I think he _____________ to the library.

    A、has gone B、goes C、has been D、went

二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

  • 11. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    One day, a businessman (商人) lost a bag. There were one thousand coins (硬币) in it. He told everyone that he would give one hundred coins to anyone giving back the money. 

    Later, a farmer1 the bag and he went to give it back to the businessman. The businessman was2 to find that all one thousand coins were still in the bag. However, he was also3 that he had to give some of his money away. He wondered how he could get out of his4 and still appear to be fair. 

    At last, the businessman got an idea. "I thank you for5 my money," he said. "I noticed that you already6 your reward (报酬), for there are only nine hundred coins in the bag. "

    The farmer shouted, "But I did not even7 the bag before I gave it to you!"

    "I hope you enjoy your reward," the businessman said. "Thank you again and goodbye. "He8 left.

    The farmer was9 and told his sad story to the prince. The prince asked the businessman to meet him with the bag of money. It had only nine hundred coins in it now. 

    The prince took the money bag and said, "If your bag had one thousand coins and this bag has only nine hundred, then how do you10 this is your bag?" The businessman had trouble speaking.

    A、 painted B、 found C、 accepted D、 broke
    A、 crazy B、 afraid C、 weak D、 surprised
    A、 lazy B、 sick C、 sad D、 excited
    A、 interest B、 journey C、 relation D、 promise
    A、 returning B、 borrowing C、 printing D、 refusing
    A、 paid B、 added C、 served D、 took
    A、 pay B、 visit C、 open D、 change
    A、 quickly B、 carefully C、 truly D、 luckily
    A、 upset B、 silly C、 shy D、 tired
    A、 order B、 know C、 report D、 hear

三、阅读理解,请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30 分)

  • 12. 阅读理解

    London Transport Museum

    LondonTransport Museum was set up in 1980.It brings to life the history of London's public transport network— its buses, trains, tubes and taxis, from the 19th century to the present day.

    The museum has two sites in London. The main site in Covent Garden is open to the public every day. It reopened in 2007 after a two-year repair. The other site, located in Acton, is known as the London Transport Museum Depot and is open on visitor days throughout the year. 

    Opening times(the main site):

    ◆Museum galleries(展览馆)

    Open daily 10: 00 — 18: 00(Last entry 17: 15)

    ◆Museum shop

    Sunday—Tuesday 10: 00 — 18: 30 Wednesday— Saturday 10: 00 — 19: 00 Museum tickets (the main site):

    ◆Adult: $17.50

    ◆Children and young people aged 18 and under: free

    (Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. )You can save by booking your ticket online at $16.

    For more information, visit https: // www. ltmuseum. co. uk. 

    (1)、London Transport Museum brings to life the history of London's public transport network EXCEPT ____.
    A、buses B、boats C、tubes D、trains
    (2)、What can we know about the main site of Landon Transport Museum?
    A、It's in Acton. B、It's closed on Mondays. C、A two-year repair will be done there. D、Visitors can't enter its galleries at 17: 20.
    (3)、How long is the museum shop open on Saturday?
    A、7 hours. B、8 hours. C、8.5hours. D、9 hours.
    (4)、Who can enter the museum alone and without paying?
    A、8-year-old Tony. B、12-year-old Joanna. C、18-year-old Peter. D、20-year-old Mike.
    (5)、If you buy three tickets online, you can save ____. 
    A、$1.5 B、$4.5 C、$16 D、$17.5
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Canada geese(鹅) are large, blue and white birds. When autumn comes, they fly to the south where the weather is warmer. Winter in Canada is very cold. The birds will die if they stay there. 

    Last spring, Bill found sixteen young Canada geese on his farm. They couldn't find their parents. Bill had a small plane and he decided to teach the birds how to fly. All through the summer, Bill went on short trips in his plane and the young geese flew after him.

    When the cold weather came, Bill flew to Virginia in the United States. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and returned home. 

    This spring Bill waited for the birds to come back. But they didn't. Bill flew to Virginia to get them back. He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn't find them. But when he arrived home, he found the geese were waiting for him. They could find their way home by themselves!

    (1)、The Canada geese fly to the south every autumn because ____. 
    A、the weather is warmer there B、their parents ask them to do so C、they can find food easily there D、people there are friendly to them
    (2)、Bill found ____ young Canada geese on his farm last spring. 
    A、6 B、16 C、36 D、60
    (3)、Bill went on short trips in his plane to ____. 
    A、enjoy the beautiful scenery B、practice driving a plane C、teach the geese how to fly D、take the geese to have a good trip
    (4)、Bill spent ____ looking for the geese in Virginia this spring. 
    A、two months B、one month C、three months D、two weeks
    (5)、Why couldn't Bill find the geese in Virginia this spring?
    A、Because the geese lost their way. B、Because the geese returned to Bill's home by themselves. C、Because the geese went to another place. D、Because the geese died.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    A young man went to an expert on gems(宝石) and wanted to learn from him. The expert shook his head. He worried that young men wouldn't have the patience to learn. In his opinion, they were always in a hurry.

    The young man asked the expert many times to let him have a try. Finally the expert said, "Be here tomorrow. "The next morning the expert put a jade(翡翠) stone in the man's hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing and setting gems. The man sat and waited excitedly. The following morning the expert again placed the jade stone in the man's hand and told him to hold it. On the third, fourth, and fifth day the expert repeated the action.

    On the sixth day the young man still had to hold the jade stone, but he could no longer stand the silence. "Sir," he asked, "when am I going to learn something?" "You will learn," the expert replied.

    Several more days went by. The man became more and more impatient. However, when the expert placed a stone in his hand one morning, the young man shouted without looking at it "This is not the same jade stone!" "You have begun to learn," the expert said with a smile.

    (1)、What do we know about the expert at first?
    A、He got angry with the young man. B、He made friends with the young man. C、He played a joke on the young man. D、He refused to teach the young man.
    (2)、How long did the man hold the jade stone without asking anything?
    A、For three days. B、For five days. C、For seven days. D、For half a month.
    (3)、Why did the expert ask the man to hold a stone for days?
    A、It was a way of learning. B、He was too busy to teach the man. C、It was all that he could give the man. D、There was no other work for the man to do.
    (4)、How did the young man feel after he held the jade for several days?
    A、Worried. B、Nervous. C、Excited D、Impatient.
    (5)、What does the passage mainly tell us?
    A、A real expert on gems. B、Some good learning habits. C、The importance of patience. D、The secret to learning quickly.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Developed by US company OpenAI, ChatGPThas taken the internet by storm, winning 100 million users since it came out in November 2022.People can ask the robot to write stories and emails, create recipes(食谱), translate languages, and answer all kinds of questions. In its own words, it is "a language model trained in [a large amount of]internettext to help users get human-like text. "

    Compared with Siri or other chatbots(聊天机器人), ChatGPTuses a much bigger database(数据库) for training. It also uses stronger software and hardware to learn things by itself. For example, if it provides a wrong answer to your question, you can tell it the right one and it will make corrections. 

    OpenAIhas now introduced a powerful new language model: GPT-4.On March 14, 2023, GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than GPT-3.5.One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. 

    But GPT-4's developments don't stop there. The new language model can code(用代码编写) classic games in a matter of minutes, It can also change the tone(语气) and style based on what you ask it to do. GPT-4 is much better than the older GPT at passing tests, which may worry teachers. According to CNN, GPT-4 did really well on a law school test, with a score in the top 10 percent of test takers. But GPT-3.5only got a score in the bottom 10 percent.

    (1)、When did GPT-4 come out?
    A、In November 2021. B、In November 2022. C、In December 2022. D、On March 14, 2023.
    (2)、What's the different between ChatGPTand other chatbots?

    a. It can learn things by itself. 

    b. It won't give people wrong answers.

    c. It has a big database for training. 

    d. It is smarter than human. 

    A、ac B、ab C、bc D、bd
    (3)、The phrase "in a matter of minutes " in paragraph 3 shows that ____.
    A、games like Tetris are easy to code B、GPT-4 can code games like Tetris quickly C、hand-made drawings help GPT-4 work better D、anyone can code games using GPT-4
    (4)、What worry does GPT-4 bring to teachers? 
    A、It can change itself based on a user's advice. B、Students will lose their time. C、It may help students cheat on tests easily. D、It will take the place of teachers in the future.
    (5)、Where can we probably read the passage? 
    A、In a history textbook. B、In a travel guide. C、In a story book. D、In newspaper.

四、根据下列句子所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)

五、用所给单词的正确形式填空,每空限填一词。(每小题 1 分,满分 10分)

六、完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)

  • 31.  David 家里有成百上千张邮票。

    stamps in David's house.

  • 32.  当我们听到关于 David 这个消息时,心里感到多么兴奋啊!

    we felt when we heard the news about David!

  • 33.  身体健康依靠的是营养丰富的食品、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

    Health   nutritious food, fresh air and enough sleep. 

  • 34.  人们应该尽力去保护野生动物,而不是去伤害他们。

    People should try to protect wild animals    them. 

  • 35.  茱莉亚频繁地和她的笔友们保持联系十年了。

    Julia    with her penfriendsfrequently for ten years. 

七、语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

  • 36. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中所给词语的正确形式填空。

    We live in the "Computer Age". Just 35 years ago, computers couldn't do so much.

    Theybig and expensive. They usedlot of energy. Only a few people were interested them. Today computers are smaller and (cheap). They can do much(difficulty) work. Computers become important for many reasons. They work faster than man make fewer mistakes. They can remember so much information. A computer can deal with millions of problems in a few (second). A person might need years to work out so many problems. 

    People now use computers in nearly every kind of work(find) lost things, guide trains and planes, and manage telephone calls and traffic lights. People also begin(use) small computers in schools and homes. 

    Computers are very useful and the use of computers is growing. More computers mean more jobs for many people because people need to run and repair(they). 

八、书面表达(共 1 题;满分 15 分)

  • 37. 微笑是一剂良药,它会使我们高兴,快乐。请你以"How to Learn to Smile"为题,为你的学校广播站写一篇稿件。

    参考词汇:attitude 态度 misunderstand 误会 confidence 自信 benefit one's health 有益于健康。

    1.80—100 词;

    How to Learn to Smile Inour life, we should learn to smile to ourselves.