牛津译林版2023-2024学年九年级上册Units 3-4 单元测试

试卷更新日期:2023-08-11 类型:单元试卷


  • 1.  — Is AC Milan(AC米兰)____Italian football club?

    — Yes. It's one of____ most successful clubs in Italy.

    A、an; / B、an; the C、/; the D、/; /
  • 2. Don't go swimming alone,____you will be in danger.
    A、and B、or C、but D、so
  • 3.  What a stubborn boy! He____ be punished____ say sorry to his teacher. 
    A、would rather; to B、would rather; than C、prefer; to D、prefer; than
  • 4. We are n ot sure if it ____ tomorrow. If it ____, we won't go hiking.
    A、will   ra in; rains B、will rain ; will rain C、rains; rains D、rains; will rain
  • 5.  Blue   loo ks good ____ you, it means you look nice ____ blue. 
    A、in, on B、on, in C、in, in D、on, on
  • 6.  —Could you tell me ____?

    —He's active and energetic.

    A、what does he like B、what he likes C、what he is like D、what is he like
  • 7. He devoted as much time as he could __________ on the plan.
    A、working B、to work C、worked D、to working
  • 8.  David has much difficulty ____ English grammar so I often give him some____. 
    A、to learn; advice B、to learn; advices C、learning; advice D、learning; advices
  • 9. Your computer doesn't work now. Is there ____ with it?
    A、wrong something B、something wrong C、wrong anything D、anything wrong
  • 10. There's a lot to do. We can't ____ to waste any time.
    A、wait B、afford C、want D、have
  • 11. —Do you have difficulty_________ready for the exam ?

    —No, I have made a decision __________ over lessons this weekend.

    A、to get, to go B、getting, going C、getting, to go D、to getting, going
  • 12.  Our teacher advised us____ ourselves. 
    A、to be strict in B、be strict in C、to be strict with D、strict with
  • 13.  His film can ____ you ____ your life in the countryside. 
    A、remind;   to B、think; of C、think; to D、remind; of
  • 14. The world 's population(人口)is getting larger and larger, so scientists are trying to ____ new ways to solve the food problem.
    A、catch   up  with B、keep up with C、come up with D、make up with
  • 15.  — I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day. 

     —____. And we will miss you. 

    A、Enjoy yourself B、You're welcome C、That's interesting D、The same to you
  • 16.  —Jerry is good at all his subjects at school, but he never ____. 

    —What a ____ boy! We should learn from him. 

    A、gets off; thoughtful B、takes off; energetic C、shows off; modest D、puts off; curious
  • 17.  —He Bingjiao won a gold medal in YOG last month. 

    —Yes, her work ____ and she has got high ____ from people in Suzhou. 

    A、improves; money B、stands; prizes C、come up; present D、shouts; praise
  • 18.  We never doubt ____ this museum is worth ____. 
    A、whether; visiting B、that; visiting C、that; to visit D、whether; to visit
  • 19.  I hear they will build a railway to ____ Suzhou ____ Lianyungang in the following years. 
    A、connect;   to B、connected; with C、connects; to D、connecting; with
  • 20.  My parents want me to be ____ an engineer ____ a scientist, ____ I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor. 
    A、neither; nor; and B、either; or; but C、not only; but; so D、both; and; or
  • 21.  I would rather ____the chance than ____her. 
    A、not to take; to hurt B、not take; hurt C、not take; hurting D、don't take; to hurt
  • 22. Don't be worried, Mum. I've grown up. I'll write to you____I get there.
    A、as a result B、as soon as C、in the beginning D、by accident
  • 23. — How soon will you start your journey?
    —I'm not sure. I haven't decided_____.

    A、when shall I ask the boss for leave B、where I will go to spend the holiday C、whether I would go by train or by plane D、who could invite me to go
  • 24.  ____, he had to escape to the USA because a war ____. 
    A、In his twenty, broke down B、In his twenties, broke down C、In his twentieth, broke out D、In his twenties, broke out
  • 25.  Lucy ____ the whole class ____her high marks. 
    A、impressed; by B、has impressed; with C、made; by D、has made; with
  • 26. Amy was strongly _____ choosing Jim as this year's Best Student, as he took no notice of her when she was once in trouble.
    A、against B、for C、down D、up
  • 27.  I prefer to have ______one of the two skirts ____some money for a dictionary. 
    A、the cheapest, to save B、a cheaper, to saving C、a cheaper, to save D、the cheaper, to save
  • 28.  —I went  to   ha ve the driving test this morning, but I didn't pass it. 

    — ____. 

    A、Luck decides everything B、Better luck next time C、But you can drive well D、You are always unlucky
  • 29. —I'm very sorry I broke your cup.


    A、You 'd better not B、It doesn't matter. C、It's too bad of you. D、Not at all.
  • 30. China, ____ one of the great four countries with ancient civilizations, is best-known ____ its great development in all the fields over the years. 
    A、as; as B、as; for C、for; as D、for; for
  • 31. —What do you____ the TV series?
    —It is____. I've never seen such a better one before.
    A、like about , thought highly of B、think of, highly thought of C、think about , thought well D、think about, highly though about
  • 32.  They were________ busy____ with each other____the time.
    A、too ; to talk; to forget B、so; talking; that they forgot  C、so; to talk; that they forgot D、too; talking; to forget
  • 33.  —Do you know ____A/H1N1 disease? 
    —Yes, we should have a good habit about health. 
    A、how we should do with B、what we should do with C、how should we deal with D、what should we deal with
  • 34. — Do you know the result of yesterday's football game?

    — Yeah, our team won again and there was____excitement just before it ended. 

    A、a large number  of B、a great deal of C、very D、quite
  • 35. — It seems that Jimmy is feeling bad about the exam.

    — He needs to _______. A "C" is not the end of the world.

    A、cheer himself up B、calm himself down      C、let himself down D、warm himself up
  • 36. He was brave enough ___________for the school volleyball team and succeeded.
    A、try out B、to try on C、to try out D、to try
  • 37.  —Jerry, has your uncle ____ your letter for help? 

    —Sorry, not yet. But let's make a decision after we get his ____.

    A、replied   t o; reply B、replied; answer C、answered to; answer D、answered; reply
  • 38. My parents want me to get further study to be ________ an engineer _______ a scientist, ________ I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor.

    A、neither; nor; and B、either; or; but C、not only; but; so D、both; and; or


  • 39. —John, look at your room. The things are all out of(顺序)!

    — Sorry, Mum. I will tidy them up right now. 

  • 40.  Learning ( 语法) well is a necessary step if we want to learn English well. 
  • 41.  Liu Huan is a (天生的) singer and I like his songs very much. 
  • 42.  My father is the (总的) manager of a computer company. 
  • 43.  At the Dragon Boat Festival, we can enjoy the exciting dragon boat (竞赛). 
  • 44. Many foreigners are surprised at the (高速的) growth of China's economy (经济).
  • 45.  Boys   and  girls, (注意), please. Here is an important announcement (通知) to make. 
  • 46.  All the produc ts in our factory have reached high(标准), so they are very popular in the market. 
  • 47.  Li Dazhao   is  one of the great (先锋) of the Chinese revolution (革命). 
  • 48. — What's the date today, Dad?

    — Oh, I don't know. Why not look at the(日历) yourself?

  • 49.  The World   Cup  brings the(热) of football to every corner of the world. 
  • 50. It's very important for English learners to remember some(日常的) English.
  • 51.  After reading the book, I began to know more about what life was like in (古代的) China. 
  • 52. Don't tell lies or you will lose your friends' (信任).
  • 53.  The blue tie and the white shirt is a good (搭配). 
  • 54.  Women in cities are used to carrying a (手提包) wherever they go. 
  • 55.  The young  woman  (从事) colour therapy and has helped many stressed people out of trouble. 
  • 56.  Few students like taking(考试) because they may become very nervous. 
  • 57.  Too much (课业) will make students bored with going to school. 
  • 58.  When the pop singer appeared, there was a moment of(寂静) and then the audience (观众) screamed excitedly. 
  • 59.  All your (建议) are very good and we will accept them. 
  • 60.  Not knowing how to find the way out, the young man looks very(烦恼的). 
  • 61.  A (字典) is a great help to students. 
  • 62.   (化学) is an interesting subject and we like it very much. 
  • 63.  The girl likes sharing all her (想法) with her mother. 
  • 64.  Thomas Muller is a very famous (德国的) football star. 
  • 65.  The teacher   us ed his mobile phone to keep a (记录) of the whole class meeting. 
  • 66.  That basketball team is very strong and it wins one (胜利) after another. 
  • 67.  Football and basketball are both sports that need team (精神). 
  • 68.  The mother monkey had great (勇气) to protect its baby in front of a big lion. 
  • 69.  Either his father or his mother  (承诺) to buy him a computer already. 
  • 70.  He learne d this lesson the hard way — from his own (个人的) experience. 


  • 71. — Did you do well in the English test last week?

    — No. My (careless) made me lose a lot of marks. 

  • 72.  — Mary wants to be a nurse. What do you think of her dream?

    — I don't think she will be a good nurse. She is so(patient).

  • 73. On seeing the pr esent box, the boy (simple) couldn't wait to open it.
  • 74.  — Mr Wang, can you give me two more hours for the work?

    — Sorry, I can't. Everyone must finish the work within the(fix) time.

  • 75.  Mo Yan, the   No bel Prize winner, has made lots of (speak) around the world. 
  • 76. It's dangerous to let out your (person) information to stranger persons.
  • 77. The girl didn't win a prize in the drawing competition and there was a little (sad) in her eyes.
  • 78.  You must make a (decide) now. There is little time left. 
  • 79.  It was raining, so we got to the top of the mountain with great (difficult). 
  • 80.  — The music sounds sweet and soft. It helps reduce our stress. 

     — Yes. I have the same (feel). 

  • 81.  — Congratulations (祝贺) on your wise (choose)! 

     — Thank you. 

  • 82.  When I saw the beauty of Zhangjiajie, I could (hard) believe my eyes. 
  • 83.  To stay(wake) to watch the live World Cup, the young man kept drinking coffee. 
  • 84. I won't waste any more of your (value) time.
  • 85.  If you answer all the questions (correct), you will get a big prize. 
  • 86.  Our English teacher always tells us to be careful with our English (pronounce). 
  • 87.  All our school   (lead) are kind to the teachers and the students. 
  • 88.  Zheng Chenggong was a famous (nation) hero (英雄). 
  • 89. A lot of countr ies admire China's great (achieve) in the past thirty years.
  • 90. It's(usual) to see frogs (青蛙) in winter. They usually go to sleep under the earth.
  • 91.  He is even(proud) after winning first prize. 
  • 92. They often meet and share their (think),feelings and experiences.
  • 93. Miss Yang's (ill) has had a bad effect on her work.
  • 94. It seems that he has(success)solved the problem.
  • 95.  Water is one of the(value) resources (资源) and we must try our best to save it in daily life. 
  • 96.  There were five(win) names on the medal. 
  • 97.  My grandfather still stays healthy in his (nine). 
  • 98.  Daniel had his hair(cut) last Saturday. 
  • 99. It's really hard to make the (decide).
  • 100.  We all know a year is(划分)into four seasons. 


  • 101.  完形填空

    One Sunday afterno on, my younger brother and I were left alone at home. I was doing my homework1  my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. My brother thought it was our parents, so he opened the 2  quickly. 

    A tall man stood outside and asked politely 3  our parents were at home. 

    4 thinking, my b rother answered,"No. " When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly5 the door very hard and came into our house. He took out a 6 and ordered me to tie up my brother's7 with a rope (绳索). I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie(松开)himself 8 . The man then tied my hands up and locked 9 of us in the kitchen.

    Soon, he went   upst airs. I taught my brother to untie his rope with his hands. He then untied10 . We rushed to the telephone to call the police, but the line was cut off. The doors were all locked from outside. It was lucky that the man forgot 11  the kitchen door. We got out of the house12  the window and went to the13  pay phone to call the police. 

    Soon the police   cam e and the man was caught. By the time, my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were glad that we were not14 . They told me that I should stop my brother from15 the door to the stranger. I learned a lesson on safety. 

    A、as B、before C、while D、when
    A、cupboard B、door C、doorbell D、window
    A、if B、how C、when D、why
    A、After B、By C、Before D、without
    A、pushed B、took C、knocked D、closed
    A、candy           B、gift               C、knife D、phone
    A、feet B、legs C、hands D、arms
    A、difficultly B、easily C、hardly D、suddenly
    A、all  B、both C、each D、neither
    A、me  B、myself C、him D、himself
    A、locking B、closing C、closed D、to lock
    A、across B、under C、over D、through
    A、farther B、nearest C、cheapest D、nicest
    A、crying B、hurt C、frightened D、lost
    A、turning on B、sending C、opening  D、closing



  • 122.  任务型阅读 

    Mistakes are great teachers

    Mistakes   are   great teachers. Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes to achieve their goals and wishes, and who are able to learn from those mistakes. And in order to learn from mistakes you must be willing to pay for them. 

    Mistakes can be very valuable, but when you try to get others to pay for your mistakes, then you lose the chance to learn from them. When something goes wrong, it's usually very easy to find someone else's mistakes, but is that useful ? Of course not.

    Much of the value   of mistakes comes from the fact that they need to cost that must be paid. The person who learns the most from a mistake is the one who pays the price for that mistake. 

    When you make a mist ake, what you shouldn't do is run away from it. You need to accept it because you can learn a lot from it. The mistake has been made, so make the most of it. Pay the price, learn the lesson, and grow that much stronger.

    When you make a m istake, don't look back at it long. Remember the reason for it, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The post cannot be changed. The present is still in your power. Make full use of your mistakes to achieve your goals and wishes.


    Mistakes are great teachers

    Who can

    Success comes   to   those not only achieve their goals and wishes at the risk of mistakes, but also from and pay for them. 

    When you make mistakes

    Don't away from them. It's easy but to find someone else's mistakes.

    The value of mistakes

    You can learn   a   lot from mistakes and grow stronger by  the price for them. 

    Offer some  about how to deal with making mistakes

    When you make mist akes, remember you make them and then look forward because you can't change the . The present is still in your power, so make full use of them in order to achieve your and wishes.


  • 123. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整通顺。

    Stress is usual   in life. It may come from heavy traffic to bad work environments, or from relationship problems to financial(财政的) difficulties. We all need a w to reduce our stress, understand where it comes from and how to work through it. If not, stress will certainly l to illness, low spirits, broken relationships or unending pain. 

    Keeping   diar ies is the e way of all to reduce stress. Keeping diaries will help u deal with our stress before it makes us ill. Writing down our thoughts and f, as in keeping a diary, is a good method to reduce stress and i happiness. We put down on paper what we are unhappy with and worried about. This h us begin to understand in a clearer manner, what we are going through. 

    Keeping a regular   di ary about d events, joys and struggles, can really help us to face every day, and solve our problems with less stress. When we record our days on paper or on the computer, we are dealing w our feelings, fears and joys, as we are writing. 

    Let's start li ving the healthy, balanced and m life we have been meant to live, with our simple diary writing.