牛津译林版英语六年级上册Unit 3同步练习

试卷更新日期:2023-08-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. We can see many ships in________.
    A、the Summer Palace B、the Great Wall C、the Palace Museum D、the Bund
  • 2. It was windy there. Our kites ______.       
    A、flies in the sky B、flew away C、fly away
  • 3. We are having ____ picnic. 
    A、we B、us C、our
  • 4. "Hey! Please pick an orange for me."这两句话的语调分别是:
    A、升调;降调 B、降调;升调 C、降调;降调
  • 5. 当你想问今天天气怎么样时, 你应说:
    A、How's the weather today ? B、What's the weather? C、What's wrong with you ?
  • 6.  —What did you do last Thursday?

    —I ____. 

    A、go swimming B、went swimming C、swimming
  • 7. 当对方说能来些冰激凌吗,你会怎么说:
    A、Sure B、You're welcome . C、Not at all.
  • 8. ____ there ____ fruit trees on the farm? 
    A、Were, any B、Are, any C、Are, some
  • 9. My parents often tell me ____ your family. 
    A、about B、from C、for D、by
  • 10. —____ did you go to Nanjing? 

    —I ____ to Nanjing by car.

    A、How; go B、Where; went C、How; went D、Where; go


  • 11. —How (be) your holiday?

    —It was great fun. I (go) to the farm and (pick) oranges there.

  • 12.  Tim often  (ask) his mother  (tell) a story for him. 
  • 13. A: Tom, where  (be) my football?

    B: I (give) it to Tim yesterday.

  • 14. Did you go (fish) yesterday?
  • 15. —My (cousin) hand hurts.

    —What a pity! He (can) go to the party.


  • 16. Mike (去年儿童节为他的老师们做了一些卡片).
  • 17. The football match went well  . (起初) But finally it rained.
  • 18. She usually mnew clothes for her doll.
  • 19. We    (参观了上海博物馆).We saw many interesting things there.  
  • 20. National Day is coming and all the students are  (对……兴奋) the holiday.


  • 21. The students  together so the teacher can't  anything. (hear/ wear/ cheer/ bear)
  • 22. Let's our games on the . (park / start / warm / farm)



  • 28. 情景搭配。
    A. I'm 48kg.
    B. I have a cold.
    C. I was born in 1979.
    D. He likes playing football.
    E. You can go to the zoo by bus.
    (1)、 What does he like?                     
    (2)、How can I go to the zoo?                
    (3)、What's the matter with you?            
    (4)、 How heavy are you?                    
    (5)、When were you born?                    



  • 40.
    A. I went fishing.
    B. I had a big dinner with my family.
    C. What did you do for the holiday?
    D. What about you?
    E. Yes, I did.
    Rose: Hello, Jane.

    Jane: I met my friends. We went to the cinema.

    Rose: I went to a restaurant.

    Jane: Did you enjoy your holiday, Billy?


    Rose: What did you do?


    Rose: That was great fun.


  • 41. 阅读理解

    Nancy is Mr. White's little daughter. She isn't good at maths. Mr. White is teaching her, "What's four plus four?" Nancy counts (数) her fingers and answers, "It's eight." "Good. What is twenty minus three?" Nancy counts her fingers and toes. "Mm... it's five. No, it's seventeen." Nancy answers slowly. "What's eleven plus twelve, then?" Nancy looks at her fingers and toes. They are not enough (足够). Seeing this, Mr. White isn't glad arid says, "Use your head, Nancy." "That's not enough. I've got only one head."

    (1)、Mr. White has a little son. 
    (2)、Nancy doesn't do well in maths.
    (3)、Mr. White is teaching Nancy. 
    (4)、Nancy is very clever (聪明的). 
    (5)、Mr. White doesn't feel happy. 


  • 42. 请以 "A happy girl" 为题,根据导图中的信息写一篇短文。

    要求语句连贯,注意时态。不少于6 句话。

    A happy girl

    Time: long long ago

    People: a fairy, the prince, Cinderella

    Place: at the prince's

    Things: washed every day, helped her, danced

    Feelings: sad, happy