牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级上学期Units 1-2单元练习卷

试卷更新日期:2023-08-07 类型:同步测试


  • 1.  I have ____ to do. Please give me ____ to read. 
    A、something, anything B、nothing, something C、nothing, everything D、anything, nothing
  • 2. I did some reading instead of ________ movies.
    A、watching B、watch C、watched D、watches
  • 3. The Big Banana was made _________ a man called John Landy.
    A、in B、by C、of D、from
  • 4. Listen!       is coming near. It may be Li Hua.
    A、Anyone B、Someone C、Everyone D、No one
  • 5. Scientists are trying to       the secrets of the sea.
    A、find out B、put out C、die out D、go out
  • 6.  There are about ____ students in our school. 
    A、2 thousand B、2 thousands C、2 thousands of D、2 thousand of
  • 7.  People in China uses chopsticks ____.
    A、eat B、eating C、to eat D、eats
  • 8.  Our teacher usually gives us some ____ on how to face the difficulties and challenges ____.
    A、advice, brave B、advices, brave C、advices, bravely D、advice, bravely
  • 9. Edison was a great        and he had many          .
    A、inventor; inventors B、invention; inventions C、inventor; inventions D、invention; inventors
  • 10. I don't have ____ money. Could you lend me ____?
    A、any; some B、some; any C、any; any D、some; some
  • 11. This is Mr White's ____ visit to Beijing. He has been there twice before. He lives in ____ in Beijing Hotel.
    A、two, 201 Room B、third, Room 201 C、three, The Room 201 D、second, The 201 Room
  • 12.  — Add 23 and 5. — 23 ____ 5 ____ 28.
    A、adds, is B、plus, is C、plus, are, D、add, is
  • 13.  I saw there ____ some gold and ten pencils on the desk.
    A、be B、had C、was D、were
  • 14.  — Is the room ____ to hold 100 students?

    — No, there isn't ____ for 100 students.

    A、large enough, enough room B、enough large, enough room C、big enough, enough rooms D、enough big, enough room
  • 15.  The naughty boy made his sister ____ just now.
    A、to cry B、crying C、cried D、cry
  • 16.  Diana used to ____ to work, but now she is used to ____ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit.
    A、drive; walk B、drive; walking C、driving; walk D、driving; walking
  • 17. —What about the red skirt? It's as ____ as the blue one.

    —I like the red one. ____, my sister doesn't like it.

    A、beautifully; And B、beautiful; And C、beautiful; However D、beautifully; However
  • 18.  —What are you going to give your mother for her birthday?

    — I'm not sure, but I'll buy her ____.

    A、something special B、anything special C、special something D、special anything
  • 19.  —Listen! ____ is ringing the bell. Go and answer it, please.

    —You must be dreaming! I can hear nothing. ____ will come so late.

    A、Someone; Somebody B、Somebody; Anybody C、Someone; Nobody D、Nobody; No one
  • 20.  We all know that the ____ lesson is more difficult than the ____.
    A、ninth; twenty B、nine; twentieth C、nine; twenty D、ninth; twentieth


  • 21.  完形填空

    Benjamin Franklin was a famous American inventor and scientist. 

    One day, when it was 1 , he said to his son, "William, will you 2 me do something? I can't do it myself."

    All right, but how can I help you? It's raining so hard," asked William. "3 are you working on now?"

    "I'm very sure that lightning and electricity are 4 , but I need to do something to prove (证明) it."

    "How can you do that?" William asked.

    "If we fly a 5 in the coming thunderstorm, maybe we can see an electric spark(火花). If we do, we'll know the 6 is coming right out of the clouds."

    His son 7  and both the father and the son went out in the rain. They flew their kite in the thunderstorm and put a 8  to the end of the wire. When the kite flew into a dark 9 , the key made electric sparks. This was what he hoped for. For the 10  time he showed people around that lighting and electricity are the same.

    A、sunny B、rainy C、windy D、cloudy
    A、help B、watch C、see D、let
    A、Where B、Why C、What D、When
    A、different B、the same C、similar D、difficult
    A、plane B、truck C、kite D、bird
    A、electricity B、jute C、rain D、storm
    A、admitted B、denied C、disagreed D、agreed
    A、wire B、book C、stone D、key
    A、air B、rain C、cloud D、lightning
    A、next B、first C、second D、last


  • 22.  阅读理解

    Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1452 in the area of Florence, Italy. He did many things. He was a scientist, musician, inventor and mathematician. He was also an architect- he knew how to plan the construction(建筑)of buildings. He knew about animals and plants. He could do many things well. 

    He was famous for his paintings. He painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. They are his most famous paintings. Many people know about them. He started working on the Last Supper in 1495 in Milan. He finished it in 1497. He started working on the Mona Lisa in 1503 in Italy. He finished it in1506. The Mona Lisa is in France now. 

    Da Vinci's paintings are very good. He knew the human being's body very well. He knew how happy or sad people looked. This made his paintings look vivid (栩栩如生的).

    Da Vinci had many ideas for inventions. He drew plans for a plane and a tank(坦克). He had an idea for a calculator(计算器). He also thought of making solar power. Most of his inventions were drawings on paper, and some of these drawings gave us the plan (图纸) for our modern machines. 

    Leonardo died in 1519. 

    (1)、Where can you see the painting the Mona Lisa? 
    A、In Milan. B、In Italy. C、In France. D、In America.
    (2)、What do the second and third paragraphs mainly tell us? 
    A、How to paint a vivid painting. B、The Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. C、How much Da Vinci's paintings are. D、Da Vinci's paintings.
    (3)、Which is TRUE according to the passage? 
    A、Da Vinci started painting the Last Supper in 1497. B、Da Vinci was an inventor and a scientist. C、Da Vinci invented many things including telephones. D、Few of Da Vinci's inventions were drawings.
    (4)、How old was Leonardo when he died? 
    A、67 years old. B、56 years old. C、62 years old. D、59 years old.
    (5)、What does the passage mainly talk about? 
    A、Da Vinci's family. B、Da Vinci's life. C、Da Vinci's inventions. D、Da Vinci's achievement.
  • 23.  阅读理解

    Once upon a time, a king offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. The king received thousands of paintings from many artists. He studied each one carefully and finally decided upon two that he really liked. He now had to choose between them.

    The first was a painting of a beautiful calm lake with clear water. It was surrounded (包围) by green forests and high mountains. Overhead, the sky was blue with clouds.

    The other painting had mountains too, but these mountains were rugged (崎岖的). A huge waterfall fell down one side of the mountain. Above them was an angry sky, lit by lightning (闪电), from which heavy rain fell.

    Most people agreed that the first painting clearly showed a place of perfect peace. However, when the king looked at the second painting more closely, he found a tiny bush(灌木丛) growing behind the waterfall. There, in the small bush, a mother bird had built her nest. In the middle of the rush of angry water, in the wind and the noise, the mother bird sat still on her nest—in perfect peace.

    The king chose the second painting. When being asked why, he said, "Peace does not mean being in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. Peace means being in the middle of all of these things and yet still being able to stay calm and quiet in your heart, and carry on with your life. This is the true meaning for peace."

    (1)、According to the story the first painting gave people a feeling of ____. 
    A、warmth B、anger C、noise D、quietness
    (2)、The second painting of the story expresses peace by ____.
    A、describing B、comparing C、speaking D、watching
    (3)、Which of the following describes the two paintings best? 
    A、The first painting had high mountains, but the second one had small ones. B、It was sunny and the sky was blue with no clouds in the first painting. C、In the second painting, a bird stayed calm in frightening surroundings. D、In the second painting, the mother bird was frightened by the heavy rain.
    (4)、Why did the king choose the second painting? 
    A、Because it showed a new idea of peace. B、Because there was no noise in it. C、Because the artist worked hard on it. D、Because it was close to nature.
    (5)、What can we learn from the story? 
    A、Silence means peace. B、Real peace means fighting against difficult situations. C、Real peace means keeping calm in a wild situation. D、Real peace stays in your heart and in a quiet situation.


  • 24.  Thomas Edison was a great i, and the light bulb was his great invention. 
  • 25.  I opened the door, but there was n in the room. 
  • 26.  P he will come to dinner tonight, but I am not sure.
  • 27. He p to come, but he didn't. And we waited for him for two hours.
  • 28. Do you think h beings are cleverer than animals.
  • 29.  C your homework before you hand it in.
  • 30.  Mr Wu had a t accident yesterday. Now he is in hospital.
  • 31.  He won the first p in the speech competition. His parents were proud of him.
  • 32.  Tom, these candies are for you, and the r are for your brother.
  • 33.  Steven said he would c me to a game of tennis after school. 


  • 34.  Tom在1979年12月20日出生。

    Tom   on December 20th 1979.

  • 35.  这种生物几百万年前已经灭绝了。

    This kind of living things     years ago.

  • 36.  吃太多的糖会导致健康问题。

    Eating too much sugar can   health problems.

  • 37.  刚刚我和妈妈去公园散步了。

        with mum in the park just now.

  • 38.  Lily每天都有很多工作要做,就和蜜蜂样忙碌。

    Lily has a lot of work to do every day. She is    a bee.

  • 39.  国庆节要来啦。一些人计划去旅行,另一些人更想呆在家里休息。

    National Day is coming.  people plan to go traveling,  prefer to stay at home and have a rest.

  • 40.  他很努力的学习,以便能赶上他的同学们。

    He studies very hard   he can catch up with his classmates.

  • 41.  中国有许多大城市,比如北京,上海,广州等等。

    There are many large cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou   .

  • 42.  昨天他们学校向我们发起下棋挑战。

    Their school    a  game yesterday.

  • 43.  我可以教你如何学习英语,如果你保证听从我的建议。

    I can teach you how to learn English, if you  to   .