牛津译林版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Know yourself易错句型专项突破

试卷更新日期:2023-08-01 类型:同步测试

一、 单选题

  • 1. ________ is a kind of exercise.
    A、To run B、Run C、Running D、Ran
  • 2. _______Li Ping_______Wu Fang_______League members.
    A、Neither, no, are B、Either, nor, is C、Both, and, are D、Neither, or, is
  • 3. — Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice, Amy.

    — _________. That's what friends are for.

    A、My pleasure B、With pleasure C、Never mind D、It's nice of you
  • 4. — Mike, please turn down the music; ___ Lucy ____ Lily are sleeping.

    — Sorry, I'll do it right away.

    A、neither, nor B、either, or C、both, and D、not only, but also
  • 5. He has devoted all his life________some research on the environmental protection.
    A、doing B、to do C、did D、to doing
  • 6. "Do you mind if I sit here?""________. It's for Mr. Brown. "
    A、Not at all B、Never mind      C、Better not D、Of course not
  • 7. Neither my sister nor I ___________ been to America before.

    A、have ever B、have never C、has ever D、has never
  • 8. _______Wei Hua_______Ann_______very busy.
    A、Both, and, is B、So, and, is C、Either, or, is D、So, that, are
  • 9. She is a shy girl. It's terrible________her to speak in public.
    A、of B、about C、to D、for
  • 10. It is necessary________you________English as often as you can.
    A、for, to read B、of, to read C、to, to reading D、of, reading
  • 11. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is________to be a writer.
    A、enough creative B、creative enough      C、energetic enough D、enough energetic
  • 12. —________ do you go shopping?

    —Once a week.

    A、How much B、When      C、How many times D、How often
  • 13. She said that he________promised to buy a new car for her.
    A、as soon as B、as important as C、as fast as D、as good as
  • 14. — I know smoking is bad for my health, ________ I just can't give it up.

    — It is easier said than done.

    A、for B、or C、but D、so
  • 15. It's his brother ________ never been to Australia. You'd better take him with you.

    A、that is B、who is C、that have D、who has
  • 16. —People born under the same animal sign always have similar personalities.

    —________ I think that's just a coincidence(巧合).

    A、Yes,I agree with you.        B、That's true.        C、I'm afraid I can't agree.        D、You are right in some ways.

二、 语法填空

  • 17. She has devoted most of her time to(save) patients in the hospital.
  • 18. He has learnt to get himself (organize)by using computers.
  • 19. Tourists should pay attention to (protect)the environment while enjoying their journey.
  • 20. It is (say)that there will be a monthly exam after the National Day holiday.
  • 21. There were thirty people in the classroom,(include)the teacher.

三、 翻译

  • 22.  他把一生都投入到环保中了。

    He  protection. 

  • 23.  越来越多的公司正在重视提高他们的产品质量。

     the quality of their products. 

  • 24.  她已经足够大了,可以自己做决定。 

    She is old  make her own decisions. 

  • 25.  上星期六,汤姆和玛丽都没有和我们一起去看电影。

     Tom  Mary went to see the film with us last Saturday. 

  • 26.  快点!否则你将落在别人的后面。 

    Come on! Or you will  others. 

  • 27. 我认为这主意不错,但她不同意。

    I thought it was a good idea, but she didn't .

  • 28. 我们推荐丹尼尔是因为他能使所有东西保持井然有序。

    We recommend Daniel because he can everything .

  • 29. 日本在汽车生产中居首位。

    Japan has in car production.

  • 30. 好学生会把他在书本里读到的东西与他在周围所看到的事物联系起来。

    A good student will what he reads from books what he sees around him.

  • 31. 对待重要的事情,我们必须三思而后行。

    We must something important.

  • 32.  我们不仅要三思而行,而且还要接受别人好的建议。

    We shouldbut also

  • 33.  在某些方面,我依赖于自己。

    In, Imyself. 

  • 34.  这个女孩既不喜欢唱歌也不喜欢跳舞,但她偏爱画画。

    The girl enjoys, but she prefers to draw pictures. 

  • 35. — Let's do exercise.

     — (我完全赞同).

  • 36. 你介意再给我解释一遍这个要点吗?

    Would you mind the key point me again?

  • 37. 他以他极具创造力的作品给整个国家留下了深刻的印象.

    He the whole country his work.

  • 38. 他和我都不擅长踢足球.

    he I am good at playing football.

  • 39. 作为教师,教学中她承担不起任何错误,所以她的工作要达到高标准。

    As a teacher, she , so she must .

四、 书面表达

  • 40.  假设你叫李明,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张航。请根据表格内容,写一封80词左右的推荐信给王老师。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。                                                                                                                      









    Dear Mr. Wang, 

    I'm writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor. 

    I hope you can consider my recommendation. 

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Ming