
试卷更新日期:2023-08-01 类型:开学考试

一、 单项选择

  • 1. I often do volunteer work in the library ______ Sundays.
    A、at B、in C、on D、for
  • 2. We must clean up __________ classroom before going home.
    A、we B、us C、our D、ours
  • 3. I can't keep up with him, he runs____ than me.
    A、much faster B、even worse C、less carefully D、more carefully
  • 4. Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us ________ he hates going shopping.
    A、because B、so C、though D、if
  • 5.  In our school every student has to choose a club to join, so about one ____ students have joined the Sports Club. 
    A、hundred of B、hundreds of C、hundred D、hundreds
  • 6. —Whose is this toy truck? 

    —It ____ belong to Dick.  He was the only little kid at the picnic. 

    A、can't B、must C、could D、need
  • 7. Linda spoke too quietly. I could ________ hear her at the back.
    A、always B、ever C、hardly D、usually
  • 8. The chief engineer announced that they ________ a space lab on the space station around the end of 2022.
    A、have built B、had built C、will build D、would build
  • 9.  While Sally ____ the housework, her mother came back from work. 
    A、are doing B、was doing C、did D、had done
  • 10. A lot of birds ______ in nature parks every year.
    A、protect B、is protected C、are protected D、protected

二、 完形填空

  • 11. 完形填空

    Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of the people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some points in their lives.  Why are people 1 ?

    It is found that family size might 2  people to be shy.  Kids with no 3  or sisters may be shy.  Growing up alone, they often play by themselves.  They are not able to 4  the same social skills as kids from big families. 

    Another cause of shyness might be 5 .  As more and more people use the Internet, they 6  less time outside.  As a result, they lose chances to communicate with others. 7  to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.  

    For shy people, it can be 8  to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job.  But scientists say you can overcome your shyness.  They suggest trying 9  things and practicing more conversations.  

    Anyway, don't be 10  of shyness——you are valued for what you are!

    A、interested B、bored C、shy D、brave
    A、want B、cause C、teach D、let
    A、teachers B、friends C、classmates D、brothers
    A、stand B、invent C、buy D、develop
    A、praise B、decision C、technology D、dream
    A、design B、spend C、collect D、save
    A、Nodding B、Running C、Speaking D、Jumping
    A、easy B、safe C、dangerous D、difficult
    A、new B、private C、wrong D、heavy
    A、afraid B、fond C、proud D、full

三、 阅读理解

  • 12. 阅读理解                                                                                                             



    Monday to Saturday··························10:00 a. m.  to 5:00 p. m. 

    Sunday···········································Noon to 5:00 p. m. 

    Closed on January 1, July 4, Thanksgiving Day, December 24 & 25. 


    Adults·············································$9. 00

    Elders (65+)······································$8. 00

    Children (3 to 18) & Students·················$5. 00

    Children under 3·································Free

    Viewing restrictions

    Some halls may be closed to the public on weekday mornings for school programs. 

    Museum store

    It has many special items, handbags, books, educational toys and gifts from around the world. 

    Tel (203) 432-3740


    Members have the right to get a discount in the museum store, and other special services. 

    Tel (203) 432-5426

    Volunteer office

    Join our volunteer group!

    Tel (203) 432-3731

    Public education

    More than 100 events are waiting for you!

    Tel (203) 432-3775

    (1)、How much should a 14-year-old boy pay to visit the museum?
    A、$5. 00. B、$8. 00. C、$9. 00. D、$13. 00.
    (2)、To know more about public education, which number should you call?
    A、(203) 432-3740. B、(203) 432-5426. C、(203) 432-3731. D、(203) 432-3775.
    (3)、Where is the passage most likely from?
    A、A diary. B、A guidebook. C、A novel. D、A report.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Have you ever watched a show about the wild? A shark (鲨鱼) eats a seal! Lions run down a gazelle! Is all nature like that? All about eating and blood? Or is that just what keeps our eyes glued to the TV screen? Let's look at sonic living things who work with each other instead of ripping each other apart.

    When a lion kills a gazelle, it wants to eat as much as it can and maybe share the rest with its family. There are some living things that will take small pieces of another living thing's body. Parasitism is when one living thing gets its energy from another living thing, does not give anything back, and hurts the thing it's taking things from.

    Now let's get a little nicer. Sometimes a living thing will live off the body of another living thing without hurting it. They do not steal anything. They do not bite. Commensalism is when two living things live together and one gets good things out of it while the other is not hurt by it. Have you seen a picture of a whale (鲸) with rocky white things stuck to its skin? Those are barnacles(藤壶). They attach themselves to the whale, so nothing will try to eat them and they can eat things that float by.

    Now let's get really nice. While sharks are biting and lions are fighting, are there any animals that just get along? Yes! Actually, there are many. Mutualism is when two living things work together and both get good things out of it. Bees and flowers are the most common example. Without flowers, bees could not make honey. Without bees, flowers could not make new seeds. It's win-win for these two. There are lots of animals that get along. Birds will live on the backs of zebras and eat the ticks that are drinking the zebra's blood. The bird gets food. The zebra gets its ticks taken away. In some of these cases, one animal could not live without the other.

    We use the word "Symbiotic (共生的)" for all of these kinds of relationships. Sometimes it's good for one and bad for the other. Sometimes it's just good for one. Sometimes it's even good for both. So, it is nice to know that there are some living things out there that are finding ways to live together. We could pay attention to the animals that do not always make it on TV.

    (1)、The writer mentioned a TV show about the wild in Paragraph 1 to ____. 
    A、tell a story B、solve a mystery C、Introduce a subject D、discuss a programme
    (2)、Which of the following best describes the relationship between bees and flowers?
    A、Neighbours. B、Friends. C、Strangers. D、Partners.
    (3)、How does the writer develop the passage?
    A、By showing pictures. B、By giving examples. C、By presenting reasons. D、By drawing conclusions.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Want to enjoy some exercise at home? Here are some online fitness live courses for you!


    Build strong bodies in a fantastic way!

    Shuttlecock exercise does not require equipment(装备) and is perfect for people to perform at home.  Liu Genghong helps you to keep going until the last minute, and you can burn your fat fast. 

    Time: 7 p. m. —8:30 p. m.  on weekdays

    9 a. m. —10:30 a. m.  at weekends


    Have fun and get fit!

    Do you love dancing and parties? Well, Latin dance is for you—it mixes great music and dancing with hard exercise (burn 1, 000 calories an hour).  Karen is an experienced Latin dance trainer and many people like her classes very much. 

    Time: 2 p. m. —4 p. m.  on weekdays

    9 a. m. —11 a. m.  at weekends


    Exercise your body and mind!

    Sara's yoga classes are perfect for people who want to improve their strength and shape their bodies. Sara has trained in several different styles of yoga.

    Time:3 p. m. —4 p. m.  every Monday and Wednesday for beginners

    4 p. m. —5 p. m.  every Tuesday and Thursday for experienced learners


    Have a lot of fun on a bike!

    Spin classes are a safe and effective way to work out—it doesn't matter how old you are or how fit you are. John is an excellent spin trainer who'll inspire you to do your best in every class.

    Time: 7 p. m. —8 p. m.  every day

    (1)、If Mike is busy with his work and he only has free time after 5 p. m.  at weekends, he can go to ____. 
    A、Latin Dance B、Shuttlecock exercise C、Spin class D、Yoga class
    (2)、If Susan likes dancing and doesn't mind hard exercise, whose course can she take?
    A、Liu Genghong's. B、Karen's. C、John's. D、Sara's.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?
    A、Spin classes are only fit for young people. B、Karen's Latin dance classes are liked by few people. C、Yoga classes on Tuesday are suitable for the beginners. D、Shuttlecock exercise can help people lose weight quickly.
    (4)、Where is the material probably taken from?
    A、A tour guide. B、A sports website. C、A news report. D、A fashion magazine.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Everyone needs help sometimes. People depend on one another. That's why communities have special people ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.

    For example, what would we do without a community fire station? If a home catches on fire, as the Jackson place did last week, it might be burned down and people get hurt…or worse. We're so lucky to have firemen to come to save people and put out the fire, safely. If the fire station hadn't come so fast, the Jacksons might have lost everything.

     And what about our local police who protect our families, our homes and valuable things? The police have helped so many families this past year, especially saving people and pets and protecting our houses and other things after the heavy rains.

    Think about all the other service workers we have in this community, We have people who collect waste and rubbish and keep our community sanitary, We have road workers who put up and repair traffic signs and fix holes in the streets to protect not just us, but our cars! And where would this community be without the teachers in our school and the doctors, and nurses in our community hospitals?

    Think again about what we eat every day; think again about what we wear every day. We cannot produce them, but we use them all the time. We get a lot from all these tireless workers who keep our community running. We need these people in the community. We depend on each other. Let's support each other and help each other. Only in this way can we make our community a better place.

    (1)、What happened to the Jacksons last week?
    A、Their pets were lost. B、Their car was badly burnt. C、Their house caught on fire. D、Their valuable things were stolen.
    (2)、Who offered help to families after the heavy rains?
    A、Firemen B、Doctors C、Road workers D、Local police
    (3)、What does the underlined word "sanitary" mean?
    A、Clean B、Safe C、Quiet D、Busy
    (4)、Which question could best help us find out the writer's purpose?
    A、Did the writer make us laugh? B、Did the writer want us to do something? C、Did the writer tell us about how to become a teacher? D、Did the writer teach us what to do when a fire breaks out?
    (5)、What is the best title for the passage?
    A、Policemen Save People's Lives B、People Depend on Each Other. C、Service Workers Do Important Jobs D、Workers Keep Community Running


  • 16. 任务型阅读

    We're thrown into a social situation, and everyone has his worries. Have you ever met any problems at school?Have you ever got in trouble with your teacher? Are you popular in your class?

    What can you do if you don't feel popular?

    Try to take part in activities.  Call your friends.  Plan to do something.  The worst feeling comes from staying at home alone because it makes you feel even more lonely. 

    Try to make new friends.  Choose friends carefully.  And remember, making good friends takes time.  Choosing a popular person to be your friend is okay, if they are nice.  

    Be yourself. If you want to become friends with someone who's popular, don't make yourself into someone you are not just to impress(使留下深刻印象) that person.

    Be nice. Be friendly. Be outgoing. But don't overdo it! Talk to trusted friends if you are feeling really bad. Or you might want to write it down in a diary.

    Do something special for yourself You could take pictures of your friends, or collect their school pictures, and make a collage(拼贴画)to hang on your wall.  This will remind you, when you are feeling unpopular, that you really do have friends. 

    Think up your own ideas.  These suggestions(建议)might not work for everyone. 

    (1)、 Staying at home alone makes you feel even 
    (2)、You should  carefully when you make new friends. 
    (3)、Why does the writer suggest thinking up your own ideas?


  • 17. 语法填空

    Ed, William and Dan are three young men who love music. They've left their comfortable homes without taking any (money) or mobile phones. They plan (walk) around the whole Britain, singing for dinner and sleeping anywhere like fields.

    Ed and Dan met William when they were at school. They all liked walking. they finished school, Ed went to study art in Paris and became artist. Dan became a gardener and William a bookseller. They were still friends, they weren't very happy with their lives.

    One day they said, "Why don't we start walking?" And so they did.

    They love simple activities  the busy, stressful world.  

    "People often ask (we) why we're doing this. But you know it's a great life and we're learning so much on our journey," says William (proud).

    Last year they started a website to tell people a lot of stories about their walks. This year they'd like to make videos and tell (many) stories. Next year, they (make) CD of their songs and star charity. The future looks good.



  • 23. 我们的生命中每时每刻都充满了感动,可能是失落时亲人的一句暖心的话语,可能是沮丧时朋友的一个无声的举动,可能是压力大时老师鼓励的眼神……请以 "A Touching Moment in My Life" 为题写一篇英文短文,描述生活中让你感动的瞬间。

    (1)What happened to you?
    (2)Why did it make you moved?
    (3). . . . . . 


    A Touching Moment in My Life

    Here is a touching moment in my life that I will never forget.