人教版(PEP)四年级上册英语Unit1 My classroom培优练

试卷更新日期:2023-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 看图,将所给字母重新组合,写出正确的单词。
    (1)、 coolamssr
    (2)、 dbalckbaor
    (3)、 ltigh
    (4)、 ictpure
    (5)、 pomcture



  • 7. 用数字给下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。

    She's my best friend, Lisa We often go to school together.

    We usually go to school at 8:00.

    At half past twelve. And we go back home at five o'clock.

    Who's that girl in a purple dress?

    Rally? What time do you usually go to school?

    What time do you usually have lunch?


  • 8. 选词填空,补全短文。

    We have a new (A. bedroom B. classroom). It's big and nice. The doors (A. is B. are) orange. The walls are blue. Amy's picture is near the window. The computer is on the (A. teacher B. teacher's) desk. The blackboard is on the (A. floor B. wall). We all love our new classroom. Let's (A. clean B. cleans) it every day!


  • 9. 读—读,选择正确的答语。

    ⑴Where is my bag?   

    ⑵Put up the picture.   

    ⑶What's in the picture?   

    ⑷We have a new classroom.   

    ⑸What colour is the wall?   

    A. Really? Let's go and see.

    B. It's white.

    C. OK.

    D. A table and a light.

    E. It's on the floor.


  • 10. 选内容补全对话/短文

    A. Let me clean the blackboard.

    B. What's in the classroom?

    C. Good idea!

    D. Let's clean the classroom.

    E. Let me clean the floor.


    Sarah: Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom.

    Zhang Peng: Really?

    Sarah: Let's go and see.

    Zhang Peng:


    Zhang Peng: Wow! It's so big.

    Sarah: Yes. But it's not clean.

    Zhang Peng:

    Sarah: OK!

    Zhang Peng: I'm tall.


    Miss White: You are great!


  • 11. 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。

    John: Look, Mike! This is my new classroom. 

    Mike: It's so big! And it's nice, too. There are many desks and chairs in it. 

    John: This is the teacher's the teacher's desk. Look! The computer is on the teacher's desk 

    Mike: What's that near the door. 

    John: My picture. How many lights do you see?

    Mike: I see eight lights. And I see six fans. 

    John: Oh, the blackboard is too dirty(脏的)

    Mike: Let me clean it. 

    John: OK. 

    (1)、—Where is the teacher's computer?

    —It's ____.

    A、on the chair B、on the teacher's desk C、near the door
    (2)、What's that near the door?
    A、John's picture. B、Mike's picture. C、John's computer.
    (3)、How many lights are there in the classroom?
    A、Four. B、Six. C、Eight.
    (4)、Who cleans the blackboard?
    A、Their teacher. B、Mike. C、John.
    (5)、Can you see six fans in the classroom?
    A、Yes, I can. B、No, I can't. C、Yes, they are.
  • 12. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。

    We have a new classroom this term. Look! It's small but clean. You can see six lights in it. They are white. Are the fans white? No, they are green. The desks and chairs are yellow. Can you see the blackboard? Yes, it's near the teacher's desk. What's on the teacher's desk? A computer. What's on the wall? Eight pictures. Where is my desk? It's near the window.

    (1)、My classroom is big and clean.
    (2)、You can see six lights in my classroom.
    (3)、The desks and chairs are green.
    (4)、The blackboard is near the teacher's desk.
    (5)、My desk is near the door.