牛津版(深圳·广州)九上Module 1 Unit 1 单词基础练

试卷更新日期:2023-07-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Have you read today's newspaper?

    —No, I haven't. Is there ________ in it?

    A、something important B、anything special C、new anything D、important something
  • 2. — Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory?

     —No, I think we need _______ students.

    A、another B、two others C、more two D、two more
  • 3. Pudong International Airport is one of ________ airports in the world.
    A、big B、bigger C、biggest D、the biggest
  • 4. The two cities have reached an ______to develop science and technology(技术).
    A、education B、excitement C、agreement D、invention
  • 5. When you have difficulty,do remember to _____. Two heads are better than one.
    A、make a decision B、give up C、ask for help D、give advice



  • 16. 从方框中选择适当的词组完成下列句子。如有必要, 须改变词组的形式, 每个词组仅使用一次。

    make for   be made of    run over    go straight to   when to start  

    (1)、My mother a cake me on my birthday and it was really tasty.

    (2)、I forgot to switch off the tap this morning. Water and poured around the flat.

    (3)、Could you tell me the meeting?

    (4)、Shall we the hotel by taxi? I'm really tired and can't walk any more.

    (5)、This dress silk. It feels very smooth.


  • 17. 我对你的答案很满意。

    I    your answer.

  • 18. 他被国王关进了监狱。

    He     by the king.

  • 19. 厨房充满烟,去查一查。

    The kitchen    smoke. Go and check it!

  • 20. 我不知道如何解决这个问题。

    I don't know    the problem.

  • 21. 正在写新单词的那个女孩是我妹妹。

    The girl Is writing new words is my younger sister.

  • 22. This problem seems difficult to solve.

    that this problem difficult to solve.

  • 23. What a bad man he is!

    the man is!

  • 24. He was very happy with it.

    He was very with it.

  • 25. 那就是我们上次迟到的原因。

    That we were late last time.

  • 26. 不要向杯子里倒茶了。茶水溢出来了。

    Don't fill the cup with tea. It .