人教版三年级上册英语Unit 2 Colours Part C一课一练

试卷更新日期:2023-07-28 类型:同步测试



  • 2. 选出每组中不同类的一项。
    A、black B、pencil C、blue
    A、dog B、cat C、orange
    A、Green B、yellow C、White
    A、mum B、morning C、afternoon
    A、red B、it C、I


  • 3. _____ Mike.
    A、I B、This is
  • 4. Show ___white.
    A、me B、I
  • 5. Stand ____, Chen Jie.
    A、down B、up
  • 6. Nice ____ you, Sarah.
    A、meet B、to meet
  • 7. Turn _____, John.
    A、around B、ground
  • 8. —Nice to meet you.         


    A、Goodbye. B、Nice to meet you, too. C、OK.
  • 9. 中国国旗的颜色是___________。      
    A、red and yellow B、red and blue C、green and white
  • 10. —This is Mr Jake.      


    A、What's your name? B、Fine, thank you. C、Nice to meet you.
  • 11. —I like white.     


    A、OK. B、I'm fine, thank you. C、Me, too.
  • 12. 假如你想看看别人的钢笔,你可以说:____
    A、I have a pen. B、Show me your pen. C、I have a red pen.


  • 13. 给下列句子选择合适的答语

    A. OK!

    B. Hi, Zoom!

    C. Good afternoon.

    D. Nice to meet you, too.

    E. Nice to meet you.

    (1)、—Hello, Zip.

    (2)、—Nice to meet you.

    (3)、—Colour it yellow.

    (4)、—Good afternoon, Mike.

    (5)、—This is Mr. Green.