
试卷更新日期:2023-07-25 类型:期中考试

一、单项选择,从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。(15 分)

  • 1. I can play ________ drums but I can't dance well.
    A、/ B、a C、an D、the
  • 2. There ________ a lot of trees and flowers in the park.
    A、is B、are C、am D、be
  • 3. The library is____________ the hospital ____________ the store.
    A、from: to. B、from: and C、between: to D、between: and
  • 4.  —Can she sing well?

    —Yes, she is good at____. 

    A、sing B、sings C、singing D、to sing
  • 5. —David, when do you go to school?

    —I usually leave home at a quarter _____eight because school starts at 8:10.

    A、to B、past C、at D、for
  • 6.  He wants to buy some tea in the ____. 
    A、zoo B、club C、supermarket D、hospital
  • 7. —         is the weather like today?

    —It is sunny.

    A、What B、Why C、How D、Where
  • 8. The elephants are in great ____________. We must save them.
    A、fun B、danger C、time D、interest
  • 9. One __________boy, Tongtong, crosses the river to school every day.
    A、11 year old B、11 years old    C、11-years-old D、11-year-old
  • 10. —______do you live from your school?
    —Ten minutes' walk.
    A、How soon B、How long C、How often D、How far
  • 11. Look!Who ________ Ben Cao Gang Mu over there?Is that our P. E. teacher?
    A、dances B、is dancing C、dance D、to dance
  • 12. —How can we say "6:20" in English?


    A、Twenty to six B、Half past six   C、Twenty to seven D、Twenty past six
  • 13. Jim lives in his ____________ house. They like him very much.
    A、grandparent B、grandparents C、grandparent's D、grandparents'
  • 14. Look, Tom__________his mother____________housework.
    A、is helping , with B、helps , with     C、helps, on D、is helping, on
  • 15. Lily is flying to France. Soon she will arrive ____ Paris ____ the morning of July 9th.
    A、at; in B、in; on C、in; in D、on; on
  • 16. It usually takes me two minutes ________ PCR testing(核酸检测).
    A、do B、to do C、doing D、did
  • 17. —Do you want to play volleyball with us?


    A、No, I can't. B、Yes, I can.       C、Great! I'd love to. D、You're welcome.
  • 18. Ryan is too tired(疲劳的) because he does ____________ homework today.
    A、too many B、too much C、many too D、much too
  • 19. Some of the school rules may be strict, but as students, we must_________them.
    A、relax B、fight C、make D、follow
  • 20. My mother always _____me to ____"hello "to others.
    A、tells, say B、speaks , tell    C、talks , tell D、tells, speak


  • 21. 补全对话

    A:Hello?This is Amy speaking.

    B:Hi, Amy. It's Linda.

    A:Guess what?There are some new animals in the City Zoo.


    A:Pandas, koalas and giraffes.

    B:Wow, I really can't wait(等待)to see them.


    B:Sounds like a good idea.

    A:We can get there by subway. It will save us a lot of time.


    A:Is 13:00 OK with you?


    A:I want to see pandas first. I really love them.

    B:OK!See you at 13:00.

    A. How can we get there?

    B. Why do you want to see pandas first?

    C. What are they?

    D. What do you want to see first?

    E. Let's go there this afternoon.

    F. When do we meet at the subway station?


  • 22. 完形填空

    Sally is my mother's sister. She is my 1. She is a teacher and she works in a2. She is a good teacher. She  3 English in the school. Now let me tell you about her 4  life. She gets up at 6:30 in the morning. First she 5. That makes her healthy. 6 she takes a shower at 7:00. At 7:20, she eats  7. She usually eats quickly, 8  she doesn't have much time for breakfast. 9breakfast she goes to work at 7:40. She eats lunch at 12:00. She  10 chicken for lunch. She thinks it  11  nice. She goes12  at about 5:30 in the afternoon. At about 6:30 she eats dinner at home with her  13. She likes her children. She has 14  children, two daughters and a son. She often  15 them stories after dinner. She goes to bed at 10:00 in the evening.

    A、aunt B、friend C、sister D、cousin
    A、library B、station C、school D、club
    A、teaches B、has C、joins D、writes
    A、every day B、everyday C、school D、happy
    A、plays B、sings C、dresses D、runs
    A、Really B、After C、Also D、Then
    A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner D、food
    A、so B、because C、but D、and
    A、For B、After C、With D、From
    A、plays B、sells C、likes D、talks
    A、looks B、sounds C、sells D、tastes
    A、to school B、to the library C、home D、to the club
    A、friends B、students C、parents D、family
    A、two B、three C、four D、five
    A、tells B、asks C、says D、talks


  • 23. 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案.

    The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It usually comes in January or February. Several days before it comes. people begin to make preparations. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruit and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food dumplings. It means :coming together.

    On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve (除夕), all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance, some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year.

    They all  have a good time.

    (1)、The most important festival in China is     .
    A、the Mid-autumn Festival B、the Spring Festival C、the Water Festival D、the Dragon Boat Festival
    (2)、The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in     .
    A、January or February B、February or March C、September or October D、December or January
    (3)、The special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China is     .
    A、pork B、fish C、dumplings D、noodles
    (4)、The food "dumplings" means "     ".
    A、being delicious B、being hungry C、coming together D、coming back
    (5)、The Chinese     when they are having dinner on the festival Eve.
    A、sing dance and play cards B、buy each other presents C、never drinks D、give each other the best wishes
  • 24. 根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正误

    In Britain, cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the street. If a person wants to cross a street, he must be very careful. Before he crosses a street, he has to stop and look to the right first and then the left. While in China, we look to the left instead:When visitors are in London;they should learn how to take buses and subways. The most important of all, they must know in which direction(方向 )they are going and which bus and which subway they should take. At the bus stop they should wait for their buses to come. As soon as they get on a bus, they must pay for their tickets(票).

    (1)、In England, people go along the left side of the street and we do the same in China.
    (2)、When they want to cross a street, people in England do not look to the left first 
    (3)、Visitors in London should learn to drive buses.
    (4)、When they take a bus in England, visitors must know in which direction they are going.
    (5)、After they get on a bus, visitors don't have to pay for their tickets.
  • 25. 阅读理解

    I'm Maliya. I am American. I study at Shanghai International School now. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and then I take a shower. I go to school at 7:30. We have the first class at 8:10 in the morning. At 12:00 I eat lunch at school. Hamburgers are my favorite food. We finish school at 3:30 in the afternoon. After school, I either go to the library or play tennis with my friends. I never watch TV on school days. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening.

    Mike is my father. He gets up early every day, at about 5:30. And then he runs for half an hour. After a quick breakfast, he goes to work. He works on the computer at home. He usually works until(直到)about 12:00, He always has a big lunch. After lunch, he continues(继续) to work on the computer until about 6:00. In the evening, he always takes a walk after dinner.

    (1)、Maliya       at seven thirty.
    A、gets up B、takes a shower C、goes to school D、has her first class
    (2)、Where does Maliya eat lunch?      
    A、At home. . B、At school. C、At her friend's home. D、At her grandma' s home.
    (3)、Maliya never        on school days.
    A、watches TV B、plays tennis C、eats hamburgers D、goes to the library
    (4)、It's about        in the morning after Mike finishes running.
    A、5:30 B、6:00 C、6:30 D、7:00
    (5)、Mike always       after dinner.
    A、works on the computer B、plays basketball C、reads in bed D、takes a walk
  • 26. 根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。

    There are trains to carry people, animals or things. There are fast trains and slow ones. Some trains go through hills (穿越山洞). In big cities, like Beijing or Shanghai, the streets are usually very busy. So you can find trains under the ground (地下). People call them subways. They carry people quickly in and out of the city. Can a train run over rivers?Yes, it can. There are many bridges over the rivers. But it is not easy to build(建造)the bridges. Today's trains have dining rooms for people. You may eat something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are useful to men, women and children. Many children have model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails (轨道) and enjoy the wonderful trains.

    (1)、This passage is about      .
    A、planes B、buses C、cars D、trains
    (2)、People take the subway in big cities because      .
    A、the streets are busy B、the cities are big C、the trains run slowly D、the cities are too small
    (3)、You can eat something in      of the train when you are hungry.
    A、some rooms B、some shops C、the dining rooms D、the station
    (4)、According to the article, it's      to build bridges over the rivers.
    A、relaxing B、difficult C、easy D、interesting
    (5)、Which sentence is NOT TRUE?      
    A、There are many kinds of trains. B、Trains can go through the hills. C、Trains can run over water. D、Children can make trains.
  • 27. 根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。

    Bob has a dream about a bike. He often watches it on TV and in newspapers. "I have to make some money for it, " says Bob. And he has a good idea.

    On Saturday, Bob goes door to door and asks people if they need dog walking. His friend Jack comes and wants to help him. But Bob says, "I can do it myself. I need to make money for my new bike. " says Bob.

    On Sunday. Bob picks up all the dogs. They jump and run here and there. It's a difficult job for the little boy. Soon he is exhausted so he sits there and doesn't want to do anything. Jack runs to Bob. "Do you want some help now?" Bob gives Jack some dogs to walk. When the boys finish walking the dogs, the dog owners (主人) give them some money. Jack gives his money to Bob. "This is for your new bike. We hope you can get your dream bike. "

    Bob is so moved (感动的). He deeply understands the meaning of true friends.

    (1)、What does Bob want to buy?      
    A、A TV. B、A bike. C、A dog. D、A newspaper.
    (2)、What does Bob want to do to get some money?      
    A、Walking dogs. B、Cleaning rooms. C、Selling newspapers. D、Helping friends.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "exhausted" in Paragraph 3 means       .
    A、感兴趣的 B、兴奋的 C、疲惫的 D、感动的
    (4)、Which is the right order of the following things?

    ①Bob goes door to door.

    ②Bob refuses (拒绝) his friend help.

    ③Bob picks up all the dogs.

    ④Bob wants to make some money.

    A、①②①③ B、④①②③ C、④③①② D、①③②①
    (5)、What does Bob deeply understand in the story?
    A、True friends always help. B、Money is important. C、Making money is easy. D、Having a bike is a dream.
  • 28. 任务型阅读

    Here is a club, its name is the Care Club. You can see a group of children in the club on weekends. Parents, teachers and other people work with them in the club in their free time. The children there can do many things.

    The children can go to the old people's home. There are many old people there. The children can talk to them and play games with them. The children can sing and dance with them. The old people will tell stories to the children. The old people are very happy to see them. At the same time, they can learn a lot from the old people, too.

    The children can help other kids. They can make cards and gifts for sick kids in hospital. They can collect (收集) clothes and shoes, and send them to poor kids. If you want to join the club to help others, maybe your parents or teachers can help.

    (1)、What's the name of the club?
    (2)、Can you see some children in the club?
    (3)、How are the old people to see the children?
    (4)、What can the children do for the sick kids in hospital?
    (5)、Why some children want to join the club?


  • 29. 语法填空

    After staying in space (太空) for 183 days, Shenzhou-13 comes back to the earth  April 16th. It is  piece of big news for all Chinese people. On the space station, the three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, do many  (interest) things. They even give classes to  (student) on the earth. By  (watch) two Tiangong classes on TV, we know how they live and work on the space station. Space life is busy but not boring  they can do exercise and watch movies to relax. They can also make video (视频) calls when they miss  (they) family. Zhai Zhigang is the  (one) to come out of the re-entry module (返回舱) after they come back to the earth. The daughter of Wang Yaping, the mother picking stars, runs  (quick) to her mother. I am so moved. We believe China's space dream can come one day!


  • 30. 根据下列提示,"My good friend"为题写一篇80词左右的短文,以可适当拓展。

    1. Mary是你的好朋友,来自于非洲 。
    2. 她每天6点半起床,乘19路公共汽车上学 她从来不迟到。
    3. 她爱运动,聪明,乐于助人。
    4. 现在是晚上8点,她们一家人都在家做不同的事情,她正在帮助妈妈洗餐具 。