
试卷更新日期:2023-07-25 类型:期末考试


  • 1. It was      yesterday. It      heavily.
    A、rainy, rained B、rained, rained C、rainy, raining
  • 2. I      a film next Sunday.
    A、watched B、am watching C、am going to watch
  • 3. To cross the road     , you      cross it when there is a red man.
    A、safely, mustn't B、safety, mustn't C、safe, must
  • 4. We use water      clothes everyday.
    A、wash B、to wash C、washing
  • 5. There      any mangoes in the fridge now. But there      some mango juice.
    A、are, isn't B、aren't, are C、aren't, is
  • 6.     ! The lion      food over there.
    A、Look out, is looking for B、Look out of, look out for C、Look for, looking after
  • 7. Mike had a headache yesterday.      mother took care of      at home.
    A、He, he B、Him, his C、His, him
  • 8. In a healthy diet, we should eat      vegetables and fruit.
    A、a few B、a little C、a lot of
  • 9. Miss Li is visiting Yellowstone National Park, so she is in      now.
    A、the UK B、the USA C、Canada
  • 10. The boy opened his mouth and shouted in the house just now. 下面划线部分字母组合发音,哪一个与所给例词发音不相同,找出答案。
    A、about B、country C、out


  • 11.

    A. Reading is fun.

    B. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful.

    C. Do you have a healthy diet?

    D. I get up early and never go to bed late.

    E. Do you want to be a cook?

    T: Andy, you do well in your study.

    Would you like to share some good ideas?

    S: Well. First, I have some good habits.

    T: Good. Do you read books everyday?

    S: Of course. I read books for two hours everyday.


    S: Yes. A healthy diet is very important for us.


    S: No. I like dancing. I want to be a dancer.

    T: Great. Thank you. I want to see your dream come true.


  • 12. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。

    A wolf and a fox wanted to eat a rabbit, but it wasn't easy for them to catch him. One day, the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and lie (躺) in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. When he comes to your house, you can jump up and catch him." "That's a good idea, "said the fox. Then the fox went home. The wolf went to the rabbit's home and told the rabbit that the fox was dead.

    The rabbit went to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and saw the fox. The fox stayed in bed and closed his eyes. He didn't know whether (是否) the fox was dead, so he said, "The fox doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." When the fox heard this, he opened his mouth. Then the rabbit ran quickly.

    (1)、It was difficult for the wolf and the fox to catch the rabbit.
    (2)、The rabbit didn't go to the fox's house.
    (3)、The fox was dead in the story.
    (4)、The wolf caught the rabbit.
    (5)、The rabbit was clever.
  • 13. 阅读海报,判断下列句子是否正确。

    Chinese New Year Celebration (庆祝)

    Piano concert (音乐会)

    Jan.20th AM 10:00

    Music room

    Welcome to enjoy the beautiful

    Chinese music.

    Spring fashion show

    Jan. 20th PM 7:00

    School Hall (礼堂)

    Can you reuse paper or plastic to

    make pretty clothes?

    Come and show.

    School singer PK show

    Jan. 21st PM 1:00- 4: 00

    Big playground

    Are you good at singing?

    Come and try it. You can get two


    Dancing show

    Jan. 2lst PM 1:00-4:00

    Do you like dancing?

    We meet you at the school square.

    Bring a pair of shoes.

    (1)、You can watch a piano concert at 10:00 a.m. on Jan. 20th.
    (2)、You can get two books from School singer PK show.
    (3)、You can reuse paper or plastic to make pretty clothes for Spring fashion show.
    (4)、There is a dancing show in the School Hall.
    (5)、Cindy is good at singing. She can go to School singer PK show.
  • 14. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

    Welcome home! On April 16, astronauts Zhai Zhigang, W ang Yaping and Ye Guangfu came back to Earth from the Tiangong space station (天宫空间站) safely. The three astronauts stayed in the space station for six months. Wang Y aping was the first Chin ese woman to do a space walk. The astronauts in space gave two science classes to students on Earth. When the Shenzhou XII came back from the space station in 2021, it took about twenty - eight hours. This time, Shenzhou XIII only took nine hours to come back!

    The astronauts felt good after landing (着陆), but they still needed to sit on chairs. In the next few months, they will take a check- up (检查) and have a good rest.

    (1)、The three astronauts stayed in the space station for     .
    A、5 months B、6 months C、7 months
    (2)、They gave      to the students on Earth.
    A、a science speech B、science tests C、two science classes
    (3)、Shenzhou XIII took      to come back to Earth.
    A、9 hours B、28 hours C、21 hours
    (4)、In the next few months, the three astronauts need to     
    A、sit on chairs B、go to work C、take a check-up and have a rest
    (5)、     was the first Chinese woman to do a space walk.
    A、Zhai Zhigang B、Wang Yaping C、Ye Guangfu



  • 22. 根据图片和句子提示补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Where will you go for the summer holiday?

    B: I will go to Sanya. It's a beautiful city.

    A: When will you go there?

    B: I will go there  July.

    A: What will you do there?

    B: I will take some .

    A:   will you stay there?

    B: For two weeks. People there  (欢迎) visitors.

    A: Great! I want to go there too.


  • 23. 每个城市都有自己的特色,你喜欢的城市具有哪些特色?请以 "My favourite city" 为题,向大家推介你喜欢的城市。

    要求:1. 所写内容可用思维导图中的要点,也可适当展开;2. 不要出现真实的人名、校名;3. 不少于50词。