
试卷更新日期:2023-07-13 类型:期末考试


  • 1.  What will John do after school tomorrow?
    A、See a movie. B、Play badminton. C、Go to Grace's house.
  • 2.  What color of shirt will the man choose?
    A、White. B、Black. C、Blue.
  • 3. What's the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Classmates. B、Teacher and student. C、Headmaster and teacher.
  • 4.  Who is worried about gaining weight?
    A、The son. B、Aunt Louise. C、The mother.
  • 5.  Why does the woman give up buying the coat?
    A、It is expensive. B、The size doesn't fit her. C、She doesn't like the color.


  • 6.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does the conversation take place?
    A、At a clothing store. B、At a work event. C、At the laundry.
    (2)、When will the woman return?
    A、Tomorrow morning. B、This afternoon. C、Tonight.
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、How will the woman send the package?
    A、By air mail. B、By registered mail. C、By express mail.
    (2)、How much should the woman pay?
    A、£20. B、£23. C、£26.
  • 8.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why did the woman go to New York?
    A、To have meetings. B、To go sightseeing. C、To study a program.
    (2)、What may help avoid jet lag?
    A、Coffee. B、Alcohol. C、Exercise.
    (3)、What did the woman say about most passengers?
    A、They preferred alcohol. B、They liked to do exercises. C、They could hardly make a choice.
  • 9.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What do we know about the area?
    A、Lightning strikes mostly in December. B、The area is near the Andes Mountains. C、The people there worry about getting hit.
    (2)、What did NASA call the area?
    A、The Never Ending Storm of Catatumbo. B、The Lightning Capital of the World. C、The Light of Venezuela.
    (3)、Which helps the area get so many storms?
    A、Warm mountain winds. B、Warm sea air. C、The crowded population.
    (4)、What does the man say in the end?
    A、He's scared of storms. B、He'll never visit Venezuela. C、He'd be careful if he lived in the area.
  • 10.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the speech mainly about?
    A、Music and dancing in Guanajuato. B、Traditional Mexican dresses. C、The speaker's career.
    (2)、Which kind of music does the speaker like best?
    A、Rock music. B、Pop music. C、Traditional Mexican music.
    (3)、What is the most critical factor to be a folk dancer?
    A、Teamwork. B、Hard work C、Love for the culture and music.
    (4)、How do folk dancers get dance dresses?
    A、By buying them at the store. B、By making them on their own. C、By borrowing them from their grandparents.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Science and Technology Camp

    •Full-day camp for students aged 12-14

    •Four-week program July 5-30 | Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 pm

    Week 1 | July 5-9

    Week 2 | July 12-16

    Week 3 | July 19-23

    Week 4 | July 26-30

    •Registration begins June 1, 2023 — register for minimum two weeks.

    •Fees: $75 registration fee. $795 per week. Full payment must be made at time of registration.

    •The deadline for the cancellation to receive a full refund is June 15, 2023.

    Camp Structure

    Camp days are comprised of eight sessions with two sessions per day while the final day of the week is reserved for overviews and reflection. The morning sessions begin at 9 am to 12 pm followed by one hour for lunch. (Campers should bring their lunches.) Afternoon sessions are scheduled from 1 pm to 4 pm with 15-minute breaks midway through each session. Snacks are provided at break time. (Food allergies should be reported at the time of registration.)

    Camp Content

    Science and Technology camp above all emphasizes entertainment while teaching students about how websites are designed using various coding languages, rocket design, practical applications of math and physics, and how to build your own hydraulics system.

    Camp Personnel

    The camp is headed by the husband-and-wife team of Doctors James and Sophie Clark who are experts in the fields of computer science and mechanical engineering. Our mission is to make sure everyone feels fully supported and excited to be here.

    (1)、What is the lowest cost of attending the Science and Technology camp?
    A、$75. B、$795. C、$1590. D、$1665.
    (2)、What is the main emphasis of Science and Technology camp?
    A、Rocket science. B、Fun in learning. C、Coding language. D、Hands-on experiences.
    (3)、Who are the camp leaders?
    A、Mechanical engineers. B、Medical doctors. C、A married couple. D、Computer technicians.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    A British woman, Dr. Mantri, growing up in India started to notice his son, Dhruv, was struggling with simple arithmetic when he was in fifth-grade. After noticing this, she started employing an abacus (算盘) to help her son visually comprehend mathematics. 

    "I would ask him something like 35 minus 13 and he couldn't do it. " said Dhruv's mom Dr. Mantri. "I decided to change the way he looked at numbers," she said. "An abacus is a tried and tested method, and the Egyptians used them for building the pyramid. " In just six days he started to show progress with the abacus and would go on to become a whizz kid with numbers, with even his classmates' parents reaching out for help.

    She never thought she would teach her son using an abacus, which she used as a child in India and it was always helpful. Within six days she started to notice a difference and see results. So dramatic was the turnaround, that school staff asked him to perform with the abacus at an assembly, where some parents even came to ask for advice on using it for their kids. 

    IT specialist Dr. Mantri said the humble abacus can be used for calculations into the trillions and kids enjoy learning on it because it's like a game. "It becomes a playing tool for younger children, for it feels like a game. I think the success comes because children can touch and feel an abacus and visualize them. " She added.

    By the age of 12, Dhruv was giving online cyber security seminars and is now pursuing a career in data science and analytics. Dhruv has now landed an apprenticeship (实习) at an international firm. During the four-year apprenticeship, he will spend one day a week studying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Glasgow Caledonian University. "He is so confident now and I am so proud," she said, with Dhruv adding "I don't think my teachers would have guessed that I would be following a career in data science at that time. "

    (1)、Why did Dhruv have difficulty in learning mathematics?
    A、He was faced with language barrier. B、He didn't find a proper way. C、He suffered from eyesight problems. D、He lacked academic support from the family.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "whizz" in paragraph 2 mean?
    A、Careful. B、Diligent. C、Outstanding. D、Struggling.
    (3)、Why do kids like learning on abacus according to the text?
    A、They find it appealing. B、They can calculate faster. C、They enjoy playing games. D、They are eager for success.
    (4)、What can we infer from the last paragraph?
    A、Dhruv was addicted to the internet at 12. B、Dhruv is teaching data science and analytics now. C、Dhruv is a full-time student at Glasgow Caledonian University. D、Dhruv's career choice was beyond his teachers' expectation.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    Kenya has been at the forefront (前沿) of the global war on plastic since the government banned single-use plastics in protected areas in June 2020. Unfortunately, the preventive measures have barely received attention. Hundreds of tons of industrial and consumer polymer waste continue to get dumped into landfills daily. However, if 29-year-old Nzambi Matee has her way, the unsightly plastic heaps will soon be transformed into colorful bricks

    The materials engineer's seeking to find a practical solution to control plastic pollution began in 2017. She quit her job and set up a small lab in her mother's backyard. It took her nine months to produce the first brick and even longer to convince a partner to help build the machinery to make them. But the determined eco-entrepreneur was confident in her idea and did not give up.

    She says, "I wanted to use my education to handle plastic waste pollution. But I was very clear that the solution had to be practical, sustainable, and affordable. The best way to do this was by channeling the waste into the construction space and finding the most efficient and affordable material to build homes. " Her company produces over 1,500 bricks a day. The pavers are made using a mix of plastic products that cannot be reprocessed or recycled.

    The collected plastic is mixed with sand, heated at very high temperatures, and compressed (压缩) into bricks that vary in color and thickness. The resulting product is stronger, lighter, and about 30 percent cheaper than concrete bricks. More importantly, it helps repurpose the lowest quality of plastic. "There is that waste they cannot process anymore; they cannot recycle. That is what we get. " Matee says.

    Matee is not nearly done. Her dream is to reduce the mountain of trash to just a hill by increasing production and expanding her offerings. She says, "The more we recycle the plastic, the more we produce affordable housing, the more we created more employment for the youth. "

    (1)、What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 imply?
    A、Matee's method can be effective if adopted. B、Matee's idea has been widely accepted. C、Colorful bricks are in huge demand. D、Plastic waste hasn't attracted enough attention.
    (2)、Which of the following can best describe Nzambi Matee?
    A、Generous and ambitious. B、Confident and grateful. C、Creative and resolved. D、Optimistic and modest.
    (3)、What is Nzambi Matee's ultimate purpose in using a mix of plastic products?
    A、to build cheaper houses. B、to support the government. C、to create job opportunities. D、to tackle plastic pollution.
    (4)、Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A、Kenya: Pioneer in Banning Plastic Single-use Plastics B、Nzambi Matee: Innovator in Solving Plastic Waste C、Mix of Plastic Products: A New Construction Material D、Plastic Recycling: A Creative Solution to Pollution
  • 14.  阅读理解

    While environmental assessments of new roads focus on the danger of habitat destruction, or bats colliding (碰撞) with traffic, the first ever controlled field experiment to investigate the impact of vehicle noise suggests the thunder of road traffic is likely to drive away bats and cause bat activity to decrease by two-thirds. 

    Researchers played noise recorded from the A38 dual carriage way in demon, with a "dusk average" of 26 vehicle passing per minute, in locations where different bat species flew and fed. The wild bats, including pipistrelle species, were monitored with bat detectors (探测器) placed beside, and 20 metres away, from the recorded noise.

    Ultrasonic (超音速) sounds from vehicle were found to block some bat species' high-frequency echo - location calls, which they use to find insect prey (捕获物) such as moths. But more significant was that most bat species sought to avoid audible (听得见的) traffic noise. 

    "Just like us, bats are likely to find audible road noise an irritation, something they would prefer to avoid rather than it jamming their echo-location," said Fiona Matt hews, lead author of the paper in Environmental Pollution.

    Matthews said the effect of ordinary traffic noise on bats meant that the negative impact of new roads on bat populations was likely to be more far-reaching than realized. 

    She said: "This is important, as it means we could expect to see negative effects continue at a considerable distance from the road. We know that lower frequency road noise travels well beyond 50 metres — the scale at which ecological impact assessments are conducted. "

    Dr. Henry Schofield, from Vincent Wildlife Trust, which jointly funded the research, said: "We have raised people's awareness that bat species face barriers in the landscape that impede (妨碍) their ability to access suitable feeding areas and reduce their chances of survival. Along with habitat destruction and artificial lighting at night, this research has added road noise to the list of anthropogenic (人为的) factors reducing habitat quality for these protected species. "

    (1)、What does the new research find about vehicle noise?
    A、It destroys bats' habitat. B、It influences bats' ability to feed. C、It helps bats to find insect prey. D、It causes bats to collide with traffic.
    (2)、What does paragraph 2 focus on?
    A、The design of the research. B、The varieties of wild bats. C、The function of bat detectors. D、The traffic flow on highways.
    (3)、What can we learn from Matthews's words about the impact of new roads on bats?
    A、It is well-informed. B、It could be preventable. C、It could be more serious. D、It is predictable.
    (4)、Which aspect of the research does Dr. Schofield talk about?
    A、Its application. B、Its dimension. C、Its limitation. D、Its significance.


  • 15.  任务型阅读

    Dreaming big doesn't mean we suddenly want to be a millionaire or become famous. That's because "bigger" is a relative term. If we currently have no dreams, dreaming bigger might just mean a small goal that we want to reach. But even that is not always easy. So how do you start dreaming bigger?

    Cultivate Confidence. To achieve big things, you have to believe that you can. Therefore, the first thing we need to dream big is to get a confidence boost. Try to remember a time when you succeeded in doing something you set your mind to. 

    Face Fear of Failure. The fear of doing something big can be intense. What if we fail? What then? If this sounds like you, it may be helpful to develop the belief that growth and learning are more important than success or other people's opinions. That way we can better enjoy the pursuit, even if it ultimately does result in failure.

    Face Fear of Success. Success can mean different things to different people. For example, success might mean feeling like the odd one out in your family or friend group.  Or, it could lead to jealousy from others. But taking a closer outlook at these fears and thinking about how you might deal with them can help you move through them. 

    Use Your Imagination.  Maybe you imagine yourself owning your own business, having a big family, or traveling all over the world. Then does living this life feel good or authentic? Use this exercise to better understand which big dreams are a good fit for you. 

    Enjoy the Process. Sometimes we end up spending so much time focusing on big dreams that we forget to enjoy the process. Indeed, big dreams can help us imagine a life or a future we've never known. If we don't enjoy the process, it's going to be tough to get there.

    A. But big dreams take time. 

    B. We are taking control of our lives. 

    C. Striving towards dreams can decrease well-being. 

    D. It might mean more responsibility than you really want. 

    E. Use your experiences as inspiration and self-motivation. 

    F. Start by visualizing a variety of different possible exciting outcomes. 

    G. It can help you shift your focus to the journey instead of the end goal


  • 16.  完形填空

    A farmer painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post. As he was1 the last nail into the post, he felt a pull on his overalls. Then a boy said, "I want to buy one. " "Well, these puppies cost a good deal of money," the farmer responded, looking down into his eyes.

    The boy 2 his head disappointedly. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of 3 . "I've got 89 cents. Is that enough 4 to take a look?" "Sure. " the farmer let out a whistle. Here, Dolly!" he called.

    Out from the doghouse ran Dolly followed by four fur balls. The little boy's eyes danced with5 . Slowly another little fur ball appeared, this one noticeably 6 . Down a ramp (斜坡) it slid. Then the little pup began 7 moving toward the others, doing its best to 8 "I want that one," the little boy said.

    The farmer 9 down at his side and said, "He is 10 and can never run and play with you like these other dogs. " The little boy stepped back and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he 11 a steel brace (支架) running down both sides of his leg 12 itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said," Sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need someone who 13 . "

    With tears in his eyes, the farmer picked up the little pup and handed it to the little boy. "How much?" asked the little boy. "No charge," answered the farmer, "There's no charge for 14 and understanding. "

    Like the boy, the world needs the people who are determined to 15  those who count on us, across the generations. 

    A、driving B、dragging C、transforming D、fixing
    A、covered B、dropped C、withdrew D、buried
    A、items B、rewards C、change D、treasure
    A、for all B、after all C、in turn D、at least
    A、delight B、pride C、embarrassment D、confusion
    A、quieter B、smaller C、healthier D、stronger
    A、awkwardly B、sensitively C、flexibly D、steadily
    A、show off B、keep away C、catch up D、break down
    A、settled B、calmed C、lay D、knelt
    A、normal B、special C、energetic D、cautious
    A、spotted B、adopted C、selected D、revealed
    A、exposing B、committing C、attaching D、applying
    A、advocates B、understands C、respects D、admires
    A、love B、passion C、recognition D、company
    A、appreciate B、convince C、assist D、guarantee


  • 17.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Eating Chinese food can be beneficial for your health. Chinese dishes are often packed with vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy grains like rice and noodles, which  (make) them a great source of vitamins nutrients, and other essential  (mineral). 

    Chinese food is also (relative) inexpensive, making it a great option for eaters. Many dishes can be easily customized to meet dietary restrictions or preferences, and takeout options make it easy (enjoy) a delicious meal without spending much time in the kitchen. 

    Chinese food is often thought of as a single type of cuisine,  there are actually many different regional variations. Cantonese cuisine (characterize) by light and flavorful dishes that often contain seafood while Szechuan dishes are known  their spicy (辛辣的) flavorings. Hunan cuisine is typically (heavy) than others, incorporating ingredients like chilies and garlic. 

    In conclusion, eating Chinese food can be a nutritious and economic way to get a variety of flavors and textures on your plate. With a little bit of research and knowledge, you can enjoy all the delicious flavors of Chinese cuisine in healthy and safe way. So don't be afraid to explore the world of Chinese food and discover all the (wonder) tastes it has to offer!


  • 18.  选择并使用所给英语单词的正确形式完成句子, 有两个单词为多余词。                                 

     sufficient, dead, illustration, explore, lecture, adapt, benefit

    (1)、I bought my son a(n)  for children of a play by Shakespeare. 
    (2)、The cobra, containing deadly poison, is one of the world's snakes.
    (3)、I have long been interested in space  and I am eager to conduct the scientific experiment. 
    (4)、The comic is  with color photographs, which is very popular with the children. 
    (5)、The experiment is worth a trial, and in my opinion, it is  to the entire country. 


  • 19.   defence of the factories, I'd like to point out that we also try to control the amount of pollution we produce. 
  • 20.  When the wind and rain stopped, I looked out of the window, only to see huge trees (lie) across the street and water everywhere!
  • 21.  Its ashy rocks told a story of past eruptions that might have warned the city what was (come). 
  • 22.  It was wildly bright, now of a pale and dying red, and now again it burnt with an (bear) light. 
  • 23.  Remember to inform yourself  what is going on. 
  • 24. The house had belonged  her family for three or four generations.
  • 25.  We offer free  (technique) support for those buying our software. 
  • 26.  Students have to learn to strike a balance between study and  (entertain). 
  • 27.  I would really appreciate  if you could turn the music down. 
  • 28.  All the rooms in this building are so well designed that they are  (access) to the disabled. 


  • 29.  Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will learn when to (承认错误、认输). 
  • 30.  Their friendship is (关系陷于困境,濒临崩溃). 
  • 31.  Though he has made a big fortune, he is  (决不,根本不)a happy man. 
  • 32.  There is a sense of excitement  (可感觉到) with the New Year coming nearer and nearer. 
  • 33. The Amazon rainforest(注入活力) the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earth's oxygen.
  • 34.  At that very moment, I(下定决心) to spend a whole week without my smartphone. 
  • 35.  The overall development over the past decades has been so striking that they feel eager to (使……熟悉,了解) what is going on in China. 
  • 36.  In November 1972, (经过反复试验), they successfully discovered qinghaosu. 
  • 37.  Here, hundreds of people from(各行各业), including butchers, hairdressers and government officials, can be seen going about their daily business. 
  • 38. Li Bai's love of reading and travelling from an early age (促成,造成)his romantic style.


  • 39.  假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack来信说他正在学习唐诗(Tang poetry),想深入了解相关信息。请你给他写一封邮件。

    1. 唐诗的地位及影响;
    2. 列举唐朝代表诗人;
    3. 唐诗学习建议。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
    4. 请将书面表达撰写在答题纸/卡上。

    Dear Jack,

    I'm glad to know that you are now learning Tang poetry and would like to know more about it. It's my great honour to share some useful information with you.