人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like?第2课时Part A Let's learn分层作业

试卷更新日期:2023-07-12 类型:同步测试


  • 1. I'd like to drink           .
    A、a tea B、some teas C、some tea
  • 2. I'm hungry. I'd like some          and         .
    A、rice; chicken B、ice cream; tea C、tea; sandwich
  • 3. I'm hungry. I'd like some ________.
    A、rice B、rices C、sandwich
  • 4. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、thirsty B、orange C、hungry
  • 5. I would like two _________.
    A、rices B、breads C、sandwiches
  • 6. I'd like two ________, please.
    A、bread B、juice C、hamburgers
  • 7. —What would you like to eat?

    —I'd like two ______.

    A、sandwiches B、sandwich C、sandwichs
  • 8. —What would she like to eat?

    —She would like some ______.

    A、water B、salad C、tea
  • 9. I'm hungry. I'd like some ______.
    A、rice B、rices C、rise
  • 10. I'd like some _______.
    A、oranges juice B、beef noodles C、sandwich
  • 11. I'm hungry. I'd like some _______.
    A、water B、bread C、a hamburger


  • 12. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。
    A、what B、chicken C、beef
    A、would B、thirsty C、hungry
    A、rice B、bread C、thank
    A、tea B、like C、water
  • 13. 选出不同类的一项。
    A、rice B、thirsty C、chicken
    A、hamburger B、salad C、banana
    A、fish B、tea C、water
    A、ice cream B、hot dog C、juice
    A、tea B、sandwich C、hamburger


  • 14. 把单词填写在相对应的图片的横线上。

    A.hamburger     B. ice cream         C. tea






  • 15. 把单词填写在相对应的图片的横线上。

    A.water        B. noodles      C. salad






  • 16. 把单词填写在相对应的图片的横线上。

    A. sandwich       B. rice  C. salad










  • 23. 发挥想象力,设计一张菜单,并和同学们说一说,一起模拟餐厅点餐。