人教版(PEP)六年级上册英语Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A课时练习

试卷更新日期:2023-07-05 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Excuse me.         is the Zhangshan Park, please?

    —It's behind the library.

    A、Which B、What C、Where
  • 2. —Is there a shop near here?

             It's next to the school.

    A、Yes, there is. B、No, it isn't. C、Sorry, I don't know.
  • 3. —              ?

    — It's near the hospital.

    A、Where is the cinema? B、Is there a cinema? C、Where is the hospital?
  • 4. ______  a lovely baby she is!
    A、How B、How a C、What
  • 5. Sorry. I ______ know.
    A、do B、did C、don't
  • 6. Wow! ______ a tall boy!
    A、Where B、How C、What
  • 7. ______, is there a museum near the park?
    A、Sorry B、Thank you C、Excuse me
  • 8. There is a pet hospital ______ my city.
    A、in B、at C、on
  • 9. I want ______ a postcard today.
    A、to send B、sending C、send
  • 10. —______ are they?

    —They are in the museum.

    A、How B、What C、Where
  • 11. I can buy a postcard at the _______.
    A、hospital B、post office C、zoo
  • 12. —Excuse me, can you help me?


    A、Thanks B、Bye C、Sure
  • 13. The hospital is near ________ the school.
    A、on B、/ C、of
  • 14. —_______ there a cinema near here?

    —Yes, there is.

    A、Are B、Do C、Is
  • 15. — Excuse me.        is the post office, please?

    — It's behind the library.

    A、Which B、What C、Where
  • 16. —         is the bookstore, please?

    — It's next to the library.

    A、Which B、What C、Where
  • 17. Is it far _______ here?
    A、from B、on C、at
  • 18. I want _______ to the park with my parents.
    A、go B、goes C、to go
  • 19. _______ a nice picture!
    A、Where B、What C、How
  • 20. My school is _______ a museum.
    A、near B、next C、to


  • 21. 当你向他人问路时,有会有礼貌的说:
    A、Excuse me. B、I'm Mike. C、How are you?
  • 22. 当你想知道人民公园在哪时,你会问:
    A、Where is the Renmin Park? B、Where is the museum? C、How is the park?
  • 23. 你想买一个铅笔盒,你会对售货员说:
    A、I'll ask. B、I like this shop. C、I want to buy a pencil box.
  • 24. 在书店你想买本书,你会对售货员说:
    A、I want to buy a book. B、I want to send a book. C、I want to write a book.
  • 25. 别人问你图书馆在哪里,但是你不知道时,你会说:
    A、Thank you. B、Welcome! C、I don't know.