
试卷更新日期:2023-07-03 类型:中考真卷


  • 1.  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    My elder sister got a disease, locked in her own world. She could not look at people in the eye. She would repeat the words in a very low voice. It turned my parents' world upside down. 1 , they worked very hard to make sure that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me. I knew 2 about it until the age of ten.

    It was then that I started to notice my sister was different. I 3  to accept her as my sister in public. Then, an incident (小事) 4  how I viewed my sister. It changed me as well.

    One day, my sister had to put up a 5 , whether in a group, or by herself. As you can imagine, my sister was the only one left without a group. "I'll 6 ," she told my parents. Hearing this, I was completely 7 . How could my sister sing in front of the school? I must stop this happening, 8 she would make me lose face, one way or another. "No!" I cried out. My parents shot me a look. I knew I had to watch her performance. I prayed (祈祷) 9 that something would happen to stop her.

    No one knows she is your 10 . It is fine, you do not need to tell anyone. I remember telling myself the exact words as I sat in the hall, 11  the performance to start. Finally, my sister started to sing. She opened her mouth, and I was shocked again—her voice was so 12  in its power. I felt really sorry—she could sing so beautifully! How could I have doubted her abilities? I had been so 13 .

    Regret and 14  filled my heart. Actually, my sister knew all things I had done to her, but she 15  minded. I decided to love her unconditionally. It was as if a veil (面纱) had been lifted from my eyes, and my heart was full.

    A、So B、Then C、However D、Finally
    A、something B、anything C、everything D、nothing
    A、decided B、refused C、expected D、promised
    A、suggested B、showed C、explained D、changed
    A、performance B、game C、picture D、sign
    A、dance B、sing C、play D、draw
    A、proud B、pleased C、shocked D、disappointed
    A、or B、and C、though D、if
    A、silently B、openly C、excitedly D、happily
    A、classmate B、neighbor C、cousin D、sister
    A、going over B、talking about C、waiting for D、dreaming of
    A、special B、beautiful C、low D、strange
    A、wrong B、serious C、busy D、careful
    A、shame B、worry C、surprise D、fear
    A、sometimes B、always C、ever D、never


  • 2.  阅读理解

    Nowadays, many wild animals around the world are in danger. Some kinds of them are dying out at an alarming rate (以惊人的速度). Between 150 and 200 species (物种) disappear every day. To make us aware of the serious problem and help save the animals in danger before it's too late, our English teacher shared two posters with us.

    We are losing home!

    Like many other animals, we live in the trees. However, billions of trees are being cut down every year to make paper for humans. In this way, a lot of animals' homes are being destroyed! Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?

    Elephants mostly live on the plain of Africa and in the forests of Asia. But today, they are facing a serious problem: large numbers are being killed for meat and skin, especially for ivory. They are in danger! Only when we stop buying elephant products can we stop the killing and save them. Let's say NO to sale!

    (1)、The English teacher shared two posters with his students to ____.
    A、record the animals' poor life B、ask questions about animals C、introduce two lovely animals D、help protect animals in danger
    (2)、Why does the mother koala bear hold the tree tightly (紧紧地) on the left poster?
    A、Because she carries a baby on the back. B、Because she needs to look for food. C、Because she doesn't want to lose home. D、Because she is afraid of falling down.
    (3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
    A、About 20 species disappear every day. B、Stopping buying helps save elephants. C、Trees are being cut down to build houses. D、Elephants are killed only for meat and skin.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Dear future Linda (or rather myself),

    I hope when you read this letter you don't find my writing too messy! At the moment, I'm 15 years old and living at home with my family. I love school and have lots of good friends. We do lots of fun things together like parties, ice skating and swimming. My biggest worry is not doing well in my school exams, but I'm working really hard so hopefully I have nothing to worry about.

    There's so much I (you!) want to do. I hope you've travelled all over the world and seen lots of things and met lots of people. I hope you've visited the Great Wall in China and the pyramids in Egypt, shopped in New York City and in Paris, seen polar bears in Norway and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I've just remembered, you always wanted to see elephants in India—I hope you've managed to do that too.

    I promise myself I'll always try my best and have no regrets. I never want to forget where every step of my life has taken me. Already it seems as if so much has happened. I've moved from primary to junior middle school (about to graduate), been taught to swim and dance (I love ballet dancing), learned to speak Chinese and French, and raised money for those in need by selling old toys and books.

    I really hope you're happy. I hope you have a successful career that you enjoy doing and look forward to each morning when you wake up. I hope you're surrounded by good friends and family and maybe also have a family of your own. More than anything else, I hope you've enjoyed every single moment so far!

    Love Linda

    (1)、How does Linda develop Paragraph 2?
    A、By comparing facts. B、By telling stories. C、By giving examples. D、By listing numbers.
    (2)、Linda promises herself to ____.
    A、stay with her family B、visit her friends more C、always try her best D、travel as much as she can
    (3)、Linda hopes she will have ____.
    A、a lovely home B、a lot of holidays C、a lot of money D、a career she loves
    (4)、From the passage, we know Linda is ____ about her study and life.
    A、hopeful B、worried C、uncertain D、curious
  • 4.  阅读理解

    ①According to UNESCO, there are 740 million people unable to read or write in this world. And 250 million children of primary school age have no basic reading and writing skills. However, reading makes everything possible in life: education, work and escaping poverty(贫困). Considering that, the Global School Community aims to bring digital books to all the children of the world and their families.

    ②Digital technology makes a real difference. It can reach across the world and is fairly inexpensive. The Global School Community makes e-books available to children all around the world, either through mobile phones, Ipads or computers, saving the cost of making books and transport. Technology also helps improve our communication skills. Through the use of technology, teachers and children around the world can meet online to share lessons and discuss ideas. Remote schooling (远程教学) is one example of the success of communication through the Internet.

    ③The first books a child reads can have a great influence on that child. The greater the influence, the more likely the child is to continue reading and learning throughout his life. E-books, which are actually the electronic versions of printed books, not only provide knowledge and information, but help people grow healthily in mind. They can provide hours of entertainment and can connect schools all over the world. Studies have shown that children make much progress after only five months of reading e-books. Bido Hafrag, a child from Egypt, said, "Reading e-books not only helps me learn to read and write, but gives me much confidence. It also helps me have a better understanding of the world."

    ④The Global School Community has a huge e-book library for every school to enter. It aims to bring digital books to all children and their families, and helps schools, colleges and universities to connect with each other. Please join our family of schools, write an e-book or share resources资源) at globalschoolcommunity.com.

    (1)、The Global School Community plans to ____.
    A、make every child aware of the meanings of reading B、bring digital books to all children and their families C、offer chances for teachers to teach all over the world D、build up the confidence of the children from poor areas
    (2)、Which of the following best explains the underlined word "inexpensive" in Paragraph 2?
    A、useful B、popular C、valuable D、cheap
    (3)、What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
    A、E-books help readers learn and make progress. B、E-books provide knowledge and information. C、E-books improve communication skills a lot. D、E-books have more advantages than printed ones.
    (4)、The writer writes the passage to____.
    A、introduce a new way to see the outside world B、help connect all the schools around the world C、invite us to join the Global School Community D、explain the history and development of e-books
  • 5.  阅读理解

    ①Does life sometimes seem to be full of impossible problems? How many times, for example, do you find yourself saying things like "I really don't understand this Maths problem", or "I can't get into the school team"? Well, maybe it's time to introduce yourself to the power of "yet". By adding this simple word, you can change everything. "I really don't understand this Maths problem yet." "I can't get into the school team yet." Suddenly, the impossible becomes possible. You can imagine those things happening.

    ②I read about a school that has changed the way it marks its students' exams. The school find out that the old pass/ fail system wasn't helping students' motivation(积极性). If you passed, then great, but those students who didn't pass often felt like failures. So now students who don't pass the exams will not see a big red F on their papers; they see a "Not yet" instead. That way the students feel that they are on a journey. They haven't reached the end, but they know that they are going the right way.

    ③This kind of thinking is part of what experts call "having a growth mindset". People with a growth mindset don't concentrate on failure. They aren't worried by not getting things right the first time and are happy to keep trying until they do. They enjoy the challenge and believe they can change. In contrast, people who just focus on the failure have what the experts call "a fixed mindset". These people are always worried about failure and are happy to give up when things don't go right. They don't think that they are able to change. Clearly, it is better to have a growth mindset than a fixed mindset.

    ④But don't worry if you think that you have a fixed mindset. ____. Remember that it all starts with questioning the things you believe about yourself. Stop believing that you can't or you haven't and realize that you just can't or haven't yet. Once you start doing this, you'll wonder why you didn't do it before. It's one small but very powerful word.

    (1)、The example in Paragraph 2 is to ____.
    A、express a feeling B、describe a problem C、show the result D、support the topic
    (2)、According to the passage, which one of the following has "a growth mindset"?
    A、Jack got an "A" in the exam. He was quite happy to tell his parents. B、David failed in a competition, but he stays confident and keeps trying. C、Jenny found it hard to work out the maths problem, so she gave it up. D、Emma was refused by school team. She didn't want to have another try.
    (3)、Which of the following can be put into ____?
    A、Experts will help you grow up healthily in mind B、You can train yourself to develop a growth mindset C、Everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages D、You can change everything by adding the small word "yet"
    (4)、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
    A、The Power of "Yet" B、Two Different Mindsets C、Nothing Is Impossible D、On the Way to Success


  • 6.  用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    ourselves    will    all kinds of    seat    loud

    (1)、Where there is a , there is a way.
    (2)、We are really proud that we cooked all dishes by .
    (3)、You'd better speak than usual when giving a speech.
    (4)、It's common to see some special for those in need on buses.
    (5)、Students in our school are always encouraged to do  labor activities.
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Are you looking for a good volunteer activity? Get outdoors and go gleaning!

    What is gleaning? Well, let's begin with the problem of food waste on farms. Some farm produce is of good quality but looks not that good. Farmers don't (通常) try to sell this produce. Much of it is left in the fields. That (意味着) a great waste. And gleaning is about reducing this waste—by collecting the left produce.

    These days, many volunteer groups go out gleaning in order to provide those in need with (新鲜的), healthy food, Holly's group is (在……之中) them. Her volunteers collect about boxes of food each week. Once, a (当地的) fruit farmer called Holly to ask for gleaning services. The farmer had a large field with more than fruit trees. A member of Holly's group (创造) a digital map of the trees. With the help of the map, the volunteers (容易地) collected the leftover fruit from the trees.

    Besides this, Holly's volunteers have also picked potatoes, cabbages and many other (蔬菜) from farms. The food has been sent to food banks and community kitchens in her area.

    Gleaning helps (解决) the problems of farm waste and food shortages (短缺). And gleaners also find the work very meaningful. "We can get outside and do something good for the world," said Holly. "I feel happy (无论何时) I go gleaning!"


  • 8.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Hanfu has become popular again in recent years. A growing number of young people in China are starting to wear the  (tradition) Han Chinese clothing. The style has even attracted some foreigners. One of them is Rian, a young man from Brazil.

    Rian lives in Xi'an. Two years ago, he came to the beautiful city and became English teacher at a kindergarten. After (see) many people wearing Hanfu in the streets, Rian developed a strong interest in it and wanted (try) it on himself. "My first taste of Hanfu was the Tang style. is fun to wear it," said the young man. "Today, it is still my favorite Hanfu style." Every time he puts it on, he feels as if he has travelled back to ancient times.

    Since then, Hanfu has helped Rian learn more  China. In the past, the only thing he  (know) about the country was that it had a long history and a rich culture. But now Hanfu has shown him more details about Chinese culture.

    He wants to share his feelings with friends both in China  abroad, so he begins to make short  (video) of himself trying on Hanfu and posts them up on Western social media platforms. It has  (quick) become a hot hit on the Internet. He spreads Chinese culture in his own way.


  • 9.  阅读下列短文,在空白处填入与短文内容相符的信息,完成阅读摘记。每空不得超过三个词。

    Welcome to Jinhua Science and Technology Museum!

    The museum covers 11,000 square meters, with four theme exhibition halls for you to explore. So far, more than 500, 000 people have paid a visit since it was open in 2020. Here follows what you can see and do.

    Life and Development

    The first floor exhibition hall focuses on Life and Development. Here, you can learn about the origin and development of life, for example, how our brain is developing. You can also enjoy some pictures about the animals that have disappeared.

    Exploration and Discovery

    If you are interested in physics, the second floor is a good choice. It offers a good chance to do some hands-on activities. Some physics experiments are also allowed, which help you better understand different scientific phenomena(现象).

    Design and Intelligence

    Robot fans will surely be attracted by different robots on the third floor. Amazingly, the robots can draw, dance and even play the piano for you. Of course, you can also play games with them.

    Earth and Universe

    The hall on the fourth floor is about Earth and Universe, where you can experience kinds of activities about universe exploration(探索). The records of space exploration will give you a strong feeling of pride.

    More fun is waiting for you! We are open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Wednesday to Sunday, closed on Monday and Tuesday (except holidays and festivals). And we stop receiving visitors by 4:00 pm. Welcome to book your free tickets and visit us. For more information, please call us at 0579-82872222.

    Jinhua Science and Technology Museum


    It covers .


    It has been open for over two years.

    ◆Opening time:

    It opens for five days a week.

    ◆Ticket price:

    Enter the museum  .


    Call 0579- 82872222 for more information.



  • 10. 假设你叫李华,你的英国朋友Alex很难读懂中国诗句"山重水复疑无路,柳岸花明又一村"(For every cloud, there is a silver lining),来信向你寻求帮助。请你根据表格信息,并结合自身例子给他回一封e-mail,谈谈你的理解。



    About the sentence

    written by Lu You

    in English: For every cloud, there is a silver lining.

    Your example

    Any difficult situation that you experienced, and how did you get out?

    Your understanding

    never give up, find a way out, ...

    1. 文中必须包含所给的内容要点,可适当发挥;写作参考供选择使用;
    2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;
    3. 词数:80~100;
    4. 正文首句和尾句已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Alex,

    Glad to hear from you. It's natural for a foreigner not to understand the sentence.


    I hope my reply will be helpful to you.


    Li Hua