
试卷更新日期:2023-06-29 类型:高考模拟


  • 1. 阅读理解

    A New Campaign to Stress the Benefits of a Balanced Diet

    Look out for a new TV campaign, entitled "Eat Balanced", which will highlight the continued benefits of eating meat and dairy(奶制的) products as part of a balanced diet.


    The campaign spearheaded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board(AHDB) will appear on TV, social media and supermarket packaging and aims to highlight the nutritional benefits of enjoying red meat and dairy, while showing Britain's world-class standards in food production and sustainability.


    The campaign will be built on the following three key messages about meat and diary products:

    ●Meat and dairy products contain vitamin Bl2, an essential nutrient not naturally present in vegan diet;

    ●Red meat and dairy products from Britain are produced to world-class standards;

    ●Red meat and dairy products from Britain are among the most sustainable in the world.

    The Aim

    AHDB is conveying a message to consumers for a bright new year—enjoy the food you eat.

    AHDB's Chief Communications and Market Development Officer Christine Watts says: "In Britain, we have so much to be proud of when it comes to the food we eat, how it's produced and the entire journey from farm to fork. Our farmers operate farms in the excellent way, so our food meets the international criterion. This campaign is aimed to balance the negative commentary around farming, as well as highlight the importance of eating meat and dairy products as part of a balanced and healthy diet."

    (1)、What is the new campaign based on?
    A、British eating habits. B、Corporate advertising. C、Some supermarket regulations. D、Some important food information.
    (2)、What message does Christine Watts convey?
    A、British food is short of supply. B、British food is up to standard. C、British farmers are fond of meat. D、British farmers are hard-working.
    (3)、What section of a magazine is the text most probably taken from?
    A、Health and diet. B、Society and economy. C、Industry and production. D、Agriculture and farming.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Alena Analeigh Wicker had an incredibly impressive list of accomplishments. She studied biological sciences at two separate universities. She is a former NASA intern and went to a medical school. At the young age of 13, she was well on her way to achieving her dreams and ambitions. She also supplied support to other young girls like her, who were interested in science and technology, and hoped that her story would serve as a source of inspiration.

    Alena's mother, McQuarter, claimed that her daughter had always been exceptional and superior. She offered to be educated at home. So McQuarter homeschooled Alena during elementary school. Even after Alena returned to school in the fifth grade, she continued studying high school subjects based on a course carefully designed by her mother.

    "I was bored," Alena explains. "The high school work was so easy for me that I ended up graduating from high school when I was 12. I love school; I love learning; I love reading. I have a desire to learn, and that has just always been me."

    After graduation, Alena went to two separate universities, earning degrees in biological sciences from both Arizona State University and Oakwood University. And while studying for the accelerated degrees, Alena started the Brown STEM Girl Foundation, in honor of Katherine Johnson, who had been a pioneering African-American mathematician at NASA. The Foundation's target is to engage and educate girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

    Alena has promoted her foundation online, "It feels amazing to be able to create a path for girls that look like me." Alena shares her tips. She says, "It doesn't matter how old you are. You can do it. Don't let anybody tell you no. I would say to any little girl out there that's reading this: Never give up on yourself and never let anyone tell you that you can't do something."

    (1)、What do we know about McQuarter?
    A、She took great pride in Alena. B、She advised Alena to study at home. C、She ensured Alena studied at school until 12. D、She forced Alena to learn high school subjects.
    (2)、What is the goal of the Brown STEM Girl Foundation?
    A、To educate girls to go to college. B、To expose girls to the scientific field. C、To promote the development of science. D、To inspire girls to become members of NASA.
    (3)、Why does the author mention Alena's words in the last paragraph?
    A、To offer an apology. B、To make a request. C、To make a suggestion. D、To offer an invitation.
    (4)、Which words can best describe Alena?
    A、Honest and daring. B、Modest and generous. C、Talented and good-looking. D、Promising and caring.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Featuring cutting-edge equipment, new classrooms encourage creative thinking and an interest in the sciences among high-school students across the country, according to a report.

    Growing up in a remote town in northwest China's Gansu Province, 12-year-old school-girl Liao Wenting was almost open-mouthed when she found that the head-mounted displays and robotics that she had seen in sci-fi films could be within arms' reach. Her school, located at the foot of rolling hills in a town of Wenxian County, has built a high-tech-empowered classroom.

    The classroom with a little complex structure, covering 137 square meters, features multimedia teaching systems, virtual reality (VR) headsets, 3D printing equipment and other high-tech equipment. Students can also experience such technologies as augmented reality(AR), laser cutting and educational robotics.

    Its construction was completed in December 2022. Since then, the school has opened two elective courses in the classroom, graphical programming and 3D printing, each of which has attracted 120 and 20 students respectively. The facilities were donated by the All-China Journalists Association and a tech giant. It is the first such high-tech-empowered classroom in Gansu. Additionally, the enterprise will provide free training services for the school's information technology teachers and organize regular scientific and technological competitions to motivate youngsters and inspire continuous exploration in the field of technology.

    Ran Lingli, an information technology teacher in the school, thinks that the high-tech-empowered classroom, which allows students to have a more hands-on experience with high-tech equipment, is aimed to stimulate their creativity. "I used to provide them with instructions on how to use software like Word and Excel in my class. However, in our newly built classroom, we mainly encourage students to explore their creativity and turn their ideas into reality. With access to resources like the 3D printer, students can bring the objects in their minds to life," says Ran.

    Recently, Ma Feiya, a student in the school, had the opportunity to use the 3D printer to create a pencil case with complicated designs. "It was an incredibly exciting experience to see my model come to life," she exclaims. "I am eager to continue exploring the possibilities of this field in the classroom."

    (1)、How did Liao Wenting feel when seeing the high-tech equipment in the classroom?
    A、Proud. B、Nervous. C、Astonished. D、Dispirited.
    (2)、What does paragraph 3 mainly show about the new classroom?
    A、Its usage advice. B、Its construction. C、Its safety facilities. D、Its characteristics.
    (3)、What can we learn about the new classroom?
    A、It is simple and bright. B、It is advanced and appealing. C、It is ill-equipped and low-cost. D、It is complicated and inconvenient.
    (4)、Which ability is the classroom designed to stimulate in students according to Ran?
    A、Innovation. B、Analysis. C、Comprehension. D、Administration.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Regular physical activity had nearly doubled cardiovascular(心血管的) benefits in individuals with depression or anxiety, compared with individuals without these diagnoses, according to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology's 71st Annual Scientific Session.

    The research findings add to mounting evidence that exercise improves cardiovascular health by helping to activate parts of the brain that counteract stress. Overall, the study found that people who achieved the recommended amount of physical activity per week were17% less likely to suffer a major harmful cardiovascular event than those who exercised less. These benefits were significantly greater in those with anxiety or depression, who had a 22%risk reduction vs. a 10% risk reduction in those without either condition.

    "The effect of physical activity on the brain's stress response may be particularly relevant to those with stress-related mental conditions," said Hadil Zureigat, MD, postdoctoral clinical research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and the study's lead author. "This is not to suggest that exercise is only effective in those with depression or anxiety, but we found that these patients seem to get a greater cardiovascular benefit from physical activity."

    Rates of both depression and anxiety have risen during the outbreak of flu, and heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US. The study findings underline the important role of exercise in maintaining heart health and reducing stress, according to the researchers.

    "Any amount of exercise is helpful, particularly for those with depression or anxiety," Zureigat said. "Not only will physical activity help them feel better, but they will also significantly reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. It can be hard to make the transition, but once achieved, physical activity allows those with these common chronic(慢性的) stress-related mental conditions to hit two birds with one stone."

    (1)、Who can get the most cardiovascular benefit from regular exercise?
    A、Someone with little brain capacity. B、Someone with abnormal heart rates. C、Someone diagnosed with depression. D、Someone with fear-related mental conditions.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "counteract" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A、Double. B、Resist. C、Awaken. D、Transport.
    (3)、Which of the following may the findings support?
    A、Physical exercise is vital to mental health. B、Physical exercise can cure those people of flu. C、Exercise merely works for those with depression. D、Exercise accelerates the recovery of all mental patients.
    (4)、What is the best title for the text?
    A、Physical Activity Can Prevent Chronic Disease B、Heart Disease Remains the Leading Cause of Death C、Rates of Depression Have Risen During the Outbreak of Flu D、Workout Is Very Good for Stress-related Patients' Cardiovascular Health


  • 5. 七选五

    We are all victims of climate change. Fighting with climate change can feel stressed, but there are a lot of things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Experts recommend the following steps.

    Talk to your doctor about what types of alerts or weather events you should be looking out for when it comes to heat, stress interactions with medications, or exposures to heat, cold and virus.

    ●Prepare an emergency supply kit. This is especially important if you live in an area where flooding, hurricanes, or wildfires break out easily. Your family need to be safe.

    ●Eat less meat, and take more vitamins. Research found that the diets low in meat and high in fruits and vegetables were linked with less greenhouse gas emissions. There-fore, you should reduce people's vulnerability in high temperatures.

    ●Reduce the amount of single-use plastics in your life. The Natural Resources Defense Council says that small individual choices can add up. For example, you can carry grocery bags and a reusable water bottle and cook more at home.

    ●Pay attention to heat warnings, and find ways to stay cool. If you have air-conditioning, make sure it is working, or find out a place with air-conditioning, like a shopping mall, public library, or cooling shelter or community. Make sure you check on your friends during a heat wave, and ask that they check on you.

    A.Increase your health knowledge.

    B.It has tips on using easy alternatives.

    C.Don't be exposed to all kinds of climates.

    D.They could also lower risks of some diseases.

    E. And don't forget emergency supplies for pets!

    F.Housing quality plays a huge role in your staying cool.

    G.Even a few hours a day of air-conditioning can avoid heat illness.


  • 6. 完形填空

    It was June a few years ago right around the Summer Solstice(夏至). The first fireflies(萤火虫) had appeared, 1on and off in the woods around my house. What a(n)2it was to see them again! How amazing was the natural life! Their small light made me smile, and I couldn't help but feel grateful to3.

    As the daylight4, I saw some children trying to5the fireflies in the dark. A girl went inside and came back with a clear glass bottle. After several6attempts, she went to run after another one7. Anyway, she was very happy.

    All the other children including me were very8. We gathered around, desiring to watch the fireflies' light inside the bottle. Soon the girl's mom walked to us and told us it was time to set the fireflies9. One of the children didn't10. But the girl's mom11that the fireflies would die if left in the12. Then she said something that still stays in my13to this day, "Let them go so they can share their14with the rest of the world!" Finally, we knew the meaning of life.

    I15in our childhood, we used to sing the song, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!" But as adults we find it16to do so. We often forget to share.

    Don't17your "light". Don't keep it in a "bottle". Share your "light", no matter how18it may be. Let19light up your heart and then give it to the whole world. Let the "light" within you20the darkness away. Learn from the lightening fireflies. Be loving and willing to share!

    A、burning B、showing C、flashing D、getting
    A、scare B、joy C、idea D、honour
    A、nature B、warmth C、adults D、children
    A、came up B、got around C、broke out D、faded away
    A、touch B、catch C、desert D、observe
    A、smooth B、simple C、unsuccessful D、inactive
    A、initially B、angrily C、often D、instead
    A、afraid B、doubtful C、curious D、calm
    A、loose B、close C、alone D、still
    A、wave B、agree C、stand D、bend
    A、complained B、joked C、admitted D、explained
    A、bottle B、house C、air D、sky
    A、book B、yard C、mind D、hand
    A、light B、sound C、power D、energy
    A、supported B、considered C、regretted D、remembered
    A、useless B、hard C、necessary D、good
    A、pass B、absorb C、hide D、share
    A、colorful B、fast C、long D、weak
    A、love B、attention C、honesty D、modesty
    A、take B、drive C、give D、put


  • 7. 短文填空

    Mixing traditional Chinese tea with coffee has (recent) become a new trend for both suppliers of both drinks. They are making every effort (open) the market. Mixing tea and coffee is not a new thing as yuenyeung or yuanyang, which generally consists brewed coffee and black tea with sugar and milk. Yuenyeung (be) a popular refreshment option in Hong Kong over the past few years. Yuenyeung refers to a pair of mandarin ducks, one male and one female. The drink usually combines a harmonious mix of equal parts of coffee and milk tea.

    As China's coffee and tea markets are both developing quickly, the new drinks have be-come a window through young customers can understand and learn about traditional tea culture, (break) the stereotype(成见) that only the middle-aged and elderly drink tea. Domestic and international coffee brands have expanded in the past couple of years, with new products continuously being (launch) that feature Chinese tea or other Chinese cultural (element).

    Lu Yongchen, CEO of Tim Hortons China, says, "We have seen the rise of China's coffee consumption market personally experienced the continuous improvement of the business environment and the (strength) support from the government for business development."


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

    修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Jack, my best friend, is my classmate. Our friendship is like a stream of flowed water. We often help each another in our studies. I was once weakness in English. Only he always explained various English problems to me patient. With his help, my English got better, as which I was grateful to him. As for him, he found it difficult learn math at that time. So I spare no effort to help him with math problems. At last, he made a great progress in math. Now, we are learning painting. No matter what difficult the high school courses are, we'll work hard to be admitting to the best art university.


  • 9. 上周末,外教David组织你班同学到当地植物园参观。请你写一篇发言稿,通过英语广播与大家分享此次活动,内容包括: