
试卷更新日期:2023-06-29 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. What will John do after school tomorrow?
    A、See a movie. B、Play badminton. C、Go to Grace's house.
  • 2. What color of shirt will the man choose?
    A、White. B、Black. C、Blue.
  • 3. What's the relationship between the speakers?
    A、Classmates. B、Teacher and student. C、Headmaster and teacher.
  • 4. Who is worried about gaining weight?
    A、The son. B、Aunt Louise. C、The mother.
  • 5. Why does the woman give up buying the coat?
    A、It is expensive. B、The size doesn't fit her. C、She doesn't like the color.


  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does the conversation take place?
    A、At a clothing store. B、At a work event. C、At the laundry.
    (2)、When will the woman return?
    A、Tomorrow morning. B、This afternoon. C、Tonight.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、How will the woman send the package?
    A、By air mail. B、By registered mail. C、By express mail.
    (2)、How much should the woman pay?
    A、£20. B、£23. C、£26.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Why did the woman go to New York?
    A、To have meetings. B、To go sightseeing. C、To study a program.
    (2)、What may help avoid jet lag?
    A、Coffee. B、Alcohol. C、Exercise.
    (3)、What did the woman say about most passengers?
    A、They preferred alcohol. B、They liked to do exercises. C、They could hardly make a choice.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What do we know about the area?
    A、Lightning strikes mostly in December. B、The area is near the Andes Mountains. C、The people there worry about getting hit.
    (2)、What did NASA call the area?
    A、The Never Ending Storm of Catatumbo. B、The Lightning Capital of the World. C、The Light of Venezuela.
    (3)、Which helps the area get so many storms?
    A、Warm mountain winds. B、Warm sea air. C、The crowded population.
    (4)、What does the man say in the end?
    A、He's scared of storms. B、He'll never visit Venezuela. C、He'd be careful if he lived in the area.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the speech mainly about?
    A、Music and dancing in Guanajuato. B、Traditional Mexican dresses. C、The speaker's career.
    (2)、Which kind of music does the speaker like best?
    A、Rock music. B、Pop music. C、Traditional Mexican music.
    (3)、What is the most critical factor to be a folk dancer?
    A、Teamwork. B、Hard work C、Love for the culture and music.
    (4)、How do folk dancers get dance dresses?
    A、By buying them at the store. B、By making them on their own. C、By borrowing them from their grandparents.


  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    For Icelandic visitors, Reykjavik is the gateway to wilderness adventures as well as an excellent jumping off point for chasing the Northern Lights, which you can spot from September to April. After a full day of exploring, warm up in one of the area's hotels, enjoying comfort it offers.

    Reykjavik Residence

    In the heart of downtown, the luxury suites(套房) and quality apartments allow guests a comfortable degree of flexibility and independence, with larger units ideal for families and two types of breakfast—delightful breakfast baskets delivered straight to your room, and the pleasant selection at Port 9 next door.

    Berjaya Marina Hotel

    It is located next to the historical and still fully functioning, dry-dock called Slippur. Combining the dynamic, creative atmosphere of this rapidly developing district with the country's strong fishing traditions, it offers everyone the opportunity to see and experience the city at its most creative and colorful points.

    Hotel Borg

    As one landmark in downtown, its 99 rooms and suites, with art style throughout, are elegantly appointed yet offer a set of modern elements. Enjoy a drink or cocktail in the hotel bar. Relax in the sauna, steam bath or hot pool. Full service gym with free weights, exercise bike, rowing machine, and more is available for guests of the hotel.

    Apotek Hotel

    Conveniently located within walking distance of a variety of shops, galleries and restaurants, it is a four-star, 45-bedroom and suite hotel, and is as welcoming as it is stylish. A perfect restoration of a historical building designed by the former State Architect of Iceland, it is truly a home away from home.

    (1)、What could guests enjoy in Reykjavik Residence?
    A、Artistic atmosphere. B、Flexible price. C、A pleasant party. D、Two breakfast options.
    (2)、Which hotel best attracts the lovers of indoor physical fitness?
    A、Reykjavik Residence B、Berjaya Marina Hotel C、Hotel Borg D、Apotek Hotel
    (3)、What do the listed hotels have in common?
    A、They offer excellent cocktails. B、They have advantages in location. C、They are designed by artists. D、They are 4-star hotels.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Famous tennis coach Nick Bollettieri considered tennis star Roger Federer the greatest player of all time, saying he is "in a class of his own". The Swiss maestro(大师) won his record eighth Wimbledon title this month, defeating Croatian Marin Cilic in the final, and going to the entire tournament without dropping a single set.

    The 36-year-old now has 19 Grand Slam titles, the most in history for a male tennis player. Bollettieri, who has coached some of the most successful tennis players ever including Andre Agassi and Jim Corurier, believes Federer stands out from the rest due to all the efforts he makes on and off the court. "When you get to know the greatest player of all time, I believe you will join with many commentators in saying Roger is standing in a class of his own," Bollettien told Saturday Sport. "He is magnificent in expecting what to do. He has improved his backhand and also he is hitting the ball much earlier, and he is one of, if not the best placement server(发球员) in the game."

    His management team headed by Tony Godsick takes care of his mind and body, time with his family, time with his foundation and time with rest. He also respects the game and his opponents(对手). Despite his impressive record, Federer has struggled against the other top players of this generation, including Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Along with Andy Murray, they are known as tennis "big four", and Federer has a combined 50-57 record against the other three during his career.

    However, Bollettieri doesn't think that will have any impact on Federer's greatness if he keeps on playing the way he is at his age. Bollettieri said, "Age is only a number. It is how you feel inside you. I believe a lot of people today can do a lot better if their mindset is to say I will get better every day and never use the word "retirement". When you worry about losing, it is more difficult to win."

    (1)、What does Bollettieri mean by saying he is "in a class of his own"?
    A、Roger is a tennis player second to none. B、Roger is a particular favorite of his. C、Roger is proud and prefers being alone. D、Roger has difficulty getting along with others.
    (2)、What can we know about Roger from the passage?
    A、He is in full charge of his life and career. B、Hard work is a major factor in his success. C、Deep respect develops between him and Tony. D、His greatest achievement is made in his thirties.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "that" in the last paragraph refer to?
    A、Roger's increased age. B、Roger's positive attitude. C、Roger's impressive record. D、Roger's losing to other famous players.
    (4)、What does Bollettieri want to stress in the last paragraph?
    A、Failure is nothing to fear. B、Everyone needs to look forward. C、Being positive is very important. D、One is never too old to learn.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    In a world where nearly 6 million fingerprint records of government employees are stolen in one computer hack(侵入), and here millions of people are victims(受害者) of identity theft every year, the next step in Internet security may well be mapping your brain.

    Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York are working on a biometric(生物特征识别的) system that records how your brain reacts to certain images. With a little more improvement, the scientists' brainchild could become the way you get into a deposit box(存款箱), your office or past scanners at the airport. It could replace the password for your online banking, your email or your social media accounts.

    They started their project by measuring the brain waves of 30 subjects. The subjects were fitted with a cap that had 30 electrodes(电极) attached to it, and then shown various images and symbols—celebrity faces, words, pictures of food—on a computer screen in 200-millisecond bursts. The brain's reaction was recorded.

    The idea is that every time a person needs to use a "password", he or she goes through the same process, and the results are matched with their first­time reaction. If the "brainprint" breaks down—like what happened with the fingerprint records—then the system is merely reset by running another set of images and collecting a different set of brain waves. "Even if that was stolen, you could just cancel it and record one to something else", says professor Laszlo.

    Laszlo and her team have shown that their system can be 100 percent accurate. So one of the more difficult parts of making the system practical has already been overcome. Now, they're spending much time recording accurate brainprints with as few as three electrodes, which could make recording in the future as easy as wearing a pair of special glasses. They're also working with cheaper materials and different methods to see if they can bring the cost down.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "brainchild" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A、The brain function. B、The fingerprint record. C、The online password. D、The biometric system.
    (2)、Why were the images and symbols shown to the subjects?
    A、To check the brain's reaction. B、To match brainprints with pictures. C、To create their brainprints. D、To connect brain waves to electrodes.
    (3)、What will happen when a brainprint fails?
    A、A spare one will be ready beforehand. B、A new one will be set again. C、The users' security will be leaked(泄露). D、The fingerprint record will replace it.
    (4)、What are the researchers doing with the program now?
    A、Making it user-friendly. B、Improving its accuracy. C、Recording more brainprints. D、Increasing the number of electrodes.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    A star athlete at the college where I work recently stopped by my office. Having made a few unforced errors during a weekend match, she was torn apart by self-criticism. "I can't stop beating myself up," she told me. "I'm at peak fitness, and I practice hard. How is this happening?"

    Many students I teach, like this athlete, believe that all-nighters in the library and hours on the field should get them exactly where they need to go. When they fall short of what they imagine they should achieve, they are crushed by self-blame.

    We often talk about young adults struggling with failure because their parents have protected them from discomfort. But there is something else playing a role in particular: a false promise that they can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it.

    Psychologists have sourced this phenomenon to a wrong application of "mindset" research, which has found that praising children for effort will increase academic performance. But a recent analysis found that while praising effort over ability may benefit high-risk or economically disadvantaged students, it does not necessarily help everyone.

    The cruel, messy reality is that you can do everything in your power and still fail. Instead of allowing our kids to beat themselves up when things don't go their way, we should all question and doubt a culture that has taught them that stopping to have a rest during study means they're lazy, and that where they go to college matters more than the kind of person they are. It's suggested that parents and teachers should spend time helping students find purpose, or goals they genuinely love to pursue and that make an impact on the world, which may help them gain greater life satisfaction and become more psychologically mature.

    The point is not to give our kids a pass on working hard. But we would be wise to remind our kids that life has a way of striking us by surprise when we least expect it. It's often the people who learn to say "stuff happens" who get up the fastest.

    (1)、Which sort of students does the star athlete belong to?
    A、Those lacking courage to make self-criticism. B、Those tired of working all night in the library. C、Those believing hard work surely pay off. D、Those overprotected by their parents in life.
    (2)、What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
    A、The result of the "mindset" research doesn't apply to all cases. B、Praising effort over ability will surely be beneficial to all kids. C、Parents should attach more importance to their kids' academic performance. D、Whether praising kids' effort over ability does good to kids depends.
    (3)、According to the author, how can parents help the kids overcome barriers in life?
    A、By choosing where to go to college for them. B、By pushing them to fight against the cruel reality. C、By discouraging them from making efforts to study hard. D、By encouraging them to stick to a worthy cause they truly love.
    (4)、What can be inferred from the passage?
    A、Students should not expect too much from their study. B、Students with positive attitudes can move on more easily. C、Students should bear all the failures on their own. D、Students are sure to succeed if they try their best.

四、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)

  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Green exercise is a term used to describe any type of physical exercise that takes place in a natural environment rather than in a health club or gym. . Instead, it relies on the use of natural means of taking part in activities that improve strength and endurance with as little reliance on equipment as possible.

    . For example, some consider a truly natural exercise experience requires that the individual wear clothing only made from natural fibers. Others consider barefoot running or walking with a big arena to be more desirable than running or walking with shoes.

    A slightly different approach to green exercise puts more stress on the fresh air, sunshine and involvement with the natural world, rather than the equipment or clothing used during the exercise. . Similarly, climbing a mountain using standard equipment and protective clothing would also be considered a green exercise.

    Many consider green exercise helps to reconnect human beings with the natural world. The interaction with nature helps to lower people's blood pressure, refresh their mind, and actually improve their self-esteem. .

    Not everyone believes that the green exercise is more beneficial than working out in a health club or gym. . Meanwhile, the use of fitness devices may result in more challenging workouts which help strengthen the heart and lungs in ways that more simplistic exercise in a natural setting would be difficult to manage.

    A. A green gym uses as little equipment as possible

    B. Spirits are also believed to be positively affected

    C. Opinions on what truly green exercise means differ

    D. Green exercise includes a range of activities exposed to nature

    E. So riding a bicycle in the forest can be called a type of green exercise

    F. It usually doesn't use fitness equipment that is normally found in a gym

    G. Some point out that many health clubs are built to make full use of natural light


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I was appreciating my family photos on my computer, admiring my two beautiful babies when I found a(n)1scene: my laptop(笔记本电脑) was in almost all the pictures. There was my daughter, 8 months old, playing at my feet while I was2on the couch. There was my son, with a big transformer, on my left arms.

    I'd heard about the Internet addiction before, but I always thought it was something only3playing too much World of Warcraft (a computer game) day and night. Now, it seemed my Internet habit is slowly but surely crossing the4. Sometimes I find myself5at midnight, surfing the Web6my family are sleeping. I read news, keep up with friends and write my blog…just for something to do.

    It7that I'm not the only mom who is addicted to the computer. A lot of moms are contributing to a growing global addiction. There's a movement among psychiatrists (doctors who specialize in mental diseases) to8the Internet addiction as an official mental disorder. And a recent Stanford University national survey found that 14 percent of Internet users find it9to stay away from it for several days; 9 percent try to hide their10Internet use from their loved ones; 8 percent admit they use the Web as a way to escape11.

    You're likely not the kind of addict who skips baths or abuses drugs to help stay up for more online time. You may have noticed,12, that going online has become a necessary part of your life, which,13, means a box of clothes go14. It may also mean you're missing much time with your baby—something you probably do15about.

    A、wonderful B、dramatic C、distant D、disturbing
    A、eating B、typing C、singing D、whispering
    A、limited to B、devoted to C、belonged to D、glued to
    A、volume B、bridge C、path D、line
    A、in B、put C、up D、down
    A、while B、but C、and D、since
    A、figures out B、turns out C、sets out D、breaks out
    A、admit B、desert C、predict D、recognize
    A、relieving B、shocking C、struggling D、uplifting
    A、unbearable B、irreplaceable C、unbelievable D、unnecessary
    A、remarks B、dangers C、discomforts D、threats
    A、therefore B、however C、otherwise D、moreover
    A、at least B、above all C、after all D、at most
    A、undefended B、unnoticed C、unworn D、unwashed
    A、hesitate B、complain C、care D、set


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Chinese soup dumpling, also referred to xiaolongbao, is one of the most famous and unique dishes in Chinese cuisine. (origin) starting from the Jiangnan region of China, this popular dish is a favorite among locals and visitors alike, which is often considered must when visiting China.

    Xiaolongbao is made (use) a dough(面团) that is rolled out thin and then filled with minced pork, seafood or vegetables. After being carefully folded and placed in a bamboo basket they are then heated up and steamed slowly, the dumplings will be served to customers.

    xiaolongbao has been treasured for decades, it wasn't until 2006 that the Shanghai government listed the delicacy in China's national category of protected "treasures". In the past few decades, xiaolongbao (establish) its reputation among Chinese and foreigners. Unlike any other dumplings you may have tried, it is a perfect balance of tender meat filling (combine) with savory broth(肉汤). What's more, it is a true reflection of Chinese people always placing (emphasize) on details.

    In a word, if you want to experience the delicate and delicious flavors of Chinese cuisine, you must try xiaolongbao. The more you try it, the more likely you are (get) lost in its flavor.


  • 18. Children under 10, when (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. 
  • 19. He placed the delicate vase on the table as (gentle) as he could, making sure not to break it.
  • 20. Difficult as the problem was (overcome), they kept on seeking for possible solutions instead of giving up hope.
  • 21. By the time the rescue team arrived, the violent rainstorm (sweep) the whole town, which caused great economic loss and many broken families. 
  • 22. The company's (innovate) approach to promoting their products has led it to stand out among a group of enterprises.
  • 23. (abandon) by the host, especially when it is disabled or has developed some diseases, is a tragedy(悲剧) to a pet.
  • 24. A large number of paintings are collected and displayed in the British Museum, the most famous one (estimate) to be worth more than 80 million dollars.
  • 25. With the ability (stimulate) metabolism(新陈代谢), tea is well received by most people, which, unlike coffee, has no undesirable side effects.
  • 26. Skin cancer is said (associate) with continued exposure to the sun over a long period of time.
  • 27. The more (enthusiastic) you show for your work, the more likely you will enjoy and make progress with it.


  • 28. 由新鲜的土豆和肉组成,那道汤在那一刻正合心意。

    fresh potatoes and meat, the soup just the at that moment.

  • 29. 沉湎于悲伤之中,索菲亚没法立即开始着手进行工作。

    herself to , Sophia couldn't get to her work immediately.

  • 30. 上周我去了海边,那里有关于我童年假期的所有令人愉快的联想记忆。

    The seaside, I paid a visit last week, has all sorts of with my childhood holidays.

  • 31. 经理总是使他办公室员工铭记努力工作和提高效率的重要性。

    The manager always his office staff the importance of working hard and .

  • 32. 出乎我们的意料,那个理应得到提升的人被免职了。

    Beyond our , the man who promotion was removed from his post.


  • 33. 假如你是学生会主席李华,学生会将举办以"校园生活,创意无限 (Innovations on Campus) "为主题的为期一周的创意作品展评活动。请你代表学生会用英语写一份书面通知。

    1. 活动目的及时间;  
    2. 活动内容及作品要求; 
    3. 其他注意事项。
