牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级下册英语期末知识点串讲:05 一般将来时

试卷更新日期:2023-06-25 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. —Mum, there is no milk.

    —I'm going to ________ some in the supermarket.

    A、buy B、make C、eat
  • 2. This T-shirt is short now. Mum is going to ________ a new one for me.
    A、wear B、make C、buy
  • 3. The children_______ make posters this Sunday.
    A、is going to B、are going to C、are going
  • 4. — Are you going ________________ on Sunday afternoon?

    — Yes, we are.

    A、shop B、shopping C、/
  • 5. — Are you going to read today's newspaper?

    — ________________

    A、Yes, I will. B、Yes, sometimes. C、No, we aren't.
  • 6. Will she read books         you?
    A、of B、for C、at
  • 7. Kitty is going to visit different        in China.
    A、place B、places C、city
  • 8. What are they         to buy?
    A、going B、go C、goes
  • 9. Alice and I         going to swim next week.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 10. The boys         take some photos of the writer.
    A、is going to B、will C、are going
  • 11. — What _____________  you do this week?    

    — I think I'll be very busy

    A、do B、will C、are
  • 12. — _____________ he going to eat lunch at 12 today?  

    — No, he isn't.

    A、Is B、Does C、Will
  • 13. — __________ you going to the sea

    — Yes.

    A、Are B、Will C、Do
  • 14. How long will you __________ in Shenzhen?
    A、come B、are C、live
  • 15. — What will you play at the weekend?

    — ______________________

    A、I will play chess. B、I like the guitar. C、I like swimming.
  • 16. — ______________________

    — No, I won't.

    A、Is it your football? B、Will he be in Shanghai? C、Will you be in Sanya?
  • 17. I      a film with my sister next week.
    A、see B、going to see C、am going to see


  • 18. 给下列问句搭配适当的答句,把序号写在很横线上。

    A. She is making a card for her friend.

    B. Because it's so big.

    C. I'm going to watch TV and do my homework.

    D. Yes,he will.

    E. She is going to play in the park today.

    ①What are you going to do this weekend?

    ②What is Lily going to do today?

    ③What is Miss Lin doing now?

    ④Will Tony be a policeman?

    ⑤Why do you like this house?


  • 19. 从所给的句子中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. When will the game start?

    B. Who will win the game?

    C. What will you do today?

    D. Which team will our team play against?

    E. Are they friendly?


    B: I'll go to watch football game.


    B: At about 7:00 tonight.


    B: Our team will play against the team from Grade Six.


    B: Yes, they are so friendly. But we play it very well.


    B: I am not sure. But I hope our team will win.


  • 20. 连词成句。




