外研版(三起)五年级下册英语期末知识点串讲:05 一般将来时

试卷更新日期:2023-06-25 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. My parents and I ________ my grandparents tomorrow.
    A、am going to visit B、will visit C、visited
  • 2. Where __________ you _________ tomorrow?
    A、do; go B、are; going C、will; do
  • 3. He _________ New York in a month.
    A、go to B、went C、is going to
  • 4. It _________ a great present.
    A、will is B、are C、will be
  • 5. Rose and Tingting _______Children's Day.
    A、are going to celebrate B、is going to celebrate C、are going to celebrating
  • 6. Tonight we ________ a TV programme.
    A、are going to watch B、watches C、look
  • 7. What___ Daming     to have for breakfast tomorrow?
    A、are, going B、is, going C、does, go
  • 8. —Lily is going to ______ this Saturday.

    —She likes ______ very much.

    A、  go hiking; go hiking B、go hiking; going hiking C、going hiking; go hiking
  • 9. What will you_______ next Sunday?
    A、does B、doing C、do
  • 10. We're going to________ some books.
    A、read B、reading C、reads
  • 11. We ________tomorrow.
    A、swim B、are swimming C、are going to swim
  • 12. Dad is going ___a kite with me.
    A、to fly B、flying C、to flying
  • 13. We     an Easter party next week.
    A、have B、having C、will have
  • 14. The party__________ start at 7 p.m.
    A、are B、will C、have
  • 15. Mandy wants to plant some flowers. She is going to a Garden Club _______.
    A、this weekend B、yesterday C、now
  • 16. —_______ you help me?— Of course I will.
    A、Did B、Does C、Will
  • 17. She __________ swim with her friends next weekend.
    A、go B、goes C、is going to
  • 18. _________ you going to see a film with Joe this weekend?
    A、will B、Is C、Are
  • 19. There _______a football match tomorrow afternoon.
    A、is B、will have C、will be
  • 20. I'll _______ mooncakes with my family.
    A、eat B、eating C、having