
试卷更新日期:2023-06-25 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 读句子,根据图片提示,选择正确的字母补充单词。

    a    e    i

    (1)、It's a white bg.  
    (2)、I have a pn. 
    (3)、The man is my dd. 
    (4)、I'd like some mlk. 
    (5)、I'm tn years old.
    (6)、Look at the pig. It's b g.


  • 2. 理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词,将正确的选项填在横线上。

    A. China B. woman C. thin D. she E. grandmother F. pupil

    (1)、he  we
    (2)、boy  man
    (3)、Australia  UK
    (4)、student  teacher
    (5)、small  long
    (6)、sister  brother



  • 7. I see ________ elephant. It's fat.
    A、an B、a C、/
  • 8. This is Mr Jones. ________ is a teacher.
    A、She B、It C、He
  • 9. — Is he your brother?

    —________. He is my friend.

    A、Yes, she is B、No, he isn't C、No, she isn't
  • 10. —Wow! The rabbit is so cute.

    — Yes. It has two ________.

    A、long nose B、long ears C、long legs
  • 11. —I'm from the USA. What about you?


    A、Great B、Welcome C、I'm from China
  • 12. Look at that bear. It _________ brown. It ________ a big mouth.
    A、is; is B、has; has C、is; has


  • 13. 看图,读对话,选择正确的选项,将序号写在横线上。
    A. Wow! It has a long tail.
    B. Who's that man?
    C. Nice to meet you!
    D. Good afternoon.
    E. Bye!
    F. Where are you from?


  • 14. Amy 和 Ted 在小区里丢了最心爱的玩具,他们在公告栏里贴了寻物启事。请阅读下面的内容,将正确的选项填写在横线上。


    Lost! My Toy Beaver. My toy beaver is from      is brown. It's fat and tall. It has small eyes. Please call Amy at 13777788255. Thanks!


    Lost!       It's a toy panda. It's from China. It's small. It's         It has a short tail. It's cool. Please call Ted at 13677406465.      


    Amy lost     .

    A、 B、 C、


    A. the UK

    B. China

    C. Canada

    A. My Toy Pen

    B. My Toy Panda

    C. My Big Bear

    A. black and white

    B. yellow and white

    C. white

    A. OK!

    B. Thank you!

    C. Welcome!


  • 15. 阅读理解。

    I'm Ted. This is my family photo(照片). The old man is my grandpa. He is tall. The short woman is my grandma. She is a teacher. This is my dad. He is a teacher, too. This is my mum. She is from the USA. This is my sister. She is six years old. This is me. I'm a pupil. I'm tall and thin. Look! This is our cat. It has a long tail. I love my family.

    (1)、Ted's ________ is a teacher.
    A、father B、mother C、grandfather
    (2)、Ted's mother is from ________.
    A、 B、 C、
    (3)、Ted's sister is ________ years old.
    A、5 B、6 C、7
    (4)、Ted's cat has ________.
    A、long ears B、a short tail C、a long tail
    (5)、Which(哪个) one is Ted's family photo(照片)?
    A、 B、 C、