
试卷更新日期:2023-06-16 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    You never know how far a kind act can go. When Gloria and Jeff began communicating, they had no idea how much it would encourage people to show their kindness to 1.

    89-year-old Gloria was lying in hospital. She couldn't leave her sickroom. So she 2 a lot of time looking outside her window to watch construction (建筑)workers working on the new building. To her 3, one of the workers noticed her and waved to her. She couldn't help waving back at this kind 4. This was only the 5 of a special story between the two. 

    Jeff knew Gloria was ill. So he decided to 6 a kind message to her. He wrote "Get Well" on one of the beams (柱子)facing her   7.

    "I just thought that was nice," Gloria said, "so I should do something to 8 that."

    When Gloria saw the 9 working high above the ground one cold, windy day, she grew concerned. She wrote "10" on a piece of paper and placed it on the window for the workers to see. "When I saw it on the window, I 11 around and said to my coworkers,Did you see that?'" Jeff said.

    One of the nurses took photos about that and 12 them on Weibo. The small act of kindness moved many people,  13 one woman who sent free pizza to the workers.

    "I just try to show my care and 14 expect so much." Jeff said,"If 15 is willing to do things like that, the world will be a better place."

    A、strangers B、families C、friends D、classmates
    A、took B、spent C、cost D、paid
    A、worry B、surprise C、anger D、silence
    A、smile B、communication C、change D、act
    A、result B、middle C、end D、beginning
    A、refuse B、hand C、send D、have
    A、bed B、wall C、door D、window
    A、return B、finish C、leave D、show
    A、doctors B、nurses C、workers D、strangers
    A、Stand Up B、Stay Safe C、Sit Down D、Hurry Up
    A、sat B、turned C、walked D、went
    A、shared B、found C、copied D、saw
    A、without B、except C、but D、including
    A、already B、ever C、never D、yet
    A、nobody B、somebody C、everyone D、anyone


  • 2. 阅读理解


    The emblem (徽章)of Beijing 2022 "Winter Dream" came out on December 15, 2017. When you look at it, you may think of the Chinese character,冬.From the emblem, we can see a skater at the top and a skier at the bottom. In the middle, there are China's mountains, sports halls, ski runs and skating places.


    The mascot (吉祥物)of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics came out on September 17, 2019. It is a cute panda called "Bing Dwen D、ven". The panda wears a suit of ice showing Chinese culture. "Bing" means ice and also power, and "Dwen Dwen" means children. Bing Dwen Dwen is good at winter sports and it is a symbol of power and self-control of sports men. It will help to improve the Olympic spirit.

    (1)、How long did the Olympic Games Beijing 2022 last?
    A、15 days. B、16 days. C、17 days. D、18 days.
    (2)、What can you find from the emblem?

    ① Sports halls ② A suit of ice    ③ A skater and a skier   ④ China's mountains

    A、①③④ B、①②③ C、  ②③④ D、①②④
    (3)、What sport might "Bing Dwen Dwen" like?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
  • 3. 阅读理解

    When Bambi woke up and saw snow on the forest floor, he felt sad. It was still winter!

    His mum had found a nice place for the winter, but it was difficult for him to meet his friends. It always took him a long time to walk through the woods. The worst thing was the frozen lake.

    But on that cold morning, Bambi wanted to fight with his fear. He stood bravely in front of the ice-covered lake. He could see his friends, the squirrel and the rabbit, playing on the opposite side!

    Bambi put one of his feet on the ice, and then a second and a third. But suddenly, he fell down! He tried and tried but still failed. He decided to try again the next day.

    His friends were watching him. They looked worried!

    The next morning, his mother said, "Wake up, Bambi! Your friends have made something special for you!"

    Bambi opened his eyes. The rabbit and the squirrel were there, holding four strange things in their hands. What could they be?

    "We call them ‘skates' ! They're for your feet!" the squirrel said.

    "With these on, you can walk through the ice to see us any time you want!" added the rabbit.

    They hurried Bambi down to the lake and asked him to put on the skates.

    Bambi almost fell down as he walked onto the ice. But by moving them sideways, he found that he could skate across the ice. His mother and friends cheered for him.

    Perhaps winter could be fun!

    (1)、Where could be Bambi's home?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (2)、What kind of animal is Bambi?
    A、Sad. B、Brave. C、Serious. D、Understanding.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
    A、Eyes. B、Friends. C、Hands. D、Skates.
    (4)、Why did Bambi think winter could be fun at the end of the story?
    A、He had a pair of skates.    B、He saw snow on the floor. C、He solved difficulties with friends.    D、He got cheers from his father and friends.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Islands are always changing shapes. Sometimes you can see the changes happening. A volcano can erupt (喷发)and shoot out red hot lava (岩浆). When the lava reaches the ocean, it cools and forms new land. The island grows.

    But most changes are hard to see. Storms and wind blow dirt and sand from one side of the island and pile them up on another side. Oceans wash away earth and rocks from one beach and cany them to another. The island changes shapes slowly, a little bit at a time.

    People on some small ocean islands are worried. They think their islands are changing shapes too fast. On some islands, the whole beaches have been washed away. Places that used to be dry have been wetter and wetter.

    Why are so many islands becoming smaller and smaller? Scientists say people cause pollution. They burn gas and coal for cars and factories, they cut down rain forests, and more. The pollution stores heat and makes Earth hotter. Warmer temperatures melt the ice at the North and South Poles. The melting ice flows into the ocean and raises sea levels. As a result, island disappears.

    But there is hope. Scientists are looking for ways to stop sea levels rising and they are also looking for clean ways to run cars and factories. People are helping too, by recycling, planting trees, driving less, and wasting less. Together, we can stop the world's islands from disappearing.

    (1)、What is true about the islands from the first two paragraphs?
    A、The ocean cools and the new islands form. B、You can always see the changes happening. C、Storms and wind wash away earth and rocks. D、They sometimes need a long time to change shapes.
    (2)、Which is the right order for islands becoming smaller and smaller?


    A、④①③② B、④②①③ C、④③①② D、④①②③
    (3)、What is the writer's attitude(态度)about the future?
    A、He feels angry. B、He feels excited. C、He feels hopeful. D、He feels worried.
    (4)、What can be the title of the passage?
    A、Smaller Islands. B、Moving Islands. C、Polluted Islands. D、Disappearing Islands.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    ①Recently, I have finished four space tasks. I stayed in space for more than 43 days, and complete six spacewalks for 43 hours and 13 minutes, so I have a lot of experience there. Today, I want to share some information unusual: what it's like to eat in space.

    ②People often ask me if Tang—a kind of orange drink mix—is still taken in space. Don't laugh, but we still drink it. Today's space foods look like foods we're used to eating every day. Foods, like nuts (坚果) or brownies (布朗尼蛋糕),can be taken on board as much as possible. But things like macaroni (通心面) or noodles would be specially prepared, then kept and packaged (打包)to stop them going everywhere . It's a difficult but necessary process. However, food on a space task can be quite rich and various, can't it?

    ③The microgravity (微重力) on the space station changes things in some ways. For one thing,there is no "up" or "down" in space. It also changes how things taste. On Earth, most of your blood is usually below your heart. In space, you're weightless, so the sharing of blood in your body changes. One result is lowering your sense of taste, at least at first This happened to me on one task. When I took sugar candy, I wasn't able to taste it until the ninth day.

    ④Food can be a real happiness in space. For us, eating is more than just getting power and energy. Familiar foods and tastes can remind us of home and keep us feeling that we still keep in touch with Earth.

    (1)、What is the passage about?
    A、Life in space. B、Eating in space. C、Exercise in space. D、  Sleeping in space.
    (2)、Who might the writer be?
    A、A teacher. B、A scientist C、An astronaut. D、A police artist
    (3)、What does the underlined word "various" mean in the second paragraph?
    A、Be of much money. B、Be of similar taste. C、Be of the same color. D、Be of different kinds.
    (4)、How is the passage organized?
    A、 B、 C、 D、


  • 6. 你们班的留学生同学Dave因身体不适需要发信息与班主任老师请假。请根据文本语境,在给定框的选项A-E (有一项多余),选出适当选项。

    A.I'm sorry to ask for two days' leave.

    B.What's the matter?

    C.Can I come to school tomorrow?

    D.Did you take your temperature?

    E.Hope you get better soon.

    Dave: Hi, Ms.Green.I'm not feeling well today.

    Ms.Green: Oh, that's not good.

    Dave: I've got a headache.I feel very hot.


    Dave: Yes, I did. It's 38.8℃.

    Ms.Green: How long have you been like this?

    Dave: Since last night. I've decided to the doctor today.

    Ms.Green: Yeah, you don't need to come to school until you feel better.

    Dave: Ok, I see.

    Ms.Green: It's ok.

    Dave: Thanks, Ms. Green. Bye.

    The above passage could be written into the section of in an English magazine.
    A. School Daily
    B. Movie Report
    C. City News
    D. English Songs


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Should kids use cell phones in school? There have been a lot of (discuss) about it As we all know, kids do not need cell phones in school all. Some people may feel that kids need phones for safety (reason).

    (one), there are phones in most modern classrooms nowadays. kids need to call their parents, they can use one of the phones in the school. There (be) really no reason for students to have a phone with them.

    Besides, cell phones can be a big problem in the school day. If the school allows students (bring) their phones to class, they won't pay much attention (注意力) to their schoolwork because there are too many games and apps on phones. They can pull (kid) attention away from things they should do at school.

    What's (bad), cell phones can also be another way that kids bully (欺凌)each other. In some ways, phones would just be another way for bad kids to hurt others.

    In a word, I can't think of any good reasons why kids need to have cell phones at school. Phones would just be problem and could lead to more bullying in school.


  • 8. 你参与劳动吗?你热爱劳动吗? 21st century英语报发起了 "做一名爱劳动的好少年"的征文活动。请根据以下提示,结合自己平常的劳动体验和看法,写一篇征文稿。


    2) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

    3) 词数:80-100。

    Be a Teenager Who Loves Working



  • 9. You can tell me about your  (苦恼). Maybe I can give you some advice.
  • 10. My brother is independent so he sometimes travels  (单独).
  • 11. You really broke his heart, so he won't come here (不再).
  • 12. Mr. Cooper often goes  (到国外)with his family during their holidays.
  • 13. Parents should allow teenagers to do (社会的) work for their neighborhood.
  • 14. Before they leave the airport, the pilot has  (检查) both engines carefiilly.
  • 15. It is the parents' job to   (提供) a clean environment at home for their kids.
  • 16. We built the Great Wall so tall and  (宽的) to protect our country in the ancient.
  • 17. I can feel the    (美丽) of exercise whenever I go skateboarding.
  • 18. The rain was (敲打) the window heavily when he fell asleep.
  • 19. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    wet    they    away  different  join

    As we all know, waste sorting (垃圾分类)is a big event around the world. We really hope everyone can us to do the following things..

    *Don't throw unwanted books. Put in the Recyclable Waste Bin. As for unwanted paper cups, photos and toilet paper, they should go to Dry Waste Bin.

    *After having meals in the dining hall, put the leftovers, vegetables and fruit you don't eat in the Waste Bin.

    *Never throw away plastic bags everywhere. They are a kind of harmful waste.

    A small action can make a big . So work together to save the earth.