
试卷更新日期:2023-06-13 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 判断下列各组划线部分的发音是否相同。
    (1)、toy    noise    toilet
    (2)、pear    bear    near
    (3)、noon    blue    school
    (4)、toe    coat    toast
    (5)、are    care    parent


  • 2. Nian sees red things. He feels _________and runs back to the hill.
    A、happy B、nice C、afraid
  • 3. Shenzhen is in the _________ of China.
    A、north B、south C、east
  • 4. __________ is a very important festival in Western countries.
    A、Christmas B、The Spring Festival C、The Double Ninth Festival
  • 5. There are _________ great inventions in ancient China.
    A、three B、five C、four
  • 6. The _________ helps Jill pull out the bad tooth.
    A、dentist B、fireman C、teacher
  • 7. ___________, the Ugly Duckling becomes beautiful and everyone likes it. What a happy ending!
    A、First B、Because C、Finally
  • 8. The baby is sleeping. You should _________.
    A、make noises B、keep quiet C、laugh
  • 9. —Dad, I don't understand(明白this English word. Can you help me?

    —You can use the _________. Then you will know.

    A、dictionary B、storybook C、picture book
  • 10. I want to invent a magic flying machine. People can go _________ in the world.
    A、where B、anywhere C、anytime
  • 11. Don't eat before bedtime. It's not ___________ for your teeth.
    A、good B、well C、bad


  • 12. 判断下列句子是否与短文相符。

    The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games is from 4-20 February. Two young Chinese names shine brightly: skier Gu Ailing and snowboarder Su Yiming. They are both 18 years old. They both win medals and become very famous. People call them "prodigies" (天才)but they don 't think so. Gu begins to learn how to ski at the age of 3 in the US. Her father is American and her mother is Chinese. She is also a model and top student. "Only 1% of it comes from my gift," says Gu. "People don't see how 1 train, fall and make mistakes every day." Su Yiming is a boy from Jilin. He begins to learn snowboarding at the age of 4. He has a goal(目标) when he is a pupil in primary school. Now he wins a gold and a silver. "If you have a goal, go for it!" "says Su.

    (1)、The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games is in January.
    (2)、Gu Ailing is a skier and Su Yiming is a snowboarder.
    (3)、The word "gift" means"天赋" here.
    (4)、Gu Ailing's parents are both Chinese.
    (5)、Now Su Yiming wins a gold medal and a silver medal.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Building home in space

    It's important for us to have home on Earth. But we also need some homes in space. China is building home in space for everyone. It's the Tiangong space station. The space station will have a core capsule(核心舱), two lab capsules(实验舱), a cargo spacecraft(货运飞船), and a manned spacecraft(载人飞船). China sends the core capsule and the cargo spacecraft into space over the last few months. By the end of 2022,China will finish building the station. Astronauts can live on the space station for days and months. Three astronauts can live for a long time. Six astronauts can live for a short time. "They can do scientific research(科学研究there. After work, they can enjoy delicious food, do exercise and talk to their families on Earth. The space station has special places for work, sleep, cleaning, eating and healthcare. They make space station a nice place to live.

    (1)、Tiangong space station is a _________.
    A、home in space B、home in the sea C、home on the hill
    (2)、_________, China will finish building the Tiangong space station.
    A、By the end of 2021 B、Before 2022 C、By the end of 2022
    (3)、__________ astronauts can live for a long time.
    A、Three B、Six C、Nine
    (4)、Which statement(说法is wrong?
    A、There is delicious food on the space station. B、Tiangong space station is a nice home for everyone now. C、Astronauts can talk to their children on Earth.
    (5)、In the magazine"_________". you may find this article(文章).
    A、Travel around America B、Know about the Space C、Popular Food in China
  • 14. 阅读理解。

    Every year from July to October, lots and lots of wild animals change homes in Africa. They make their way from south to north. They are looking for two things - food and water. The animals travel about 3, 000 km. That's about the same way from Beijing to Sanya in Hainan.

    Zebras, wildebeests(角马)and gazelles(瞪羚)make a great team.

    (1)、_________ eat short and soft grass.
    A、Gazelles B、Wildebeests C、Zebras
    (2)、Animals change home for _________.
    A、water B、food C、both A and B
    (3)、Gazelles are the ____________ in the great team.
    A、front B、middle C、last
    (4)、The animals" way of changing home is from _________ to _________ in Africa.
    A、north…south B、south…north C、Beijing…Sanya
    (5)、Which one is NOT true?
    A、The animals change home from June to October every year. B、It's about 3, 000 km from Sanya to Beijing. C、Zebras eat long and hard grass because they have strong stomachs.


  • 15. —What do you learn from the story Tomorrow?


    A、Don't sleep in a tree. B、Don't play with fire. C、Don't wait until tomorrow.
  • 16. — Where will Peter live in the future?


    It's a warm city.

    A、He will be a doctor. B、He will live in Shenzhen. C、He won't wear glasses.
  • 17. — Which toy bear does Kitty like, the brown one or the yellow one?


    A、She likes the brown one. B、1 like the yellow one. C、Yes, she does.
  • 18. —_________

    — I have a headache.

    A、How do you do? B、What's wrong with you? C、What are you doing?
  • 19. —We are going to visit Sanya this summer. What should we wear?

    —_________It is so hot there.

    A、We should wear coats. B、We shouldn't wear shorts. C、We shouldn't wear jackets.


  • 20. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. watch B. inventions C. magic D. change E. something

    Mr. Li: Welcome to the Science Club. You can see many interesting here.

    Students in our school make them.

    Kitty: Amazing! I love this club!

    Joe: What is this, Mr. Li?

    Mr. Li: It's a . You can tell the time with it. You can also use it as a fan. Peter: That's cool! Who makes it?

    Mr. Li: David does. He is a student in Grade Six.

    Kitty: l want to invent myself, too. Peter: What are you going to invent?

    Kitty: I'm going to invent a machine. People can print(打印) out anything with it.

    Joe: I'm going to invent a coat. It can colours at any time. Mr. Li: wow! Sounds great! I hope you will be great inventors in the future!

  • 21. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. What's your favourite book?

    B. Why do you like it?

    C. It's about Monkey King.

    D. I usually read books in our school library.

    E. Would you like to go with me?

    World Book Day is on April 23rdevery year. There will be a Book week at school. The students are doing a survey about children's favourite book.

    Peter: Do you like reading?

    Eddie: Yes.

    Peter: What are you going to do at Book Week?

    Eddie: I'm going to make a poster about my favourite book.


    Eddie: It's Journey to the West. It's one of China's famous books.

    Peter: What is it about?


    He's very naughty but brave.


    Eddie: Because it's very interesting. Monkey King is very clever. He can save his master every time.

    Peter: That sounds interesting. Can I borrow this book from the library?

    Eddie: Yes. I'm going to the library now.

    Peter: Of course. Let's go.


  • 22. 选出适当的短语,完成对话。

    A. tidy up B. far away from C. at the end of D. weak in E. full of

    (1)、—What's in the bottle?

    — It's hot water. Be careful.

    (2)、—My favourite subject is Maths. What about you, Alice?

    — l don't like Maths. Because I am it.

    (3)、— Excuse me. Where is the train station?

    — It's not here. Walk along and you can see it on your right.

    (4)、—Can you our classroom? It is messy.

    — Yes, Miss Fang.

    (5)、-— When is Chinese New Year's Eve?

    — It's the year. Families have a big dinner together.


  • 23. have / lot / fun / they / a / there / of(.)(连词成句)
  • 24. Kitty / have / will / eyes / beautiful(?)(连词成句)
  • 25. his / on / put / the / can / bed / you / shirt(?)(连词成句)
  • 26. meet / at / your / gate / I / school / will / the / parents(.)(连词成句)
  • 27. builds / giant / tall / a / his / wall / the / garden / around(.)(连词成句)


  • 28. 深圳是一座现代化的海滨城市,非常适合休闲度假。暑假来临之际,来个深圳深度游吧!请以 The travel plan for summer holiday为题,根据思维导图,设计出游计划,50词左右,注意书写规范。