
试卷更新日期:2023-06-13 类型:期末考试




  • 16. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、Yes, they will. B、Yes, there will. C、No, he won't.
  • 17. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、He is from the UK. B、We arc from the US. C、I'm from Australia.
  • 18. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、I need a pair of scissors. B、I want to make a model plane. C、I have a pair of socks.
  • 19. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、It is small and white. B、It was big and white. C、They are small and white.
  • 20. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、Yes, I do. B、No, I don't. C、I like both.
  • 21. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、Yes, I am. B、Yes, I did. C、Yes, I do.
  • 22. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、I like sports. B、I don't like lemons. C、I'd like to have a swimming pool.
  • 23. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、Yes, you can. B、No. we don't. C、No, he does.
  • 24. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、How about 2:30 p.m.? B、It's a popular movie. C、Two hours.
  • 25. 听问句,选择答句(   )
    A、No, I weren't. B、No, I didn't. C、Yes, they did.


  • 26. 听对话,选择。
    (1)、What changes would Amy like to see in her school?
    A、She'd like to have no homework. B、She'd like to have less homework. C、She'd like to have more time for playing.
    (2)、In Joe's opinion, where will students have lessons in the future?
    A、Under the sea. B、On high mountains. C、Both A and B.
  • 27. 听对话,选择。
    (1)、What's a fable?
    A、It s a story with a picture. B、It's a story with a lesson. C、It's a story with an idea.
    (2)、What stories are in Aesop's Fables?
    A、Snow White. The Wind and the Sun B、The Wind and the Sun. The Fox and the Grapes C、The Fox and the Frapes, Space Travel
    (3)、What's David reading?
    A、The Fox and the Grapes B、Aesop's Fables C、Space Travel


  • 28. 听短文判断。
    (1)、Mrs Li is 168cm tall.
    (2)、Mrs Li's husband is a PE teacher.
    (3)、Mrs Li usually plays badminton with her husband in the morning.
    (4)、Mrs Li sometimes runs or rides her bike around the park.
    (5)、Mrs Li lost some weight and she will be healthier in the future.


  • 29. 听短文排序。

    Let's make a puzzle

    A. Stick the painting onto the cardboard.

    B. Do the puzzle.

    C. Find a piece of cardboard.

    D. Find a painting.

    E. Cut the picture into pieces.


  • 30. 听音填词。

    Tom is my friend. He is centimetres tall. He 48 kilograms. He wants to be an in the future. He wants to make a for his little cousin. He needs a pair of scissors and some . He likes Chinese ink paintings. He is going to art museum tomorrow. He will have a good time there.


  • 31. 看图选词填空。

    A. swimming goggles B. paper plane C. puzzle D. space E. crown

    (1)、Alice wants to make a.

    (2)、Lucy wants to make a.
    (3)、She needs a piece of .

    (4)、Fiona wants to do the.

    (5)、We will study in in the future.


  • 32. Which sign means "No Smoking"?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 33. __________is on August 1st.
    A、National Day B、Army Day C、Thanksgiving Day
  • 34. We can learn something _________ these stories.
    A、from B、for C、to
  • 35. Last year we ________ a good time at Christmas.
    A、have B、had C、has
  • 36. We enjoy _________ books at home.
    A、read B、reads C、reading


  • 37. 根据问句选答句。

    A: you should let old people sit down first.

    B: you should say, "Hello."

    C: you should say, "Pardon me?"

    D: you should say, "I'm sorry."

    E: you should turn off the lights and fans.

    F: you should line up and wait.

    例句: When the bus is coming, ____F____

    (1)、When you don't hear something,
    (2)、When you make a mistake,
    (3)、When you get on the bus,
    (4)、When you answer the phone,
    (5)、When you leave a room,


  • 38. 补全对话。

    A. Then we take them outside to fly.

    B. How can you reuse old things?

    C. Then it'll be a vase!

    D. How about you, Alice?

    E. We can put pens, pencils and rulers in a can, too.

    Ms. Guo: Good morning, Children!

    Kitty: We can write on both sides of paper. Ms.

    Guo: Good! That's a good idea.

    Alice: We can clean a can and put our rubbers and crayons in it.


    Ms. Guo: Great! We can use a can to make a school thing holder. Jill, do you have any ideas?

    Jill: We can put some flowers in a bottle.

    Ms. Guo: It's a good idea! And you, Peter?

    Peter: We like to use old paper to make paper planes.

    Ms. Guo: Good idea! But please put the rubbish into the bin.

    Peter: Okay.


  • 39. 根据短文内容,选词填空。

    Lu Ban was a craftsman. One day a leaf (A: cut / B: cuts) his finger. He looked at the leaf. (A: careful / B: carefully). There were many (A: tooth / B: teeth) on the leaf and they were sharp. So he made a tool with teeth like (A: these / B:this). It could cut things. It was a saw. It was the first saw in the world. People are still (A: use / B: using) this tool today.


  • 40. 根据短文选择对应字母选项。

    Summer holiday is coming. Sarah and her friends are making a holiday plan. They are going to visit Beijing, China. Beijing is a great and old city with a long history. They are going to visit the Summer Palace and Tian'anmen Square. They are also going to climb the Great Wall. These places are very famous around the world. They are going to the zoo to see animals in Beijing. They are going to learn Chinese. They are going to cook Chinese food. They like eating dumplings very much. They think the dumplings are delicious. At last, they are going to make some friends in China. They are looking forward to their visit to Beijing.

    (1)、Which city are Sarah and her friends going to visit?
    A、Beijing. B、London. C、Tokyo.
    (2)、How many places are they going to visit?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five.
    (3)、Are they going to see animals at the zoo?
    A、Yes, they are. B、No, they aren't. C、No, they are.
    (4)、What Chinese food do they like very much?
    A、Noodles. B、Rice. C、Dumplings.
    (5)、What does the phrase ""are looking forward to" mean in Chinese?
    A、期待 B、厌恶 C、等待
  • 41. 根据图片内容选择

    Welcome to Longwood


    (1)、How much is a train ride?
    A、2 B、1.5 C、5
    (2)、How much is the ticket for Safari Park?
    A、4 B、1.5 C、2
    (3)、Can we visit Longwood on Sunday?
    A、Sure. B、No, we can't. C、Yes.
    (4)、Which sentence(句子) is true?
    A、We can go there from Monday to Sunday. B、We can go there from Jan. i to Dec. C、It opens between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm.
    (5)、What is free (免费)?
    A、Ride on the train. B、Maze. C、Ride on the go-kart track
  • 42. 阅读理解。

    One day Rip Van Winkle didn't want to work. So he went walking in the woods (树林) with his dog. He walked and walked. Then he sat under a big tree. There he met some little men. They danced and sang: "Come on, Van Winkle, dance and sing. "Rip danced all day with the little men. At the end of the day, he was very tired. He slept and he slept and he slept. When he got up, he couldn't find the little men.

    Rip went back to the town. Everything was different! His house wasn't there! His friends weren't there! Rip asked, "Where is everyone I know?" A woman said, "Rip, you went away twenty years ago. Where did you go?" He told the story about the little men and his sleeping. "Rip," said the woman, "Look at your beard (胡须). It's all white."


    (2)、What did some little men want Rip Van Winkle to do?
    A、sleep B、eat and drink C、dance and sing
    (3)、How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep in the story?
    A、20 years B、30 years C、40 years

十四、连词成句。 (5%)



  • 52. 深圳是一座和谐友好的城市,作为这座城市的一员,我们应该如何贡献自己的力量去帮助他人呢?请以"Helping others "为题,写至少六句话,参考下面的思维导图,请将作文写在答题卡对应横线上。