
试卷更新日期:2023-06-08 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. How's the weather now?
    A、Cloudy. B、Sunny. C、Windy.
  • 2. What are they talking about?
    A、A football match. B、A basketball match. C、A baseball match.
  • 3. Where are they going?
    A、To the park. B、To the zoo. C、To the beach.
  • 4. What's wrong with George's homework?
    A、He made it so dirty. B、He handed it in too late. C、He had many spelling mistakes.
  • 5. What does the woman think of the city?
    A、She really hates the weather there. B、She thinks the traffic there is very good. C、She likes the shopping environment there.


  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Why is the girl so happy?
    A、Because she helped a careless man. B、Because she saw a funny movie. C、Because she just got out of trouble.
    (2)、What is the man interested in?
    A、Something relaxing. B、Something exciting. C、Something educational.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the boy worried about?
    A、The math exam. B、His mother's trip. C、His own clothes.
    (2)、Which place is the boy's mother going to?
    A、To another country. B、To a city nearby. C、To a bookstore.
    (3)、Who will the boy's mother go with?
    A、Nobody else. B、Her son C、Her friends


  • 8. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Which floor is the speaker's room on?
    A、The first floor. B、The tenth floor. C、The second floor.
    (2)、How long is the speaker's room?
    A、18 meters. B、7 meters. C、5 meters.
    (3)、Where do the speaker's parents live?
    A、In New York. B、In Boston. C、In Tokyo.
    (4)、How does the speaker probably get the daily evening meals?
    A、He/ She cooks them independently. B、He/ She orders them from the KFC. C、He/ She gets them from the school dining hall.
    (5)、When does the speaker help parents with family chores?
    A、On Children's Day. B、On May 1st. C、On Thanksgiving Day.


  • 9. 阅读下列短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    We were waiting on the platform in the late afternoon. There he was, my 1 with his grey hair and there I was, a teenager girl in my jeans and T-shirt. He was taking in the scene 2 with his aged but still clear blue eyes. I was wondering how I was going to 3 the next two days." Why did I agree-to be with my strange grandpa on a 4 ride from our city to another?"I asked myself.

    No one else wanted to be the fellow (同伴) traveller 5 my grandfather refused to take a plane. Unlike him, I loved to 6 because I wanted to get to the destination (目的地) as quickly as possible.

    No matter what anyone told my grandfather about the comfort and 7 of flying, he refused to book a flight, saying, "It's not just the trip. It's about taking the adventure of 8 there. "

    With my first step onto the train, the journey was already different from what I 9. The train was modern and it was filled with 10 travelers. We all smiled and nodded to greet each other.

    My grandpa and I seated ourselves in the 11 car. While watching the scenery pass, we could enjoy food and drinks. 12 listening to my music, I became a willing audience (听众) and I learned family history that I had never had the time or 13 to learn about. I was thankful for our time together on the train. I felt that I 14 him for the first time.

    In this rapidly changing world, we often miss important moments. It is necessary for us to slow down and listen to the elders who offer pieces of 15 histories or experiences. Life isn't just about the destination——it's about the journey.

    A、father B、mother C、grandmother D、grandfather
    A、carelessly B、nervously C、silently D、secretly
    A、get through B、depend on C、look for D、work for
    A、horse B、train C、bike D、bus
    A、before B、since C、though D、unless
    A、By B、run C、jump D、travel
    A、waste B、trouble C、safety D、force
    A、shopping B、getting C、passing D、driving
    A、expected B、decided C、refused D、forgot
    A、angry B、famous C、musical D、friendly
    A、sleeping B、coming C、dining D、following
    A、By B、After C、While D、Instead of
    A、patience B、pressure C、money D、shame
    A、taught B、hurt C、understood D、saw
    A、our B、their C、his D、her


  • 10. 阅读理解


    Join us for an unforgettable school trip to a farmland!

    TIME: Our school trip will take place on Saturday, May 20th, and we will leave the school at 8: 00 am. We will return at around 5: 00 pm, so make sure to tell your parents to pick you up on time.

    COST: The cost for the trip is $40 for each student, which includes transportation, tickets and lunch. Please bring some money if you want to buy souvenirs (纪念品) or food.


    O We will be visiting a beautiful farm, where you'll be able to learn about how plants and animals are grown and raised. You will get to see some amazing sights and have tons of fun with your classmates.

    O To keep you safe, please wear comfortable clothing and shoes, bring lots of water and put on sunscreen. We will be together as a group at all times, and you must stay with your teachers and classmates.

    O If you want to get more information, please pay attention to:

    We-chat Official Accounts-School Trip ABC


    Don't miss out on this chance to see a real-life farm and learn about how it works.

    Don't wait too long to sign up(注册) for the trip, as there are only 300 students available for the trip!

    (1)、If you want to join this school trip, you'd better ______________.
    A、get to school before 8: 00 am. B、buy some souvenirs or food C、order your own lunch online D、wait for others to sign up for the trip
    (2)、For your safety, you are supposed to ______________.
    A、wear new clothing and shoes B、bring plenty of water with you C、take plants and animals with you D、stay away from your classmates and teachers.
    (3)、What kind of writing is the text?
    A、Diary B、A poster C、A report D、A story
  • 11. 阅读理解

    People who have spent time in other cultures often talk about "reverse (反向的) culture shock". If you leave your country for more than a short tourist trip and then go back home, you may feel it.

    What is"reverse culture shock"? Well, imagine the following; You have just adapted (适应) to a new culture and have come to enjoy life in it. You have made new friends and have had a great variety (多种多样) of new experiences. Then, sadly enough, it's time to leave, but you are also very excited about going home. Arriving home is wonderful—seeing all the friends and relatives you haven't seen, eating all the special foods, reading the newspapers and hearing music you haven't heard in such a long time. But then after a few weeks, perhaps, things may not seem so "wonderful". You may become critical of your home country where you have grown up. You may not like certain things or ideas. In your eyes, either you or your home country has changed so much that you begin to worry.

    So some experts explain it like this: When a person lives in a different cultural environment for a period of time, experiences cultural shock and adapts to the foreign culture, when he returns to his motherland, he appears symptoms (症状) of not adapting to his own culture. It's a difficult period, and many people experience it after the excitement of coming home has worn off. Luckily, it doesn't usually last as long as adjustment (调整) to a new culture does.

    (1)、From the passage, "reverse culture shock" connects with people who ______________.
    A、are living abroad B、are going to make foreign friends C、plan to study a different culture D、come back from a foreign country
    (2)、According to the writer, before going home, people always feel ______________.
    A、sad but excited B、nervous but special C、wonderful but disappointed D、surprised but natural
    (3)、After getting home, people probably dislike things or ideas they meet because ______________.
    A、their relatives keep away from them B、they can hardly read local newspapers C、they become worried about the changes around them D、they grow older and have little interest in everything
    (4)、The last paragraph mainly tells us that people will ______________.
    A、find it difficult to travel alone B、feel excited to listen to old music C、certainly come back to their normal life D、be lucky enough to learn about a new culture
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Since I became a mother, I cannot remember the-last time I had spare time for myself. Even my simple hobby of reading a book was already a thing of the past. All my time was spent taking care of the family, doing house chores, and of course, working to make a living.

    I longed for "me time". When I say" me time", I only mean having an hour of quietness, listening to music, reading a book, or watching a movie, without being troubled by my kids.

    It was not until quite recently that I had a chance to travel to a new country all by myself to start a new job! My husband and kids would have to follow at a later date.

    Now, I am alone in an apartment. Finally, I can do whatever I want and keep the house clean and tidy. I can read my favorite books and do all that I want to do with my time. I practically have all the time for myself!

    But surprisingly it doesn't make me happy. I am lonely. No more daily routine (常规) of nagging (唠叨) and pushing the kids to get up. I miss my kids and my husband. I feel something in me is missing. Now I realize that making time for me doesn't mean being away from those I love. I can still have "me time" even if I have the kids around and endless chores to do.

    I can change my attitude toward chores and routines. Life won't be the same without the people you love near you. Now I am looking forward to them joining me soon.

    (1)、Before becoming a mother, the writer's life was ______________ in the past.
    A、tiring B、busy C、simple D、hard
    (2)、In Paragraph 2, the underlined phrase "longed for" probably means ______________.
    A、waited for somebody for a long time B、wanted something very much C、worked hard to make a living D、tried to understand something
    (3)、In the writer's opinion," me time" means ______________.
    A、having little time for herself B、doing whatever she never did before C、being away from her troublesome kids D、trying to enjoy her life with daily routine
    (4)、From the passage, we can infer that the author ______________.
    A、will join her family soon B、is living happily in a foreign country C、will never do chores anymore D、is looking forward to reading alone
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Getting electricity has always been a problem for the 173 people living in Nuevo Saposoa, a small village in Peru, South America. However, things went from bad to worse in March 2015 after heavy rains broke the only power cables (电缆线) in the area. The villagers were forced to use oil lamps (灯),which are not only expensive but also dangerous because of the harmful gases (气体) they produce.

    Luckily, researchers at the University of Technology (UT) in Lima, Peru heard about their problem and found a wonderful solution. They made a new lamp that can be powered by plants and soil (土壤),both of which can be easily found in the Amazonian rainforest where the village lies. The lamp takes energy from a plant growing in a wooden box and uses it to light up an LED light bulb (灯泡).

    While that may sound amazing and even impossible, the science behind the ideas is quite simple. As plants create their food, they also produce waste which they return to the soil. Small animals in the soil eat this waste and they produce electrons (电荷). The UT team put special sticks inside the soil to get the energy and keep it in the lamp for later use.

    The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa several years ago. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented the lamp, believes the Plant Lamp can keep helping to improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities, 42% of whom have no electricity.

    (1)、From Paragraph 1, we know that the oil lamps ______________.
    A、are really heavy B、cost the least money C、produce harmful gases D、are used by the researchers
    (2)、The villagers solved their problems ______________.
    A、by themselves B、in a new area C、by using wooden boxes D、with the help of the UT team
    (3)、It can be learned from the passage that ______________.
    A、the energy can be kept in the plants for later use B、it is hard for villagers to find materials for the new lamps C、the science behind the idea is quite difficult to understand D、the new lamps will continue to improve the villagers' life
    (4)、Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
    A、A Wonderful Solution B、An Expensive Invention C、A Special Research Team D、A Terrible Animal Waste


  • 14. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    badly   gentleman   litter   examine   officer

    (1)、Could I have your attention, ladies and .
    (2)、The father introduced how his son grew up
    (3)、Just wait for your turn, the doctor another person
    (4)、I didn't do it very well, but actually, he did it even .
    (5)、 around is a very uncivilized (不文明的) behavior
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    No one knows exactly when jazz was invented, or by whom. But it is said that it began in the early 1900s. Jazz was a new kind of music, for America and the world, and New Orleans was (它的) birthplace.

    Who were the jazz pioneers? (大多数) were blacks. This music was not written down, and at first only blacks played it. It was hard for white musical persons to learn the new style. But soon they, too, were playing jazz.

    The popularity of this music (传播). From New Orleans, it traveled up the Misissippi to Chicago, then to Kansas City and New York. By the 1920s, there were many jazz musicians, both black and white. Many of them were famous. One man was (更好) than the rest. His name was Louis Armstrong.

    Louis Armstrong was not only a born musician but also hard-working. He had a good sense of humor and a big smile and he always smiled (高兴). These personal qualities were valuable in his rise to fame. (在…以后) he became famous, he traveled around the world. It seemed that everyone wanted to hear Louis play. But life was not always easy, especially at the (开端).

    Louis Armstrong was born in 1900 in New Orleans. His father never went to school and his mother could hardly read. When Louis was still a kid, his parents (分离),  and Louis lived with his mother. How hard their life was can be readily imagined! And yet Louis smiled through (一切). He later wrote, "My whole life has been filled with happiness. Life was there for me and I accepted it. Whatever happened has been valuable to me. That's the (美) of it. I love everybody. "


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    In the early morning of February 13,2023, China's men's mainland tennis set a new record. Wu Yibing, a 23-year-old Hangzhou boy, made his (one) trip to the ATP250 Tour and made it all the way to win the event.

    Chinese has an ATP250 Tour Championship for the first time! Along this victory, Wu Yibing's world ranking also reached a new high of 58. From top student to tour champion. Let's find out how he made progress.

    Wu Yibing is a Chinese male tennis player born in 1999 in Hangzhou Zhejiang Province. He began to play tennis at the age of 4 and (choose) for the Zhejiang provincial team at the age of 8, starting his tennis career. In June 2014, he (graduate) from Hangzhou Baochu Pagoda Experimental School. Then he entered Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School and then Zhejiang University.

    His coach, Lu Yaxian, remembers that girl's father who was on a tennis team introduced Wu Yibing to her, saying that this child was (talent). The father suggested the school tennis team should give a chance to . So, she paid attention to Wu Yibing, who was still in a primary school at the time, and the (deep) impression(印象) was that "he loves to fight and he can always win the key games . "Later, when Wu Yibing entered the Baoshi tennis team, Lu Yaxian would take him to join in the competition, " He bites (咬) the score really firmly, and the key points can always be scored, especially when the team competition comes, the situation of (fall) behind can always be changed. "

    In the on-site interview after Wu Yibing won the championship, the young man spoke fluent and humorous English, and also won a lot of fans. Wu Yibing's junior high school homeroom teacher and mathematics teacher, Mr. Li, said he must have put a lot of effort behind his English proficiency (娴熟) now.


  • 17. 阅读下面对话,从方框中所给的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入横线上,并完成问题。

    The depression (抑郁) in my heart is like a black dog, and it bites me whenever it gets the chance. -By Winston Churchill(丘吉尔)

    If you are experiencing depression right now, don't be shamed, because you are not alone.

    Depression is a serious problem that can happen to anybody, including teenagers. It's hard to put into words how depression feels and people experience it differently. Some do too many wild or dangerous things like fast driving, drinking, smoking, taking drugs and so on

    It has something to do with the normal growth. Often teenagers react (反应) to the pain of depression by making all kinds of troubles. It's important for them to get treatment for depression before it leads to other more serious troubles When you think you "we depressed, don't keep all the bad feelings to yourself. Talking to friends as young as you may be the best choice because they may share the same or similar feelings.

    It is also really important to let out depressed feelings sometimes. According to some experts, crying will make people's muscles and emotions to relax. So crying appropriately in poor mood can help to relieve stress.

    Remember, no matter how bad it gets, if you take right steps, talk to the right people, black dog days can and will pass

    A. Some feel helpless and hopeless

    B. For teenagers, being depressed is common

    C. For example, crying is a good way to let out sadness

    D. Adults are sometimes anxious when they are stressed.

    E. It is very important for teenagers to be healthy in mind

    What else can you do if you are down?(答案不少于5个单词)


  • 18. 学校是青少年另一个重要的生活环境,来自加拿大的Mike在学校里遇到了一些问题。假如你是李华,请根据下表提示,梳理其问题及表现、提出你的解决办法(solutions)并通过英语网站向Mike发送一份友情邮件。

    Mike's problems


    be not confident in public sometimes

    be active…

    can't communicate well with. .


    have much stress from…


    1. 该邮件必须包括所有提示内容,可适当增加细节;

    2. 请在省略号处适当拓展;

    3. 词数:80-100:
    4. 短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。

    参考词汇:appreciate vt. 欣赏

    Dear Mike,

    School is another important living environment for us teenagers. It's normal to have problems at school. Here are some of my ideas.


    I hope my advice can help you and things will be better!

    Best regards,

    Li Hua