牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下册期末复习【知识点串讲】01 固定搭配(不定式)

试卷更新日期:2023-06-07 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. In the old days it was difficult for the poor _______ a job.
    A、find B、to find C、look D、to look for
  • 2. Mum always tells me ____ for the spilt milk.
    A、not to cry B、to not cry C、not cry D、not cries
  • 3. It is stupid of the boy ________ his homework.
    A、not to finish B、to not finish C、not finish D、to finish
  • 4. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble _______ your handwriting.
    A、to read B、to see C、reading D、in seeing
  • 5. She decided to devote herself _______ the problem of old age.
    A、to study B、studying C、to studying D、study
  • 6. For a time his grandmother found _______ accept his new idea.
    A、hard B、it hard C、it hard to D、it is hard to
  • 7. You'd better ________ here ________ it is raining heavily outside.
    A、not to leave; because B、not leave; because C、not leave; because of D、not to leave; because of
  • 8. As she has never been there before, I'll have someone _______ her the way.
    A、show B、to show C、showing D、showed
  • 9. I've never expected ________the chance to meet my favorite writer, Zheng Yuanjie in Zhengzhou.
    A、to get B、got C、get D、getting
  • 10. —My father's new mobile phone can be used _________e-mails.

    — Is he used _______on such a small screen?

    A、to send; to write B、for sending; to write C、to send; to writing D、to sending; to writing
  • 11. — It's time  ________  basketball.

    —OK. Let's go.

    A、for play B、for playing the C、to play D、to playing
  • 12. —Would you please pass me the dictionary? I need_______ up a word in it.

    —OK, here you are.

    A、to look B、looking C、looks D、looked
  • 13. He looks upset. He doesn't know __________________.
    A、what to do it B、how to do it C、how to do D、what do
  • 14. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government know _____.
    A、it what to do with B、what to do it with C、what to do with it D、to do what with it
  • 15. If you don't know ______ it next week, please ask Mr Li for help.
    A、to do what B、how to do C、to do how D、what to do
  • 16. —I always forget some new words. I don't know___________.

    —Practise writing them many times.

    A、how to do B、when to do C、what to do D、where to do
  • 17. Debbie wanted to finish the puzzle, but she didn't know_____________.
    A、how to do it B、what to do it C、how could she do it D、what she could do it
  • 18. Ten years ago, I trained ________ a nurse.
    A、to do B、to be C、doing D、being
  • 19. —I don't know ______ with this problem. It's too hard.

    —You can ask Mr Wang for help.

    A、which to do B、when to do C、what to do D、how to do
  • 20. —What did your teacher say this morning?

    —She told us ____________make faces in class.

    A、to not B、not to C、do not D、didn't
