
试卷更新日期:2023-06-06 类型:中考模拟

一、单选题(本大题共15小题, 共15.0分)

  • 1. Please read the poem.Which word is the most suitable for ?

    A Spring Morning

    By Meng Haoran

    This spring morning in bed I'm lying,

    Not to awake till birds are crying.

    After one night of wind and,

    How many are the fallen flowers?

    A、rains B、storms C、snows D、showers
  • 2. —Everything he does is___________to what is considered normal.

    —Although he looks a little different, he has achieved a lot in the Maths field.

    A、similar B、relative C、opposite D、close
  • 3. The couple who ___________ presented with the award Model Couple will give a speech on their life.
    A、is B、are C、have D、has
  • 4. —___________ you're breathing! You must have run here.

    —Yes. I had to run because I didn't want to keep you waiting.

    A、What heavy B、How heavy C、How heavily D、What heavily
  • 5. —Hurry up, Jason! We're going to the cinema, but the clothes still need       .

    —Don't worry. I think thirty minutes        enough.

    A、washing;are B、to wash;are C、to wash;is D、washing;is
  • 6. ________ the people locked inside, the firemen broke down the door.
    A、Reach B、To reach C、Reaching D、To reaching
  • 7. You won't fully experience the culture of a foreign country___________ you go there in person.
    A、because B、unless C、if D、as soon as
  • 8. The earlier we take action to protect our environment, the ________ it will be for our future.
    A、better B、best C、worse D、worst
  • 9. —Bruce        so much in the past two years.

    —Yeah, he        be shy, but now he is confident and active.

    A、has changed;used to B、changed;is used to C、changed;used to D、has changed;is used to
  • 10. —To go abroad or not to go after graduation, it's a question.

    —You may take __________ of the roads. But being home in the end matters.

    A、neither B、either C、both D、none
  • 11. It's a long time! I can't remember when this picture ___________ in Xuanwu Lake Park.
    A、was taken B、take C、is taken D、took
  • 12. —What place will you suggest if I travel to your hometown?

    —The best-known Mount Huangshan comes      as the first choice.

    A、hardly B、patiently C、strangely D、naturally
  • 13. The government is ________ elevators(电梯) in the old buildings of some communities so that people, especially the elderly can go up and down easily.
    A、putting away B、putting out C、putting in D、putting through
  • 14. —Could you please tell me ________ when they meet for the first time in China?

    —They usually shake hands.

    A、what do people usually do B、what people usually do C、where do people usually go D、where people usually go
  • 15. —It was a fantastic trip. So, which city did you like best, Wuhan, Chengdu or Chongqing?

    —______. There were good things and bad things about them.

    A、No problem B、It is hard to say C、Enjoy yourself D、You must be joking

二、完形填空(本大题共15小题, 共15.0分)

  • 16. 完形填空

    Claire had always been a perfectionist.No matter what she did, whether it was organizing1 own birthday party or working on a science project, everything had to be done2 to the last detail (细节).If her work did not turn out well, she would get very3 for days.

    When Claire heard about the singing4 organized by the community centre, she was very excited to5 it.Claire made up her mind to win the first prize.She had never come in second before in any of the competitions she joined, "It must be a6 experience!" she thought.As usual, Claire made sure she was well—prepared.Not only did she spend a long time choosing a7 , she also put in a lot of effort to sing each note correctly.

    At the beginning of her performance, Claire was doing perfectly fine.8 , when she got to the chorus (副歌), for some reason, she could not9 a whole line of the lyrics.Not knowing what to do, Claire just passed over that10 completely.She was very upset with herself and nearly cried. "What a silly11 I made!" she thought.In the prize giving ceremony, when one of the judges announced that she had taken the second place, Claire burst into tears on stage.

    Claire's mother comforted her12 the ceremony.She said, "It's perfectly all right to make mistakes.That's 13 we learn. " Claire had never thought of it that way.She dried her tears and agreed, "Maybe it is not that bad to14 ."Back home, she put up the plaque (奖牌) on the wall in her room.If would15 her how mistakes could help her to learn and improve.

    A、his B、our C、her D、their
    A、quickly B、perfectly C、patiently D、normally
    A、excited B、bored C、upset D、serious
    A、competition B、club C、festival D、team
    A、take part in B、talk about C、take pride in D、think about
    A、strange B、different C、wonderful D、common
    A、dress B、book C、tape D、song
    A、Instead B、However C、Finally D、Besides
    A、create B、understand C、explain D、remember
    A、line B、text C、word D、page
    A、decision B、mistake C、choice D、plan
    A、by B、before C、after D、during
    A、how B、where C、what D、why
    A、ask B、show C、try D、lose
    A、get B、remind C、offer D、find

三、阅读理解(本大题共19小题, 共20.0分)

  • 17. 阅读理解

    Taking part in colourful activities is an important part of school life!Which activity has impressed you most during the past three years?What will students in Mount Rose Middle School do?Please read the following article!

    Mount Rose Middle School

    New York Choir Concert

    Dear parents,

    Students in Mount Rose Middle School will go to a concert by the New York Choir at City Hall on Saturday, August 6th.Please note the following:

    1 Tickets

    Tickets cost $50 per pupil.Please send a cheque(支票)to the school.

    2 Meeting time and place

    The concert will start at 8:00 p.m..We will meet at the main entrance of City Hall at 7:45 p.m..Please be on time.

    3 Behavior

    There is no need to wear school uniforms.However, all pupils should dress neatly.Pupils should not take photographs or record any part of the performance.

    Please fill in the reply slip below and return it to the class teacher no later than June 29th.

    Thank you.

    Cecilia Chen

    Music Teacher

    Reply Slip

    My child, Harry Lin, will go to the New York Choir concert.Thank you.

    Parent's name:Helen Lin

    Parent's signature:Helen Lin

    Date:June 9th

    (1)、The concert will be held on ______ .
    A、June 6th B、June 9th C、June 29th D、August 6th
    (2)、From the passage, we know that ______ .
    A、Harry will go to the concert B、Cecilia will meet her students at 7:45 a.m. C、Helen can take some photos of the concert D、students should wear school uniforms to the concert
    (3)、The passage is a ______ .
    A、report B、speech C、survey D、notice
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Science and technology makes our school life easier and better than before!When your teacher gives lessons with his phone or pad, Bluetooth does help a lot.What is Bluetooth?Read the article and find it out!

    If you look around the room you are in right now, you'll probably notice a number of electronics.But can you imagine if they all had to be joined together by wires?Picture the wire snaking along the floor, for example, from your smartphone to your speaker, or connecting your game controller to the computer screen, meaning you could never sit more than a couple of meters away from it.A world of electronics connected by wires wouldn't just be untidy, but a possible danger, too.That's where Bluetooth comes in.We've all heard of it—but what exactly is it?Bluetooth is a method of short—distance(短距离)wireless communication between electronics that makes use of the power of radio waves.The idea was first thought of by Dr.Janp Haartsen at Swedish mobile company Ericsson in 1994.Things really stepped up in September 1998 when the Bluetooth Special Interest Group(SIG) was set up to develop and spread the technology.Bluetooth 1.0 came out in 1999, and a year later it began to be used in mobile phones and desktop computers.Now Bluetooth has become an increasingly popular way of solving the problem of more and more electronics needing to be connected without having to connect everything together with wires.

    But if you look at the remote control(温控器)you use to choose the program on TV, you might rightly ask yourself why Bluetooth was such a big deal.After all, connecting objects with infrared signals(红外信号)which can't be seen had been done before.The problem with remote controls is that they need to keep what is called "line of sight".If something is standing between the remote control and receiver, it won't work.Because Bluetooth uses radio waves, the things standing in the way are no longer a problem.

    Since its creation in the late 1990s, the technology has become more and more improved and widely used, with the 4 billionth Bluetooth objects shipped in 2020.

    (1)、How does the writer lead in the topic "Bluetooth" in Paragraph 1?
    A、By describing scenes. B、By comparing facts. C、By telling stories. D、By explaining reasons.
    (2)、With the setting up of SIG, Bluetooth ______ .
    A、started to be used in cars B、made radio waves known to people C、improved and spread quickly D、was able to connect all electronics
    (3)、From Paragraph 3 we mainly get to know the ______ of Bluetooth.
    A、development B、popularity C、standard D、advantage
    A、______ will most probably be interested in this text. B、Phone sellers C、Technology fans D、Newspaper reporters
  • 19. 阅读理解

    You must have attended many different courses at school.Do you still remember the space lesson hosted by Wang Yaping?

    On the afternoon of March 23, 2022, Chinese astronauts on board China's Tiangong space station gave a science lesson 400 kilometers above Earth.It was a great success.Do you still remember the first space lesson hosted by Wang Yaping in 2013?Helped by the other two astronauts, she gave the lesson to more than 60 million school children all over the country.

    While watching the science lesson from the Tiangong—1 on the morning of June 20, 2013, Wang Lutian, a 10-year-old disabled student at a special school in downtown Beijing, was drawing a colorful rocket with crayons in his classroom. "Moon...stars...a rocket to the sky, " Wang explained his work in a cheerful voice.At that time, he and more than 100 other disabled students were enjoying the lesson given by Wang Yaping, who talked about movements in micro—gravity(微重力)environments. "Zerogravity!" Qian Shaohong, another student at the school, shouted when he saw astronaut Nie Haisheng making a show of crossing his legs in mid—air. "Scientific knowledge has helped open a window for the children to know about the world, " said Zhang Yini, a teacher at the school.

    The lesson also increased interest in space science among teenagers living on the "roof(屋脊)of the world". "I was most interested in the presentation of the 'water ball' in a gravity—free environment.It's really amazing, " said Rigzin Jigme Doje, a high school student in Lhasa, Tibet.Describing himself as a lover of physics, Doje said the lesson helped him stay true to his dream of becoming a physicist.

    The lesson also encouraged other Tibetan school children to relate the mysterious world of outer space to their hometown.

    (1)、The space lesson in 2013 was for ______ .
    A、Chinese astronauts B、Chinese teachers C、school children in China D、scientists all over China
    (2)、Which picture shows Nie Haisheng's body movement according to the text?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (3)、What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A、Wang Yaping's talk on micro—gravity environments. B、The influence of the space lesson on the disabled students. C、The efforts of the disabled students in a special school. D、A 10-year-old student's dream of sending a rocket to the sky.
    (4)、After watching the space lesson, the Tibetan students ______ .
    A、had a new view of their high schools B、got an amazing "water ball" in space C、increased an understanding of the roof of the world D、developed a deep interest in the world of outer space
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Reading makes a full man.I believe you must have read many books.Have you ever read the novel called The Surprise?Have a good time reading the following excerpt!

    One day, Helen shouts, "Roger, come and look at the egg!It's cracking(裂开)." Slowly a long beak(喙)appears.They are unsure what it is.

    Dad checks on the computer, "Hey, look!It's a pterodactyl(翼手龙)." "A pterodactyl?" shout the children. "Yes, it's a type of dinosaur.Pterodactyls can fly, " says Dad.

    Then Helen names it Dacty.

    A month later, he grows up.But there is something wrong with his wings. "My room is too small and Dacty keeps banging(碰撞)his wings on the walls.I feel sorry for him, " says Helen.Finally, they take Dacty to a vet(兽医).

    Two weeks later, Dacty's wings are better.However, he isn't willing to fly.They phone Aunt Elizabeth.Soon she arrives. "My office is very big.It's perfect for Dacty during the day.And at night, when the museum is empty, Dacty can fly around happily." Then she takes them to the museum.On arriving, they take Dacty out of the basket.He stretches(伸展)his wings, flies high up and lands on a stone statue.

    "Look, he likes here, " shouts Helen. "Can he see in the dark?" asks Roger. "Yes, they see clearly in the dark, just like owls(猫头鹰), " says Aunt Elizabeth.

    Six months passes and Dacty is very big now.One night, Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum.Two men — Bert and Eric come in with torches(手电筒).They are wearing masks and trying to open a case(箱子).Inside it is a mummy(木乃伊) .Suddenly Eric looks up and sees Dacty.He is very scared. "Look, Bert, there is a huge bird up there." Bert looks up.Dacty doesn't move, "Eric, don't be silly.It's only a statue, " says Bert. "Come on.I will open the case.You look for the gold medallions(大奖章)." At the moment, Dacty files down and catches Eric.The thief is very scared and he can't say anything.Dacty flies up and lifts him on top of a statue.He's suck.At once, Dacty flies down again and catches Bert, too.Both of them are stuck there.

    The next morning, when Aunt Elizabeth comes in, she sees the broken mummy case and the two men.They are shouting loudly.

    Dacty flies down to her. "Here you are, Dacty, " she says and pets(爱抚)his head. "Thank you, you did a great job." Then she phones the police.

    The mayor(市长)shakes Dacty's wing and puts a big shiny medal over his head. "Congratulations, you did a great job" Then he turns to Aunt Elizabeth, "It's great to have a big bird as a guard!"

    "Dacty is a pterodactyl!" Roger says.

    "Dacty is a hero now, " says Aunt Elizabeth.

    "A pterodactyl?" shouts another man. "Wow!They love warm weather and jungles(丛林).I work in the Botanical Gardens(植物园).We have a wonderful palm (棕榈)house, big and warm, just like a jungle.He will love there.You can come to visit it anytime."

    So now Dacty is living in the Botanical Gardens.Roger and Helen visit him every day.

    (Adapted from The Surprise)

    (1)、How does Dacty hurt his wings?
    A、He plays games with the children. B、He falls off the tree when flying. C、He bangs on the walls in Helen's room. D、He practises flying in the museum.
    (2)、Which word can best describe Dacty?
    A、Curious. B、Honest. C、Generous. D、Smart.
    (3)、What is the correct order of what happens in the story?

    a.Dacty is taken to see a vet.

    b.Helen names the pterodactyl Dacty.

    c.Dacty lives in the Botanical Gardens.

    d.The thieves steal things in the museum.

    A、b—d—a—c B、d—a—b—c C、b—a—d—c D、c—d—a—b
    (4)、What can we infer(推断)from the story?
    A、All dinosaurs enjoy cold weather and jungles. B、Humans and animals should care about each other. C、Children think it necessary to raise an animal at home. D、It is better for a dinosaur to live with humans than in nature.
  • 21. 阅读理解

    When it comes to school life, teachers must be mentioned.With them, you have made great progress, haven't you?What do you think of them?

    Success is often considered to be the opposite of failure.To teenagers, it is the achievement of a goal or completion of something they really need, such as good grades and the ability to get along well with their classmates.Some schools used to agree with most parents who measured(判定)the success of their children according to grades but now they pay special attention to moral(道德的)education and character—building to make sure teenagers achieve success in building human relationships.

    Schools give chances to students to discover their hidden ability so that they can enjoy some form of success.For example, those good at speaking skills are advised to take part in speech competitions while those interested in arts are expected to perform in front of their classmates.Teenagers also get the pleasure of success when they join their favorite clubs.

    Teenagers are often told that success is not easy to achieve and that success lies in hard work.Great efforts have to be put into project work.Doing things much later than planned should be avoided as this will lead to a mountain of work which finally makes them nervous.Another good quality is a sense of responsibility which makes them remember that a task has to be completed.

    Sticking to moral values is the key to success too.Honest teenagers will win the trust of friends leading to good relationships.Self—motivation(自我激励)is another quality to be developed, because self—motivated teenagers will have the strong will and drive to perform a task and finally get to enjoy a sense of achievement.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "they" in refer to ______ ?
    A、Their classmates. B、Some schools. C、Most parents. D、Their children.
    (2)、Why are students given chances to take part in activities?
    A、To get good grades. B、To improve speaking ability. C、To express their love for arts. D、To get the pleasure of success.
    (3)、What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
    A、Project work makes teenagers nervous. B、Good qualities will lead to a happy life. C、Teenagers are advised to complete tasks in time. D、Taking responsibility will make work much easier.
    (4)、What is important for making students strong minded?
    A、Honesty. B、Self—motivation. C、Communication. D、Friends' trust.
    (5)、What can be the best title for the text?
    A、The Value of Moral Education B、The Key to Discovering Hidden Ability C、The Way to Measure Success of Teenagers D、The Way to Communicate with Others

四、任务型阅读—多任务混合(本大题共1小题, 共10.0分)

  • 22. 任务型阅读

    Growth, in some ways, is a process in which we know ourselves better.Do you know yourself?Maybe your handwriting shows who you are.

    Have you ever compared your handwriting with your friends' to see how different it is?Like fingerprints, no two people share the same handwriting.Your handwriting can actually say a lot about what kind of person you are.Try writing out a sentence:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Then see what your handwriting says about you.

    Size of your handwriting

    Did you know that the size of your handwriting can represent the level of your self—respect and self—awareness(自我意识)?Large handwriting may show that you're easy to get along with and you want to be noticed by others.On the other hand, small handwriting may mean that you're shy and careful, and always pay attention to—details.Medium—sized handwriting shows that it is not hard for you to get used to a new environment.

    Spacing between words

    Do you leave a large space between your words when you write?According to a study, the distance between two words can show how close or how far you feel towards others.If you write with wide spacing between your words, it may mean that you enjoy your freedom.On the other hand, people leaving narrow spacing between words may like staying with others.

    Slant(倾斜) of the words

    Did you know that the slant in your handwriting can tell how you treat people and things around you?Slanting to the right means you welcome or accept new ideas easily.And you think of your friends and family are more important than anything else.While slanting to the left may show that you think deeply about your own thoughts, feelings or behaviors.And you are likely to work behind the scenes better.If you write without slanting at all, you may be practical.

    Although the handwriting analyses(分析)are not always true, we can read them for fun.What matters most is you should write carefully.


    Different people have different handwriting. your handwriting with your friends', you will find it can actually say a lot about your personal qualities.

    Main body

    The size of handwriting can stand for the level of self—respect and self—awareness you have.


    ● You are easy—going.

    ● You want to make other people you.


    ● You are shy and do things carefully.

    ● You always pay attention to .


    ● You can get used to new environment



    The distance between two words can show how you feel towards others.


    with wide spacing means you enjoy being free.


    ● You dislike being .



    The slant of the words can show how you treat what's around you.


    ●You are open to new ideas.

    ●You your friends and family are the most important.


    ● You think twice before doing anything.

    ● Slanting to the left make it for you to work behind the scenes.


    ●You may be practical.


    You can know the between your handwriting and personality.Though it

    is not always true, just write carefully.

五、选词填空—短文(本大题共1小题, 共5.0分)

  • 23. 选词填空

    started     come up with    save    filled with    thousands of

    As we all know, too much rubbish is a big problem for our environment.A woman in Indonesia's Java island has a great idea—lending books to children in exchange for rubbish.

    Raden Roro Hendarti A "trash library", hoping to make children read more as well as make them realize the importance of environmental protection.Each weekday, Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of her three—wheeler(三轮车)and rides to Muntang village.There, children queue to exchange plastic cups, bags and other rubbish for books from Raden's mobile library.In the library where Raden works, there are books.Every time she shows up, children run to her "trash library".They all carry trash bags, and Raden's three—wheeler is quickly rubbish.It is then sorted out and sent for recycling or sale.She says, "We all should take care of our trash in order to fight climate change and the earth."

六、阅读填空(本大题共1小题, 共10.0分)

  • 24. 阅读填空

    Every student has a hero who has a great influence on his or her life.Have a guess who my hero is?Hou Yifan.Read the article and find out who she is!

    In 2020, people around the world were impressed by the chess prodigy(天才)Beth Harmon in The Queen's Gambit(《后翼弃兵》).However, there's a s "queen of chess" in real life—28-year-old Hou Yifan.

    Hou started playing chess at 5 years old in 1999.At that time, her parents took Hou to try different brain games at a training center. "With the interesting shapes, I was attracted by the c and decided to take it up, " said Hou.

    After playing for two years as a hobby, Hou met her c —grandmaster Tong Yuanming— and took up professional training.

    "Chess is a mind game full of u possibilities.Even when there are only five or six pieces l on the board, you have to think it over and cannot calculate(计算)all the variations, " said Hou. "So instead of too much focus on theories, we should rely more on practice and strategy(策略)."

    Learning strategies from previous competitions and practising chess quickly became her daily life.Luckily, her e were soon rewarded.At 13, she became China's youngest ever National Women's Champion and then became the youngest chess champion in the world at 16. A the famous chess star was known all over the world, Hou always stayed modest. "I'm happy to win these titles, but I know this is a coin w two sides, " Hou added. "As you attract public a , your faults are amplified(放大).So I should shrug(抛开)the honors off and stay motivated to keep improving."

    "I have to know more, " she said. "I have to open my eyes to see the whole world." Now, the 28-year-old has become a teacher at Shenzhen University.She wants to "bring the method she learned in China and the West together and a international chess to reach more young Chinese people".

七、单词拼写—单句(本大题共5小题, 共5.0分)

  • 25. The new technology has helped (创造)more chances for young people.
  • 26. On Wednesday, thirteen members of a Chinese team reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, which is at a (高度) of 8, 848.86 meters.
  • 27. The app about how to learn Chinese is very popular (在……其中) the foreigners.
  • 28. Everyone should take action to (守卫) against the spread of the viruses.
  • 29. My cousin is very helpful.He is willing to do something to (服务) others.

八、单句语法填空(本大题共5小题, 共5.0分)

  • 30. When you see an unfamiliar word in a book do not skip over it (patient).
  • 31. Mr Lee, (not mix) your life and work together.
  • 32. It was really generous of Mark, CEO of Facebook, (donate) most of his money to charity.
  • 33. Amazing China wins high praise from the public.I think the documentary is well worth ( watch).
  • 34. I spent one (night) time making a video Mei Lanfang and His Hometown to take part in "Tell China's Stories" competition.

九、书面表达(本大题共1小题, 共15.0分)

  • 35. 假如你是王道歉你要参加年级的英语演讲活动,请仔细阅读以下海报,以"One Thing I Keep Doing"为题,写一篇演讲稿。

    Your IdeasNeeded

    Our school is going to hold an English Speech Competition.Your speech should include the following points:

    ● What is the thing that you keep doing?

    ● Why do you keep doing it?How do you keep doing it?

    ● How does it make a difference to your life?


    1)内容涵盖所有要点, 适当发挥, 全文连贯通顺。

    2)词数 80 左右(已给出文章开头, 不计入总词数)。


    Good morning, everyone!

    I am glad to make a speech today.The topic is "One Thing I Keep Doing".  

    That's all.Thanks for listening.