
试卷更新日期:2023-06-06 类型:中考模拟

一、单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)

  • 1. How time flies!My little son can dress      without the help of others now.
    A、he B、him C、himself D、his
  • 2. —I'm sorry to hear that Jeff didn't pass the English and Chinese exams this term.

    —Mom warned him ________ too much time on the Internet, but he didn't listen to her.

    A、to spend B、not to spend  C、spending D、not spending
  • 3. Both of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2022 Winter Olympics won high_____from the world.
    A、prize B、price C、praise D、practice
  • 4. The picture shows us ________ in Nanjing in the past.
    A、what everyday life was like       B、what was everyday life like       C、how everyday life was like D、how was everyday life like
  • 5. —Look at the sign, Ben. It says kids under 1. 5 m ________ swim in the pool.

    —What a pity!I hope I can grow taller soon.

    A、may not B、must not C、need not D、would not
  • 6. I sent many emails to Sam who was studying abroad, but he never ______ to any of them.
    A、replied B、repeated  C、remembered D、recommended
  • 7. —Can I go out to play badminton, Mom?

    —Look, your bedroom is in a mess.  You can't go out until it              .

    A、cleaned B、is cleaned       C、has cleaned D、will be cleaned
  • 8. Jenny stepped on the stage ________ , because she had been well—prepared for the show.
    A、silently B、carefully   C、thankfully D、confidently
  • 9. —Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here.

    —Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I'll ___________________ my cigarette at once.

    A、put out B、put away C、put up D、put off
  • 10. —This is       fascinating town I have ever visited.

    —Yes, I've never seen a    one.

    A、the worst;bigger B、the most;better   C、the better;best D、the better;most
  • 11. —Why do people like classical music?I don't like it at all.

             it is not your style, that doesn't mean it is bad.

    A、Unless B、If C、Even though D、As long as
  • 12. Dazhao Temple____ is known as the oldest building and the largest temple in Huhhot interests more and more tourists.
    A、where B、which C、who D、whom
  • 13. The number of people using robots          a lot over the past few years and high technology is coming into our life.
    A、has increased B、increases C、have increased D、increase
  • 14. —_______ is more important than peace and development for a country.

    —Yes, I agree with you.

    A、Everything B、Something C、Anything D、Nothing
  • 15. —China won another Badminton Asian Mixed Team Championship on February 19th!

                . I'm so proud of the Chinese Badminton Team.

    A、My pleasure! B、Take it easy!    C、That's amazing! D、Have a nice day!

二、完型填空:(共1小题;每小题10分, 满分10分)

  • 16. 完形填空

    Most of us spend all day at school or work. After a long and busy day, all we want to do is returning to a comfortable1. Smart technology can turn it into a nicer place to live. Smart homes have been around for some time. A Scottish company invented a type of technology called X10 in 1975. It2 household devices, such as lights and alarms, to communicate with each other by using radio waves.

    Of course, 5 G network connectivity has3smart homes much more unbelievable than X10. Perhaps the most widespread smart home technology is the voice—activated assistant(语音激活助手). Google Home and Amazon Alexa allow users to interact with nearly any device in their home simply by4a few words. How wonderful that sounds!This is5convenient for children and people with physical disabilities, as they can finish tasks 6would normally be too difficult.

    Common household appliances(家用电器)can become" smart"as well. For example, a smart trash bin can keep track of the things you've7 and place an online order for new items, while smart refrigerators can create dinner recipes(菜谱)based on the8 that are kept inside.

    Besides its convenience, smart homes are also good for the environment. 9regularly checking your energy use and automatically(自动地)turning off lights and other devices that you're not using, smart homes can lower how much electricity you use overall. Using10energy means that we use fewer natural resources, which is good for the environment.

    A、city B、home C、office D、country
    A、lets B、asks
    C、allows D、keeps
    A、made B、helped C、changed D、encouraged
    A、hearing B、speaking
    C、reading D、writing
    A、especially B、seriously C、usually D、highly
    A、who B、that C、what D、when
    A、put away B、taken off C、tidied up D、thrown away
    A、phones B、books
    C、messages D、vegetables
    A、By B、From C、After D、With
    A、less B、smart C、clean D、polluted
  • 17. 完形填空

    It had long been troubling a little boy:his deskmate could rank(排列)the 1st in the class every time while he only ranked the 21st.

    At home, he asked his mom, " Mom, am I more stupid than others?I feel I'm as1as my deskmate, but how can I always fall behind?"His mom went wordless, not knowing how to2it.

    In another test, the boy ranked the 15th, and his deskmate remained the 1st. Back home, he raised the same3. Mom really wanted to tell her son that intelligence(智力)is different, which means that students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than others. 4, was this answer in her son's best interest?Thank goodness she did not open her mouth.

    There were times she wanted to tell him, "Your father and I used to be outstanding. Why aren't you just as clever as we are?" But she stopped because she felt it was wrong to blame(责怪) him. She needed a better5.

    Time flies swiftly. Though he made great efforts, he was still unable to keep up with his deskmate. To6the stress on her son, Mom decided to take him to the sea. During the trip, she7to give him an answer.

    Now, the boy no longer worries about his rankings, because, with the 1st ranking, he has entered a top university. Later he mentioned that8experience, " When my mother and I were sitting on the beach, she pointed to the front and said, 'Do you see the seabirds over there?When the waves come near, little birds can rise9while it would take longer for clumsy seagulls     笨拙的海鸥)to complete the process. However, have you10the birds that finally fly across the endless ocean are clumsy seagulls?!'You might be a little slower, but you will be the one who will make it!"

    A、energetic B、lucky C、hard-working D、powerful
    A、explain B、complain C、describe D、accept
    A、thought B、saying C、situation D、question
    A、Otherwise B、However C、Anyway D、Moreover
    A、lesson B、experience C、answer D、understanding
    A、reduce B、refuse C、realize D、receive
    A、chose B、learned C、managed D、planned
    A、interesting B、difficult C、comfortable D、valuable
    A、carefully B、quickly C、suddenly D、smoothly
    A、noticed B、explored C、remembered D、wondered

三、阅读理解:(共4小题;每小题10分, 满分50)

  • 18. 阅读理解

    China The Shenzhou XⅢ manned spaceship returned

    On the morning of April 16, 2022, the Shenzhou XII manned spaceship came back to the earth successfully. The three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu had lived and worked at China's space station core module(核心舱) for six months. During that period, they tried their best to complete every task perfectly. And Wang Yaping became the first Chinese woman to carry out a spacewalk.

    Singapore Robocops patrol(巡逻)streets

    Singapore government is trying out patrol robots to watch people's actions. The robots are programmed to warn people taking "undesirable social action". This includes parking bicycles  in the wrong place. The robots are the newest tools that are used to watch and listen into people. Some people think they do harm l0 people' s privacy.

    Phnom Penh, Cambodia(柬埔寨)Students build a human—carrying drone(无人机)

    A group of students have built a drone that can carry a person. The students in the country's capital, Phnom Penh, built the drone to control the city's traffic. They also said it could be used to die out fires in buildings. The drone can fly up to four meters off the ground for around 10 minutes.

    The UK The world's fastest lawnmower(割草机)

    After two years of testing, Tony Edwards has built the world' s fastest lawnmower. Edwards is a mechanical engineer from Shropshire, he UK. Not only can the lawnmower race along at a Guinness World Record speed of 143 miles per hour, but it can also cut grass.

    (1)、China launched(发射)the Shenzhou XⅢ manned spaceship in       , 2021.
    A、April B、August C、October D、December
    (2)、Where do robots help the police watch people's action?
    A、In China. B、In Singapore. C、In the UK. D、In Cambodia.
    (3)、It's best to use the word "      " to describe the students in Cambodia.
    A、serious B、creative C、healthy D、rich
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according lo the passage?
    A、Wang Yaping is the first Chinese astronaut to carry out a spacewalk. B、The drone can fly up to ten meters of the ground. C、Edwards comes from Cambodia. D、It took Edwards two years to build the lawnmower.
    (5)、In which part of a magazine can you read the passage?
    A、Health and sports. B、History and culture. C、Science and technology. D、Population and environment.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    "Amy!Milk!" Mama called.

    Milk. It was Amy's turn to get it. Amy sighed and shut her first—aid (急救) book.

    Amy tied the cow close to a tree. Somewhere down the mountain, some volunteer doctors were teaching medical skills to village nurses. Amy heard Betty drive off hours ago. "She should have taken me with her. She thinks I'm too young, "Amy thought. "But she's wrong. I am already 15!"

    Amy carried the milk back to Mama, then wandered up the road. Roy, a village boy, was trying to stand on a horse's back. "No wonder they don't trust kids with anything important, "Amy thought.

    She had just turned away when she heard a heavy fall and a few cries. Roy was on the ground. "Roy!" The kids nearby ran towards him. "Get Betty, " one said. Amy shook her head. "Betty's gone to the city. "

    The kids didn't know what to do. Amy ran to Roy and saw one of his legs out of shape. A broken leg!She remembered what the first—aid book said about it.

    "Victor!" Amy called to one of the boys. "Go get Roy's mama, and find someone with a truck. "She turned to the others. "Give me your shirts. We need something to tie his leg with. "

    Amy then found a strong, straight stick. She carefully wrapped the shirts around Roy's leg and the stick. Roy cried out in pain. "I know it hurts, " Amy said softly. "But this will hold it still until you get to the hospital. "

    When Amy was done, she looked up and saw Roy's mama and a man watching beside a truck. "Thank you, Amy, " Roy's mama said. Amy helped them lift Roy into the truck, then they drove down the hillside towards the hospital.

    The next day, Betty came to Amy's home. "I heard what you did, " Betty said. "You kept your head in an emergency. That's an important skill. "

    Amy's face turned red. "I was afraid …"

    Betty shook her head. "It's OK for a nurse to be afraid, as long as she has a clear head. The volunteer doctors are coming tomorrow with vaccines. We need some more hands. Can you help?"

    "I'd love to. " Amy replied at once.

    "Come early, then. There is a lot to learn. "

    Amy smiled. "I'll bring my first—aid book. "

    (1)、Why didn't Betty take Amy with her to the medical training?
    A、Amy was busy reading. B、Amy had to milk the cow. C、Betty left too early in the morning. D、Betty thought Amy wasn't old enough.
    (2)、What happened to Roy?
    A、He fell off the horseback. B、He was kicked by the horse. C、He successfully stood on the horseback. D、He was pulled off the horseback by the kids.
    (3)、What is the correct order of Amy's first—aid actions?

    a. She found a proper stick.

    b. She helped lift Roy into the truck.

    C. She asked the boys for some shirts.

    d. She tied the shirts around the broken leg.

    e. She sent someone to get Roy's mum and a truck.

    A、c—e—a—b—d B、a—c—e—d—b C、e—c—a—d—b D、e—c—a—b—d
    (4)、Why did Betty invite Amy to help the doctors in the end?
    A、Amy had similar experiences before. B、Amy was cool—headed when giving first—aid. C、Betty regretted not taking Amy to the training. D、Betty realized that Amy had become a good doctor.
    (5)、Which sentence best describes a lesson from the story?
    A、Only trained doctors and nurses can provide first—aid. B、Knowledge from books can help solve real—life problems. C、Children need enough practice before they can be helpful. D、Helping with housework is important to children's health.
  • 20. 根据语篇内容, 选择最佳选项。

    A myth is something that is not correct, but many people believe it. There are a lot of myths about the human brain.

    One of the biggest myths is that we only use 10% of our brains. The next part of the myth is that if we can learn to use the rest of our brains, then we'll be much smarter. People say this all the time, but it's completely not true!The truth is that although we don't know everything about the human brain, we know that each part of it has an important function (功能) . Modern scientists think the "10% myth" silly.

    The other most popular myth is about being "right brained" or "left brained". According to this myth, people who use the right side of their brains are more artistic and creative. People who use the left side of their brains are better at math and science. This is as popular as the 10% myth, and it's also wrong. In 2013, a study at an American university tested the right brain and left brain myth. The study shows we use the left brain as much as the right brain.

    It's true that we use different parts of our brains for different things. We use our left side for language more, and our right side when we need to pay attention. But there is no evidence (证据) that creative people use the right side more or that scientific people use the left side more.

    We've talked about myths, so let's look at a few interesting facts about the brain. First of all, the brain feels no pain. Second, about 75% of the brain is made of water. It's also the fattest organ (器官) in your body. Here's another interesting fact about the brain. Around the time you turn 18 years old, it stops growing.

    (1)、What do scientists think of the "10% myth"?
    A、Not important. B、Not useful. C、Not true. D、Not interesting.
    (2)、The underlined word "This" in Paragraph 3 refers to       .
    A、the left brain myth B、the right brain and left brain myth C、the use of human brains D、the study of an American university
    (3)、According to the facts mentioned in the passage,        may use the left brain more.
    A、Robert, who is learning English B、Kate, who is drawing pictures C、Jenny, who is designing clothes D、Jacob, who is doing research
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE about the human brain?
    A、It is growing all life long. B、The right side is used more by artists. C、Some parts of it are not used at all. D、Three quarters of it is made of water.
    (5)、The passage mainly tells about       .
    A、the growing of the brain B、different functions of the brain C、right brain and left brain D、myths and facts about the brain
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Most people who move to a foreign country may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress. This feeling is often called"culture shock". It is important to understand it and learn how to deal with it if you want to adapt to your new home culture successfully.

    Generally speaking, there are four stages that you will experience after you move to a foreign country. The first stage is usually referred to as the "excitement" stage. When arriving in a new environment, you'll be interested in the new culture, everything will seem exciting and everyone will seem friendly.

    But it won't be long before you move from the "excitement" stage to the second stage. The excitement you felt before changes to stress. It seems that everything is difficult. The language is hard to learn, friends are difficult to make, and even simple things like shopping have become challenge. It is at this "stress" stage that you are likely to feel worried and homesick. This is the stage which is referred to as"culture shock".

    However, "culture shock" doesn't last for very long. If you are one of those who manage to overcome it, you 'll move to the'recovery" stage. At this stage, you start to understand and accept the way things are done and the way people behave in your new environment.

    The last stage is the"home" stage. This is the stage when you start to feel at home in the new culture. You start to learn from your new home and to like certain aspects of the new culture better than those of your own culture.

    "Culture shock" is normal. Everyone in a new situation will go through some form of it. Continue to be brave!And overcoming''culture shock" will be a piece of cake.

    (1)、Among the four stages, the"      ''stage can probably explain how"culture shock" happens.
    A、excitement B、stress C、recovery D、home
    (2)、The underlined words"adapt to" (in Paragraph 1)probably mean"      "
    A、get used to B、hear from C、look forward to D、grow up
    (3)、Jane went to study in Germany and was living abroad for the first time. What might she have gone through?(Put the following in the correct order according to the article. )      

    ①Jane couldn't understand German very well in class.

    ②After half a year's hard work, Jane made great progress in language.

    ③The famous buildings of Germany and the university campus were both amazing

    ④Jane is now more independent in her learning and loves to spend time with her German friends

    A、①②③④ B、②④③① C、③①②④ D、③①④②
    (4)、Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (5)、The writer mainly tells us       .
    A、"culture shock" usually lasts for long B、why people have"culture shock" and how to deal with it C、not everyone in a new environment can experience"culture shock" D、in the"home" stage, you will learn the way people behave in your new environment


  • 22. 根据对话内容, 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话, 其中有两个为多余选项。

    A:Lisa, Do you know China Brand Day?

    B: What's the Day for?

    A: In the past, "made in China" just made people think of cheap, low—quality products.

    B:I agree. Chinese brands are going global (全球的) and being widely accepted.


    B:Yes. I often buy some shoes and clothes of these brands. They are at good prices, but really nice and of high quality. Anta has become official partner of Beijing  2022 Winter Olympics.

    A: I believe more Chinese will support our own brands like you.

    B:I think so.

    A. That sounds cool.

    B. But it has changed now.

    C. Because they are cheap.

    D. What?I've never heard of it.

    E. TikTok (抖音) is another big technology brand.

    F. For making people know about Chinese brands all over the world.

    G. Some sports brands like Anta and Li—Ning have got global attention.

五、选词填空(共1小题;每小题10分, 满分10分)

  • 23. 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:

    own, influence, improve, catch, pleasant, suffer train, wear, get rid of, discover, wide

    (1)、The Chinese government pays great attention to  people' s lives.
    (2)、At the weekend, Americans dress in the clothes which people  in the past and live in the way that people did then.
    (3)、I  in a heavy rain on my way home. As a result. I had a bad cold.
    (4)、Some of pets are very clever and they can sense their  feelings.
    (5)、—The World Cup Final was so exciting!Did you enjoy it?

    —I didn't watch TV at that time. because I  stomachache.

    (6)、Students should be encouraged to read  instead of only reading their text books.
    (7)、—The environment has a great  on a child's character.

    —That 's why Mencius' mother moved the house three times.

    (8)、We were said to be living in the Information Age, a time of new  and great changes.
    (9)、There was a(n) smell in the fridge because my mother kept the food in it for a long time.
    (10)、It's necessary to depend on yourself to find some ways to   your bad habit.

六、阅读理解填词:(共10个空;每空1分, 满分10分)

  • 24. 阅读理解填词:

    Hello. my name is Yi Yangqianxi and I' m from China. It's my pleasure to be here. I think we're lto be invited here to speak. We speak not only for ourselves. but also for children and teenagers who have dtaking part in their society because of illness or lack of resources(缺乏资源). I have been working with WHO since 2017 on promoting (推动)healthy lifestyles ayoung people. To build a healthier society, we need to start with our own personal action——make healthy cso that we will have the future we dream of. At the same time, we can do our best to reach out to those who need support, i children and teenagers.

    I've been working through my fund (基金) since 2017 to support children who have been left behind. According lo a report, there are almost 7 million left—behind children in rural China. Most of them are f physical and mental (精神的) health problems along with other kinds of problems in tdaily lives. Our project "The Child Companion Plan" is trying hard to solve these problems. Our goal is to give all these children a better and healthier f. None of us can do all this alone. We must work together to make a d. We have a Chinese phrase "Yi qi lai ba!", it m(10)"Come on, together!Let's go!" So, I'd like to ask all of you to take action today. Make it happen. Let s go!Yi qi lai ba!Thank you!


  • 25. 假定你是李华, 你所在的校体育俱乐部将于下周五举办初三师生五公里跑活动。请你写一封电子邮件给外教韦尔斯先生, 邀请他参加此次活动, 内容要点包括:




    五公里跑:5—kilometre race

    要求:1)写作词数应为80—100词左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;

    2)语意通顺, 意思连贯, 要点齐全, 条理清楚, 书写规范;


    FROM:Li Hua

    To:Mr. Wells


    Dear Mr. Wells,

    How are you?

    Best regards

    Li Hua