
试卷更新日期:2023-06-06 类型:期中考试

一、 单项选择 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

  • 1. The singer _________we practised the most was Freddy.
    A、at whom B、with which C、with whom D、at which
  • 2. When I came there, I found him _______at the back of the hall with his eyes _____on a book.
    A、seating; fixing B、seated; fixed           C、seating; fixed D、seated; fixing
  • 3. I'm so grateful _______ all the teachers _______ their generous help.
    A、to; of B、for; of C、to; for D、of; to
  • 4. When ________ why she came here, the girl kept silent.
    A、asked B、asking C、be asked D、to ask
  • 5. I knocked on the door but there was no ________.
    A、response B、respect C、respond D、reject
  • 6. I was about to get out the room______ the phone rang up.
    A、where B、which C、when D、with
  • 7. When he got ________ in his world of music, he felt as if he could "see" the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life.
    A、absorb B、absorbed C、absorbing D、to absorb
  • 8. ________ more time, we could learn English well.
    A、To give B、Gave C、Given D、Giving
  • 9. The reason _____ some people pay more attention to their appearance is _____ they care much more about what other people think of them.
    A、why; that B、why; because C、for; that D、that; that
  • 10. It was in the street ______________I met my old friend.
    A、where B、which C、in which D、that
  • 11. We can not accept a society _____ the rich enjoy comfort _____ the poor have to suffer.
    A、which; while B、where; while C、that; which D、where; that
  • 12. At the foot of the mountain ________a village which is small and quiet.
    A、is lied B、lies C、is lay D、lying
  • 13. I will never forget such a beautiful village ________I spent my childhood with my grandparents.
    A、that B、which C、as D、where
  • 14. Single-use plastic bags are used at most a few times before they ________ away.
    A、are thrown B、have thrown C、were thrown D、thrown
  • 15. I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends I ________ over the years.
    A、have made B、made C、makes D、is made
  • 16. This is the most interesting way that I can come up with _____ with the audience.
    A、interacts B、interacting C、to interact D、interacted
  • 17. Theory is based on practice and ________ serves practice.
    A、in return B、in exchange C、in turn D、in fact
  • 18. Many students _________ about the high tuition fees of the university.
    A、decorate B、perform C、complain D、celebrate
  • 19. Life is full of ups and downs. As we grow, we come to understand the fact that sometimes ______hard we try, things may not turn out as expected.
    A、although B、however C、as D、though
  • 20. Medical misuse was said to have _____ to her death.
    A、contributed B、applied C、referred D、devoted


  • 21. 阅读理解

    Your family may love to travel. However, you may worry about the environmental effect of doing so. It is time to take an eco-friendlier trip. We have discovered four destinations for you.


    Explore the kid-friendly city of Vienna, Austria. Here, you can find plenty of bike-share stations for getting around. The city has a large number of playgrounds and some fantastic museums for children. In the city, there are many hostels run by local people. There is always one that suits your family's taste.

    Volcan Tenorio Area

    When you think about taking your kids to Costa Rica, you normally focus on viewing its amazing wildlife. But what about turning to the human activities?One way to do so is to stay on a farm. Kids can take a hand in looking after animals and learning about traditional farming methods.

    Khao Sok National Park

    In this park, you can show your children a different side of Thailand. Use a local guide to introduce you to the interesting plants and animals. Stay at one of the locally owned cottages. You can even spend a night in a raft house on Chiaw Lan Lake, which runs without electricity.

    Countryside of Fiji

    Leave luxury hotels behind and head to a village homestay in Fiji. Your kids will learn all about Fijian culture. Your money will go directly to the community. With older children you can join in both sea conservation and community projects, with the help of a reliable organization.

    (1)、Which place will attract people fond of cycling?
    A、Vienna. B、Volcan Tenorio Area. C、Khao Sok National Park. D、Countryside of Fiji.
    (2)、What is special about the raft houses in Khao Sok National Park?
    A、They are close to nature. B、They are surrounded by trees. C、They are operated by local people. D、They are independent of electricity.
    (3)、What do these four trips have in common?
    A、They favour older children. B、They offer green transportation. C、They help protect the environment. D、They provide farming homestays.
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Maria and her parents moved to the US from Brazil one year before the pandemic (流行病). Better education opportunities lay ahead, and they were excited to get Maria into an American high school to prepare for college.

    Each parent got a job, and Maria started studying. She also signed up for a service club because she wanted to meet people, practice her English and be a part of the community. "I love to serve," Maria says. "I think it is my thank-you for the opportunities I have."

    She worked at the local food bank with other kids of her age, organizing bags for families who were having a hard time making ends meet. But when the pandemic hit, she found herself at the food bank for another reason: to bring home groceries to her parents. "We were all shocked when my mother lost her job. My friends at the food bank got me through it," Maria said.

    Luckily, her father kept his job. And with classes moving online, Maria was able to secure a full-time job and do her class work at night. Three of her courses were college prep classes that demanded a lot of work. During her senior year, Maria worked 40-hour weeks and studied even more. Yet, in her spare time, she packed food bags for others before taking hers home.

    Just before graduation, Maria came into the food bank. One of the volunteers started getting a bag ready for her. "I don't need one today," Maria said. "My mother got a job. I'm here to help."

    Maria supported her family for eight months. She graduated on time and got scholarship offers from three different colleges. She moved to part-time work and has completed her first semester of college.

    (1)、What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    A、When Maria decided to go to the US. B、How Maria managed to get a job. C、Why Maria joined the service club. D、What Maria did to help her family.
    (2)、What allowed Maria to work full time during the pandemic?
    A、Leaving the food bank. B、The help from her friends. C、Taking courses online. D、The support from her parents.
    (3)、What can infer from the last paragraph?
    A、Maria's great efforts paid off. B、Maria does very well in college. C、Maria likes doing part-time jobs. D、Maria's family gave her lots of help.
    (4)、What good qualities does Maria have?
    A、Loyal and reliable. B、Hardworking and devoted. C、Ambitious and creative. D、Just and knowledgeable.
  • 23. 阅读理解

    BEIJING- Wang Yaping, a taikonaut onboard China's space station core module (舱), offered people on Earth a zero-gravity musical performance on Tuesday evening to celebrate the Lantern Festival. The space show was shared via a video released at an annual TV gala for the festival celebration. In the video, Wang was seen floating in the space module while playing a guzheng, or Chinese zither. She played a segment of the popular Chinese folk song. "Jasmine Flower".

    The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar. People usually hang colorful lanterns, play riddle games and express their wishes and hopes for the future.

    The crew members, who traveled to the space station core module on the Shenzhou-13 mission, kept some festive traditions alive as they continued to rotate around the Earth. Commander Zhai Zhigang wrote riddles on red paper scrolls with a brush pen. He displayed the calligraphy together with taikonaut Ye Guangfu and extended festival greetings to the audience. They also sent blessing to athletes at the ongoing Beijing Winter Olympics: "We hope that you all achieve success, gain friendship and harvest your best Olympic experience."

    The video of the space performance was received with much enthusiasm after it was shared on social media platforms. It drew nearly 2 million clicks in one hour after several national media outlets posted it on the Chinese micro-blogging site Sina Weibo. The Weibo account of Zhurong, China's first rover on Mars, reposted the video, commenting, "The music was so beautiful, and it made me homesick, too."

    The Lantern Festival also marks the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. Though far from home, the festive sentiments in space are the same. The China Manned Space Agency released a video on social media platforms on Tuesday, showing that the taikonauts had decorated the orbiting core module with red lanterns, Chinese knots and paper- cutting decorations. Wearing new clothes, the trio (三人小组) enjoyed the traditions of eating dumplings and posting spring couplets on walls During the Chinese New Year holiday, they were also spotted watching the Winter Olympics and doing workouts in orbit.

    (1)、How did the mass enjoy the musical performance according to the text?
    A、By watching a video posted online by Wang Yaping herself. B、By watching a video coming from a TV gala. C、By watching the Lantern Festival gala at the scene. D、By logging on the Internet through computers.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "rotate" mean according to the context?
    A、Access. B、Substitute. C、Circle. D、Launch.
    (3)、What can we learn from the text?
    A、The video of the space performance became a great hit. B、Zhai Zhigang showed the calligraphy on his own. C、The Beijing Winter Olympics had come to an end when the astronauts sent their regards. D、Wang Yaping shared puzzles on red paper scrolls.
    (4)、Which is the best title of the passage?
    A、Chinese folk song "Jasmine Flower" is played on space station B、Taikonauts send blessings to the Beijing Winter Olympics athletes C、Taikonauts keep Lantern Festival traditions alive on space station D、China makes major breakthroughs in the outer space exploration
  • 24. 阅读理解

    Tiny sensors inspired by dandelion (蒲公英) seeds could be spread to the winds to help track of climate change and global warming.

    As the climate crisis continues to strengthen, tracking changes in temperature and other environmental signals across a wide area is useful. But doing effectively requires distributing sensors throughout the environment, which can be time-consuming.

    "We wondered whether it's possible to build a system that can spread sensors in the wind, rather than having a person go out and place sensors alone, which can be dangerous in hard-to-reach places," says Vikram Iyer at the University of Washington in Seattle.

    Iyer and his colleagues used a laser-powered tool to make devices. Each one weighs 30 milligrams with a diameter of 28 millimeters, and has a number of small holes through which air can float in the air like dandelion seeds.

    The devices carry tiny sensors, essentially a microcomputer powered by small solar panels that can send back signals to the researchers, who developed different types that can measure temperature, pressure, light and so on. A small capacitor (电容器) can store energy overnight or in cloudy conditions.

    In all, the team tested 75 different designs before finding the right mix of variables. The final design can move through the air at 0.87 metres per second, travelling up to 100 metres in a mild wind when released from a drone (无人机). Real-world tests showed that the sensors can transfer data up to 60 metres.

    "The production of the ‘seeds' is especially interesting, so is the design of the electronic devices," says Jonathan Aitken at the University of Sheffield, UK. "Both seem to be very strong to the natural environment."

    Aitken is also impressed by the range of the sensors' communication abilities. "Plus the cheapness of the device, it means that it can be placed in large numbers, and the communication range makes this an excellent choice, especially within agriculture or disaster area monitoring,'' he says.

    (1)、What can we learn about the sensors like dandelion seeds?
    A、They are quite expensive to make. B、They are efficient in space and time. C、They can be carried by dandelion seeds. D、They can change the temperature.
    (2)、What provides the energy for microcomputer on the sensors?
    A、The sun. B、Strong wind. C、A small capacitor. D、A drone.
    (3)、What can be inferred from paragraph 6?
    A、The seed-like sensors can rise up from the ground without any help. B、The seed-like sensors can only travel in a mild wind. C、The scientists have tried many other designs before the seed-like sensors. D、The seed-like sensors travel much slower than its common competitors.
    (4)、What does Aitken think of the sensors?
    A、Costly. B、Risky. C、Complicated. D、Promising.


  • 25. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Music is one of the most interesting art forms on earth. We enjoy music because it makes us feel great.. We thought we'd take some time out to explore exactly how beneficial music is to your language development skills. Below is a list of all the ways that listening to music can improve your English skills.

    Strengthen your vocabulary and listening skills.

    When listening to a song, you'll pick up new words that you haven't heard before. Listening to a new song per week can help you learn 52 songs a year. Those songs are full of new vocabulary and phrases that are difficult to forget. For example, listening to a song like "Friday, I'm in Love" is a great way to remember the days of the week!. Music can help your brain react more quickly to hearing English.

    Perfect your pronunciation.

    Once you have learned the lyrics, the words of a song, you can practice your pronunciation and explore different accents (口音). . Singing will help you to learn their correct pronunciation of the words and will also help you remember easily the new vocabulary you have learned.

    Catch obvious grammar mistakes.

    If you have a good eye for mistakes, you can find many grammar "exceptions" songwriters usually use. Sometimes singers need to adapt the lyrics to the rhythm of the song. Therefore, they may be creative enough to use grammatical mistakes on purpose. It's not funny when you catch them.

    Music can also increase your cultural understanding. Many songs talk about great stories and can teach you a lot about love, life, tradition, history, philosophy, literature, and more. You can find many great examples of a storytelling song on the Internet.

    A. Discover more about English culture.

    B. But rather it's a good way to practice your English.

    C. This exercise will also develop your listening skills.

    D. Listening to songs can help you recover from illness.

    E. Those accents depend on the areas the singers come from.

    F. Write some storytelling songs to improve your English skills.

    G. But did you know it is also a great way to help you learn English?

四、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

  • 26. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    10-year-old Sasha Olsen went on a trip in the summer of 2021 with her family to Vietnam and Japan. She was shocked at the ocean's pollution levels and dying sea animals.

    "We went on this trip and I was so1," said Sasha. "But when I saw the way the oceans had become, I got upset. I wanted to know why things were this way but couldn't find an2."

    When she returned home to Bal Harbour, Florida, she grew even more3. She learned some of the4in South Florida had been closed by the health department because the5had too much bacteria (细菌)in it.

    Sasha sought the6of her cousin, Narmina Aliyev. Together, they7 a nonprofit Organization —Iwantmyoceanback.8 the group started small, with friends joining together on weekends to 9the beaches in Bal Harbour. Recently, however, she has10 events to raise funds for beach cleanups and to 11to protection groups.

    "It's12to bring awareness not just through doing cleanups and meetings, but to show people they can come together through their hobbies and13together to a common goal," said Sasha.

    Sasha hopes to14their work to neighboring cities. "We really want to make ourselves visible and 15to all," said Sasha. "After all, in Miami the ocean is everyone's backyard. This is the best place to start."

    A、tired B、depressed C、excited D、disappointed
    A、answer B、approach C、opportunity D、opinion
    A、absorbed B、upset C、embarrassed D、confused
    A、organizations B、oceans C、animals D、beaches
    A、trip B、city C、water D、people
    A、help B、suggestion C、praise D、comfort
    A、picked up B、took up C、set up D、got up
    A、Fortunately B、Originally C、Consequently D、Temporarily
    A、research B、pick C、explore D、clean
    A、held B、bought C、recorded D、witnessed
    A、refer B、turn C、donate D、lead
    A、foolish B、important C、potential D、appealing
    A、learn B、make C、play D、work
    A、extend B、observe C、convey D、announce
    A、intelligent B、individual C、interesting D、influential


  • 27. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Ballet is a formal kind of dance performance with a rich and interesting history. The word "ballet" comes from the French language. Ballet's early roots began in Italy in the late 1400s. But it was in France ballet developed into the form we know today.

    The French ruler Louis the Fourteenth had a big influence the direction of ballet in its early history. He ruled France for seventy-two years, (start) in 1643. He started dancing as a boy and worked hard daily.

    Louis the Fourteenth turned ballet into a form of dance that reflected (he) power and influence. Ballet's many rules and (extreme) detailed movements expressed a person's power and social relations. The king made sure that ballet became requirement for the people of his court. He was also the (found) of the Royal Academy of Dance, an institution important people could learn this art. The aim of this dance was self-control, order and perfection.

    Ballet slowly changed from a dance at the king's court to one (perform) by professional dancers. When Louis the Fourteenth died in 1715, ballet (bring) to other parts of Europe and was developing in other ways.

六、请根据所给首字母,填入一个正确的单词, 使得句子完整而正确。(每小题1分)


  • 38. The band bought a great deal of (设备) and set it up in the studio.
  • 39. The (精力充分的) boy fancies trying a chain of fun things per day.
  • 40. Even worse, the (数量) of fast food that people eat goes up.
  • 41. He's dropped several hints to the boss that he'll (离职) if he doesn't get a promotion.
  • 42. This way you'll feel a sense of achievement each time you hit your (目标), which will keep you motivated.
  • 43. On Tuesday the country's parliament (议会) voted to (建立) its own army.
  • 44. No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without (许可).
  • 45. (电)is invisible, but it can be changed into energy.
  • 46. The audience held their  (呼吸) to see who would win the gold medal.
  • 47. Learning (策略), to which teachers attach importance, haven't drawn enough attention of students.


  • 48. 说善意的谎言的一个主要原因是为了让别人感觉好一些。(make+宾语+宾语补足语)
  • 49. 请记住:祸从口出,所以我们要三思而后行。(…before…)
  • 50. 我们学校现在的学生人数是十年前的五倍。(times)
  • 51. 她慢慢走进公园,身后跟着一条狗。(过去分词作状语,表伴随)
  • 52. 每个国家需要做更多去保护野生动植物,拯救它们免于灭绝。 (save... from...)


  • 53. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以 "How to resolve conflicts between classmates " 为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:
    1. 分析造成冲突的原因;
    2. 提出解决冲突的建议。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 题目和首句已为你写好。

    How to resolve conflicts between classmates

    It's common to have conflicts with our classmates.