人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级下学期期末复习【知识点串讲】 06 现在进行时

试卷更新日期:2023-06-06 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. Listen! One of my classmates ____________ in the music room.
    A、sing B、sings C、is singing D、are singing
  • 2. Lily usually ________ after school. Look! She ________ on the playground now.
    A、is running; is running B、runs; is running C、runs; runs
  • 3. How ___ you ____ to school tomorrow?
    A、do, coming B、are, coming C、are, come D、do, come
  • 4. — Hi, Linda. Is your mother at home?

    — Just a minute. She____with my father in the room.

    A、chat B、is chatting C、are chatting D、chats
  • 5. Look! Jack and his dog ________ in the garden.
    A、plays B、played C、are playing D、play
  • 6. He        the dishes after dinner every day. Look! He        the dishes in the kitchen now.
    A、does; does B、is doing; is doing  C、is doing; does D、does; is doing
  • 7. It's eight o'clock in the evening. The Smiths        TV.
    A、watch B、watches C、are watching D、is watching
  • 8. —________Tom ________ TV right now?

    —No, he ________.

    A、Is; watch; isn't B、Does; watch; doesn't C、Is; watching; isn't
  • 9. —Please turn down the radio. The baby ________.

    —OK, I will.

    A、is sleeping B、sleeps C、slept
  • 10. — Mom, can you pass the book ________ me?

    —Just a minute. I ________ the room.

    A、for; will clean B、to; cleaning C、to; am cleaning
  • 11. —________Tom and Tim doing now?

    —They're playing soccer.

    A、What B、What's C、What are
  • 12. — Where is Mike? I want him to answer the phone.

    —He ________ his clothes.

    A、washes B、is washing C、will wash
  • 13. He is sitting ________ the beach and ________ orange juice.
    A、on; drinking B、in; drinking C、on; drinks
  • 14. — What ________ your sister _________?

    —She is cleaning the floor.

    A、does; do B、is; doing C、is; do
  • 15. —Be careful! The cars ________ fast on the road.

    —Thanks. I will pay more attention.

    A、are running B、running C、run
  • 16. —Don't make noise here. Your father ________.

    —OK. I'll be quiet.

    A、is sleeping B、is sleep C、sleeping
  • 17. —Is she ________ her homework?

    —No, she ________.

    A、does; isn't B、doing; is C、doing; isn't
  • 18. Look! The girls ________ games happily over there.
    A、are playing B、playing C、play.
  • 19. The students ________ an English class at the moment. They are having a P. E. class.
    A、not having B、don't have C、aren't having
  • 20. —What ________ Mary ________ now?

    —She is washing her clothes.

    A、does; do B、is; do C、is; doing
