
试卷更新日期:2023-06-05 类型:期中考试


  • 1. My father can only speak _____English. So he wants to buy______ books about how to learn English.
    A、a few; a little B、a little; a few C、little: few D、few; little
  • 2. It's meaningful________ college students to be volunteers and it's helpful _______them to teach the children in the poor areas.
    A、of; of B、for; for C、of; for D、for; of
  • 3. According to the rule, children should _________a nearby school to receive education.
    A、experience B、explain C、excuse D、enter
  • 4. —My father's new mobile phone can be used _________e-mails.

    — Is he used _______on such a small screen?

    A、to send; to write B、for sending; to write C、to send; to writing D、to sending; to writing
  • 5. — _____________wonderful science fiction movie it is!

    —Yes. I have ________read it twice.

    A、How a; yet B、How; already C、What; yet D、What a; already
  • 6. —How is the old man who lives________ ?

    —He is fine, but he feels ___________from time to time.

    A、alone; alone B、alone; lonely C、lonely; alone D、lonely; lonely
  • 7. He ordered that all should__________ the work.
    A、take part in B、happen C、take place D、join
  • 8. They develop their skills ______ they can do things better and better.
    A、however B、because C、since D、so that
  • 9. I've never expected ________the chance to meet my favorite writer, Zheng Yuanjie in Zhengzhou.
    A、to get B、got C、get D、getting
  • 10. —I'm going to add some tomato sauce to the salad, if you don't________.

    —Not at all. Go ahead.

    A、mind B、try C、laugh D、afford


  • 11. 根据上下文语境从方框中选择最佳的选项完成对话,注意有两项为多余的选项。

    A. That's not true.

    B. For about three months.

    C. How do you celebrate it?

    D.I believe you will love it.

    E. You mean in your hometown?

    F. I can't wait for the coming of that day.

    G. If so, you can come to celebrate it with my family.

    A: Lucy, how long have you been in China?


    A: Wow! That's a long time.

    B: Yes, and I'm going to stay longer to see how the Dragon

    Boat Festival is celebrated here.


    B: Can I? That's very kind of you!

    A: We'll celebrate it in the countryside.


    A: Yes, I'm sure you'll learn a lot about Chinese traditions there.

    B: Sounds great!

    A: Looking forward to your coming.


  • 12. 根据课文内容填单词,要求与课文原文一致。

    I feel when I speak Chinese, but I'll be fine in a few days. I'm always sorry when I don't know how to do things in the right way, so please help meI'm with you in China!

    This language is different from English in many ways, and they find  hard to spell and pronounce the words. , they still enjoy learning it.

    The earth is a planet and it goesthe sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun. None of them has an  like that of the earth, so scientists do not think they will find life on them.

    Our teacher is the coach, and she also takes part in the same with us. She is in excellent too.

    Parents and children laugh  as Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven. They always to see more Monkey King cartoons.


  • 13. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    It was a sunny day and the weather was warm. Sarah thought this was a good day to go out and enjoy the nature. She planned to go1and decided to bring her dog together. Every morning, Sarah would like to go running and walk with her dog at the park. Both of them liked2verymuch.

    This time, Sarah decided to try a(n)3hiking road. She never had a view (风景) of a beach, so she wanted to4a way near the beach. She brought a hat, a jacket, a bottle of water and some food. She5her sports clothes and comfortable shoes. She also brought her6to take some pictures of the view along the beach. She was ready for this trip.

    In order to enjoy the beautiful view, she walked7. When she and her dog got to the hiking road, Sarah8different trees along the beach. There were a lot of animals like sea birds and fish. Along the road, Sarah could have a beautiful view of the sea. She was very9when she saw some special stones. These stones had many different shapes, so she10to take some photos of them. After that, they went back home with lots of happiness.

    A、hiking B、swimming C、fishing D、boating
    A、flowers B、parks C、trips D、animals
    A、good B、old C、new D、long
    A、bring B、make C、build D、choose
    A、put down B、put on C、put away D、put up
    A、camera B、computer C、book D、pencil
    A、quickly B、slowly C、heavily D、quietly
    A、heard B、saw C、tasted D、felt
    A、bored B、tired C、surprised D、relaxed
    A、helped B、wanted C、liked D、stopped


  • 14. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    What will you do to make yourself feel better when you feel sad?

    I look after the patients (病人) in hospital. I'm sure you can guess what I am. I usually write ablog(博客)when I feel bad. Writing diaries on the blog is a good way to show my feelings(感受). And I like to read some good words. That can make me feel better. — Caroline, 28 years old

    I am the father of a beautiful girl, Lily. I'm a program manager. I'm very busy with my work and often get home late. Sometimes if I feel sad, I will watch movies. I'll imagine myself as the main character in the movie. It always makes me happy. — John,40 years old

    I'm a college student. I have a special way to cheer myself up when I feel sad — helping other people. I often call a local nursing home(养老院)or church to ask what I can do for them. Then, I will try my best to help them. Helping others can really cheer me up. It makes me feel good to know that I can help other people in need. — Susan,21 years old

    (1)、From Paragraph 1, we can know that Caroline may be a___________________.
    A、teacher B、manager C、nurse D、college student
    (2)、John imagines himself as the main character of a film because______________.
    A、he wants to be an actor B、he likes watching films C、It's good for his work D、it can cheer him up
    (3)、If Susan feels sad, she will___________________________.
    A、keep a diary B、see a movie C、help other people D、call her friends for help
    (4)、Which of the following is true in the passage?
    A、Caroline likes sharing her feelings with her friends.   B、Susan works in a local nursing home. C、John doesn't have much time to stay with his daughter. D、Caroline is much older than John and Susan.
    (5)、The passage talks about______________.
    A、ways to cheer up B、ways to write good words C、how to help other people D、how to find a job
  • 15. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Hello, I'm Samantha. I'm an astronaut and welcome to Node 1, the place on the International Space Station where we have our meals together and it is also the place where we can come in mid—afternoon or mid—morning for a quick snack. I'd like to sow you some ideas of healthy snacks that we have on the International Space Station.

    For example, we have a lot of fruit on the International Space Station. However, most of the time it's not fresh fruit. Sometimes we have fruit which needs to be rehydrated (补充水分),like these strawberries and the bag of dried apples. The dried apples are the things that I like to eat most on the International Space Station. Nuts (坚果) are also great food for a healthy snack. We often have lots of nuts on the International Space Station.

    I also have the very special power food which was made for me by chef Stefano Polato and it has a lot of very healthy and nutritious ingredients (营养成分) and a special ingredient called spirulina(螺旋藻). Chef Stefano Polato will also show us how to make it at home! So, snack time is a great chance to put the right food in your body.

    (1)、Samantha is a(n)_____________.
    A、doctor B、teacher C、astronaut D、scientist
    (2)、_______kinds of fruit are mentioned in the passage.
    A、Two B、Three C、Four D、Five
    (3)、What can we know from Paragraph 2?
    A、Astronauts don't always have fresh fruit to eat in space. B、Astronauts don't eat nuts often in space. C、Astronauts don't need fruit in space. D、The writer likes the strawberries best in space.
    (4)、What does the underlined word "chef" mean in Chinese?
    A、空姐 B、列车长 C、厨师 D、教练
    (5)、What's the passage mainly about?
    A、Healthy snacks on the International Space Station. B、When to have snacks on the International Space Station. C、How to cook healthy food on the International Space Station. D、How to grow food on the International Space Station.
  • 16. 配对阅读 阅读左栏五个人对令他们难忘的事件的描述,从右栏中为他们选择适合的回应,注意其中有两项是多余的。

    Last week, my sister and her classmates were talking on the way to school. Suddenly, a car hit my sister when she was crossing the road. She hurt her leg in the accident. These days, she was very sad.    

    Yesterday morning, I got my letter of admission(录取通知书)to a famous university while I was having breakfast with my parents as usual. I felt happy.   

    It happened on May 12th, 2008. I was reading a novel at my bedroom when the earthquake happened. I still remember the sadness and helplessness of people in the disaster area(灾区)on TV.   

    Most of my friends like either Brazilian soccer team or German soccer team, but I love French soccer team best. When the French soccer team won the world cup on July 16, 2018, I was so excited.   

    October 1st, 2019 was an important day for Chinese people. I stayed at home to watch the military review(阅兵)with my family. I still remembered that day.   

    A. I can imagine how happy you were at that time. All your hard work paid off. Now, you just need to relax yourself and then prepare for your college.

    B. That was a big day. I felt happy that day, too. China is very strong now, and I believe it will get better and better. We should remember that day.

    C. The earthquake is terrible. We can't change it, but we can learn something from it. We should know how to keep safe in earthquakes.

    D. I am sorry to hear that. Please remember that life is the most important thing at any time.  Don't play along the river.

    E. It seemed that you were wrong. I think you should say sorry to your parents for what you did and have a talk with them.

    E. Hearing that your favorite team is successful is really an exciting thing. I know how you felt  because I also like the French soccer team very much.

    G. I am sorry to hear that. I think you can spend more time staying with your sister to let her feel warm. What's more, we should be careful when we cross the road.



  • 21. 短文填空

    Emma and Kate are good friends. Both of them love to movies. There is only one. They never like the same movies. Emma likes love movies,Kate likes scary ones.

    At first, they didn't know they had suchtastes(品味)in movies. One day, Kate said to Emma, "Emma, there is a new in the cinema. I want to watch it tonight. Would you like to go _me?"" Of course! What is it?"" Get Out." That night, Emma and Kate two tickets and went into the cinema. Ten minutes later, Emma felt so scared that she ran out of the cinema.

    A few days later, Emma asked Kate to watch the film Beauty and the Beast. After watching, Kate said, "I don't think I can watch a film like this again. You dislike scary movies as much as I dislike love ones." Emma asked, "What are we going to do? Will we never go to the cinema together again?" Kate answered," I think we will have to wait forscary love movie. ""That's a good idea." Emma said. They went home happily.


  • 22. 请阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。

    Last summer, Oliver had a two—week holiday—in—Australia. He was in a group of children coming from different parts of the world, and they had a great time together.

    From Brisbane, Queensland, they went to a beautiful island off the coast of Australia. It is not far from the famous and crowded Frazer Island. Oliver's group stayed in a hotel on the beach on the island, so they could try snorkeling(用通气管潜泳)in the light green water. At night, they went into the water to feed wild dolphins.

    After a few days on the island, they went into the outback (内陆地区). There Oliver met some famous animals in Australia like kangaroos! During their three days there, they rode horses. Oliver threw a boomerang (回飞),too! They cooked their food over a campfire at night, under the stars. The a they went northwards to the Coral Sea to visit the Great Barrier Reef. This over 2,000—kilometreline of coral (珊瑚) is a magical place. They spent three wonderful days there, swimming in the coolest sea!

    Their trip finished in Sydney, a nice city. Oliver really enjoyed his holiday.

    (1)、How long did Oliver stay in Australia last summer?
    (2)、What did they do at night when they stayed on the island?
    (3)、Where did they go swimming in the coolest sea?


  • 23. 请根据以下内容提示,写一篇英语短文来描写自己的一次旅行经历。写作提示:
    1. 旅行的时间、地点以及人物;
    2. 旅行的过程;
    3. 对旅行的总结性评价。
    1. 短文不少于80字。题目已给出,不计入总词数。
    2. 可适当增加细节;逻辑行文、语言叙述要流畅。
    3. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。

    One of My Travel Experiences


  • 24. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    What is the largest hot desert (沙漠) on the earth? If your answer is the Sahara, you're correct. The Sahara has over 9 million kilometers. .

    Now, you may think that it's all sand (沙子) and has no hills. Sand dunes (沙丘)are hills in the desert and the Sahara is famous for them. They can be over 180 meters high. You can see them in many movies.

    . In summer, it could be above 49℃. And the hottest day in history was 58C. But it doesn't stay that way all the time. That's a little surprising, isn't it?

    There are two large rivers and some seasonal lakes in the Sahara. The rivers along with the seasonal lakes play an important role. There's more to the Sahara than you think!

    A. However, that's not true.

    B. Why is the Sahara growing?

    C. At night, it becomes very cold.

    D. The Sahara is the hottest desert.

    E. Deserts do not stay the same size.

    F That makes it almost as big as China or the US.

    G. Because oases (绿洲) get water from them.