
试卷更新日期:2023-05-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全短文,使文章内容完整、通顺。

    A. We had a big dinner at six.

    B. The match was really exciting.

    C. Uncle Tyler took me to go fishing.

    D. Mom, Sally and I came here to visit my uncle.

    E. Sally and I visited many interesting places with Aunt Susan.

    My name is Sam. I am in Chengdu now!  We are having a good time. Dad didn't come with us because he went to India last month.

    For Sally and me, it's our first time to come to China. We are so happy. Last week Mom went to a lot of different shows in Chengdu. She knows Chengdu very well because she worked here ten years ago.  Sally and I can't speak Chinese, but Aunt Susan can speak Chinese well.

    Yesterday afternoon, Mom, Sally and Aunt Susan stayed at home cooking dinner.

     He drove for an hour and then we arrived at his favorite lake. First, we walked along the lake, looking for a good place to fish. Uncle Tyler said we must fish from the top of a large rock (岩石). We fished for two hours and my uncle caught many fish. He is really an excellent fisherman. It was five when we got home.

    In the evening, Uncle Tyler took Sally and me to watch a basketball match. It was between Sichuan and Liaoning.

  • 2. 根据上面内容,从下面方框中选出与其匹配的信息。

    Welcome to Ann 's. birthday.

    Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm, Saturday ,January 17th      Place: Ann's home

    Welcome and have a good time!

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    An exciting movie for kids!

    Time: 8:00pm-9:30pm, 14th-18th January     Ticket price: ¥20

    Place: Wanda Cinema

    On Sale!

    Welcome to Jim's Clothes Store! We have T-shirts in all colors for 30 yuan each. Do you like skirts? They are only 45 yuan. Come and see for yourself.


    Is this your model car? It's orange. It is a Toyota GT86, It's about 10 cm long. Call me at 654-8554.


    I'm Lucy, I can't find my dog. It's black and white. It's lost in Renmin Park. If you found it, please call 655-8877.

    A. The dog    B. The car    C. The store    D. The movie    E. The party

  • 3. 根据材料内容,将方框中A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、通顺。

    Rules tell people what they should and shouldn't do. All good people follow rules. We start learning rules at home. Parents want us to be safe(安全的). They want us to go home early after school. They can make family rules. The family rules help us know how to act safely.

    It's important to let all people in the family write the rules.

    The rules should be simple(简单的) , so we can remember them easily. There shouldn't be too many rules. We can easily remember 6 to 8 rules. "Do" rules: "Do" rules are good. Here are some examples(例子):

    Be helpful.

    Do your homework before dinner.

    "Don't" rules: It's best to have more "do" than "don't" rules-use "don't rules when it's difficult to say what to do. Here are some examples:

    Don't go out at night.

    A. How can parents keep us safe?                B. Here are two kinds of rules

    C. Clean your room every day.                    D. Don't watch TV too much.

    E. Writing the family rules helps us to remember and follow them

  • 4. 根据短文内容,完成下面的表格,每空一词

    Do you have a test? How do you get ready for it? No idea? Here are some tips. I hope they can help you.

    1. Make a study plan(计划)two weeks before the test. Ask your teacher for help about subjects you are not good at.

    2. Look at your old exercises and notes(笔记). And then you won't make the same mistakes(错误)again.

    3. Go to bed early. On the night before the test, you need to sleep well. Before going to bed, you need to have a look at your schoolbag. Do you have pencils, a pen, an eraser and other school things?

    4. Have a good breakfast. It helps you do well in the test. You can have some bread, milk, and some fruit. But don't eat too much.


    How to get ready for a test?


    Make a study plan weeks before the test. lf you are not good at some , please ask your teacher for-help.


    old exercises and notes can help you stop making the mistakes.


    Have a good on the night before the test.

    Check your schoolbag before going to bed


    A good helps you do well in the test.

  • 5. 根据短文内容,将方框中的句子回填到短文中适当的位置,(有两项多余)。

    A French swimmer will try to become the first, person to swim across the Pacific Ocean. BenLecomte,51, will set off from Japan on Tuesday. He will have to swim for eight hours a day to reach the west coast of America finally. There will be sharks, jellyfish, storms and very low water temperatures. He may also be too tired to go on." You should always think about the good things to keep you hopeful," Ben said.

    Ben has been training for six years to take up this challenge(挑战). He has practiced swimming every day in the sea. In this way, he can make sure that he is in top physical condition (状态). He needs to have a strong mind because it will be a very lonely swim. Ben says he does the swim to raise the awareness(意识)of climate change and to ask more people to save the environment.

    A. So what you think during the swim is very important.

    B. He has also been training his mind.

    C. It will take him over six months to complete the swim.

    D. Ben Lecomte is a French swimming star.

    E. Why does he want to do it?

    F. Ben found it very easy to swim across the ocean.

    G. He will have to face many dangers during the swim.

  • 6. 请从A-G的七项中,为1-5的五个段落选择最合适的段落大意,并将正确答案的字母编号填入题前。(有两项多余)

    Many students feel nervous before an exam. They are afraid of failing the exam. They can't eat or sleep well. Sometimes they become ill. Here are some tips for you to do well in an exam.

    You probably want to review(复习) everything before an exam, but you need some rest, too. So it's important to make some plans for your study. When you go over your lessons, you should spend more time on your weak subjects.

    There is no need to drink ten cups of coffee or energy drinks to study more efficiently (高效地) before an exam. That will make you more nervous and might stop you from getting to sleep. You should eat some healthy food, like fruit and vegetables. Drinking enough water is good for your body.

    If you can't fall asleep, get up and go to another room. But don't turn on the TV or play with your phone. Listen to some quiet music or read a book. You'll probably feel sleepy in a few minutes, and then you can go back to your bed.

    Think about what you need for the exam. Do you need a ruler? A pen? Paper? Make a list and cross of(划掉) each item once it's put in the bag. Don't forget to silence your phone. You don't want it to ring in the middle of the exam.

    A. Eat and drink well

    B. Have a good night's sleep

    C. Advice about doing well in an exam

    D. Make study plans

    E. Prepare yourself for the exam day

    F. Learn how to relax

    G. Ways to remember things quickly

  • 7. 根据文章内容,完成后面的表格。(每空一词)

    No trip to Shanghai is complete without a visit to Shanghai Disneyland Park. If you plan it right, it can be the "Happiest. Place on Earth". Here are some easy tips for you to follow.

    Public transport. In Shanghai, there is a good bus and underground service. The best way to get to the theme park is by underground, which is much quicker and cheaper.

    What to wear. In summer, the strong sunlight is bad for you, so a hat is necessary. And you're going to do a lot of walking. so you'd better wear comfortable shoes.

    Make a plan. It is really impossible to do everything in one day in the park. So you need to plat a route (路线) through the park and choose a few must-dos in the park.

    Make good use of FASTPASS. Get to the park early in the morning, and go on the popular rides first to avoid (避免) lines later in the day. However, your best choice for popular rides is the free FASTPASS. It can save you from waiting in long lines.

    Go shopping. Don't wait to do your shopping until the end of the day, that's when everyone does it and the lines are long.

    Things to-remember. Selfie sticks(自拍杆) are not allowed to use; only well-packaged food and water are allowed; visitors above 16 should not be dressed in cartoon costumes

    Tips for visiting Shanghai Disneyland Park


    Taking the underground is the best way to get to the park.

    What to wear

    In summer, a hat can protect you from the strong sunlight.

    Wear comfortable shoes because you need to a lot.

    Make a plan

    It isn't to do everything in one day.

    You need to plan a route and choose a few must-dos in the park.

    Make good use of FASTPASS.

    You can easily get a FASTPASS for . It can save you much time.

    Go shopping

    Avoid shopping at the of the day.

    Things to remember

    You can't use selfie sticks in the park.

    Only well-packaged food and water are allowed.

    Visitors above 16 should not cartoon costumes.

  • 8. 阅读文章并根据上下文用下面方框内的适当选项补全短文。

    Simon, a 28-year-old German student, rode 5,800 kilometers in China for his trip blog(博客). ."What's your Chinese Dream?" This is the question he asked every stranger he met on his 100-day trip.

    Simon came to China for the first time in 2011. After a year in China, he was able to speak Chinese. , he went to Zhejiang University in 2017. Simon learned "Chinese Dream" in 2013, and now it has become one of the hottest words in China he started his trip in May 2018.

    Simon believes that riding across China is a good way to look at the nature. .During his trip, he found that people in the cities usually follow their hearts. What's more, older generation(一代) of Chinese cares more about social stability(社会的稳定).

    "People look for their ways to make their dreams come true. They all believe that a strong country is the most important," Simon said.

    A. To learn the true meaning of it among Chinese people

    B. Because of his interest in Chinese culture

    C. And it is also an environmentally friendly(环保的) trip

    D. But the young generation cares more about education and the environment

    E. He wanted to learn about the Chinese Dream

  • 9. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整,通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)

    A boy is walking on the street when he secs a snake. The snake asks. " I want to see the sunset(日落)for the last time before I die(死)."·

    The boy answers, "No, Mr. Snakc. "

    The snake says, "No, I'll never do that."

    Then the boy takes it there. After the sunset, the snake asks,""The boy takes it to his home and gives it some food.

    The next day the snake says, "Please take me back to my home. "The boy thinks he is safe this time, so he takes it home. But just before he puts the snake down, it turns back and bites him. The boy cries out," The snake laughs." Don't you know who I am?"

    A. If I pick you up, you'll bite (咬)me.

    B. Mr. Snake, why do you do that?

    C. Can you take me to the top of the mountain?

    D. Can you take me to your home?

    E. It's time for me to leave this world.

  • 10. 同学们经常上微机课,可是你们熟悉其中的一些规则吗?请仔细阅读下列题中的五位学生的陈述和A-E中微机室的各项规则,选出符合每个学生情况的最佳选项。

     ⑴Lily: I can't bring food and drinks to the computer room. If I do so, the teacher won't let me in.

     ⑵Mike: I have to take off my shoes and put on the overshoes(鞋套). The overshoes are near the door outside the room.

     ⑶Sara: I can't bring my MP3 player to the computer room. If I do, the teacher will take it away.

     ⑷Jack: I must keep quiet or talk in a very low voice. When I have any problems, I must put up my hand.

     ⑸Tom: I enjoy computer games very much at home, but I can't play them during the class. If I do so, the teacher will let me out.

    A. Keep the computer room clean. Don't wear your dirty shoes into the computer room.

    B. Keep quiet in the room. If you don't, others will be angry with you.

    C. It's not right to bring anything to eat in the room. They will make the computer room dirty.

    D. Don't listen to music in the computer room, they have nothing to do with your study.

    E. Playing computer games is not allowed in the computer room. It's the place for you to study but not to play.