英语人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Section B课时练

试卷更新日期:2023-05-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Which of the underlined letters sounds different?
    A、cap B、match C、man D、after
  • 2. —Would you like to go for a walk? (选择符合句意的单词音标)

    —Of _____.

    A、/kʌs/ B、/kɔ:s/ C、/kɒs/ D、/kɔls/
  • 3. In China, we always use red paper for Hongbao _____ red means luck.
    A、until B、if C、although D、because
  • 4. —What a terrible situation you are in now!

    —Yeah! I _____ not taking my father's advice!

    A、avoid B、regret C、suggest D、mind
  • 5. I saw _____ alien after learning the text "Nobody Wins".
    A、/ B、a C、an D、the
  • 6. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?
    A、torch B、form C、sport D、work
  • 7. Listening is just _____ speaking in the language learning.
    A、as important as B、more important C、most important D、important
  • 8. There was a serious attack _____ him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.
    A、in B、on C、at D、of
  • 9. Is Shanghai near or far away _____ Hangzhou?
    A、to B、with C、in D、from
  • 10. Some of the students failed the exam. _____, Tina did quite well.
    A、But B、However C、Although D、So


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Why Do the English Always Talk about the Weather?

    It's nearly June and the people in London are still wearing the winter jackets! Don't you think the weather in London is so bad at the moment? But when the sun comes out in the late afternoon, it will be summer at this time of a day. When you go to England, you will (将要) see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them on a sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret later in the day.

    So when you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, the weather. You can say, "Nice weather for the time of year!"

    "But it was a little cold yesterday," somebody may answer.

    "But it got a bit warmer later!" you can say.

    Talk like this, and the English will think, how friendly you are! Talking about the weather can mean more than just trying to make a conversation with a stranger. The weather is everywhere and it affects everyone, so if you meet a stranger or if you are introduced to someone, it is the perfect way to start a conversation!

    (1)、What does "regret" mean?
    A、后悔 B、惊讶 C、理解 D、期待
    (2)、In England, you'd better _____ on a sunny day.
    A、wear sunglasses B、ride a bike C、take an umbrella D、listen to the weather report
    (3)、It is very _____ to talk about the weather with a stranger.
    A、strange B、impolite C、rude D、friendly



  • 17. 短文填空

    It's Saturday morning. My parents, my uncle, my sisters and I are all the house. What is my father doing? He is (read) a magazine. My mother is (water) the flowers in the small garden. There are some beautiful flowers in it. My uncle is my (mother) brother. He is a waiter. He is a basketball fan (迷). And he is good playing basketball. Now he is (watch) a basketball match on TV. are my sisters? Cindy is over there. She (like) listening to popular music very much. Nancy is in her room. She (have) a computer. She is writing an e-mail to her friend. What am I doing? I'm (do) my homework.


  • 18. 老鼠爸爸冲着猫大声叫嚷。

    Father Mouse the cat.

  • 19. 你不应该再浪费你的时间。

    You should waste your time.

  • 20. —南希能跟我们一起去看电影吗?


    Nancy to the movies with us?

    —Sure, I think she'd   .

  • 21. 我想要给你打电话,可是电话坏了,所以我在给你写信。

    I want to call you but my phone , so I'm you.

  • 22. 现在是下午,我正坐在游泳池旁喝橙汁。

    It's afternoon right now, and I and drinking orange juice.