
试卷更新日期:2023-05-25 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 请阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息回答下面的问题。

        My name is Jim. I had a good time last Saturday. It was sunny and warm. After breakfast, I went to my uncle's farm in my dad's car with my mother and my sister. The farm was very big. There were so many kinds of animals on the farm.

        I helped my uncle milk the cow. I rode the horse and fed chickens. I also played with the dog, Bill. He was very friendly to me. My sister picked many flowers. She said they were very beautiful. My mother helped my aunt feed the rabbits. My father talked with my uncle.

        Then in the afternoon, we had dinner on the farm. When we left the farm, my uncle gave me a little duck as a gift. I was very happy to get it. I wanted to keep it as a pet in my house.

    (1)、How's the weather last Saturday?
    (2)、How many people are there in the writer's family?
    (3)、How did they go to the farm?
    (4)、What did the writer's sister do on the farm?
    (5)、What did the writer's uncle give him as a gift?
  • 2. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    Studies found that travel helps children learn a lot. But planning a school trip is not easy. Teachers need to spend much time making sure the trip will go well. Here are some tips (提示)to plan a safe and educational (有教育意义的)school trip.

    ◊Start planning early

    You should start planning as early as possible before the trip. There is a lot to do, so it is best to give yourself enough time.

    ◊Don't make the trip too long

    Some children may easily cry because the idea of being away from home makes them become homesick, so short trips are usually the best.

    ◊Make a clear plan

    Take a piece of paper and write down your trip plan clearly. What do you want the trip to tell your students? Where do you want to go? What do you do when you first arrive? When do you come back? The clearer your plan is, the better the trip will be.

    ◊Take care of kids' safety

    During the trip, kids' safety is the most important because accidents may happen if you are not careful enough.

    ◊Make time for sharing and discussing

    ◊ Make sure your trip gives kids time to share and discuss - during and after. This can happen at dinner, on the way back or when you come back to school. This will help children learn more.

    (1)、Whom are the tips for?
    (2)、When should people begin to plan the trip?
    (3)、How can people make a clear plan?
    (4)、What is the most important during the trip?
    (5)、Why should people give kids time to share and discuss?
  • 3. 请阅读下面的文章,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。

    Dear Parents,

    I am writing this letter so that you can all know about our spring trip to Guangxin Cultural Park next Friday.

    Everyone will meet in front of the school on the morning of Friday,March 5th, at 8: 00 a. m. We are going to the nark by bus and arrive before 10: 00 a. m. We will stay in the park for over five hours and get back to school at 5:00 p. m.

    There will be free lunch for all the students that day. But the children still have to take some drinks with them. A there may be changes of weather, you'd better out an umbrella in your child's bag. Each student must wear his/her school card during this trip.

    If you want to know more, please write to Miss Lee at CWHs@ hotmail. com.


    Frank Grand, Head Teacher of Class 701

    West Lake High School

    (1)、When is the school trip?
    (2)、When will they get back to school?
    (3)、What had better parents put in their child's bag?
    (4)、What's Miss Lee's email address?
    (5)、What's the name of the head teacher of Class 701?
  • 4. 以下是一个小故事,请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. Sorting trash can help us in many ways.

    B. They often look ugly and dirty.

    C. They often come in different colors.

    D. Not all trash is the same.

    E. Do your part for our world.

    F. And then there's recycle trash, like plastic bottles.

    Sorting trash is good for us

    Take a look at the trash bins outside of your house.But this isn't just for fun-those colors tell you how you should sort(分类) your trash.

    . There is household trash-things like banana peels and leftover(剩下的) food. There's harmful trash, such as batteries.It's important to sort these kinds of trash correctly.

    We can make sure that harmful things, such as batteries, don't pollute our ground and water. We can reuse some trash, such as paper, metal, glass and old clothes, to make new things.

    How do we sort trash? It's easy. You can have three bins in your home--one each for household, harmful and recycle trash.

  • 5. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    Sam and his sister Susan are chatting online. What are they talking about?

    Sam: How are you? I'm in Shanghai. I meet some new friends here. They are very friendly. We are watching boat races. They are interesting. It's 5:00 p.m. People here are leaving work and going home at this moment.

    Susan: I think you are having a good time in China. It's 9:00 a.m. in London. We are having breakfast at home. I'm drinking milk. Dad is eating some bread. Mom is eating some vegetables. Our sister Betty isn't with us. She is sleeping in her bedroom.

    (1)、How many people are there in Sam's family?
    (2)、What time is it in China?
    (3)、What is Sam doing now?
    (4)、Is Sam having a good time in China?
    (5)、Why isn't Betty having breakfast with her family?
  • 6. 信息归纳,请仔细阅读下面一篇短文,按信息表中项目要求在答卷上的信息表中填写信息卡。

       Hello, everyone! My name is Rose. Last February, I went to Sanya with my parents by plane. Sanya is a beautiful city. It is in Hainan Island. It is hot in summer and warm in winter. If you go there in winter, you don't need to wear warm clothes. The best time to visit Sanya is between September and March. Many people go there to enjoy their holidays every year. We stayed there for a week. I visited Tianya Haijiao, Yalong Bay, Dadonghai and Sanya Bay. All the places were beautiful. I took a lot of photos there. The people there were friendly to us. The food was delicious. We had a good time there.

    (1)、Who did Rose go to Sanya with last February?
    (2)、How did Rose go to Sanya?
    (3)、When is the best time to visit Sanya?
    (4)、How long did Rose stay in Sanya?
    (5)、Were people in Sanya very friendly?
  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。

    In January 2020, Xiao Wang from a university went to visit Shanghai Disney with her friends. But the staff at the gate stopped them because they carried snacks and drinks.

    “You can't bring food or drinks inside. You have to throw them away, or you cannot go into the land.”

    “Why? I think I can't do that. We can't waste food.” Said Xiao Wang a little angrily.

    “It's a rule, Miss.” the man answered, “You can eat them up or keep them in the locker (寄存柜). But it costs 80 yuan a day.”

    “The rule is not reasonable (合理的).” And you didn't tell me the rule when I bought the tickets.

    Xiao Wang thought that Disney just wanted to make people buy snacks and drinks inside and make money. However, the staff said they just made the rule to make Disney clean and tidy.

    (1)、When did Xiao Wang go to Shanghai Disney with her friends?
    (2)、Why did the staff at the gate stop them?
    (3)、How much does it cost to keep things in the locker for one day?
    (4)、Did Xiao Wang know the rule when she bought the ticket?
    (5)、What did Xiao Wang think of the rule?
  • 8. 任务型阅读

        It's the evening of the Dragon Boat Festival. My family are all at home. Look! My grandma is talking on the phone with my aunt in America. She misses her very much. So they talk on the phone once a week. My grandpa is reading a book by James Green. He likes reading very much. f he has time, he often reads in the living room. My brother is watching boat races on TV. It is exciting. As for me, I'm cleaning the table. Guess! What are we going to eat? Haha! Zongzi! My parents are making them in the kitchen. They smell delicious! I think we are going to have a wonderful evening tonight! If you want to eat zongzi, just come to my home and enjoy them with us.

    (1)、How often do grandma and aunt talk on the phone?
    (2)、How many people are there in the family?
    (3)、Where dose grandpa often read books?
    (4)、Where are her parents?
    (5)、What are the families going to eat?
  • 9. 阅读下面这篇短文,根据内容回答下列问题。

    It's the evening of the Dragon Boat Festival. My family are all at home. Look! My grandma is talking on the phone with my aunt in America. She misses her very much. So they talk on the phone once a week. My grandpa is reading a book by James Green. He likes reading very much. If he has time, he often reads in the living room. My brother is watching boat races on TV. It is exciting. As for me, I'm cleaning the table. Guess! What are we going to eat? Haha! Zongzi! My parents are making them in the kitchen. They smell very delicious! I think we are going to have a wonderful evening tonight! If you want to eat zongzi, just come to my home and enjoy them with us.

    (1)、When did the story take place (发生)?
    (2)、How many people are there in the family?
    (3)、Who is reading a book?
    (4)、Where are her parents?
    (5)、What will the family eat?
  • 10. 阅读下面短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. They started to Save the birds.

    B. But now there are more than 1, 800.

    C. And it raises (饲养) new pandas and sends them back in the wild.

    D. We all hope that there will be more crested ibises in the future.

    E. China also works to help other endangered animals like the crested ibises.

    F. The most important work in saving pandas is to protect their living environment.

    Do you like pandas? They were endangered in the past. During the past years, China has been trying hard to protect them. So the government built 52 protection areas for them. In these areas, trees and bamboos grow well, which provides pandas with proper places to live and enough food to eat.

    In 1980, the Chinese government set up China Conservation and Research Centre (中国保护和研究中心) for the giant panda. The centre educate people about protecting pandas and does research to help save them. What's more, the Chinese government made some rules to stop pandas from being hunted.

        In the 1970s, there were just 1, 114 pandas in the world. The panda has not been recognised as an endangered animals since September 2016. However, there is still a long to go to protect pandas.

    It was once mainly in east China, Japan, Russia and South Korea. But later, people thought the crested ibis (朱鹮) died out. However, in 1981, people found seven crested ibises in Shanxi ProvinceNow, the number of them has reached 2, 000 in China because of our hard work.