英语人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 1 What’s the matter 单元检测

试卷更新日期:2023-05-23 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 从四个选项中选出画线部分读音不同的选项(   )。
    A、milk B、time C、fish D、in
  • 2. The heavy snow made the mountain climbers _____ halfway.
    A、stopping B、stopped C、to stop D、stop
  • 3. —How do you like your school?


    A、I like it very much B、Sorry. It's hard to say C、I think not D、I think it is beautiful and pleasant
  • 4. It's time for fun. Let's play table tennis, _____?
    A、will you B、shall we C、shall us D、let we
  • 5. Jack _____ a used car. It's much cheaper than a new one.
    A、will buy B、is buying C、was bought D、has bought
  • 6. I would like to be a policeman _____ I want to make our city a safe place.
    A、but B、or C、when D、because
  • 7. Can you see the sign on the wall? We _____ smoke here.
    A、needn't B、need C、mustn't D、must
  • 8. We need _____ fresh vegetables, but only a little salt and sugar.
    A、much B、lot C、a little D、a few
  • 9. —_____ you _____ some Asian countries?

    —No, but my parents say we will fly to Thailand next summer.

    A、Have; gone B、Have; gone to C、Have; been D、Have; been to
  • 10. —_____ T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue one?

    —I prefer the red one.

    A、How much B、How many C、Which D、Whose
  • 11. Simon can see some shops and a lot of people _____ he is walking to school.
    A、because B、so C、and D、when
  • 12. My uncle _____ at the Guildhall School of Music in London last year.
    A、teaches B、taught C、is teaching D、has taught
  • 13. Would you like _____ orange juice, Peter and Mary?
    A、a few B、some C、any D、little
  • 14. We should help _____ when they are in trouble.
    A、the others B、others C、another D、the other
  • 15. Jack doesn't look _____ Jim. He is too thin.
    A、as health B、so healthy as C、so healthier as D、more healthy than


  • 16. 完形填空

    The River Thames is the most important river in England. There are more than 200 1 over the river. Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since the 1890s. It is the 2 bridge of all. 3 makes Tower Bridge so amazing? Why do so many visitors coming from 4 the world go to see it? It is because the walkway (人行通道) of Tower Bridge can open up in the middle. It does this to let big ships go 5 to the Pool of London. It is the only bridge in London that can be opened up to allow (允许) 6 to go through. If you are 7 enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms lifted (抬起) in the air, you will never forget it. You can also 8 the wonderful views (景色) of the river on the bridge. 9 its north side stands the Tower of London. Tower Bridge and the Tower of London both look very old, and you may think they are of the same age. However, you are 10. The Tower of London is almost one thousand years old, but Tower Bridge is only over one hundred years old.

    A、theatres B、parks C、stores D、bridges
    A、most famous B、largest C、longest D、highest
    A、When B、How C、What D、Where
    A、all over B、Western C、among D、between
    A、along B、over C、out D、through
    A、cars B、ships C、planes D、bikes
    A、fast B、rich C、lucky D、old
    A、enjoy B、like C、take D、discover
    A、In B、On C、At D、Of
    A、right B、clever C、wrong D、serious


  • 17. 阅读理解

    The first piece of the International Space Station (ISS) went into space in 1998. The ISS has worked for over 20 years. More than 200 astronauts from 19 countries have worked there and done research there. It is old now. Around the year 2031, it will fall to Earth and "sleep" forever.

    The place for it to "sleep" is Point Nemo (尼莫点). It is about halfway between New Zealand and Chile, in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is named after Captain Nemo from Jules Verne's novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. "Nemo" also means "no one" in Latin (拉丁语). It is the furthest place from land. The closest humans to Point Nemo are often astronauts in space. There aren't many animals either, because the water has poor nutrients (营养物). This makes it safe to drop old spacecraft (航天器) there.

    Since 1971, the United States, Russia, Japan and European countries have been using Point Nemo for dropping their old spacecraft. More than 263 pieces of space junk are there now. People call it the "space graveyard (墓地)".

    (1)、How old will the ISS be when it goes to "sleep"?
    A、About 20 years old. B、About 29 years old. C、About 33 years old. D、About 43 years old.
    (2)、The underlined word "it" refers to "_____" in the second paragraph.
    A、the ISS B、Pacific Ocean C、New Zealand D、Chile
    (3)、The writer mentions that astronauts in space are the closest humans to Point Nemo to show _____.
    A、most people hate to visit Point Nemo B、Point Nemo is far from where humans live C、astronauts often travel to Point Nemo D、only a few animals can live near Point Nemo
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、The ISS will return to space in 2031. B、The name "Nemo" comes from a famous movie. C、All the countries like to drop their old spacecraft at Point Nemo. D、Point Nemo has become a common graveyard for the old spacecraft.
    (5)、What is the main idea of the passage?
    A、The history of the ISS. B、The importance of the ISS. C、Some information about space junk. D、Some information about Point Nemo.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old English saying. It means that eating nutritious food will make you healthy. As a result, you will not need to see the doctor very often.

    It is important to have a healthy diet. Your diet is the food you eat every day. If you are looking for nutritious food, apples are a good place to start. Studies have shown that apples are a very healthy snack.

    Apples are low in calories and have no fat. They provide a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C. Apples can also help reduce high blood pressure. They have a wide variety of health benefits.

    Biting into a juicy apple will do good to your teeth, too. Dentists believe that eating apples reduces tooth decay (蛀牙) . It helps clean your teeth and kill bacteria (细菌).

    Of course, apples are not the only nutritious food. There are many other nutritious "super foods" such as blueberries, oranges, salmon and yogurt. You should try to eat as more as you can of these "super foods".

    (1)、Eating apples helps keep us healthy because _____.
    A、apples are low in calories and fat B、apples are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C C、apples can prevent high blood pressure D、none of the above is right
    (2)、Studies have shown that _____ is/ are a very healthy snack.
    A、bread B、milk C、fish D、apples
    (3)、The underlined word "nutritious" in the first paragraph means "_____" in Chinese.
    A、苹果的 B、必需的 C、有营养的 D、维他命的
    (4)、Nutritious "super foods" include _____ according to the passage.

    ①apples  ②salmon  ③blueberries  ④pork  ⑤oranges  ⑥ice cream

    A、①③④⑤ B、①②③⑤ C、①②③⑥ D、②③④⑤
    (5)、It is TRUE that _____ according to the passage.
    A、biting into a juicy apple will do harm to your teeth B、apples are the most nutritious food to help keep you healthy C、you will never need to see the doctor if you eat an apple every day D、eating apples reduces tooth decay by cleaning your teeth and killing bacteria
    (6)、We can probably find this passage _____.
    A、in a health magazine B、in an English dictionary C、in a travel guidebook D、on a school noticeboard
  • 19. 阅读理解

    My name is Victor. I like playing basketball and I'm in the school basketball team. My friends are in the school basketball team, too. Do you want to know something about them?


    He is the captain (队长) of the team because he plays basketball best. He is tall and he likes wearing sports clothes and shoes.


    He is kind of heavy and he has short straight hair. He likes dogs very much.


    Larry is handsome with curly blonde hair. He is good at playing soccer. He is very cool.


    He is good at running. He is a little short with around face.

     What do I look like? Well, my hair is just like Larry's, and my height is just like Steve's. Now do you know what I look like?

    (1)、Victor and his friends all like _____.
    A、going shopping B、playing basketball C、going swimming D、running
    (2)、Henry is good at _____.
    A、running B、dancing C、studying D、singing
    (3)、What does Alan look like?
    A、He is a little thin. B、He has long straight hair. C、He is a little heavy with short straight hair. D、He is tall.
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Steve likes dogs. B、Victor plays baseball very well. C、Larry is very cool at school. D、Henry is tall.


  • 20. 阅读填空

    A. way of life    B. Generally    C. among    D. main    E. General    F. go sightseeing

    Sometimes the easiest way to get somewhere is on a bike.

    Cars are the means of transport in most African countries. However, bikes in the Malawi Republic are still the most useful.

    Bike riding is a in Malawi. People use bikes to carry not only heavy things but also tourists. Recently, taking a "bicycle taxi" to travel around Malawi has been popular tourists from all over the world.

    If you go to Malawi, you will find a lot of bike taxis waiting at the sides of the roads. The owners make the bikes comfortable for passengers to sit on. You can jump onto a bike taxi and at a very low cost.

    Alice is a 21-year-old student from Canada. She enjoys the special bike riding a lot. "I really

    like it," she says. "It's easy and cheap. " , she pays only $1 for shopping in town in Malawi.


  • 21. 句子填空

    one    potato    carrot    sweet    snack

    (1)、 are rabbits' favourite food and they are good for people too.
    (2)、We will eat some , tomatoes and meat for lunch.
    (3)、We need to wash our hands before having meals.
    (4)、Don't eat too many between meals.
    (5)、 are bad for our teeth.
    (6)、 you (enjoy) watching films on TV?​
  • 22. 句子填空

    comfort    lady    style    many    tie

    (1)、Look at the on the TV. They are so beautiful.
    (2)、I think this pair of trainers is very to wear.
    (3)、There are different of hats in this shop.
    (4)、Mum, can I have some food? I'm still hungry.
    (5)、I am not sure which to buy among the .
  • 23. 句子填空

    one    radio    difference    firework    much

    (1)、I have time than before to play basketball these days.
    (2)、At the Spring Festival, people enjoy watching at night.
    (3)、There are many in the box.
    (4)、His two sons are very from each other.
    (5)、— How often does Millie have a dancing lesson?

    —About a week.

  • 24. 句子填空

    wish    watch    be    come    begin

    (1)、In Daniel's class, almost everyone football games during the World Cup.
    (2)、Doing morning exercises good for our health.
    (3)、The third lesson in the morning at 10 a. m.
    (4)、Here are my two new friends. One of them from Beijing.
    (5)、Helen, your team good luck!
  • 25. 语法填空

    foot    child    knife    month    country

    (1)、The toys are not for .
    (2)、The boy often washes for his grandfather.
    (3)、How many are there in the world?
    (4)、There are 12 in a year.
    (5)、Can you give us some to cut the vegetables?
  • 26. 句子填空

    guess    dress    interest    ghost    he

    (1)、The Spring Festival is favourite festival. All the families get together to have fun.
    (2)、I think there are no in the world.
    (3)、I don't like the film. It isn't at all.
    (4)、—What's in your hand?

    —Have a !

    (5)、Lily is only 2 years old. She can't herself. ​
  • 27. 句子填空

    design    they    include    sport    boot

    (1)、It will change everything, yourself. ​
    (2)、There are different for T-shirts.
    (3)、Can you help me to order a pair of shoes on the Internet?
    (4)、Here come Wang Tao and Liu Gang. Both of are wearing blue jeans.
    (5)、My mum wants to buy me a pair of leather .
  • 28. 句子填空

    not be    go    collect    not taste    pratise

    (1)、There any paper on the desk.
    (2)、One of my good friends running on the playground every day.
    (3)、—Lily, your grandparents stamps?

    —Yes. They have many old stamps. ​

    (4)、Daniel likes reading very much. He to the library twice a week.
    (5)、The chicken good. Throw it away.
  • 29. 句子填空

    feel    live    plan    change    exercise

    (1)、Her sisters a happy life with the dog.
    (2)、My aunt her trip to Japan now. ​
    (3)、He is too lazy and he never in the morning.
    (4)、Linda and Lily usually hungry after school.
    (5)、He seldom what he eats because he doesn't like changes.
  • 30. 句子填空

    many    love    fit    good    glove

    (1)、The little girl looks in the new hat. ​
    (2)、What do you think of my blue ?
    (3)、Your blouse matches your skirt .
    (4)、Trainers are comfortable and for a long walk.
    (5)、Jimmy should spend thirty minutes on English every day.



  • 34. 假如你们学校要举行以"优秀不是一种行为,而是一个习惯"为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇演讲稿,与同学们分享你的好习惯。


    ①Do you get up and go to bed early?

    ②Do you often play sports?

    ③Do you often read?

    ④Do you eat fruit and vegetables?

    要求:70 词左右,可适当发挥;开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。

    Hello, everyone!

    I do believe that excellence is not a behavior but a habit. Now let me tell you about my good habits.

    That's all. Thank you!