
试卷更新日期:2023-05-22 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 从A,B,C三个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。
    A、unhappy B、May C、pie
    A、rough B、bowl C、drown
    A、here B、bear C、where
    A、night B、in C、hungry


  • 2. People don't need to buy things outside home. They can do it         .
    A、on line B、off line C、out line
  • 3.         are usually in black and white.
    A、Oil paintings B、Wall paintings C、Chinese ink paintings
  • 4. —I can't wait to visit Beijing with my family.


    A、I'm sorry to hear that. B、Enjoy yourself. C、I see.
  • 5. Amy is a Chinese. She is from         .
    A、America B、Asia  C、Africa
  • 6. Ken was busy         . He doesn't have time to take care of his family.
    A、at work B、at table C、at home


  • 7. sweepers, clean, in, can, streets, times, street, the, a, short (.)
  • 8. leaf,  hurt, could,  small,  how,  such,  my,  a,  finger (?)
  • 9. yellow,  are,  vase, in, there,  sunflowers,  some,  the (.)


  • 10. 选择方框中恰当的句子补全对话,将其编号写在相应的横线上。

    A. I want to go to the countryside with you, Grandpa.

    B. Nice to meet you too.           C. I will go fishing with you!

    D. I am good at long races.         E. What's your favourite subject?

    F. You look strong.

    Jack: Hello, Grandpa. Nice to see you.

    Grandpa: Hello, Jack. Wow! You are very tall now.

    Jack: Yes. I am taller than my brother.


    Jack: You look good too, Grandpa.

    Grandpa: Yes. The air is fresh in the countryside.


    Grandpa: How about this summer holiday?

    Jack: That's good.

    Grandpa: OK! So how's your school life?

    Jack: It's great. I love my school.


    Jack: PE!

    Grandpa: How super you are, Jack!


  • 11. 完形填空。

    We may see a kind of little cars in the streets 1the future. People will like this kind of small cars better. Everybody can drive it 2, just like riding a bike. If every one drives the little cars in the future, there will be more 3for people to walk in the streets. The little cars will cost 4money to buy and drive. They can save money. This kind of cars can also save a lot of oil. They can go 65 kilometers an hour, so 5will be safe!

    A、at B、in C、on
    A、easy B、easier C、easily
    A、space B、time C、fum
    A、more B、less C、much
    A、drive B、drives C、driving


  • 12. 请认真阅读下面的画展票信息,判断下列句子与其内容是否相符。

    (1)、You can enjoy the exhibition of both arts and crafts.
    (2)、The exhibition lasted for 6 hours every day.
    (3)、This ticket is for a 12 -year-old child.
    (4)、The art exhibition was at Shenzhen Museum.
  • 13. 请认真阅读下面的短文,判断句子正误。

    Mark Twain, the famous American write, was having a holiday in France. One day, early in the morning, he was going to Dijon by train. That afternoon, he was very tired and wanted to sleep. He asked the conductor售票员) to wake him up when they arrived in Dijon. He said that he was a very very heavy sleeper. When you try to wake me up just keep pushing me," he said t the conductor. Then Mark Twain went to sleep.

    Later, when he woke up, it was night time and the train was already in Paris. He was very angry and ran up to the conductor. The conductor looked at him calmly.You are not as half angry as the American I put of at Dijon," he said.

    (1)、Mark Twain was from France.
    (2)、Mark Twain was going to Dijon in the afternoon.
    (3)、It was not easy to wake Mark Twain up.
    (4)、Mark Twain was angry when he woke up at night.
    (5)、The conductor put of another American at Dijon.
  • 14. 请认真阅读下面的海报信息,根据其内容选出最佳答案。

    (1)、The Track and Field Day is on           .
    A、6th April, 2023 B、8th April, 2023 C、31st March, 2023
    (2)、Children can't rum in the race of           .
    A、50 meters B、100 meters C、200 meters
    (3)、There are           events for all the boys and girls
    A、three B、five C、seven
    (4)、Jimmy, a Grade 6 student, can take pat in the           .
    A、high jump B、long jump C、both A and B
    (5)、Which of the following is RIGHT?
    A、Students in South Lake School have this big day. B、Mr Huang is a PE teacher. C、Parents can't go w watch their children on that day.
  • 15. 请认真阅读下面的短文,按要求回答问题。

    You may think this is a talk between two people. But what if B is a robot? This is ChutGPT. It is a clever AI chatbot(聊天机器人) made by a US company. It can do a lot of things. I can answer questions, even open- ended ones. For example, "What's the meaning of life or "It's 40℃ out today. What should I wear?" It can give people a movie review in the style of Shakespeare. It can write emails, essays and code.

    ChatGPT is smart. Can students use it for their homework? In Australia and the US, some primary schools ban it on school computers. Teachers worry about students cheating(作弊) on homework.

    ChatGPT's knowledge(学识) and its way of talking amaze people. But the robot has its problems. It can only answer questions with information in its database(数据库). It is not good at thinking or being creative like people.

    (1)、ChatGPT is a smart AI robot.
    (2)、ChatGPT can't answer n open-ended question.
    (3)、All primary students in Australia can use ChatGPT at schools.
    (4)、Without database, ChatGPT can't answer questions.
    (5)、What is ChatOPT not good at? (请根据短文内容,用完整的句子回答。)
    (6)、If you can talk with ChatGPT, what do you want to ask it? (请根据你的实际情况, 用完整的句子回答。)


  • 16. 同学们,我们身边有许多名画。名画是人类文明的伟大结晶,是智慧与创造性的杰出表现。请你介绍一幅你最喜欢的名画,可以从名画的名称、作者、类型、内容,以及你喜欢这幅画的原因等方面介绍。要求不少于55词,并注意书写规范。