
试卷更新日期:2023-05-18 类型:高考模拟


  • 1. 阅读理解

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    Life Is What You Make It

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    (1)、What do we know about Once Upon a Time?
    A、It has inspired many children to write short stories. B、It was written by the young writer at the age of nine. C、It describes a nine-year-old's real life experiences. D、It can serve as an ideal present chosen for children.
    (2)、According to the text, which book can help people prepare for competitive exams?
    A、General Knowledge 2015 B、Life Is What You Make It C、Once Upon a Time D、Word Power Made Easy
    (3)、What do the four books have in common?
    A、They win popularity with girls. B、They are sold at low prices. C、They share the same theme. D、They are of a writing style.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When I was about six years old, my mother came home one day and found that I had collected half a dozen babies of the neighbourhood-all of them too young to walk-and had them sitting before me on the floor while I was teaching them to wave their arms. When she asked the explanation of this, I informed her that it was my school of dance. She was amused and placed herself at the piano. She began to play for me. This school continued and became very popular. Later on, little girls of the neighbourhood came and their parents paid me a small sum to teach them. This was the beginning of what afterwards proved a very profitable occupation.

    My mother took me to a famous ballet teacher, but his lessons did not please me. When the teacher told me to stand on my toes I asked him why, and when he replied "Because it is beautiful, " I said that it was ugly. and against nature and after the third lesson I left his class, never to return. This stiff (僵硬) and commonplace gymnastics which he called dancing only disturbed my dream. I dreamed of a different dance. I did not know just what it would be, but I was feeling out towards an invisible world into which I guessed I might enter if I found the key.

    My art was already in me when I was a little girl, and it was owing to the heroic and adventurous spirit of my mother that it was not prevented, I believe that whatever the child is going to do in life should be begun when it is very young. I wonder how many parents realize that by the so-called education they are giving their children, they are only driving them into the commonplace, and taking away from them any chance of doing anything beautiful or original.

    (1)、What was the writer doing when her mother came home one day?
    A、Getting some babies together. B、Making some babies sit still. C、Teaching some babies to dance. D、Directing some babies to walk.
    (2)、How did the writer find the ballet?
    A、Graceful and original. B、Dreamlike and gymnastic. C、Old and unpopular. D、Ugly and unnatural.
    (3)、What did the writer think she owed her success in art to?
    A、The lucky chance her parents gave her. B、Her mother's support and understanding. C、The ballet classes she had attended. D、Her inborn talent and great efforts.
    (4)、What lesson would the writer most probably want to teach us in the passage?
    A、Children should be encouraged to be educated as early as possible. B、Children should be driven to develop their interest in art at an early age. C、Parents should discover and develop their young children's natural gift. D、Parents should instruct their children to decide on a promising occupation.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    One major issue in contemporary medical science is the use of humans in clinical trials of medical products. These trials occur frequently to determine the best way to manage diseases.

    People are invited randomly and paid to take part in trials of an experimental drug, or new surgical procedure, in a number of countries at the one time. For example, up to a quarter of patients in some fields like breast cancer may be engaged. Other projects, one of which is to determine whether new scanning techniques can detect Alzheimer's disease, are under way. They may be given the drug or a placebo (安慰剂), or the best existing treatment, and results compared. The trials may be "blind" with the patient not knowing which group they are in or they may be a "double-blind" with the doctors not knowing either.

    Actually, so many people offer themselves willingly. Patients take the views that at least they will get special attention from the doctor if they participate and they may get access to new drugs before they become available in chemists' shops. In some countries people are paid to participate, especially in poorer countries where they may be told little of what is actually happening.

    Yet there are significant risks too. One US study estimated that one in 30 people suffered side effects from such trials, and one in 10, 000 dies. Doctors say that the risk is not so great during the trial itself, where patients are closely monitored, but comes when the drug is released on the market place. For example, in 2004 a US company recalled an arthritis drug, when it was found that after 18 months of use, the risk of heart attack and stroke increased.

    People who support testing claim the risks to the individual are small compared with the benefits. Even if the individual has adverse outcomes and their condition worsens, that is valuable information for the drug company. While the drug companies usually pay for the hospital trials, government has set up medical committees to handle the issue.

    (1)、What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
    A、The purpose of medical trial. B、The procedure of medical trial. C、The groups of medical trial. D、The result of medical trial.
    (2)、Why does the author mention the example in the fourth paragraph?
    A、To tell us a lot of patients die from the medical trials. B、To show the risk of heart attack and stroke has increased. C、To introduce the risks of the medical trials are not so great. D、To explain the risks of some drugs appear when they are sold.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "adverse" in the last paragraph mean?
    A、negative B、effective C、subjective D、impressive
    (4)、What would the author most probably discuss next?
    A、How the government prevents clinical trials. B、How the government gathers the information. C、How the medical committees pay for the hospital trials. D、How the medical committees solve the problem.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    In 2006, documents were published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    They suggested that cloned animals and cloned animal products would be allowed into the American food supply.

    The FDA has stated that cloned animal products are safe for consumption, and has performed many studies to support this view. In fact, products from cloned animals have already been eaten by some Americans without ill effects. The FDA analyzed the structure and content of cloned animal products and compared it with that of traditionally reproduced animals, and discovered no statistical difference between the two.

    Consumers raised serious concerns about cloned animals. The first is the question of whether or not cloned tissue and animal products are truly safe. The second is that many clones are also genetically modified(转基因的)animals, which the FDA has said are unsafe for human consumption. The third is that consumers want to be able to choose what they put into their bodies.

    The first concern about cloned animals is almost unnecessary due to the price of producing a clone. Making a clone needs hard work and is very costly. These clones live spoiled lives because they are very valuable, despite biologists' warning that cloned animals decrease diversity.

    The second concern, about genetic modification of cloned animals, is more problematic. It may be very difficult to separate genetically modified animals from normal ones. The purpose of genetically modified cloned animals is unclear, and the FDA hasn't allowed their products onto the market, due to health concerns, but the risk of genetic pollution of healthy animals still exists.

    Finally, the matter of choice is a large one. Many animal rights activists are worried about clone rights because cloned or not, the animals still have lives. Other consumers are simply trying to eat healthy foods, and have doubts about the cloned animals. If the FDA does not make labeling laws, people may not be able to make informed choices about their food.

    (1)、Why did the FDA allow cloned animal products for consumption?
    A、They taste better than normal animal products. B、They have been proved safe in several aspects. C、They appeal to consumers very much. D、They differ from traditional animal products.
    (2)、What do we know about producing clones of animals?
    A、It needs less time than raising animals. B、It provides some new medical benefits. C、It takes much more efforts and money. D、It helps increase the diversity of animals.
    (3)、What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
    A、Laws should be made to protect people's right to choose food. B、Cloned animals should have the same rights as humans. C、Cloned animals should be forbidden to enter market. D、Animal rights activists are strongly against cloned animal products.
    (4)、What's the text mainly about?
    A、Doubts about cloned animals rights. B、Discussions about how to clone animals. C、Worries about cloned animal consumption. D、Concerns about animal cloning technology.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    My heart went out to the drama teacher I read about in a recent news item. Each parent from her class insisted that she cast their own child as Snow White. This reminded me of my seventh grade musical-"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." I desperately wanted to play the role of Becky, the female lead who was Tom's girlfriend.

    For starters, Becky had to sing numerous solos, and I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. I also didn't have long blonde curls like pretty Linda Wright who won the part.

    I was assigned the non-singing role of Miss Watson, the Maid. I had to wear an ugly dress. And I had only one line to learn, "That's what I say. " Miss Watson was onstage in quite a few scenes, and got to repeat "That's what I say" throughout the play.

    At last, our production was put onstage. Imagine my surprise when Miss Watson made the audience laugh out loud each time I piped in with "That's what I say. " I hadn't known that she or I could be funny, or that her character was important in moving the plot along.

    That night, I began to understand that being the star may not be any more fun than being a stand-out in a supporting role. Each person, onstage and backstage, is essential in theater. Without everyone doing their part, the play would be dull as dirt.

    If everyone is a star then nothing gets done. It's all noise and chaos. And so I believe all children should get the opportunity to play Miss Watson, to become someone they didn't know they wanted to be.

    A. So it is in life.

    B. It was not to be.

    C. It was anything but a great part.

    D. My Miss Watson turned out to be a hit.

    E. It took the entire cast to make a good show.

    F. There was an advantage, in my opinion, though.

    G. I would hope all children could be a hit in life.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Sports are important in our family. Both of our sons were high-school 1. So I shouldn't have been 2 when Lauren announced she was going out for the girls' basketball team. But I was because she has Down syndrome (唐氏综合症).

    My wife and I never told Lauren that she was 3 . We treated her like our other children. We didn't want her to feel disabled.

    I discussed Lauren's 4 with my wife that evening. She thought Lauren would make the team and she was right. Lauren did 5 it because not all the girls wanted to play.

    The season's first basketball game 6. It kicked off to a good start, but soon Verden, Lauren's team, was behind. Lauren 7 followed the movement on the court and reacted to every 8. Even though Lauren wasn't playing, she looked as if she were having the time of her life. I felt 9 for my daughter.

    Just less than two minutes were left, and Verden was down by seventeen points when Lauren was called in for the game. Lauren 10 the others fairly well. Then they passed Lauren the ball. She 11 it. She shot. She scored! A few minutes later, Lauren 12 us in the stands. "Did you see? I scored! I made a 13!"

    For sixteen years, I'd tried hard to 14 Lauren from feeling like she was different. But watching Lauren in the game, I saw that she really was different-not physically or emotionally, but 15.

    A、athletes B、rescuers C、reporters D、teachers
    A、depressed B、embarrassed C、disappointed D、surprised
    A、normal B、different C、ordinary D、typical
    A、arrangement B、preference C、announcement D、proposal
    A、approve B、predict C、make D、favour
    A、appeared B、arrived C、changed D、remained
    A、attentively B、carelessly C、frequently D、repeatedly
    A、team B、shout C、game D、shot
    A、regret B、anxiety C、admiration D、sympathy
    A、gave way to B、kept pace with C、put up with D、broke away from
    A、threw B、missed C、caught D、cast
    A、challenged B、greeted C、left D、joined
    A、mistake B、basket C、mess D、record
    A、shelter B、prohibit C、discourage D、excuse
    A、socially B、consciously C、literally D、spiritually


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Three million years may seem like a long time. But when you consider that planet Earth is more than 4.5 billion years old, it is a pretty short period of time.

    The blue whale, (weigh) more than even the biggest dinosaurs, is the largest animal has ever lived. They can grow to 30 meters long and be as heavy as 130, 000 kilograms. But for millions of years, they were not nearly that large, scientists said. "All of a sudden-'boom'-we see (they) get very big, " said scientist Nick Pyenson. He and other (researcher)recently published an article on whale size. "It's like going from whales the size of minivans (面包车)to longer than two school buses," Pyenson added.

    The scientists believe caused whales to get so large was a change in the Earth's climate only about 3 million years ago. This change led to food becoming more (easy) available. oncoming ice age made the ocean water cold and (bring) more nutrients, resulting in more food for large whales. Whales which were able to quickly-eat a lot of food survived, and got (large). "Over the next three or four million years, the blue whales grew 10 times bigger than they (be), " the scientists said.


  • 8. 假定你是李华,你的加拿大朋友Allen来倍询问你校学生参与劳动实践活动的情况,请给他回信。内容包括:

    1. 劳动实践活动的内容;

    2. 参加活动的意义。


    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。

    Dear Allen,



    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Maybe there is a Father Christmas!

    Anna stood anxiously staring at the pouring rain while little Molly looked up at a pretty doll in the window of the toy shop on the edge of town. "Mummy," Molly said, "that's the doll I would like Father Christmas to bring me." A tear rolled down Anna's cheek and she knew it would be impossible this year.

    They were supposed to start a new life in Spain one and a half years ago before her husband Tim was cruelly taken from them by a car. Their small amount of savings were quickly spent on Tim's funeral costs and necessities, leaving her in heavy debt.

    To her relief, the local people had helped to support her through these difficult times and especially Juan, owner of the local grocery store, a single man, who would often put something special into her shopping bag, even though he himself had been going through a difficult period-his mother died of cancer and he was busy handling the sale of his mother's house on the edge of town.

    As the rain stopped, Anna and Molly started walking home. She was thinking about buying an umbrella after paying the rent with her upcoming wage when Molly shouted excitedly, "Mummy, what's that on the road?" Anna looked down and saw a bag lying in the water, which was obviously lost because of the sudden rain.

    They got home and dried themselves before Anna focused on the bag. Opening it and seeing bundles of money inside, she stood back in shock and cried, "Is this a present from kindness? I can pay off my debt, buy Molly's favorite doll and my new umbrella…" Then reality set in, Anna was a very moral person and would never steal even the slightest little thing, let alone bundles of money. She went to bed with all thoughts in her mind.

    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Early next morning, Anna headed where she decided to go.

    At supper, Anna had an unexpected visitor-Juan with gift boxes in his hands.