
试卷更新日期:2023-05-16 类型:期末考试



  • 4. _________ a nice cake!
    A、What B、How C、Where's
  • 5. —What are _________ over there?

    —They're _________.

    A、these, chicken B、those, chickens C、that, chickens
  • 6. It's time _________ dinner. It's time _________ eat.
    A、for; to B、to; for C、to; to
  • 7. —_________ is it now?

    —It's seven o'clock.

    A、What B、What time C、How old
  • 8. Shh! Don't_____________. I want to sleep.
    A、eat B、shout C、drink
  • 9. —This is my________.

    —Nice to meet you, _________ Black.

    A、sister; Mr. B、dad; Mr. C、dad; Miss
  • 10. —Is this a duck?


    A、Yes, it's. B、Yes, it is. C、Yes, this is.
  • 11. _________ the blackboard.
    A、Look B、Look at C、Look to
  • 12. This is _________ big apple.
    A、an B、a C、/
  • 13. 有客人到你家来,你可以对他说:
    A、Welcome to my home. B、You're out. C、See you.
  • 14. 同学吹生日蜡烛前你会对他说:
    A、Make a wish. B、It's time for the cake. C、How old are you?
  • 15. 你想告诉别人早饭要吃得好吃得饱,你应该说:
    A、Eat dinner like a King (国王). B、Eat breakfast like a King (国王). C、Eat lunch like a King (国王).


  • 16. 读句子,选择恰当的词填空,每个选项只能用一次。

    A. old B. in C. lovely D. under E. pears

    (1)、—Look at this baby.

    —How .

    (2)、—How is Mike?

    —He's two.

    (3)、—Are these?

    —Yes, they are.

    (4)、—Where is the cat?

    —It's the chair.

    (5)、Look! The bird is the tree.


  • 17. 将下列句子重新排列,使之成为完整的对话

    A. Hello, Yang Ling.

    B. Yes, she is.

    C. Look at the picture. This is my father.

    D. Hello, Helen.

    E. He's tall. Is this your mother?

    F. This is me.

    G. Who is this baby?



  • 18. 选择合适的选项补全对话

    A. Can I have a look?

    B. Would you like to read (读) it?

    C. It's time for class.

    D. What's this in your bag?

    E. What time is it?

    A: Good morning, Mike!

    B: Morning, Tom.

    A: It's my new book.


    A: Sure. Here you are.

    B: Wow! It's nice.


    B: Yes. Thank you.

    A: Oh!

    B: It's eight o'clock.

    A: Yes. Hurry up. Don't be late.

    B: OK. Let's go. .


  • 19. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Hello. Welcome to my grandpa's farm. I' m Tom. I' m ten. Let's visit(参观) the farm together(一起). Look, these are apple trees and orange trees. Can you see the apples and oranges? They're red and green. They all look great. Those are pigs and cows. Can you see the chickens and ducks over there? They're under the trees. Let's go and have a look.

    (1)、Tom isn't on the farm.
    (2)、Tom is 11.
    (3)、They can see apple trees and orange trees.
    (4)、Some pigs and cows are on the farm.
    (5)、The chickens and ducks are behind the tree.
  • 20. 阅读配对,将每小题描述的内容与图片配对。

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E.

    (1)、It is a small bag. I can put(放) my rubber and pencils in it.
    (2)、They have many colours. We can draw(画) pictures with them.
    (3)、It's a bird. It's beautiful. It can talk and sing.
    (4)、She's old. She's my father's mother.
    (5)、He is not a man. But he can say "hello". He can talk and dance.
  • 21. 任务型阅读,根据短文完成填空

    Hi, I am Peter. I' m nine years old. I want some eggs and juice. I have a toy bear. Look, it's on my chair. I have a brother, Ben. He's six years old. Today is his birthday. My mother makes a cake. My father gives him a blue robot. He is very happy.

    (1)、Peter is years old.
    (2)、Where's Peter's toy bear? It's on his .
    (3)、Today is Ben's .
    (4)、Ben's mother makes a for Ben.