
试卷更新日期:2023-05-04 类型:月考试卷

一、Listen and choose.(选出你所听到的单词或句子,共10分)

  • 1. 选出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、computer room B、art room C、music room
  • 2. 选出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、water B、warm C、world
  • 3. 选出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、sister B、tiger C、floor
  • 4. 选出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、windy B、window C、wind
  • 5. 选出你所听到的单词(   )
    A、The computer room is on the second floor. B、The music room is next to the art room.

二、Listen and choose.(选出与你所听内容相符的图片,共10分)

三、Listen and judge. (判断你所听到的内容是否与图片相符共10分)

四、Listen and answer.(听音选答语,共10分)

  • 16. 听录音,选答语(   )
    A、It's big. B、It's red. C、It's warm.
  • 17. 听录音,选答语(   )
    A、OK. B、No, it isn't. C、No, it's clod.
  • 18. 听录音,选答语(   )
    A、It's on the bed. B、She's quiet. C、It's 12:00.
  • 19. 听录音,选答语(   )
    A、It's an art room. B、It's on the second floor. C、It's nice.
  • 20. 听录音,选答语(   )
    A、Hi, Chen Jie. B、Hi, Tom. C、Goodbye, Mike.

五、Listen and write.( 听音补全单词,共10分)

六、Read and choose. (读一读,选出不同类的一项,共10分)

  • 25. 读一读,选出不同类的一项
    A、art B、music C、class
    A、football B、cloudy C、rainy
    A、on B、floor C、next to
    A、second B、first C、three
    A、computer room B、library C、school

七、Read and choose. (选择最佳答案,共10分)

  • 26. It's ______ outside. Put on your hat.        
    A、hot B、warm C、cold
  • 27. The teachers' office is on the ______ floor.
    A、one B、two C、second
  • 28. —Is this the teachers' office?

    —_________It's over there.

    A、Yes, I am. B、No, it isn't. C、Yes, it is.
  • 29. —Do you have an art room?


    A、Yes, we have. B、Yes, we do. C、Yes, we are.
  • 30. It's time _________ home.
    A、go B、to go C、to go to

八、Read and choose. (读一读,选出最佳答语,共10分)

  • 31. 读一读,选出最佳答语

    What's the weather like in Beijing?    

    A. No, you can't.

    Where 1is the library?     

    B. Yes, it is.

    What time is it?       

    C. It's rainy.

    Can I go outside?       

    D. It's twelve o'clock.

    Is it cold?         

    E. It's on the second floor.

九、Read and choose. (读一读,选择合适句子完成对话,只填序号,共10分)

  • 32. 读一读,选择合适句子完成对话

    A. It's cool.

    B. How about Dalian?

    C. No, it's not.

    D. This is Mary.

    E. What's the weather like in London?

    Mary: Hi, Sam!

    Sam: Hi, Mary.

    Mary: It's hot and sunny. Is it hot?

    Sam: No, it isn't. It's 7 degrees.

    Mary: 7 degrees? That's a little cold.

    Sam: It's 17 degrees, not 7 degrees.

    Mary: Oh!

十、Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择最佳答案,共10分)

  • 33. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案

    Good morning, this is the weather report. It's rainy in Shanghai. You must take your raincoat. It's cold in Beijing. Please put on your boots. It's snowy in Harbin, we can make a snowman. It's sunny and warm in Hong Kong. You can play football. That's all. Goodbye.

    (1)、What's the weather like in Shanghai?
    A、It's rainy. B、It's snowy. C、It's sunny and warm.
    (2)、Is it cold in Beijing?
    A、Yes, you can. B、No, you can't. C、Yes, it is.
    (3)、Can you make a snowman in Harbin?
    A、Yes, I can. B、No, I can't. C、Yes, it is.
    (4)、What's the weather like in Hong Kong?
    A、It's rainy. B、It's snowy. C、It's sunny and warm.
    (5)、You can play ______ in Hong Kong.
    A、football B、basketball C、volleyball