初中英语仁爱科普版八年级下册Unit 7 Food festival Topic 3 课堂练习题

试卷更新日期:2023-04-28 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Not only you but also I ____ interested in the English song Yesterday Once More.
    A、am B、are C、was D、were
  • 2. Maria cooked as ____ as Jane.
    A、success B、successful C、more successful D、successfully
  • 3. —_____________

    —Let me have a look. Beijing Roast Duck is¥40. 00, and the hot dog is¥3. 00.

    A、May I have the bill? B、Can I pay the bill? C、Can I help you? D、Can I give you money?
  • 4. Maria cleans her room ____ to keep it ____.
    A、regular; neat B、regularly; neat   C、regular; neatly D、regularly; neatly
  • 5. My little sister likes some soft drinks, ____ tea, milk and lemonade.
    A、for example B、such as C、looks like D、is like
  • 6. With Xu Ming's help, Zhang Lin does his homework ____ than before.
    A、more careful B、more carefully C、much careful D、much carefully
  • 7. I will send the food to your office ____ twenty minutes.
    A、at B、on C、later D、in
  • 8. This book is very interesting, so it is worth ____.
    A、read B、reading C、to read D、be read
  • 9. —____

    —Sure. I'd like a bowl of fried noodles and a cup of tea.

    A、What would you like to buy? B、Would you like something to drink? C、Which kind of food would you like? D、May I take your order?
  • 10. —Why not go to the restaurant on foot?

    —It takes me ____ time.

    A、too little B、too much C、much too D、many


  • 11. 完形填空

    New Kowloon Primary School is going to hold a charity fair(慈善活动) next Sunday. They want to 1 money to buy clothes for poor people. The tickets 2 the fair are $30 3. They have already sold 1000 tickets.

    The program of the fair is wonderful. 4, the pupils' team will have a basketball match 5 the teachers'. Then two singers, Kitty Li and Betty Feng, will 6 at the fair. There will 7 be a magic show and Chinese dances. After the shows, there will be a 8, because the teachers and pupils have donated(捐献) many things, such as books, toys and clothes.

    At the 9 of the charity fair there will be a lucky draw. Mr. Wang, the headmaster, has donated a tape-recorder as the grand prize, and there will be ten 10 prizes. Let's wish this charity fair a big success!

    A、waste B、save C、spend D、raise
    A、to B、of C、about D、with
    A、one B、both C、each D、either
    A、Second B、First C、Later D、Now
    A、against B、for C、from D、on
    A、speak B、host C、call D、sing
    A、too B、either C、also D、as well
    A、sale B、film C、party D、meeting
    A、front B、end C、back D、beginning
    A、others B、another C、more D、Fewer


  • 12. 阅读理解

        Mum and dad took my brother, Brad and me to a restaurant last night. Mum told us to wear our best clothes. Brad wanted to wear jeans but mum said no.

        When we arrived at the restaurant, a waiter took us to our table. Our table was next to the window and we could see the river. Then the waiter asked us if we wanted to drink before the dinner. Brad and I both had an orange juice. I spent a long time looking at the menu. It was difficult to choose because there were many things on the menu. After five minutes, I decided to have chicken and a small salad. Brad had beef and mum and dad had fish. We all agreed that the food was delicious, we would like to go there again next time.

    (1)、________ people went to the restaurant in the family.
    A、Three B、Four C、Five D、Six
    (2)、Why the mum told her children to wear their best clothes?
    A、Because they would go to a party. B、Because they would go to a restaurant. C、Because she thought her children would look smart. D、We don't know.
    (3)、Did Brad's parents order anything to drink?
    A、Yes, they did. B、Yes. His father did. C、No. His mother did. D、No, they didn't.
    (4)、Which of the following is wrong?
    A、Father had a small salad. B、Brad had some beef and orange juice. C、Mother thought the food was delicious. D、I ordered the most kinds of foods.
    (5)、—What did they think of the restaurant?

    — It was ________.

    A、terrible B、bad C、great D、beautiful


  • 13. 那顿大餐的主菜是鸡肉。

    The of that big meal is chicken.

  • 14. 为了健康我们应该吃得有规律。

    We should eat to be .

  • 15. 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!

    Come and buy your clothes our great !

  • 16. 我这个年龄的青少年都认为TFBOYS的歌值得一听。

    The teenagers of my age all think TFBOYS' songs .

  • 17. 在做儿童教育的自愿服务过程中,玛丽不但做了自己喜欢的事情,而且还帮助了别人。

    By volunteering as a teacher for kids, Mary not only does what she loves to do, helps others.


  • 18. The food here isn't as cheap as that in Xindadi Restaurant. (改为同义句)

    The food here is more than in Xindadi Restaurant.

  • 19. Han Mei wrote this letter by computer. (对划线部分提问)

    Han Mei write this letter?

  • 20. I want to know how I should start the meal in America. (转化为简单句)

    I want to know the meal in America.

  • 21. I think I can cut it very slowly. (改为否定句)

    I I cut it very slowly.

  • 22. I can sing this song well, but Fangfang sings better. (合并为一句)

    Fangfang sings this song me.